package; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; /* * #%L * HAPI FHIR - Core Library * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 University Health Network * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBinary; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirVersionEnum; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Bundle; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.TagList; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.valueset.BundleTypeEnum; import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException; import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.IParser; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author James Agnew * @author Doug Martin (Regenstrief Center for Biomedical Informatics) */ abstract class BaseHttpClientInvocationWithContents extends BaseHttpClientInvocation { private final Bundle myBundle; private final BundleTypeEnum myBundleType; private final String myContents; private boolean myContentsIsBundle; private Map<String, List<String>> myIfNoneExistParams; private String myIfNoneExistString; private boolean myOmitResourceId = false; private Map<String, List<String>> myParams; private final IBaseResource myResource; private final List<? extends IBaseResource> myResources; private final TagList myTagList; private final String myUrlPath; private IIdType myForceResourceId; public BaseHttpClientInvocationWithContents(FhirContext theContext, Bundle theBundle) { super(theContext); myResource = null; myTagList = null; myUrlPath = null; myResources = null; myBundle = theBundle; myContents = null; myBundleType = null; } public BaseHttpClientInvocationWithContents(FhirContext theContext, IBaseResource theResource, Map<String, List<String>> theParams, String... theUrlPath) { super(theContext); myResource = theResource; myTagList = null; myUrlPath = StringUtils.join(theUrlPath, '/'); myResources = null; myBundle = null; myContents = null; myContentsIsBundle = false; myParams = theParams; myBundleType = null; } public BaseHttpClientInvocationWithContents(FhirContext theContext, IBaseResource theResource, String theUrlPath) { super(theContext); myResource = theResource; myUrlPath = theUrlPath; myTagList = null; myResources = null; myBundle = null; myContents = null; myBundleType = null; } public BaseHttpClientInvocationWithContents(FhirContext theContext, List<? extends IBaseResource> theResources, BundleTypeEnum theBundleType) { super(theContext); myResource = null; myTagList = null; myUrlPath = null; myResources = theResources; myBundle = null; myContents = null; myBundleType = theBundleType; } public BaseHttpClientInvocationWithContents(FhirContext theContext, Map<String, List<String>> theParams, String... theUrlPath) { super(theContext); myResource = null; myTagList = null; myUrlPath = StringUtils.join(theUrlPath, '/'); myResources = null; myBundle = null; myContents = null; myContentsIsBundle = false; myParams = theParams; myBundleType = null; } public BaseHttpClientInvocationWithContents(FhirContext theContext, String theContents, boolean theIsBundle, String theUrlPath) { super(theContext); myResource = null; myTagList = null; myUrlPath = theUrlPath; myResources = null; myBundle = null; myContents = theContents; myContentsIsBundle = theIsBundle; myBundleType = null; } public BaseHttpClientInvocationWithContents(FhirContext theContext, String theContents, Map<String, List<String>> theParams, String... theUrlPath) { super(theContext); myResource = null; myTagList = null; myUrlPath = StringUtils.join(theUrlPath, '/'); myResources = null; myBundle = null; myContents = theContents; myContentsIsBundle = false; myParams = theParams; myBundleType = null; } public BaseHttpClientInvocationWithContents(FhirContext theContext, TagList theTagList, String... theUrlPath) { super(theContext); if (theTagList == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Tag list must not be null"); } myResource = null; myTagList = theTagList; myResources = null; myBundle = null; myContents = null; myBundleType = null; myUrlPath = StringUtils.join(theUrlPath, '/'); } @Override public IHttpRequest asHttpRequest(String theUrlBase, Map<String, List<String>> theExtraParams, EncodingEnum theEncoding, Boolean thePrettyPrint) throws DataFormatException { StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(); if (myUrlPath == null) { url.append(theUrlBase); } else { if (!myUrlPath.contains("://")) { url.append(theUrlBase); if (!theUrlBase.endsWith("/")) { url.append('/'); } } url.append(myUrlPath); } appendExtraParamsWithQuestionMark(theExtraParams, url, url.indexOf("?") == -1); IHttpClient httpClient = getRestfulClientFactory().getHttpClient(url, myIfNoneExistParams, myIfNoneExistString, getRequestType(), getHeaders()); if (myResource != null && IBaseBinary.class.isAssignableFrom(myResource.getClass())) { IBaseBinary binary = (IBaseBinary) myResource; if (isNotBlank(binary.getContentType()) && EncodingEnum.forContentTypeStrict(binary.getContentType()) == null) { return httpClient.createBinaryRequest(getContext(), binary); } } EncodingEnum encoding = theEncoding; if (myContents != null) { encoding = MethodUtil.detectEncoding(myContents); } if (myParams != null) { return httpClient.createParamRequest(getContext(), myParams, encoding); } encoding = ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(encoding, EncodingEnum.XML); String contents = encodeContents(thePrettyPrint, encoding); String contentType = getContentType(encoding); return httpClient.createByteRequest(getContext(), contents, contentType, encoding); } private String getContentType(EncodingEnum encoding) { if (myBundle != null || (getContext().getVersion().getVersion() == FhirVersionEnum.DSTU1 && ((myContents != null && myContentsIsBundle) || myResources != null))) { return encoding.getBundleContentType(); } else if (getContext().getVersion().getVersion().isOlderThan(FhirVersionEnum.DSTU3)) { // application/xml+fhir return encoding.getResourceContentType(); } else { // application/fhir+xml return encoding.getResourceContentTypeNonLegacy(); } } /** * Get the HTTP request type. */ protected abstract RequestTypeEnum getRequestType(); private String encodeContents(Boolean thePrettyPrint, EncodingEnum encoding) { IParser parser; if (encoding == EncodingEnum.JSON) { parser = getContext().newJsonParser(); } else { parser = getContext().newXmlParser(); } if (thePrettyPrint != null) { parser.setPrettyPrint(thePrettyPrint); } if (myForceResourceId != null) { parser.setEncodeForceResourceId(myForceResourceId); } parser.setOmitResourceId(myOmitResourceId); if (myTagList != null) { return parser.encodeTagListToString(myTagList); } else if (myBundle != null) { return parser.encodeBundleToString(myBundle); } else if (myResources != null) { IVersionSpecificBundleFactory bundleFactory = getContext().newBundleFactory(); bundleFactory.initializeBundleFromResourceList("", myResources, "", "", myResources.size(), myBundleType); Bundle bundle = bundleFactory.getDstu1Bundle(); if (bundle != null) { return parser.encodeBundleToString(bundle); } IBaseResource bundleRes = bundleFactory.getResourceBundle(); return parser.encodeResourceToString(bundleRes); } else if (myContents != null) { return myContents; } else { return parser.encodeResourceToString(myResource); } } public void setForceResourceId(IIdType theId) { myForceResourceId = theId; } public void setIfNoneExistParams(Map<String, List<String>> theIfNoneExist) { myIfNoneExistParams = theIfNoneExist; } public void setIfNoneExistString(String theIfNoneExistString) { myIfNoneExistString = theIfNoneExistString; } public void setOmitResourceId(boolean theOmitResourceId) { myOmitResourceId = theOmitResourceId; } }