package org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.utils; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.metamodel.ParserBase; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.Base; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.BooleanType; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.DateTimeType; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.DateType; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.DecimalType; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.ElementDefinition; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.ElementDefinition.PropertyRepresentation; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.ElementDefinition.TypeRefComponent; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.ExpressionNode; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.ExpressionNode.CollectionStatus; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.ExpressionNode.Function; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.ExpressionNode.Kind; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.ExpressionNode.Operation; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.ExpressionNode.SourceLocation; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.ExpressionNode.TypeDetails; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.IntegerType; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.Resource; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.StringType; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.StructureDefinition; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.StructureDefinition.TypeDerivationRule; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.TemporalPrecisionEnum; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.TimeType; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.Type; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.utils.FHIRLexer.FHIRLexerException; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.utils.FHIRPathEngine.IEvaluationContext.FunctionDetails; import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.DefinitionException; import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException; import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.PathEngineException; import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.UcumException; import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.Utilities; import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.ucum.Decimal; /** * * @author Grahame Grieve * */ public class FHIRPathEngine { private IWorkerContext worker; private IEvaluationContext hostServices; private StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder(); private Set<String> primitiveTypes = new HashSet<String>(); private Map<String, StructureDefinition> allTypes = new HashMap<String, StructureDefinition>(); // if the fhir path expressions are allowed to use constants beyond those defined in the specification // the application can implement them by providing a constant resolver public interface IEvaluationContext { public class FunctionDetails { private String description; private int minParameters; private int maxParameters; public FunctionDetails(String description, int minParameters, int maxParameters) { super(); this.description = description; this.minParameters = minParameters; this.maxParameters = maxParameters; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public int getMinParameters() { return minParameters; } public int getMaxParameters() { return maxParameters; } } public Type resolveConstant(Object appContext, String name); public String resolveConstantType(Object appContext, String name); public boolean Log(String argument, List<Base> focus); // extensibility for functions /** * * @param functionName * @return null if the function is not known */ public FunctionDetails resolveFunction(String functionName); /** * Check the function parameters, and throw an error if they are incorrect, or return the type for the function * @param functionName * @param parameters * @return */ public TypeDetails checkFunction(Object appContext, String functionName, List<TypeDetails> parameters) throws PathEngineException; /** * @param appContext * @param functionName * @param parameters * @return */ public List<Base> executeFunction(Object appContext, String functionName, List<List<Base>> parameters); } /** * @param worker - used when validating paths (@check), and used doing value set membership when executing tests (once that's defined) */ public FHIRPathEngine(IWorkerContext worker) { super(); this.worker = worker; for (StructureDefinition sd : worker.allStructures()) { if (sd.getDerivation() == TypeDerivationRule.SPECIALIZATION) allTypes.put(sd.getName(), sd); if (sd.getDerivation() == TypeDerivationRule.SPECIALIZATION && isPrimitive(sd)) { primitiveTypes.add(sd.getName()); } } } private boolean isPrimitive(StructureDefinition sd) { for (ElementDefinition ed : sd.getSnapshot().getElement()) if (ed.getPath().equals(sd.getName()+".value") && ed.hasRepresentation(PropertyRepresentation.XMLATTR)) return true; return false; } // --- 3 methods to override in children ------------------------------------------------------- // if you don't override, it falls through to the using the base reference implementation // HAPI overrides to these to support extensing the base model public IEvaluationContext getConstantResolver() { return hostServices; } public void setConstantResolver(IEvaluationContext constantResolver) { this.hostServices = constantResolver; } /** * Given an item, return all the children that conform to the pattern described in name * * Possible patterns: * - a simple name (which may be the base of a name with [] e.g. value[x]) * - a name with a type replacement e.g. valueCodeableConcept * - * which means all children * - ** which means all descendents * * @param item * @param name * @param result * @throws FHIRException */ protected void getChildrenByName(Base item, String name, List<Base> result) throws FHIRException { Base[] list = item.listChildrenByName(name, false); if (list != null) for (Base v : list) if (v != null) result.add(v); } // --- public API ------------------------------------------------------- /** * Parse a path for later use using execute * * @param path * @return * @throws PathEngineException * @throws Exception */ public ExpressionNode parse(String path) throws FHIRLexerException { FHIRLexer lexer = new FHIRLexer(path); if (lexer.done()) throw lexer.error("Path cannot be empty"); ExpressionNode result = parseExpression(lexer, true); if (!lexer.done()) throw lexer.error("Premature ExpressionNode termination at unexpected token \""+lexer.getCurrent()+"\""); result.check(); return result; } /** * Parse a path that is part of some other syntax * * @param path * @return * @throws PathEngineException * @throws Exception */ public ExpressionNode parse(FHIRLexer lexer) throws FHIRLexerException { ExpressionNode result = parseExpression(lexer, true); result.check(); return result; } /** * check that paths referred to in the ExpressionNode are valid * * xPathStartsWithValueRef is a hack work around for the fact that FHIR Path sometimes needs a different starting point than the xpath * * returns a list of the possible types that might be returned by executing the ExpressionNode against a particular context * * @param context - the logical type against which this path is applied * @param path - the FHIR Path statement to check * @throws DefinitionException * @throws PathEngineException * @if the path is not valid */ public TypeDetails check(Object appContext, String resourceType, String context, ExpressionNode expr) throws FHIRLexerException, PathEngineException, DefinitionException { // if context is a path that refers to a type, do that conversion now TypeDetails types; if (!context.contains(".")) types = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, context); else { StructureDefinition sd = worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, ""+context.substring(0, context.indexOf('.'))); if (sd == null) throw new PathEngineException("Unknown context "+context); ElementDefinitionMatch ed = getElementDefinition(sd, context, true); if (ed == null) throw new PathEngineException("Unknown context element "+context); if (ed.fixedType != null) types = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, ed.fixedType); else if (ed.getDefinition().getType().isEmpty() || isAbstractType(ed.getDefinition().getType())) types = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, context); else { types = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON); for (TypeRefComponent t : ed.getDefinition().getType()) types.addType(t.getCode()); } } return executeType(new ExecutionTypeContext(appContext, resourceType, types), types, expr, true); } public TypeDetails check(Object appContext, String resourceType, String context, String expr) throws FHIRLexerException, PathEngineException, DefinitionException { return check(appContext, resourceType, context, parse(expr)); } /** * evaluate a path and return the matching elements * * @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated * @param ExpressionNode - the parsed ExpressionNode statement to use * @return * @throws FHIRException * @ */ public List<Base> evaluate(Base base, ExpressionNode ExpressionNode) throws FHIRException { List<Base> list = new ArrayList<Base>(); if (base != null) list.add(base); log = new StringBuilder(); return execute(new ExecutionContext(null, null, base), list, ExpressionNode, true); } /** * evaluate a path and return the matching elements * * @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated * @param path - the FHIR Path statement to use * @return * @throws FHIRException * @ */ public List<Base> evaluate(Base base, String path) throws FHIRException { ExpressionNode exp = parse(path); List<Base> list = new ArrayList<Base>(); if (base != null) list.add(base); log = new StringBuilder(); return execute(new ExecutionContext(null, null, base), list, exp, true); } /** * evaluate a path and return the matching elements * * @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated * @param ExpressionNode - the parsed ExpressionNode statement to use * @return * @throws FHIRException * @ */ public List<Base> evaluate(Object appContext, Resource resource, Base base, ExpressionNode ExpressionNode) throws FHIRException { List<Base> list = new ArrayList<Base>(); if (base != null) list.add(base); log = new StringBuilder(); return execute(new ExecutionContext(appContext, resource, base), list, ExpressionNode, true); } /** * evaluate a path and return the matching elements * * @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated * @param ExpressionNode - the parsed ExpressionNode statement to use * @return * @throws FHIRException * @ */ public List<Base> evaluate(Object appContext, Base resource, Base base, ExpressionNode ExpressionNode) throws FHIRException { List<Base> list = new ArrayList<Base>(); if (base != null) list.add(base); log = new StringBuilder(); return execute(new ExecutionContext(appContext, resource, base), list, ExpressionNode, true); } /** * evaluate a path and return the matching elements * * @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated * @param path - the FHIR Path statement to use * @return * @throws FHIRException * @ */ public List<Base> evaluate(Object appContext, Resource resource, Base base, String path) throws FHIRException { ExpressionNode exp = parse(path); List<Base> list = new ArrayList<Base>(); if (base != null) list.add(base); log = new StringBuilder(); return execute(new ExecutionContext(appContext, resource, base), list, exp, true); } /** * evaluate a path and return true or false (e.g. for an invariant) * * @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated * @param path - the FHIR Path statement to use * @return * @throws FHIRException * @ */ public boolean evaluateToBoolean(Resource resource, Base base, String path) throws FHIRException { return convertToBoolean(evaluate(null, resource, base, path)); } /** * evaluate a path and return true or false (e.g. for an invariant) * * @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated * @param path - the FHIR Path statement to use * @return * @throws FHIRException * @ */ public boolean evaluateToBoolean(Resource resource, Base base, ExpressionNode node) throws FHIRException { return convertToBoolean(evaluate(null, resource, base, node)); } /** * evaluate a path and return true or false (e.g. for an invariant) * * @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated * @param path - the FHIR Path statement to use * @return * @throws FHIRException * @ */ public boolean evaluateToBoolean(Base resource, Base base, ExpressionNode node) throws FHIRException { return convertToBoolean(evaluate(null, resource, base, node)); } /** * evaluate a path and a string containing the outcome (for display) * * @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated * @param path - the FHIR Path statement to use * @return * @throws FHIRException * @ */ public String evaluateToString(Base base, String path) throws FHIRException { return convertToString(evaluate(base, path)); } /** * worker routine for converting a set of objects to a string representation * * @param items - result from @evaluate * @return */ public String convertToString(List<Base> items) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (Base item : items) { if (first) first = false; else b.append(','); b.append(convertToString(item)); } return b.toString(); } private String convertToString(Base item) { if (item.isPrimitive()) return item.primitiveValue(); else return item.getClass().getName(); } /** * worker routine for converting a set of objects to a boolean representation (for invariants) * * @param items - result from @evaluate * @return */ public boolean convertToBoolean(List<Base> items) { if (items == null) return false; else if (items.size() == 1 && items.get(0) instanceof BooleanType) return ((BooleanType) items.get(0)).getValue(); else return items.size() > 0; } private void log(String name, List<Base> contents) { if (hostServices == null || !hostServices.Log(name, contents)) { if (log.length() > 0) log.append("; "); log.append(name); log.append(": "); log.append(contents); } } public String forLog() { if (log.length() > 0) return " ("+log.toString()+")"; else return ""; } private class ExecutionContext { private Object appInfo; private Base resource; private Base thisItem; public ExecutionContext(Object appInfo, Base resource, Base thisItem) { this.appInfo = appInfo; this.resource = resource; this.thisItem = thisItem; } public Base getResource() { return resource; } public Base getThisItem() { return thisItem; } } private class ExecutionTypeContext { private Object appInfo; private String resource; private TypeDetails context; public ExecutionTypeContext(Object appInfo, String resource, TypeDetails context) { super(); this.appInfo = appInfo; this.resource = resource; this.context = context; } public String getResource() { return resource; } public TypeDetails getContext() { return context; } } private ExpressionNode parseExpression(FHIRLexer lexer, boolean proximal) throws FHIRLexerException { ExpressionNode result = new ExpressionNode(lexer.nextId()); SourceLocation c = lexer.getCurrentStartLocation(); result.setStart(lexer.getCurrentLocation()); // special: if (lexer.getCurrent().equals("-")) { lexer.take(); lexer.setCurrent("-"+lexer.getCurrent()); } if (lexer.isConstant(false)) { checkConstant(lexer.getCurrent(), lexer); result.setConstant(lexer.take()); result.setKind(Kind.Constant); result.setEnd(lexer.getCurrentLocation()); } else if ("(".equals(lexer.getCurrent())) {; result.setKind(Kind.Group); result.setGroup(parseExpression(lexer, true)); if (!")".equals(lexer.getCurrent())) throw lexer.error("Found "+lexer.getCurrent()+" expecting a \")\""); result.setEnd(lexer.getCurrentLocation());; } else { if (!lexer.isToken() && !lexer.getCurrent().startsWith("\"")) throw lexer.error("Found "+lexer.getCurrent()+" expecting a token name"); if (lexer.getCurrent().startsWith("\"")) result.setName(lexer.readConstant("Path Name")); else result.setName(lexer.take()); result.setEnd(lexer.getCurrentLocation()); if (!result.checkName()) throw lexer.error("Found "+result.getName()+" expecting a valid token name"); if ("(".equals(lexer.getCurrent())) { Function f = Function.fromCode(result.getName()); FunctionDetails details = null; if (f == null) { details = hostServices.resolveFunction(result.getName()); if (details == null) throw lexer.error("The name "+result.getName()+" is not a valid function name"); f = Function.Custom; } result.setKind(Kind.Function); result.setFunction(f);; while (!")".equals(lexer.getCurrent())) { result.getParameters().add(parseExpression(lexer, true)); if (",".equals(lexer.getCurrent())); else if (!")".equals(lexer.getCurrent())) throw lexer.error("The token "+lexer.getCurrent()+" is not expected here - either a \",\" or a \")\" expected"); } result.setEnd(lexer.getCurrentLocation());; checkParameters(lexer, c, result, details); } else result.setKind(Kind.Name); } ExpressionNode focus = result; if ("[".equals(lexer.getCurrent())) {; ExpressionNode item = new ExpressionNode(lexer.nextId()); item.setKind(Kind.Function); item.setFunction(ExpressionNode.Function.Item); item.getParameters().add(parseExpression(lexer, true)); if (!lexer.getCurrent().equals("]")) throw lexer.error("The token "+lexer.getCurrent()+" is not expected here - a \"]\" expected");; result.setInner(item); focus = item; } if (".".equals(lexer.getCurrent())) {; focus.setInner(parseExpression(lexer, false)); } result.setProximal(proximal); if (proximal) { while (lexer.isOp()) { focus.setOperation(ExpressionNode.Operation.fromCode(lexer.getCurrent())); focus.setOpStart(lexer.getCurrentStartLocation()); focus.setOpEnd(lexer.getCurrentLocation());; focus.setOpNext(parseExpression(lexer, false)); focus = focus.getOpNext(); } result = organisePrecedence(lexer, result); } return result; } private ExpressionNode organisePrecedence(FHIRLexer lexer, ExpressionNode node) { node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node, EnumSet.of(Operation.Times, Operation.DivideBy, Operation.Div, Operation.Mod)); node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node, EnumSet.of(Operation.Plus, Operation.Minus, Operation.Concatenate)); node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node, EnumSet.of(Operation.Union)); node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node, EnumSet.of(Operation.LessThen, Operation.Greater, Operation.LessOrEqual, Operation.GreaterOrEqual)); node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node, EnumSet.of(Operation.Is)); node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node, EnumSet.of(Operation.Equals, Operation.Equivalent, Operation.NotEquals, Operation.NotEquivalent)); node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node, EnumSet.of(Operation.And)); node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node, EnumSet.of(Operation.Xor, Operation.Or)); // last: implies return node; } private ExpressionNode gatherPrecedence(FHIRLexer lexer, ExpressionNode start, EnumSet<Operation> ops) { // work : boolean; // focus, node, group : ExpressionNode; assert(start.isProximal()); // is there anything to do? boolean work = false; ExpressionNode focus = start.getOpNext(); if (ops.contains(start.getOperation())) { while (focus != null && focus.getOperation() != null) { work = work || !ops.contains(focus.getOperation()); focus = focus.getOpNext(); } } else { while (focus != null && focus.getOperation() != null) { work = work || ops.contains(focus.getOperation()); focus = focus.getOpNext(); } } if (!work) return start; // entry point: tricky ExpressionNode group; if (ops.contains(start.getOperation())) { group = newGroup(lexer, start); group.setProximal(true); focus = start; start = group; } else { ExpressionNode node = start; focus = node.getOpNext(); while (!ops.contains(focus.getOperation())) { node = focus; focus = focus.getOpNext(); } group = newGroup(lexer, focus); node.setOpNext(group); } // now, at this point: // group is the group we are adding to, it already has a .group property filled out. // focus points at the do { // run until we find the end of the sequence while (ops.contains(focus.getOperation())) focus = focus.getOpNext(); if (focus.getOperation() != null) { group.setOperation(focus.getOperation()); group.setOpNext(focus.getOpNext()); focus.setOperation(null); focus.setOpNext(null); // now look for another sequence, and start it ExpressionNode node = group; focus = group.getOpNext(); if (focus != null) { while (focus == null && !ops.contains(focus.getOperation())) { node = focus; focus = focus.getOpNext(); } if (focus != null) { // && (focus.Operation in Ops) - must be true group = newGroup(lexer, focus); node.setOpNext(group); } } } } while (focus != null && focus.getOperation() != null); return start; } private ExpressionNode newGroup(FHIRLexer lexer, ExpressionNode next) { ExpressionNode result = new ExpressionNode(lexer.nextId()); result.setKind(Kind.Group); result.setGroup(next); result.getGroup().setProximal(true); return result; } private void checkConstant(String s, FHIRLexer lexer) throws FHIRLexerException { if (s.startsWith("\'") && s.endsWith("\'")) { int i = 1; while (i < s.length()-1) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch == '\\') { switch (ch) { case 't': case 'r': case 'n': case 'f': case '\'': case '\\': case '/': i++; break; case 'u': if (!Utilities.isHex("0x"+s.substring(i, i+4))) throw lexer.error("Improper unicode escape \\u"+s.substring(i, i+4)); break; default: throw lexer.error("Unknown character escape \\"+ch); } } else i++; } } } // procedure CheckParamCount(c : integer); // begin // if exp.Parameters.Count <> c then // raise lexer.error('The function "''" requires '+inttostr(c)+' parameters', offset); // end; private boolean checkParamCount(FHIRLexer lexer, SourceLocation location, ExpressionNode exp, int count) throws FHIRLexerException { if (exp.getParameters().size() != count) throw lexer.error("The function \""+exp.getName()+"\" requires "+Integer.toString(count)+" parameters", location.toString()); return true; } private boolean checkParamCount(FHIRLexer lexer, SourceLocation location, ExpressionNode exp, int countMin, int countMax) throws FHIRLexerException { if (exp.getParameters().size() < countMin || exp.getParameters().size() > countMax) throw lexer.error("The function \""+exp.getName()+"\" requires between "+Integer.toString(countMin)+" and "+Integer.toString(countMax)+" parameters", location.toString()); return true; } private boolean checkParameters(FHIRLexer lexer, SourceLocation location, ExpressionNode exp, FunctionDetails details) throws FHIRLexerException { switch (exp.getFunction()) { case Empty: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case Not: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case Exists: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case SubsetOf: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case SupersetOf: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case IsDistinct: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case Distinct: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case Count: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case Where: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case Select: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case All: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0, 1); case Repeat: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case Item: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case As: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case Is: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case Single: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case First: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case Last: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case Tail: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case Skip: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case Take: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case Iif: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 2,3); case ToInteger: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case ToDecimal: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case ToString: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case Substring: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1, 2); case StartsWith: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case EndsWith: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case Matches: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case ReplaceMatches: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 2); case Contains: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case Replace: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 2); case Length: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case Children: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case Descendents: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case MemberOf: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case Trace: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case Today: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case Now: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case Resolve: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0); case Extension: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1); case Custom: return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, details.getMinParameters(), details.getMaxParameters()); } return false; } private List<Base> execute(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp, boolean atEntry) throws FHIRException { List<Base> work = new ArrayList<Base>(); switch (exp.getKind()) { case Name: if (atEntry && exp.getName().equals("$this")) work.add(context.getThisItem()); else for (Base item : focus) { List<Base> outcome = execute(context, item, exp, atEntry); for (Base base : outcome) if (base != null) work.add(base); } break; case Function: List<Base> work2 = evaluateFunction(context, focus, exp); work.addAll(work2); break; case Constant: Base b = processConstant(context, exp.getConstant()); if (b != null) work.add(b); break; case Group: work2 = execute(context, focus, exp.getGroup(), atEntry); work.addAll(work2); } if (exp.getInner() != null) work = execute(context, work, exp.getInner(), false); if (exp.isProximal() && exp.getOperation() != null) { ExpressionNode next = exp.getOpNext(); ExpressionNode last = exp; while (next != null) { List<Base> work2 = preOperate(work, last.getOperation()); if (work2 != null) work = work2; else if (last.getOperation() == Operation.Is || last.getOperation() == Operation.As) { work2 = executeTypeName(context, focus, next, false); work = operate(work, last.getOperation(), work2); } else { work2 = execute(context, focus, next, true); work = operate(work, last.getOperation(), work2); } last = next; next = next.getOpNext(); } } return work; } private List<Base> executeTypeName(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode next, boolean atEntry) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); result.add(new StringType(next.getName())); return result; } private List<Base> preOperate(List<Base> left, Operation operation) { switch (operation) { case And: return isBoolean(left, false) ? makeBoolean(false) : null; case Or: return isBoolean(left, true) ? makeBoolean(true) : null; case Implies: return convertToBoolean(left) ? null : makeBoolean(true); default: return null; } } private List<Base> makeBoolean(boolean b) { List<Base> res = new ArrayList<Base>(); res.add(new BooleanType(b)); return res; } private TypeDetails executeTypeName(ExecutionTypeContext context, TypeDetails focus, ExpressionNode exp, boolean atEntry) throws PathEngineException, DefinitionException { return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, exp.getName()); } private TypeDetails executeType(ExecutionTypeContext context, TypeDetails focus, ExpressionNode exp, boolean atEntry) throws PathEngineException, DefinitionException { TypeDetails result = new TypeDetails(null); switch (exp.getKind()) { case Name: if (atEntry && exp.getName().equals("$this")) result.update(context.getContext()); else { for (String s : focus.getTypes()) { result.update(executeType(s, exp, atEntry)); } if (result.hasNoTypes()) throw new PathEngineException("The name "+exp.getName()+" is not valid for any of the possible types: "+focus.describe()); } break; case Function: result.update(evaluateFunctionType(context, focus, exp)); break; case Constant: result.addType(readConstantType(context, exp.getConstant())); break; case Group: result.update(executeType(context, focus, exp.getGroup(), atEntry)); } exp.setTypes(result); if (exp.getInner() != null) { result = executeType(context, result, exp.getInner(), false); } if (exp.isProximal() && exp.getOperation() != null) { ExpressionNode next = exp.getOpNext(); ExpressionNode last = exp; while (next != null) { TypeDetails work; if (last.getOperation() == Operation.Is || last.getOperation() == Operation.As) work = executeTypeName(context, focus, next, atEntry); else work = executeType(context, focus, next, atEntry); result = operateTypes(result, last.getOperation(), work); last = next; next = next.getOpNext(); } exp.setOpTypes(result); } return result; } private Base processConstant(ExecutionContext context, String constant) throws PathEngineException { if (constant.equals("true")) { return new BooleanType(true); } else if (constant.equals("false")) { return new BooleanType(false); } else if (constant.equals("{}")) { return null; } else if (Utilities.isInteger(constant)) { return new IntegerType(constant); } else if (Utilities.isDecimal(constant)) { return new DecimalType(constant); } else if (constant.startsWith("\'")) { return new StringType(processConstantString(constant)); } else if (constant.startsWith("%")) { return resolveConstant(context, constant); } else if (constant.startsWith("@")) { return processDateConstant(context.appInfo, constant.substring(1)); } else { return new StringType(constant); } } private Base processDateConstant(Object appInfo, String value) throws PathEngineException { if (value.startsWith("T")) return new TimeType(value.substring(1)); String v = value; if (v.length() > 10) { int i = v.substring(10).indexOf("-"); if (i == -1) i = v.substring(10).indexOf("+"); if (i == -1) i = v.substring(10).indexOf("Z"); v = i == -1 ? value : v.substring(0, 10+i); } if (v.length() > 10) return new DateTimeType(value); else return new DateType(value); } private Base resolveConstant(ExecutionContext context, String s) throws PathEngineException { if (s.equals("%sct")) return new StringType(""); else if (s.equals("%loinc")) return new StringType(""); else if (s.equals("%ucum")) return new StringType(""); else if (s.equals("%resource")) { if (context.resource == null) throw new PathEngineException("Cannot use %resource in this context"); return context.resource; } else if (s.equals("%us-zip")) return new StringType("[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}"); else if (s.startsWith("%\"vs-")) return new StringType(""+s.substring(5, s.length()-1)+""); else if (s.startsWith("%\"cs-")) return new StringType(""+s.substring(5, s.length()-1)+""); else if (s.startsWith("%\"ext-")) return new StringType(""+s.substring(6, s.length()-1)); else if (hostServices == null) throw new PathEngineException("Unknown fixed constant '"+s+"'"); else return hostServices.resolveConstant(context.appInfo, s); } private String processConstantString(String s) throws PathEngineException { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); int i = 1; while (i < s.length()-1) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch == '\\') { i++; switch (s.charAt(i)) { case 't': b.append('\t'); break; case 'r': b.append('\r'); break; case 'n': b.append('\n'); break; case 'f': b.append('\f'); break; case '\'': b.append('\''); break; case '\\': b.append('\\'); break; case '/': b.append('\\'); break; case 'u': i++; int uc = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(i, i+4), 16); b.append((char) uc); i = i + 4; break; default: throw new PathEngineException("Unknown character escape \\"+s.charAt(i)); } } else { b.append(ch); i++; } } return b.toString(); } private List<Base> operate(List<Base> left, Operation operation, List<Base> right) throws FHIRException { switch (operation) { case Equals: return opEquals(left, right); case Equivalent: return opEquivalent(left, right); case NotEquals: return opNotEquals(left, right); case NotEquivalent: return opNotEquivalent(left, right); case LessThen: return opLessThen(left, right); case Greater: return opGreater(left, right); case LessOrEqual: return opLessOrEqual(left, right); case GreaterOrEqual: return opGreaterOrEqual(left, right); case Union: return opUnion(left, right); case In: return opIn(left, right); case Contains: return opContains(left, right); case Or: return opOr(left, right); case And: return opAnd(left, right); case Xor: return opXor(left, right); case Implies: return opImplies(left, right); case Plus: return opPlus(left, right); case Times: return opTimes(left, right); case Minus: return opMinus(left, right); case Concatenate: return opConcatenate(left, right); case DivideBy: return opDivideBy(left, right); case Div: return opDiv(left, right); case Mod: return opMod(left, right); case Is: return opIs(left, right); case As: return opAs(left, right); default: throw new Error("Not Done Yet: "+operation.toCode()); } } private List<Base> opAs(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); if (left.size() != 1 || right.size() != 1) return result; else { String tn = convertToString(right); if (tn.equals(left.get(0).fhirType())) result.add(left.get(0)); } return result; } private List<Base> opIs(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); if (left.size() != 1 || right.size() != 1) result.add(new BooleanType(false)); else { String tn = convertToString(right); result.add(new BooleanType(left.get(0).hasType(tn))); } return result; } private TypeDetails operateTypes(TypeDetails left, Operation operation, TypeDetails right) { switch (operation) { case Equals: return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case Equivalent: return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case NotEquals: return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case NotEquivalent: return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case LessThen: return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case Greater: return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case LessOrEqual: return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case GreaterOrEqual: return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case Is: return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case As: return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, right.getTypes()); case Union: return left.union(right); case Or: return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case And: return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case Xor: return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case Implies : return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case Times: TypeDetails result = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON); if (left.hasType("integer") && right.hasType("integer")) result.addType("integer"); else if (left.hasType("integer", "decimal") && right.hasType("integer", "decimal")) result.addType("decimal"); return result; case DivideBy: result = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON); if (left.hasType("integer") && right.hasType("integer")) result.addType("decimal"); else if (left.hasType("integer", "decimal") && right.hasType("integer", "decimal")) result.addType("decimal"); return result; case Concatenate: result = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, ""); return result; case Plus: result = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON); if (left.hasType("integer") && right.hasType("integer")) result.addType("integer"); else if (left.hasType("integer", "decimal") && right.hasType("integer", "decimal")) result.addType("decimal"); else if (left.hasType("string", "id", "code", "uri") && right.hasType("string", "id", "code", "uri")) result.addType("string"); return result; case Minus: result = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON); if (left.hasType("integer") && right.hasType("integer")) result.addType("integer"); else if (left.hasType("integer", "decimal") && right.hasType("integer", "decimal")) result.addType("decimal"); return result; case Div: case Mod: result = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON); if (left.hasType("integer") && right.hasType("integer")) result.addType("integer"); else if (left.hasType("integer", "decimal") && right.hasType("integer", "decimal")) result.addType("decimal"); return result; case In: return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case Contains: return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); default: return null; } } private List<Base> opEquals(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) { if (left.size() != right.size()) return makeBoolean(false); boolean res = true; for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) { if (!doEquals(left.get(i), right.get(i))) { res = false; break; } } return makeBoolean(res); } private List<Base> opNotEquals(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) { if (left.size() != right.size()) return makeBoolean(true); boolean res = true; for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) { if (!doEquals(left.get(i), right.get(i))) { res = false; break; } } return makeBoolean(!res); } private boolean doEquals(Base left, Base right) { if (left.isPrimitive() && right.isPrimitive()) return Base.equals(left.primitiveValue(), right.primitiveValue()); else return Base.compareDeep(left, right, false); } private boolean doEquivalent(Base left, Base right) throws PathEngineException { if (left.hasType("integer") && right.hasType("integer")) return doEquals(left, right); if (left.hasType("boolean") && right.hasType("boolean")) return doEquals(left, right); if (left.hasType("integer", "decimal") && right.hasType("integer", "decimal")) return Utilities.equivalentNumber(left.primitiveValue(), right.primitiveValue()); if (left.hasType("date", "dateTime", "time", "instant") && right.hasType("date", "dateTime", "time", "instant")) return Utilities.equivalentNumber(left.primitiveValue(), right.primitiveValue()); if (left.hasType("string", "id", "code", "uri") && right.hasType("string", "id", "code", "uri")) return Utilities.equivalent(convertToString(left), convertToString(right)); throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Unable to determine equivalence between %s and %s", left.fhirType(), right.fhirType())); } private List<Base> opEquivalent(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) throws PathEngineException { if (left.size() != right.size()) return makeBoolean(false); boolean res = true; for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) { boolean found = false; for (int j = 0; j < right.size(); j++) { if (doEquivalent(left.get(i), right.get(j))) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { res = false; break; } } return makeBoolean(res); } private List<Base> opNotEquivalent(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) throws PathEngineException { if (left.size() != right.size()) return makeBoolean(true); boolean res = true; for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) { boolean found = false; for (int j = 0; j < right.size(); j++) { if (doEquivalent(left.get(i), right.get(j))) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { res = false; break; } } return makeBoolean(!res); } private List<Base> opLessThen(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) throws FHIRException { if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).isPrimitive() && right.get(0).isPrimitive()) { Base l = left.get(0); Base r = right.get(0); if (l.hasType("string") && r.hasType("string")) return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) < 0); else if ((l.hasType("integer") || l.hasType("decimal")) && (r.hasType("integer") || r.hasType("decimal"))) return makeBoolean(new Double(l.primitiveValue()) < new Double(r.primitiveValue())); else if ((l.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant")) && (r.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant"))) return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) < 0); else if ((l.hasType("time")) && (r.hasType("time"))) return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) < 0); } else if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity") && right.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity") ) { List<Base> lUnit = left.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit"); List<Base> rUnit = right.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit"); if (Base.compareDeep(lUnit, rUnit, true)) { return opLessThen(left.get(0).listChildrenByName("value"), right.get(0).listChildrenByName("value")); } else { throw new Error("Canonical Comparison isn't done yet"); } } return new ArrayList<Base>(); } private List<Base> opGreater(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) throws FHIRException { if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).isPrimitive() && right.get(0).isPrimitive()) { Base l = left.get(0); Base r = right.get(0); if (l.hasType("string") && r.hasType("string")) return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) > 0); else if ((l.hasType("integer", "decimal")) && (r.hasType("integer", "decimal"))) return makeBoolean(new Double(l.primitiveValue()) > new Double(r.primitiveValue())); else if ((l.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant")) && (r.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant"))) return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) > 0); else if ((l.hasType("time")) && (r.hasType("time"))) return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) > 0); } else if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity") && right.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity") ) { List<Base> lUnit = left.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit"); List<Base> rUnit = right.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit"); if (Base.compareDeep(lUnit, rUnit, true)) { return opGreater(left.get(0).listChildrenByName("value"), right.get(0).listChildrenByName("value")); } else { throw new Error("Canonical Comparison isn't done yet"); } } return new ArrayList<Base>(); } private List<Base> opLessOrEqual(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) throws FHIRException { if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).isPrimitive() && right.get(0).isPrimitive()) { Base l = left.get(0); Base r = right.get(0); if (l.hasType("string") && r.hasType("string")) return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) <= 0); else if ((l.hasType("integer", "decimal")) && (r.hasType("integer", "decimal"))) return makeBoolean(new Double(l.primitiveValue()) <= new Double(r.primitiveValue())); else if ((l.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant")) && (r.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant"))) return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) <= 0); else if ((l.hasType("time")) && (r.hasType("time"))) return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) <= 0); } else if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity") && right.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity") ) { List<Base> lUnits = left.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit"); String lunit = lUnits.size() == 1 ? lUnits.get(0).primitiveValue() : null; List<Base> rUnits = right.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit"); String runit = rUnits.size() == 1 ? rUnits.get(0).primitiveValue() : null; if ((lunit == null && runit == null) || lunit.equals(runit)) { return opLessOrEqual(left.get(0).listChildrenByName("value"), right.get(0).listChildrenByName("value")); } else { throw new Error("Canonical Comparison isn't done yet"); } } return new ArrayList<Base>(); } private List<Base> opGreaterOrEqual(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) throws FHIRException { if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).isPrimitive() && right.get(0).isPrimitive()) { Base l = left.get(0); Base r = right.get(0); if (l.hasType("string") && r.hasType("string")) return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) >= 0); else if ((l.hasType("integer", "decimal")) && (r.hasType("integer", "decimal"))) return makeBoolean(new Double(l.primitiveValue()) >= new Double(r.primitiveValue())); else if ((l.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant")) && (r.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant"))) return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) >= 0); else if ((l.hasType("time")) && (r.hasType("time"))) return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) >= 0); } else if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity") && right.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity") ) { List<Base> lUnit = left.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit"); List<Base> rUnit = right.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit"); if (Base.compareDeep(lUnit, rUnit, true)) { return opGreaterOrEqual(left.get(0).listChildrenByName("value"), right.get(0).listChildrenByName("value")); } else { throw new Error("Canonical Comparison isn't done yet"); } } return new ArrayList<Base>(); } private List<Base> opIn(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) { boolean ans = true; for (Base l : left) { boolean f = false; for (Base r : right) if (doEquals(l, r)) { f = true; break; } if (!f) { ans = false; break; } } return makeBoolean(ans); } private List<Base> opContains(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) { boolean ans = true; for (Base r : right) { boolean f = false; for (Base l : left) if (doEquals(l, r)) { f = true; break; } if (!f) { ans = false; break; } } return makeBoolean(ans); } private List<Base> opPlus(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) throws PathEngineException { if (left.size() == 0) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing +: left operand has no value"); if (left.size() > 1) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing +: left operand has more than one value"); if (!left.get(0).isPrimitive()) throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing +: left operand has the wrong type (%s)", left.get(0).fhirType())); if (right.size() == 0) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing +: right operand has no value"); if (right.size() > 1) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing +: right operand has more than one value"); if (!right.get(0).isPrimitive()) throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing +: right operand has the wrong type (%s)", right.get(0).fhirType())); List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); Base l = left.get(0); Base r = right.get(0); if (l.hasType("string", "id", "code", "uri") && r.hasType("string", "id", "code", "uri")) result.add(new StringType(l.primitiveValue() + r.primitiveValue())); else if (l.hasType("integer") && r.hasType("integer")) result.add(new IntegerType(Integer.parseInt(l.primitiveValue()) + Integer.parseInt(r.primitiveValue()))); else if (l.hasType("decimal", "integer") && r.hasType("decimal", "integer")) result.add(new DecimalType(new BigDecimal(l.primitiveValue()).add(new BigDecimal(r.primitiveValue())))); else throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing +: left and right operand have incompatible or illegal types (%s, %s)", left.get(0).fhirType(), right.get(0).fhirType())); return result; } private List<Base> opTimes(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) throws PathEngineException { if (left.size() == 0) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing *: left operand has no value"); if (left.size() > 1) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing *: left operand has more than one value"); if (!left.get(0).isPrimitive()) throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing +: left operand has the wrong type (%s)", left.get(0).fhirType())); if (right.size() == 0) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing *: right operand has no value"); if (right.size() > 1) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing *: right operand has more than one value"); if (!right.get(0).isPrimitive()) throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing *: right operand has the wrong type (%s)", right.get(0).fhirType())); List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); Base l = left.get(0); Base r = right.get(0); if (l.hasType("integer") && r.hasType("integer")) result.add(new IntegerType(Integer.parseInt(l.primitiveValue()) * Integer.parseInt(r.primitiveValue()))); else if (l.hasType("decimal", "integer") && r.hasType("decimal", "integer")) result.add(new DecimalType(new BigDecimal(l.primitiveValue()).multiply(new BigDecimal(r.primitiveValue())))); else throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing *: left and right operand have incompatible or illegal types (%s, %s)", left.get(0).fhirType(), right.get(0).fhirType())); return result; } private List<Base> opConcatenate(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); result.add(new StringType(convertToString(left) + convertToString((right)))); return result; } private List<Base> opUnion(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); for (Base item : left) { if (!doContains(result, item)) result.add(item); } for (Base item : right) { if (!doContains(result, item)) result.add(item); } return result; } private boolean doContains(List<Base> list, Base item) { for (Base test : list) if (doEquals(test, item)) return true; return false; } private List<Base> opAnd(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) { if (left.isEmpty() && right.isEmpty()) return new ArrayList<Base>(); else if (isBoolean(left, false) || isBoolean(right, false)) return makeBoolean(false); else if (left.isEmpty() || right.isEmpty()) return new ArrayList<Base>(); else if (convertToBoolean(left) && convertToBoolean(right)) return makeBoolean(true); else return makeBoolean(false); } private boolean isBoolean(List<Base> list, boolean b) { return list.size() == 1 && list.get(0) instanceof BooleanType && ((BooleanType) list.get(0)).booleanValue() == b; } private List<Base> opOr(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) { if (left.isEmpty() && right.isEmpty()) return new ArrayList<Base>(); else if (convertToBoolean(left) || convertToBoolean(right)) return makeBoolean(true); else if (left.isEmpty() || right.isEmpty()) return new ArrayList<Base>(); else return makeBoolean(false); } private List<Base> opXor(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) { if (left.isEmpty() || right.isEmpty()) return new ArrayList<Base>(); else return makeBoolean(convertToBoolean(left) ^ convertToBoolean(right)); } private List<Base> opImplies(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) { if (!convertToBoolean(left)) return makeBoolean(true); else if (right.size() == 0) return new ArrayList<Base>(); else return makeBoolean(convertToBoolean(right)); } private List<Base> opMinus(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) throws PathEngineException { if (left.size() == 0) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing -: left operand has no value"); if (left.size() > 1) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing -: left operand has more than one value"); if (!left.get(0).isPrimitive()) throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing -: left operand has the wrong type (%s)", left.get(0).fhirType())); if (right.size() == 0) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing -: right operand has no value"); if (right.size() > 1) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing -: right operand has more than one value"); if (!right.get(0).isPrimitive()) throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing -: right operand has the wrong type (%s)", right.get(0).fhirType())); List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); Base l = left.get(0); Base r = right.get(0); if (l.hasType("integer") && r.hasType("integer")) result.add(new IntegerType(Integer.parseInt(l.primitiveValue()) - Integer.parseInt(r.primitiveValue()))); else if (l.hasType("decimal", "integer") && r.hasType("decimal", "integer")) result.add(new DecimalType(new BigDecimal(l.primitiveValue()).subtract(new BigDecimal(r.primitiveValue())))); else throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing -: left and right operand have incompatible or illegal types (%s, %s)", left.get(0).fhirType(), right.get(0).fhirType())); return result; } private List<Base> opDivideBy(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) throws PathEngineException { if (left.size() == 0) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing /: left operand has no value"); if (left.size() > 1) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing /: left operand has more than one value"); if (!left.get(0).isPrimitive()) throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing -: left operand has the wrong type (%s)", left.get(0).fhirType())); if (right.size() == 0) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing /: right operand has no value"); if (right.size() > 1) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing /: right operand has more than one value"); if (!right.get(0).isPrimitive()) throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing /: right operand has the wrong type (%s)", right.get(0).fhirType())); List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); Base l = left.get(0); Base r = right.get(0); if (l.hasType("integer", "decimal") && r.hasType("integer", "decimal")) { Decimal d1; try { d1 = new Decimal(l.primitiveValue()); Decimal d2 = new Decimal(r.primitiveValue()); result.add(new DecimalType(d1.divide(d2).asDecimal())); } catch (UcumException e) { throw new PathEngineException(e); } } else throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing /: left and right operand have incompatible or illegal types (%s, %s)", left.get(0).fhirType(), right.get(0).fhirType())); return result; } private List<Base> opDiv(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) throws PathEngineException { if (left.size() == 0) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing div: left operand has no value"); if (left.size() > 1) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing div: left operand has more than one value"); if (!left.get(0).isPrimitive()) throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing div: left operand has the wrong type (%s)", left.get(0).fhirType())); if (right.size() == 0) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing div: right operand has no value"); if (right.size() > 1) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing div: right operand has more than one value"); if (!right.get(0).isPrimitive()) throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing div: right operand has the wrong type (%s)", right.get(0).fhirType())); List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); Base l = left.get(0); Base r = right.get(0); if (l.hasType("integer") && r.hasType("integer")) result.add(new IntegerType(Integer.parseInt(l.primitiveValue()) / Integer.parseInt(r.primitiveValue()))); else if (l.hasType("decimal", "integer") && r.hasType("decimal", "integer")) { Decimal d1; try { d1 = new Decimal(l.primitiveValue()); Decimal d2 = new Decimal(r.primitiveValue()); result.add(new IntegerType(d1.divInt(d2).asDecimal())); } catch (UcumException e) { throw new PathEngineException(e); } } else throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing div: left and right operand have incompatible or illegal types (%s, %s)", left.get(0).fhirType(), right.get(0).fhirType())); return result; } private List<Base> opMod(List<Base> left, List<Base> right) throws PathEngineException { if (left.size() == 0) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing mod: left operand has no value"); if (left.size() > 1) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing mod: left operand has more than one value"); if (!left.get(0).isPrimitive()) throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing mod: left operand has the wrong type (%s)", left.get(0).fhirType())); if (right.size() == 0) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing mod: right operand has no value"); if (right.size() > 1) throw new PathEngineException("Error performing mod: right operand has more than one value"); if (!right.get(0).isPrimitive()) throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing mod: right operand has the wrong type (%s)", right.get(0).fhirType())); List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); Base l = left.get(0); Base r = right.get(0); if (l.hasType("integer") && r.hasType("integer")) result.add(new IntegerType(Integer.parseInt(l.primitiveValue()) % Integer.parseInt(r.primitiveValue()))); else if (l.hasType("decimal", "integer") && r.hasType("decimal", "integer")) { Decimal d1; try { d1 = new Decimal(l.primitiveValue()); Decimal d2 = new Decimal(r.primitiveValue()); result.add(new DecimalType(d1.modulo(d2).asDecimal())); } catch (UcumException e) { throw new PathEngineException(e); } } else throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error performing mod: left and right operand have incompatible or illegal types (%s, %s)", left.get(0).fhirType(), right.get(0).fhirType())); return result; } private String readConstantType(ExecutionTypeContext context, String constant) throws PathEngineException { if (constant.equals("true")) return "boolean"; else if (constant.equals("false")) return "boolean"; else if (Utilities.isInteger(constant)) return "integer"; else if (Utilities.isDecimal(constant)) return "decimal"; else if (constant.startsWith("%")) return resolveConstantType(context, constant); else return "string"; } private String resolveConstantType(ExecutionTypeContext context, String s) throws PathEngineException { if (s.equals("%sct")) return "string"; else if (s.equals("%loinc")) return "string"; else if (s.equals("%ucum")) return "string"; else if (s.equals("%resource")) { if (context.resource == null) throw new PathEngineException("%resource cannot be used in this context"); return context.resource; } else if (s.equals("%map-codes")) return "string"; else if (s.equals("%us-zip")) return "string"; else if (s.startsWith("%\"vs-")) return "string"; else if (s.startsWith("%\"cs-")) return "string"; else if (s.startsWith("%\"ext-")) return "string"; else if (hostServices == null) throw new PathEngineException("Unknown fixed constant type for '"+s+"'"); else return hostServices.resolveConstantType(context.appInfo, s); } private List<Base> execute(ExecutionContext context, Base item, ExpressionNode exp, boolean atEntry) throws FHIRException { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); if (atEntry && Character.isUpperCase(exp.getName().charAt(0))) {// special case for start up if (item instanceof Resource && ((Resource) item).getResourceType().toString().equals(exp.getName())) result.add(item); } else getChildrenByName(item, exp.getName(), result); return result; } private TypeDetails executeType(String type, ExpressionNode exp, boolean atEntry) throws PathEngineException, DefinitionException { if (atEntry && Character.isUpperCase(exp.getName().charAt(0)) && type.equals(exp.getName())) // special case for start up return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, type); TypeDetails result = new TypeDetails(null); getChildTypesByName(type, exp.getName(), result); return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private TypeDetails evaluateFunctionType(ExecutionTypeContext context, TypeDetails focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws PathEngineException, DefinitionException { List<TypeDetails> paramTypes = new ArrayList<TypeDetails>(); if (exp.getFunction() == Function.Is || exp.getFunction() == Function.As) paramTypes.add(new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string")); else for (ExpressionNode expr : exp.getParameters()) { if (exp.getFunction() == Function.Where || exp.getFunction() == Function.Select || exp.getFunction() == Function.Repeat) paramTypes.add(executeType(changeThis(context, focus), focus, expr, true)); else paramTypes.add(executeType(context, focus, expr, true)); } switch (exp.getFunction()) { case Empty : return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case Not : return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case Exists : return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case SubsetOf : { checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, focus); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); } case SupersetOf : { checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, focus); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); } case IsDistinct : return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case Distinct : return focus; case Count : return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "integer"); case Where : return focus; case Select : return anything(focus.getCollectionStatus()); case All : return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); case Repeat : return anything(focus.getCollectionStatus()); case Item : { checkOrdered(focus, "item"); checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "integer")); return focus; } case As : { checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string")); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, exp.getParameters().get(0).getName()); } case Is : { checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string")); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); } case Single : return focus.toSingleton(); case First : { checkOrdered(focus, "first"); return focus.toSingleton(); } case Last : { checkOrdered(focus, "last"); return focus.toSingleton(); } case Tail : { checkOrdered(focus, "tail"); return focus; } case Skip : { checkOrdered(focus, "skip"); checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "integer")); return focus; } case Take : { checkOrdered(focus, "take"); checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "integer")); return focus; } case Iif : { TypeDetails types = new TypeDetails(null); types.update(paramTypes.get(0)); if (paramTypes.size() > 1) types.update(paramTypes.get(1)); return types; } case ToInteger : { checkContextPrimitive(focus, "toInteger"); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "integer"); } case ToDecimal : { checkContextPrimitive(focus, "toDecimal"); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "decimal"); } case ToString : { checkContextPrimitive(focus, "toString"); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string"); } case Substring : { checkContextString(focus, "subString"); checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "integer"), new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "integer")); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string"); } case StartsWith : { checkContextString(focus, "startsWith"); checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string")); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); } case EndsWith : { checkContextString(focus, "endsWith"); checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string")); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); } case Matches : { checkContextString(focus, "matches"); checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string")); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); } case ReplaceMatches : { checkContextString(focus, "replaceMatches"); checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string"), new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string")); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string"); } case Contains : { checkContextString(focus, "contains"); checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string")); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); } case Replace : { checkContextString(focus, "replace"); checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string"), new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string")); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string"); } case Length : { checkContextPrimitive(focus, "length"); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "integer"); } case Children : return childTypes(focus, "*"); case Descendents : return childTypes(focus, "**"); case MemberOf : { checkContextCoded(focus, "memberOf"); checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string")); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "boolean"); } case Trace : { checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string")); return focus; } case Today : return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "date"); case Now : return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "dateTime"); case Resolve : { checkContextReference(focus, "resolve"); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "DomainResource"); } case Extension : { checkParamTypes(exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "string")); return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "Extension"); } case Custom : { return hostServices.checkFunction(context.appInfo, exp.getName(), paramTypes); } default: break; } throw new Error("not Implemented yet"); } private void checkParamTypes(String funcName, List<TypeDetails> paramTypes, TypeDetails... typeSet) throws PathEngineException { int i = 0; for (TypeDetails pt : typeSet) { if (i == paramTypes.size()) return; TypeDetails actual = paramTypes.get(i); i++; for (String a : actual.getTypes()) { if (!pt.hasType(a)) throw new PathEngineException("The parameter type '"+a+"' is not legal for "+funcName+" parameter "+Integer.toString(i)+". expecting "+pt.toString()); } } } private void checkOrdered(TypeDetails focus, String name) throws PathEngineException { if (focus.getCollectionStatus() == CollectionStatus.UNORDERED) throw new PathEngineException("The function '"+name+"'() can only be used on ordered collections"); } private void checkContextReference(TypeDetails focus, String name) throws PathEngineException { if (!focus.hasType("string") && !focus.hasType("uri") && !focus.hasType("Reference")) throw new PathEngineException("The function '"+name+"'() can only be used on string, uri, Reference"); } private void checkContextCoded(TypeDetails focus, String name) throws PathEngineException { if (!focus.hasType("string") && !focus.hasType("code") && !focus.hasType("uri") && !focus.hasType("Coding") && !focus.hasType("CodeableConcept")) throw new PathEngineException("The function '"+name+"'() can only be used on string, code, uri, Coding, CodeableConcept"); } private void checkContextString(TypeDetails focus, String name) throws PathEngineException { if (!focus.hasType("string") && !focus.hasType("code") && !focus.hasType("uri") && !focus.hasType("id")) throw new PathEngineException("The function '"+name+"'() can only be used on string, uri, code, id, but found "+focus.describe()); } private void checkContextPrimitive(TypeDetails focus, String name) throws PathEngineException { if (!focus.hasType(primitiveTypes)) throw new PathEngineException("The function '"+name+"'() can only be used on "+primitiveTypes.toString()); } private TypeDetails childTypes(TypeDetails focus, String mask) throws PathEngineException, DefinitionException { TypeDetails result = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.UNORDERED); for (String f : focus.getTypes()) getChildTypesByName(f, mask, result); return result; } private TypeDetails anything(CollectionStatus status) { return new TypeDetails(status, allTypes.keySet()); } // private boolean isPrimitiveType(String s) { // return s.equals("boolean") || s.equals("integer") || s.equals("decimal") || s.equals("base64Binary") || s.equals("instant") || s.equals("string") || s.equals("uri") || s.equals("date") || s.equals("dateTime") || s.equals("time") || s.equals("code") || s.equals("oid") || s.equals("id") || s.equals("unsignedInt") || s.equals("positiveInt") || s.equals("markdown"); // } private List<Base> evaluateFunction(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { switch (exp.getFunction()) { case Empty : return funcEmpty(context, focus, exp); case Not : return funcNot(context, focus, exp); case Exists : return funcExists(context, focus, exp); case SubsetOf : return funcSubsetOf(context, focus, exp); case SupersetOf : return funcSupersetOf(context, focus, exp); case IsDistinct : return funcIsDistinct(context, focus, exp); case Distinct : return funcDistinct(context, focus, exp); case Count : return funcCount(context, focus, exp); case Where : return funcWhere(context, focus, exp); case Select : return funcSelect(context, focus, exp); case All : return funcAll(context, focus, exp); case Repeat : return funcRepeat(context, focus, exp); case Item : return funcItem(context, focus, exp); case As : return funcAs(context, focus, exp); case Is : return funcIs(context, focus, exp); case Single : return funcSingle(context, focus, exp); case First : return funcFirst(context, focus, exp); case Last : return funcLast(context, focus, exp); case Tail : return funcTail(context, focus, exp); case Skip : return funcSkip(context, focus, exp); case Take : return funcTake(context, focus, exp); case Iif : return funcIif(context, focus, exp); case ToInteger : return funcToInteger(context, focus, exp); case ToDecimal : return funcToDecimal(context, focus, exp); case ToString : return funcToString(context, focus, exp); case Substring : return funcSubstring(context, focus, exp); case StartsWith : return funcStartsWith(context, focus, exp); case EndsWith : return funcEndsWith(context, focus, exp); case Matches : return funcMatches(context, focus, exp); case ReplaceMatches : return funcReplaceMatches(context, focus, exp); case Contains : return funcContains(context, focus, exp); case Replace : return funcReplace(context, focus, exp); case Length : return funcLength(context, focus, exp); case Children : return funcChildren(context, focus, exp); case Descendents : return funcDescendents(context, focus, exp); case MemberOf : return funcMemberOf(context, focus, exp); case Trace : return funcTrace(context, focus, exp); case Today : return funcToday(context, focus, exp); case Now : return funcNow(context, focus, exp); case Resolve : return funcResolve(context, focus, exp); case Extension : return funcExtension(context, focus, exp); case Custom: { List<List<Base>> params = new ArrayList<List<Base>>(); for (ExpressionNode p : exp.getParameters()) params.add(execute(context, focus, p, true)); return hostServices.executeFunction(context.appInfo, exp.getName(), params); } default: throw new Error("not Implemented yet"); } } private List<Base> funcAll(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { if (exp.getParameters().size() == 1) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); List<Base> pc = new ArrayList<Base>(); boolean all = true; for (Base item : focus) { pc.clear(); pc.add(item); if (!convertToBoolean(execute(changeThis(context, item), pc, exp.getParameters().get(0), false))) { all = false; break; } } result.add(new BooleanType(all)); return result; } else {// (exp.getParameters().size() == 0) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); boolean all = true; for (Base item : focus) { boolean v = false; if (item instanceof BooleanType) { v = ((BooleanType) item).booleanValue(); } else v = item != null; if (!v) { all = false; break; } } result.add(new BooleanType(all)); return result; } } private ExecutionContext changeThis(ExecutionContext context, Base newThis) { return new ExecutionContext(context.appInfo, context.resource, newThis); } private ExecutionTypeContext changeThis(ExecutionTypeContext context, TypeDetails newThis) { return new ExecutionTypeContext(context.appInfo, context.resource, newThis); } private List<Base> funcNow(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); result.add(; return result; } private List<Base> funcToday(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); result.add(new DateType(new Date(), TemporalPrecisionEnum.DAY)); return result; } private List<Base> funcMemberOf(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { throw new Error("not Implemented yet"); } private List<Base> funcDescendents(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); List<Base> current = new ArrayList<Base>(); current.addAll(focus); List<Base> added = new ArrayList<Base>(); boolean more = true; while (more) { added.clear(); for (Base item : current) { getChildrenByName(item, "*", added); } more = !added.isEmpty(); result.addAll(added); current.clear(); current.addAll(added); } return result; } private List<Base> funcChildren(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); for (Base b : focus) getChildrenByName(b, "*", result); return result; } private List<Base> funcReplace(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { throw new Error("not Implemented yet"); } private List<Base> funcReplaceMatches(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); String sw = convertToString(execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true)); if (focus.size() == 1 && !Utilities.noString(sw)) result.add(new BooleanType(convertToString(focus.get(0)).contains(sw))); else result.add(new BooleanType(false)); return result; } private List<Base> funcEndsWith(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); String sw = convertToString(execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true)); if (focus.size() == 1 && !Utilities.noString(sw)) result.add(new BooleanType(convertToString(focus.get(0)).endsWith(sw))); else result.add(new BooleanType(false)); return result; } private List<Base> funcToString(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); result.add(new StringType(convertToString(focus))); return result; } private List<Base> funcToDecimal(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { String s = convertToString(focus); List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); if (Utilities.isDecimal(s)) result.add(new DecimalType(s)); return result; } private List<Base> funcIif(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> n1 = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true); Boolean v = convertToBoolean(n1); if (v) return execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(1), true); else if (exp.getParameters().size() < 3) return new ArrayList<Base>(); else return execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(2), true); } private List<Base> funcTake(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> n1 = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true); int i1 = Integer.parseInt(n1.get(0).primitiveValue()); List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(focus.size(), i1); i++) result.add(focus.get(i)); return result; } private List<Base> funcSingle(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws PathEngineException { if (focus.size() == 1) return focus; throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Single() : checking for 1 item but found %d items", focus.size())); } private List<Base> funcIs(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws PathEngineException { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); if (focus.size() == 0 || focus.size() > 1) result.add(new BooleanType(false)); else { String tn = exp.getParameters().get(0).getName(); result.add(new BooleanType(focus.get(0).hasType(tn))); } return result; } private List<Base> funcAs(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); String tn = exp.getParameters().get(0).getName(); for (Base b : focus) if (b.hasType(tn)) result.add(b); return result; } private List<Base> funcRepeat(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); List<Base> current = new ArrayList<Base>(); current.addAll(focus); List<Base> added = new ArrayList<Base>(); boolean more = true; while (more) { added.clear(); List<Base> pc = new ArrayList<Base>(); for (Base item : current) { pc.clear(); pc.add(item); added.addAll(execute(changeThis(context, item), pc, exp.getParameters().get(0), false)); } more = !added.isEmpty(); result.addAll(added); current.clear(); current.addAll(added); } return result; } private List<Base> funcIsDistinct(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { if (focus.size() <= 1) return makeBoolean(true); boolean distinct = true; for (int i = 0; i < focus.size(); i++) { for (int j = i+1; j < focus.size(); j++) { if (doEquals(focus.get(j), focus.get(i))) { distinct = false; break; } } } return makeBoolean(distinct); } private List<Base> funcSupersetOf(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> target = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true); boolean valid = true; for (Base item : target) { boolean found = false; for (Base t : focus) { if (Base.compareDeep(item, t, false)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { valid = false; break; } } List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); result.add(new BooleanType(valid)); return result; } private List<Base> funcSubsetOf(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> target = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true); boolean valid = true; for (Base item : focus) { boolean found = false; for (Base t : target) { if (Base.compareDeep(item, t, false)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { valid = false; break; } } List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); result.add(new BooleanType(valid)); return result; } private List<Base> funcExists(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); result.add(new BooleanType(!focus.isEmpty())); return result; } private List<Base> funcResolve(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { throw new Error("not Implemented yet"); } private List<Base> funcExtension(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); List<Base> nl = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true); String url = nl.get(0).primitiveValue(); for (Base item : focus) { List<Base> ext = new ArrayList<Base>(); getChildrenByName(item, "extension", ext); getChildrenByName(item, "modifierExtension", ext); for (Base ex : ext) { List<Base> vl = new ArrayList<Base>(); getChildrenByName(ex, "url", vl); if (convertToString(vl).equals(url)) result.add(ex); } } return result; } private List<Base> funcTrace(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> nl = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true); String name = nl.get(0).primitiveValue(); log(name, focus); return focus; } private List<Base> funcDistinct(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { if (focus.size() <= 1) return focus; List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); for (int i = 0; i < focus.size(); i++) { boolean found = false; for (int j = i+1; j < focus.size(); j++) { if (doEquals(focus.get(j), focus.get(i))) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) result.add(focus.get(i)); } return result; } private List<Base> funcMatches(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); String sw = convertToString(execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true)); if (focus.size() == 1 && !Utilities.noString(sw)) result.add(new BooleanType(convertToString(focus.get(0)).matches(sw))); else result.add(new BooleanType(false)); return result; } private List<Base> funcContains(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); String sw = convertToString(execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true)); if (focus.size() == 1 && !Utilities.noString(sw)) result.add(new BooleanType(convertToString(focus.get(0)).contains(sw))); else result.add(new BooleanType(false)); return result; } private List<Base> funcLength(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); if (focus.size() == 1) { String s = convertToString(focus.get(0)); result.add(new IntegerType(s.length())); } return result; } private List<Base> funcStartsWith(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); String sw = convertToString(execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true)); if (focus.size() == 1 && !Utilities.noString(sw)) result.add(new BooleanType(convertToString(focus.get(0)).startsWith(sw))); else result.add(new BooleanType(false)); return result; } private List<Base> funcSubstring(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); List<Base> n1 = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true); int i1 = Integer.parseInt(n1.get(0).primitiveValue()); int i2 = -1; if (exp.parameterCount() == 2) { List<Base> n2 = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(1), true); i2 = Integer.parseInt(n2.get(0).primitiveValue()); } if (focus.size() == 1) { String sw = convertToString(focus.get(0)); String s; if (i1 < 0 || i1 >= sw.length()) return new ArrayList<Base>(); if (exp.parameterCount() == 2) s = sw.substring(i1, Math.min(sw.length(), i1+i2)); else s = sw.substring(i1); if (!Utilities.noString(s)) result.add(new StringType(s)); } return result; } private List<Base> funcToInteger(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { String s = convertToString(focus); List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); if (Utilities.isInteger(s)) result.add(new IntegerType(s)); return result; } private List<Base> funcCount(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); result.add(new IntegerType(focus.size())); return result; } private List<Base> funcSkip(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> n1 = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true); int i1 = Integer.parseInt(n1.get(0).primitiveValue()); List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); for (int i = i1; i < focus.size(); i++) result.add(focus.get(i)); return result; } private List<Base> funcTail(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); for (int i = 1; i < focus.size(); i++) result.add(focus.get(i)); return result; } private List<Base> funcLast(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); if (focus.size() > 0) result.add(focus.get(focus.size()-1)); return result; } private List<Base> funcFirst(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); if (focus.size() > 0) result.add(focus.get(0)); return result; } private List<Base> funcWhere(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); List<Base> pc = new ArrayList<Base>(); for (Base item : focus) { pc.clear(); pc.add(item); if (convertToBoolean(execute(changeThis(context, item), pc, exp.getParameters().get(0), true))) result.add(item); } return result; } private List<Base> funcSelect(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); List<Base> pc = new ArrayList<Base>(); for (Base item : focus) { pc.clear(); pc.add(item); result.addAll(execute(changeThis(context, item), pc, exp.getParameters().get(0), true)); } return result; } private List<Base> funcItem(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); String s = convertToString(execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true)); if (Utilities.isInteger(s) && Integer.parseInt(s) < focus.size()) result.add(focus.get(Integer.parseInt(s))); return result; } private List<Base> funcEmpty(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { List<Base> result = new ArrayList<Base>(); result.add(new BooleanType(focus.isEmpty())); return result; } private List<Base> funcNot(ExecutionContext context, List<Base> focus, ExpressionNode exp) { return makeBoolean(!convertToBoolean(focus)); } public class ElementDefinitionMatch { private ElementDefinition definition; private String fixedType; public ElementDefinitionMatch(ElementDefinition definition, String fixedType) { super(); this.definition = definition; this.fixedType = fixedType; } public ElementDefinition getDefinition() { return definition; } public String getFixedType() { return fixedType; } } private void getChildTypesByName(String type, String name, TypeDetails result) throws PathEngineException, DefinitionException { if (Utilities.noString(type)) throw new PathEngineException("No type provided in BuildToolPathEvaluator.getChildTypesByName"); if (type.equals("xhtml")) return; String url = null; if (type.contains(".")) { url = ""+type.substring(0, type.indexOf(".")); } else { url = ""+type; } String tail = ""; StructureDefinition sd = worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, url); if (sd == null) throw new DefinitionException("Unknown type "+type); // this really is an error, because we can only get to here if the internal infrastrucgture is wrong List<StructureDefinition> sdl = new ArrayList<StructureDefinition>(); ElementDefinitionMatch m = null; if (type.contains(".")) m = getElementDefinition(sd, type, false); if (m != null && hasDataType(m.definition)) { if (m.fixedType != null) { StructureDefinition dt = worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, ""+m.fixedType); if (dt == null) throw new DefinitionException("unknown data type "+m.fixedType); sdl.add(dt); } else for (TypeRefComponent t : m.definition.getType()) { StructureDefinition dt = worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, ""+t.getCode()); if (dt == null) throw new DefinitionException("unknown data type "+t.getCode()); sdl.add(dt); } } else { sdl.add(sd); if (type.contains(".")) tail = type.substring(type.indexOf(".")); } for (StructureDefinition sdi : sdl) { String path = sdi.getSnapshot().getElement().get(0).getPath()+tail+"."; if (name.equals("**")) { assert(result.getCollectionStatus() == CollectionStatus.UNORDERED); for (ElementDefinition ed : sdi.getSnapshot().getElement()) { if (ed.getPath().startsWith(path)) for (TypeRefComponent t : ed.getType()) { if (t.hasCode() && t.getCodeElement().hasValue()) { String tn = null; if (t.getCode().equals("Element") || t.getCode().equals("BackboneElement")) tn = ed.getPath(); else tn = t.getCode(); if (t.getCode().equals("Resource")) { for (String rn : worker.getResourceNames()) { if (!result.hasType(rn)) { result.addType(rn); getChildTypesByName(rn, "**", result); } } } else if (!result.hasType(tn)) { result.addType(tn); getChildTypesByName(tn, "**", result); } } } } } else if (name.equals("*")) { assert(result.getCollectionStatus() == CollectionStatus.UNORDERED); for (ElementDefinition ed : sdi.getSnapshot().getElement()) { if (ed.getPath().startsWith(path) && !ed.getPath().substring(path.length()).contains(".")) for (TypeRefComponent t : ed.getType()) { if (t.getCode().equals("Element") || t.getCode().equals("BackboneElement")) result.addType(ed.getPath()); else if (t.getCode().equals("Resource")) result.addTypes(worker.getResourceNames()); else result.addType(t.getCode()); } } } else { path = sdi.getSnapshot().getElement().get(0).getPath()+tail+"."+name; ElementDefinitionMatch ed = getElementDefinition(sdi, path, false); if (ed != null) { if (!Utilities.noString(ed.getFixedType())) result.addType(ed.getFixedType()); else for (TypeRefComponent t : ed.getDefinition().getType()) { if (Utilities.noString(t.getCode())) break; // throw new PathEngineException("Illegal reference to primitive value attribute @ "+path); if (t.getCode().equals("Element") || t.getCode().equals("BackboneElement")) result.addType(path); else if (t.getCode().equals("Resource")) result.addTypes(worker.getResourceNames()); else result.addType(t.getCode()); } } } } } private ElementDefinitionMatch getElementDefinition(StructureDefinition sd, String path, boolean allowTypedName) throws PathEngineException { for (ElementDefinition ed : sd.getSnapshot().getElement()) { if (ed.getPath().equals(path)) { if (ed.hasContentReference()) { return getElementDefinitionById(sd, ed.getContentReference()); } else return new ElementDefinitionMatch(ed, null); } if (ed.getPath().endsWith("[x]") && path.startsWith(ed.getPath().substring(0, ed.getPath().length()-3)) && path.length() == ed.getPath().length()-3) return new ElementDefinitionMatch(ed, null); if (allowTypedName && ed.getPath().endsWith("[x]") && path.startsWith(ed.getPath().substring(0, ed.getPath().length()-3)) && path.length() > ed.getPath().length()-3) { String s = Utilities.uncapitalize(path.substring(ed.getPath().length()-3)); if (ParserBase.isPrimitive(s)) return new ElementDefinitionMatch(ed, s); else return new ElementDefinitionMatch(ed, path.substring(ed.getPath().length()-3)); } if (ed.getPath().contains(".") && path.startsWith(ed.getPath()+".") && (ed.getType().size() > 0) && !isAbstractType(ed.getType())) { // now we walk into the type. if (ed.getType().size() > 1) // if there's more than one type, the test above would fail this throw new PathEngineException("Internal typing issue...."); StructureDefinition nsd = worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, ""+ed.getType().get(0).getCode()); if (nsd == null) throw new PathEngineException("Unknown type "+ed.getType().get(0).getCode()); return getElementDefinition(sd, sd.getId()+path.substring(ed.getPath().length()), allowTypedName); } if (ed.hasContentReference() && path.startsWith(ed.getPath()+".")) { ElementDefinitionMatch m = getElementDefinitionById(sd, ed.getContentReference()); return getElementDefinition(sd, m.definition.getPath()+path.substring(ed.getPath().length()), allowTypedName); } } return null; } private boolean isAbstractType(List<TypeRefComponent> list) { return list.size() != 1 ? true : Utilities.existsInList(list.get(0).getCode(), "Element", "BackboneElement", "Resource", "DomainResource"); } private boolean hasType(ElementDefinition ed, String s) { for (TypeRefComponent t : ed.getType()) if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(t.getCode())) return true; return false; } private boolean hasDataType(ElementDefinition ed) { return ed.hasType() && !(ed.getType().get(0).getCode().equals("Element") || ed.getType().get(0).getCode().equals("BackboneElement")); } private ElementDefinitionMatch getElementDefinitionById(StructureDefinition sd, String ref) { for (ElementDefinition ed : sd.getSnapshot().getElement()) { if (ref.equals("#"+ed.getId())) return new ElementDefinitionMatch(ed, null); } return null; } public boolean hasLog() { return log != null && log.length() > 0; } public String takeLog() { if (!hasLog()) return ""; String s = log.toString(); log = new StringBuilder(); return s; } }