package ca.uhn.fhir.context; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; /* * #%L * HAPI FHIR - Core Library * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 University Health Network * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IAnyResource; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBackboneElement; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseDatatype; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseDatatypeElement; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseEnumeration; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseExtension; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseReference; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.ICompositeType; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.INarrative; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IPrimitiveType; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IBoundCodeableConcept; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IDatatype; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResource; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResourceBlock; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IValueSetEnumBinder; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Binding; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Child; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.ChildOrder; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Description; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Extension; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.base.composite.BaseContainedDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.base.composite.BaseNarrativeDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.base.composite.BaseResourceReferenceDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BoundCodeDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException; import ca.uhn.fhir.util.ReflectionUtil; public abstract class BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition<T extends IBase> extends BaseRuntimeElementDefinition<T> { private static final org.slf4j.Logger ourLog = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition.class); private Map<String, Integer> forcedOrder = null; private List<BaseRuntimeChildDefinition> myChildren = new ArrayList<BaseRuntimeChildDefinition>(); private List<BaseRuntimeChildDefinition> myChildrenAndExtensions; private Map<Class<? extends IBase>, BaseRuntimeElementDefinition<?>> myClassToElementDefinitions; private FhirContext myContext; private Map<String, BaseRuntimeChildDefinition> myNameToChild = new HashMap<String, BaseRuntimeChildDefinition>(); private List<ScannedField> myScannedFields = new ArrayList<BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition.ScannedField>(); private volatile boolean mySealed; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition(String theName, Class<? extends T> theImplementingClass, boolean theStandardType, FhirContext theContext, Map<Class<? extends IBase>, BaseRuntimeElementDefinition<?>> theClassToElementDefinitions) { super(theName, theImplementingClass, theStandardType); myContext = theContext; myClassToElementDefinitions = theClassToElementDefinitions; /* * We scan classes for annotated fields in the class but also all of its superclasses */ Class<? extends IBase> current = theImplementingClass; LinkedList<Class<? extends IBase>> classes = new LinkedList<Class<? extends IBase>>(); do { if (forcedOrder == null) { ChildOrder childOrder = current.getAnnotation(ChildOrder.class); if (childOrder != null) { forcedOrder = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < childOrder.names().length; i++) { forcedOrder.put(childOrder.names()[i], i); } } } classes .push(current); if (IBase.class.isAssignableFrom(current.getSuperclass())) { current = (Class<? extends IBase>) current.getSuperclass(); } else { current = null; } } while (current != null); Set<Field> fields = new HashSet<Field>(); for (Class<? extends IBase> nextClass : classes) { int fieldIndexInClass = 0; for (Field next : nextClass.getDeclaredFields()) { if (fields.add(next)) { ScannedField scannedField = new ScannedField(next, theImplementingClass, fieldIndexInClass == 0); if (scannedField.getChildAnnotation() != null) { myScannedFields.add(scannedField); fieldIndexInClass++; } } } } } void addChild(BaseRuntimeChildDefinition theNext) { if (theNext == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (theNext.getExtensionUrl() != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shouldn't haven an extension URL, use addExtension instead"); } myChildren.add(theNext); } public BaseRuntimeChildDefinition getChildByName(String theName){ validateSealed(); BaseRuntimeChildDefinition retVal = myNameToChild.get(theName); return retVal; } public BaseRuntimeChildDefinition getChildByNameOrThrowDataFormatException(String theName) throws DataFormatException { validateSealed(); BaseRuntimeChildDefinition retVal = myNameToChild.get(theName); if (retVal == null) { throw new DataFormatException("Unknown child name '" + theName + "' in element " + getName() + " - Valid names are: " + new TreeSet<String>(myNameToChild.keySet())); } return retVal; } public List<BaseRuntimeChildDefinition> getChildren() { validateSealed(); return myChildren; } public List<BaseRuntimeChildDefinition> getChildrenAndExtension() { validateSealed(); return myChildrenAndExtensions; } /** * Has this class been sealed */ public boolean isSealed() { return mySealed; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") void populateScanAlso(Set<Class<? extends IBase>> theScanAlso) { for (ScannedField next : myScannedFields) { if (IBase.class.isAssignableFrom(next.getElementType())) { if (next.getElementType().isInterface() == false && Modifier.isAbstract(next.getElementType().getModifiers()) == false) { theScanAlso.add((Class<? extends IBase>) next.getElementType()); } } for (Class<? extends IBase> nextChildType : next.getChoiceTypes()) { if (nextChildType.isInterface() == false && Modifier.isAbstract(nextChildType.getModifiers()) == false) { theScanAlso.add(nextChildType); } } } } private void scanCompositeElementForChildren() { Set<String> elementNames = new HashSet<String>(); TreeMap<Integer, BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition> orderToElementDef = new TreeMap<Integer, BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition>(); TreeMap<Integer, BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition> orderToExtensionDef = new TreeMap<Integer, BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition>(); scanCompositeElementForChildren(elementNames, orderToElementDef, orderToExtensionDef); if (forcedOrder != null) { /* * Find out how many elements don't match any entry in the list * for forced order. Those elements come first. */ TreeMap<Integer, BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition> newOrderToExtensionDef = new TreeMap<Integer, BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition>(); int unknownCount = 0; for (BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition nextEntry : orderToElementDef.values()) { if (!forcedOrder.containsKey(nextEntry.getElementName())) { newOrderToExtensionDef.put(unknownCount, nextEntry); unknownCount++; } } for (BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition nextEntry : orderToElementDef.values()) { if (forcedOrder.containsKey(nextEntry.getElementName())) { Integer newOrder = forcedOrder.get(nextEntry.getElementName()); newOrderToExtensionDef.put(newOrder + unknownCount, nextEntry); } } orderToElementDef = newOrderToExtensionDef; } TreeSet<Integer> orders = new TreeSet<Integer>(); orders.addAll(orderToElementDef.keySet()); orders.addAll(orderToExtensionDef.keySet()); for (Integer i : orders) { BaseRuntimeChildDefinition nextChild = orderToElementDef.get(i); if (nextChild != null) { this.addChild(nextChild); } BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition nextExt = orderToExtensionDef.get(i); if (nextExt != null) { this.addExtension((RuntimeChildDeclaredExtensionDefinition) nextExt); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void scanCompositeElementForChildren(Set<String> elementNames, TreeMap<Integer, BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition> theOrderToElementDef, TreeMap<Integer, BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition> theOrderToExtensionDef) { int baseElementOrder = 0; for (ScannedField next : myScannedFields) { if (next.isFirstFieldInNewClass()) { baseElementOrder = theOrderToElementDef.isEmpty() ? 0 : theOrderToElementDef.lastEntry().getKey() + 1; } Class<?> declaringClass = next.getField().getDeclaringClass(); Description descriptionAnnotation = ModelScanner.pullAnnotation(next.getField(), Description.class); TreeMap<Integer, BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition> orderMap = theOrderToElementDef; Extension extensionAttr = ModelScanner.pullAnnotation(next.getField(), Extension.class); if (extensionAttr != null) { orderMap = theOrderToExtensionDef; } Child childAnnotation = next.getChildAnnotation(); Field nextField = next.getField(); String elementName =; int order = childAnnotation.order(); boolean childIsChoiceType = false; boolean orderIsReplaceParent = false; if (order == Child.REPLACE_PARENT) { if (extensionAttr != null) { for (Entry<Integer, BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition> nextEntry : orderMap.entrySet()) { BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition nextDef = nextEntry.getValue(); if (nextDef instanceof RuntimeChildDeclaredExtensionDefinition) { if (nextDef.getExtensionUrl().equals(extensionAttr.url())) { orderIsReplaceParent = true; order = nextEntry.getKey(); orderMap.remove(nextEntry.getKey()); elementNames.remove(elementName); break; } } } if (order == Child.REPLACE_PARENT) { throw new ConfigurationException("Field " + nextField.getName() + "' on target type " + declaringClass.getSimpleName() + " has order() of REPLACE_PARENT (" + Child.REPLACE_PARENT + ") but no parent element with extension URL " + extensionAttr.url() + " could be found on type " + nextField.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName()); } } else { for (Entry<Integer, BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition> nextEntry : orderMap.entrySet()) { BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition nextDef = nextEntry.getValue(); if (elementName.equals(nextDef.getElementName())) { orderIsReplaceParent = true; order = nextEntry.getKey(); BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition existing = orderMap.remove(nextEntry.getKey()); elementNames.remove(elementName); /* * See #350 - If the original field (in the superclass) with the given name is a choice, then we need to make sure * that the field which replaces is a choice even if it's only a choice of one type - this is because the * element name when serialized still needs to reflect the datatype */ if (existing instanceof RuntimeChildChoiceDefinition) { childIsChoiceType = true; } break; } } if (order == Child.REPLACE_PARENT) { throw new ConfigurationException("Field " + nextField.getName() + "' on target type " + declaringClass.getSimpleName() + " has order() of REPLACE_PARENT (" + Child.REPLACE_PARENT + ") but no parent element with name " + elementName + " could be found on type " + nextField.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName()); } } } if (order < 0 && order != Child.ORDER_UNKNOWN) { throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid order '" + order + "' on @Child for field '" + nextField.getName() + "' on target type: " + declaringClass); } if (order != Child.ORDER_UNKNOWN && !orderIsReplaceParent) { order = order + baseElementOrder; } // int min = childAnnotation.min(); // int max = childAnnotation.max(); /* * Anything that's marked as unknown is given a new ID that is <0 so that it doesn't conflict with any given IDs and can be figured out later */ if (order == Child.ORDER_UNKNOWN) { order = Integer.valueOf(0); while (orderMap.containsKey(order)) { order++; } } List<Class<? extends IBase>> choiceTypes = next.getChoiceTypes(); if (orderMap.containsKey(order)) { throw new ConfigurationException("Detected duplicate field order '" + childAnnotation.order() + "' for element named '" + elementName + "' in type '" + declaringClass.getCanonicalName() + "' - Already had: " + orderMap.get(order).getElementName()); } if (elementNames.contains(elementName)) { throw new ConfigurationException("Detected duplicate field name '" + elementName + "' in type '" + declaringClass.getCanonicalName() + "'"); } Class<?> nextElementType = next.getElementType(); BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition def; if ("extension") && IBaseExtension.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) { def = new RuntimeChildExtension(nextField,, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation); } else if ("modifierExtension") && IBaseExtension.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) { def = new RuntimeChildExtension(nextField,, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation); } else if (BaseContainedDt.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType) || ("contained") && IBaseResource.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType))) { /* * Child is contained resources */ def = new RuntimeChildContainedResources(nextField, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation, elementName); } else if (IAnyResource.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType) || IResource.class.equals(nextElementType)) { /* * Child is a resource as a direct child, as in Bundle.entry.resource */ def = new RuntimeChildDirectResource(nextField, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation, elementName); } else { childIsChoiceType |= choiceTypes.size() > 1; if (extensionAttr == null && childIsChoiceType && !BaseResourceReferenceDt.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType) && !IBaseReference.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) { def = new RuntimeChildChoiceDefinition(nextField, elementName, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation, choiceTypes); } else if (extensionAttr != null) { /* * Child is an extension */ Class<? extends IBase> et = (Class<? extends IBase>) nextElementType; Object binder = null; if (BoundCodeDt.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType) || IBoundCodeableConcept.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) { binder = ModelScanner.getBoundCodeBinder(nextField); } def = new RuntimeChildDeclaredExtensionDefinition(nextField, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation, extensionAttr, elementName, extensionAttr.url(), et, binder); if (IBaseEnumeration.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) { ((RuntimeChildDeclaredExtensionDefinition)def).setEnumerationType(ReflectionUtil.getGenericCollectionTypeOfFieldWithSecondOrderForList(nextField)); } } else if (BaseResourceReferenceDt.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType) || IBaseReference.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) { /* * Child is a resource reference */ List<Class<? extends IBaseResource>> refTypesList = new ArrayList<Class<? extends IBaseResource>>(); for (Class<? extends IElement> nextType : childAnnotation.type()) { if (IBaseReference.class.isAssignableFrom(nextType)) { refTypesList.add(myContext.getVersion().getVersion().isRi() ? IAnyResource.class : IResource.class); continue; } else if (IBaseResource.class.isAssignableFrom(nextType) == false) { throw new ConfigurationException("Field '" + nextField.getName() + "' in class '" + nextField.getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName() + "' is of type " + BaseResourceReferenceDt.class + " but contains a non-resource type: " + nextType.getCanonicalName()); } refTypesList.add((Class<? extends IBaseResource>) nextType); } def = new RuntimeChildResourceDefinition(nextField, elementName, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation, refTypesList); } else if (IResourceBlock.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType) || IBaseBackboneElement.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType) || IBaseDatatypeElement.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) { /* * Child is a resource block (i.e. a sub-tag within a resource) TODO: do these have a better name according to HL7? */ Class<? extends IBase> blockDef = (Class<? extends IBase>) nextElementType; def = new RuntimeChildResourceBlockDefinition(myContext, nextField, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation, elementName, blockDef); } else if (IDatatype.class.equals(nextElementType) || IElement.class.equals(nextElementType) || "Type".equals(nextElementType.getSimpleName()) || IBaseDatatype.class.equals(nextElementType)) { def = new RuntimeChildAny(nextField, elementName, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation); } else if (IDatatype.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType) || IPrimitiveType.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType) || ICompositeType.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType) || IBaseDatatype.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType) || IBaseExtension.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) { Class<? extends IBase> nextDatatype = (Class<? extends IBase>) nextElementType; if (IPrimitiveType.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) { if (nextElementType.equals(BoundCodeDt.class)) { IValueSetEnumBinder<Enum<?>> binder = ModelScanner.getBoundCodeBinder(nextField); Class<? extends Enum<?>> enumType = ModelScanner.determineEnumTypeForBoundField(nextField); def = new RuntimeChildPrimitiveBoundCodeDatatypeDefinition(nextField, elementName, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation, nextDatatype, binder, enumType); } else if (IBaseEnumeration.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) { Class<? extends Enum<?>> binderType = ModelScanner.determineEnumTypeForBoundField(nextField); def = new RuntimeChildPrimitiveEnumerationDatatypeDefinition(nextField, elementName, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation, nextDatatype, binderType); } else { def = new RuntimeChildPrimitiveDatatypeDefinition(nextField, elementName, descriptionAnnotation, childAnnotation, nextDatatype); } } else { if (IBoundCodeableConcept.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) { IValueSetEnumBinder<Enum<?>> binder = ModelScanner.getBoundCodeBinder(nextField); Class<? extends Enum<?>> enumType = ModelScanner.determineEnumTypeForBoundField(nextField); def = new RuntimeChildCompositeBoundDatatypeDefinition(nextField, elementName, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation, nextDatatype, binder, enumType); } else if (BaseNarrativeDt.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType) || INarrative.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) { def = new RuntimeChildNarrativeDefinition(nextField, elementName, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation, nextDatatype); } else { def = new RuntimeChildCompositeDatatypeDefinition(nextField, elementName, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation, nextDatatype); } } } else { throw new ConfigurationException("Field '" + elementName + "' in type '" + declaringClass.getCanonicalName() + "' is not a valid child type: " + nextElementType); } Binding bindingAnnotation = ModelScanner.pullAnnotation(nextField, Binding.class); if (bindingAnnotation != null) { if (isNotBlank(bindingAnnotation.valueSet())) { def.setBindingValueSet(bindingAnnotation.valueSet()); } } } orderMap.put(order, def); elementNames.add(elementName); } } @Override void sealAndInitialize(FhirContext theContext, Map<Class<? extends IBase>, BaseRuntimeElementDefinition<?>> theClassToElementDefinitions) { if (mySealed) { return; } mySealed = true; scanCompositeElementForChildren(); super.sealAndInitialize(theContext, theClassToElementDefinitions); for (BaseRuntimeChildDefinition next : myChildren) { next.sealAndInitialize(theContext, theClassToElementDefinitions); } myNameToChild = new HashMap<String, BaseRuntimeChildDefinition>(); for (BaseRuntimeChildDefinition next : myChildren) { if (next instanceof RuntimeChildChoiceDefinition) { String key = ((RuntimeChildChoiceDefinition) next).getElementName()+"[x]"; myNameToChild.put(key, next); } for (String nextName : next.getValidChildNames()) { if (myNameToChild.containsKey(nextName)) { throw new ConfigurationException("Duplicate child name[" + nextName + "] in Element[" + getName() + "]"); } myNameToChild.put(nextName, next); } } myChildren = Collections.unmodifiableList(myChildren); myNameToChild = Collections.unmodifiableMap(myNameToChild); List<BaseRuntimeChildDefinition> children = new ArrayList<BaseRuntimeChildDefinition>(); children.addAll(myChildren); /* * Because of the way the type hierarchy works for DSTU2 resources, * things end up in the wrong order */ if (theContext.getVersion().getVersion() == FhirVersionEnum.DSTU2) { int extIndex = findIndex(children, "extension", false); int containedIndex = findIndex(children, "contained", false); if (containedIndex != -1 && extIndex != -1 && extIndex < containedIndex) { BaseRuntimeChildDefinition extension = children.remove(extIndex); if (containedIndex > children.size()) { children.add(extension); } else { children.add(containedIndex, extension); } int modIndex = findIndex(children, "modifierExtension", false); if (modIndex < containedIndex) { extension = children.remove(modIndex); if (containedIndex > children.size()) { children.add(extension); } else { children.add(containedIndex, extension); } } } } /* * Add declared extensions alongside the undeclared ones */ if (getExtensionsNonModifier().isEmpty() == false) { children.addAll(findIndex(children, "extension", true), getExtensionsNonModifier()); } if (getExtensionsModifier().isEmpty() == false) { children.addAll(findIndex(children, "modifierExtension", true), getExtensionsModifier()); } myChildrenAndExtensions=Collections.unmodifiableList(children); } @Override protected void validateSealed() { if (!mySealed) { synchronized(myContext) { if(!mySealed) { sealAndInitialize(myContext, myClassToElementDefinitions); } } } } private static int findIndex(List<BaseRuntimeChildDefinition> theChildren, String theName, boolean theDefaultAtEnd) { int index = theDefaultAtEnd ? theChildren.size() : -1; for (ListIterator<BaseRuntimeChildDefinition> iter = theChildren.listIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { if ( { index = iter.previousIndex(); break; } } return index; } private static class ScannedField { private Child myChildAnnotation; private List<Class<? extends IBase>> myChoiceTypes = new ArrayList<Class<? extends IBase>>(); private Class<?> myElementType; private Field myField; private boolean myFirstFieldInNewClass; public ScannedField(Field theField, Class<?> theClass, boolean theFirstFieldInNewClass) { myField = theField; myFirstFieldInNewClass = theFirstFieldInNewClass; Child childAnnotation = ModelScanner.pullAnnotation(theField, Child.class); if (childAnnotation == null) { ourLog.trace("Ignoring non @Child field {} on target type {}", theField.getName(), theClass); return; } if (Modifier.isFinal(theField.getModifiers())) { ourLog.trace("Ignoring constant {} on target type {}", theField.getName(), theClass); return; } myChildAnnotation = childAnnotation; myElementType = ModelScanner.determineElementType(theField); for (Class<? extends IBase> nextChoiceType : childAnnotation.type()) { myChoiceTypes.add(nextChoiceType); } } public Child getChildAnnotation() { return myChildAnnotation; } public List<Class<? extends IBase>> getChoiceTypes() { return myChoiceTypes; } public Class<?> getElementType() { return myElementType; } public Field getField() { return myField; } public boolean isFirstFieldInNewClass() { return myFirstFieldInNewClass; } } }