package ca.uhn.fhir.parser; /* * #%L * HAPI FHIR - Core Library * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 University Health Network * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.defaultIfBlank; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotEmpty; import java.util.*; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.*; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.*; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.BaseRuntimeChildDefinition.IMutator; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.*; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Child; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.base.composite.BaseResourceReferenceDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.base.resource.ResourceMetadataMap; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.IdDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.InstantDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.XhtmlDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.json.JsonLikeValue.ScalarType; import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.json.JsonLikeValue.ValueType; import; import ca.uhn.fhir.util.BundleUtil; import ca.uhn.fhir.util.FhirTerser; import ca.uhn.fhir.util.IModelVisitor; import ca.uhn.fhir.util.ReflectionUtil; class ParserState<T> { private static final org.slf4j.Logger ourLog = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(ParserState.class); private List<String> myComments = new ArrayList<String>(2); private final FhirContext myContext; private final IParserErrorHandler myErrorHandler; private final boolean myJsonMode; private T myObject; private final IParser myParser; private IBase myPreviousElement; private BaseState myState; private ParserState(IParser theParser, FhirContext theContext, boolean theJsonMode, IParserErrorHandler theErrorHandler) { myParser = theParser; myContext = theContext; myJsonMode = theJsonMode; myErrorHandler = theErrorHandler; } public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { myState.attributeValue(theName, theValue); } public void commentPost(String theCommentText) { if (myPreviousElement != null) { myPreviousElement.getFormatCommentsPost().add(theCommentText); } } public void commentPre(String theCommentText) { if (myState.getCurrentElement() != null) { IBase element = myState.getCurrentElement(); element.getFormatCommentsPre().add(theCommentText); } } public boolean elementIsRepeating(String theChildName) { return myState.elementIsRepeating(theChildName); } public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { myState.endingElement(); } public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theName) throws DataFormatException { myState.enteringNewElement(theNamespaceUri, theName); } public void enteringNewElementExtension(StartElement theElem, String theUrlAttr, boolean theIsModifier, final String baseServerUrl) { myState.enteringNewElementExtension(theElem, theUrlAttr, theIsModifier, baseServerUrl); } public T getObject() { return myObject; } public boolean isPreResource() { return myState.isPreResource(); } private Object newContainedDt(IResource theTarget) { return ReflectionUtil.newInstance(theTarget.getStructureFhirVersionEnum().getVersionImplementation().getContainedType()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void pop() { myPreviousElement = myState.getCurrentElement(); if (myState.myStack != null) { myState = myState.myStack; myState.wereBack(); } else { myObject = (T) myState.getCurrentElement(); myState = null; } } private void push(BaseState theState) { theState.setStack(myState); myState = theState; if (myComments.isEmpty() == false) { if (myState.getCurrentElement() != null) { myState.getCurrentElement().getFormatCommentsPre().addAll(myComments); myComments.clear(); } } } private void putPlacerResourceInDeletedEntry(BundleEntry entry) { IdDt id = null; if (entry.getLinkSelf() != null && entry.getLinkSelf().isEmpty() == false) { id = new IdDt(entry.getLinkSelf().getValue()); } else { //TODO: Use of a deprecated method should be resolved. id = entry.getId(); } IResource resource = entry.getResource(); if (resource == null && id != null && isNotBlank(id.getResourceType())) { String resourceType = id.getResourceType(); RuntimeResourceDefinition def = myContext.getResourceDefinition(resourceType); if (def == null) { throw new DataFormatException("Entry references unknown resource type: " + resourceType); } resource = (IResource) def.newInstance(); resource.setId(id); entry.setResource(resource); } if (resource != null) { resource.getResourceMetadata().put(ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.DELETED_AT, entry.getDeletedAt()); //TODO: Use of a deprecated method should be resolved. resource.getResourceMetadata().put(ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.VERSION_ID, id); } } public void string(String theData) { myState.string(theData); } public boolean verifyNamespace(String theExpect, String theActual) { if (myJsonMode) { return true; } return StringUtils.equals(theExpect, theActual); } /** * Invoked after any new XML event is individually processed, containing a copy of the XML event. This is basically * intended for embedded XHTML content */ public void xmlEvent(XMLEvent theNextEvent) { if (myState != null) { myState.xmlEvent(theNextEvent); } } static ParserState<Bundle> getPreAtomInstance(IParser theParser, FhirContext theContext, Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType, boolean theJsonMode, IParserErrorHandler theErrorHandler) throws DataFormatException { ParserState<Bundle> retVal = new ParserState<Bundle>(theParser, theContext, theJsonMode, theErrorHandler); if (theContext.getVersion().getVersion() == FhirVersionEnum.DSTU1) { retVal.push( PreAtomState(theResourceType)); } else { retVal.push( PreBundleState(theResourceType)); } return retVal; } /** * @param theResourceType * May be null */ static <T extends IBaseResource> ParserState<T> getPreResourceInstance(IParser theParser, Class<T> theResourceType, FhirContext theContext, boolean theJsonMode, IParserErrorHandler theErrorHandler) throws DataFormatException { ParserState<T> retVal = new ParserState<T>(theParser, theContext, theJsonMode, theErrorHandler); if (theResourceType == null) { if (theContext.getVersion().getVersion().isRi()) { retVal.push( PreResourceStateHl7Org(theResourceType)); } else { retVal.push( PreResourceStateHapi(theResourceType)); } } else { if (IResource.class.isAssignableFrom(theResourceType)) { retVal.push( PreResourceStateHapi(theResourceType)); } else { retVal.push( PreResourceStateHl7Org(theResourceType)); } } return retVal; } static ParserState<TagList> getPreTagListInstance(IParser theParser, FhirContext theContext, boolean theJsonMode, IParserErrorHandler theErrorHandler) { ParserState<TagList> retVal = new ParserState<TagList>(theParser, theContext, theJsonMode, theErrorHandler); retVal.push( PreTagListState()); return retVal; } private class AtomAuthorState extends BaseState { private BaseBundle myInstance; public AtomAuthorState(BaseBundle theEntry) { super(null); myInstance = theEntry; } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if ("name".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myInstance.getAuthorName())); } else if ("uri".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myInstance.getAuthorUri())); } else { throw new DataFormatException("Unexpected element: " + theLocalPart); } } } public class AtomCategoryState extends BaseState { private static final int STATE_LABEL = 2; private static final int STATE_NONE = 0; private static final int STATE_SCHEME = 3; private static final int STATE_TERM = 1; private int myCatState = STATE_NONE; private String myLabel; private String myScheme; private TagList myTagList; private String myTerm; public AtomCategoryState(TagList theTagList) { super(null); myTagList = theTagList; } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { if ("term".equals(theName)) { myTerm = theValue; } else if ("label".equals(theName)) { myLabel = theValue; } else if ("scheme".equals(theName)) { myScheme = theValue; } else if ("value".equals(theName)) { /* * This handles XML parsing, which is odd for this quasi-resource type, since the tag has three values * instead of one like everything else. */ switch (myCatState) { case STATE_LABEL: myLabel = theValue; break; case STATE_TERM: myTerm = theValue; break; case STATE_SCHEME: myScheme = theValue; break; default: super.string(theValue); break; } } } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { if (myCatState != STATE_NONE) { myCatState = STATE_NONE; } else { if (isNotEmpty(myScheme) || isNotBlank(myTerm) || isNotBlank(myLabel)) { myTagList.addTag(myScheme, myTerm, myLabel); } pop(); } } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theName) throws DataFormatException { if (myCatState != STATE_NONE) { throw new DataFormatException("Unexpected element in entry: " + theName); } if ("term".equals(theName)) { myCatState = STATE_TERM; } else if ("label".equals(theName)) { myCatState = STATE_LABEL; } else if ("scheme".equals(theName)) { myCatState = STATE_SCHEME; } } } private class AtomDeletedEntryByState extends BaseState { private BundleEntry myEntry; public AtomDeletedEntryByState(BundleEntry theEntry) { super(null); myEntry = theEntry; } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if ("name".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myEntry.getDeletedByName())); } else if ("email".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myEntry.getDeletedByEmail())); } else { throw new DataFormatException("Unexpected element in entry: " + theLocalPart); } } } private class AtomDeletedEntryState extends AtomEntryState { public AtomDeletedEntryState(Bundle theInstance, Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType) { super(theInstance, theResourceType); } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { if ("ref".equals(theName)) { //TODO: Use of a deprecated method should be resolved. getEntry().setId(new IdDt(theValue)); } else if ("when".equals(theName)) { getEntry().setDeleted(new InstantDt(theValue)); } } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { putPlacerResourceInDeletedEntry(getEntry()); super.endingElement(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if ("by".equals(theLocalPart) && verifyNamespace(XmlParser.TOMBSTONES_NS, theNamespaceUri)) { push(new AtomDeletedEntryByState(getEntry())); } else if ("comment".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new AtomPrimitiveState(getEntry().getDeletedComment())); } else { super.enteringNewElement(theNamespaceUri, theLocalPart); } } } private class AtomDeletedJsonWhenState extends BaseState { private String myData; private IPrimitiveDatatype<?> myPrimitive; public AtomDeletedJsonWhenState(IPrimitiveDatatype<?> thePrimitive) { super(null); Validate.notNull(thePrimitive, "thePrimitive"); myPrimitive = thePrimitive; } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { myData = theValue; } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { myPrimitive.setValueAsString(myData); pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { throw new DataFormatException("Unexpected nested element in atom tag: " + theLocalPart); } @Override protected IElement getCurrentElement() { return null; } } private class AtomEntryState extends BaseState { private boolean myDeleted; private BundleEntry myEntry; private Class<? extends IBaseResource> myResourceType; public AtomEntryState(Bundle theInstance, Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType) { super(null); myEntry = new BundleEntry(); myResourceType = theResourceType; theInstance.getEntries().add(myEntry); } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { populateResourceMetadata(); pop(); if (myDeleted) { putPlacerResourceInDeletedEntry(myEntry); } } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if ("title".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myEntry.getTitle())); } else if ("id".equals(theLocalPart)) { //TODO: Use of a deprecated method should be resolved. push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myEntry.getId())); } else if ("link".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new AtomLinkState(myEntry)); } else if ("updated".equals(theLocalPart)) { //TODO: Use of a deprecated method should be resolved. push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myEntry.getUpdated())); } else if ("published".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myEntry.getPublished())); } else if ("author".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new AtomAuthorState(myEntry)); } else if ("content".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PreResourceStateHapi(myEntry, myResourceType).setRequireResourceType(false)); } else if ("summary".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new XhtmlState(getPreResourceState(), myEntry.getSummary(), false)); } else if ("category".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new AtomCategoryState(myEntry.getCategories())); } else if ("deleted".equals(theLocalPart) && myJsonMode) { // JSON and XML deleted entries are completely different for some reason myDeleted = true; push(new AtomDeletedJsonWhenState(myEntry.getDeletedAt())); } else { throw new DataFormatException("Unexpected element in entry: " + theLocalPart); } // TODO: handle category } protected BundleEntry getEntry() { return myEntry; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void populateResourceMetadata() { if (myEntry.getResource() == null) { return; } IdDt id = myEntry.getId(); if (id != null && id.isEmpty() == false) { myEntry.getResource().setId(id); } Map<ResourceMetadataKeyEnum<?>, Object> metadata = myEntry.getResource().getResourceMetadata(); if (myEntry.getPublished().isEmpty() == false) { ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.PUBLISHED.put(myEntry.getResource(), myEntry.getPublished()); } if (myEntry.getUpdated().isEmpty() == false) { ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.UPDATED.put(myEntry.getResource(), myEntry.getUpdated()); } ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.TITLE.put(myEntry.getResource(), myEntry.getTitle().getValue()); if (myEntry.getCategories().isEmpty() == false) { TagList tagList = new TagList(); for (Tag next : myEntry.getCategories()) { tagList.add(next); } ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.TAG_LIST.put(myEntry.getResource(), tagList); } if (!myEntry.getLinkSelf().isEmpty()) { String linkSelfValue = myEntry.getLinkSelf().getValue(); IdDt linkSelf = new IdDt(linkSelfValue); myEntry.getResource().setId(linkSelf); if (isNotBlank(linkSelf.getVersionIdPart())) { metadata.put(ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.VERSION_ID, linkSelf); } } if (!myEntry.getLinkAlternate().isEmpty()) { ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.LINK_ALTERNATE.put(myEntry.getResource(), myEntry.getLinkAlternate().getValue()); } if (!myEntry.getLinkSearch().isEmpty()) { ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.LINK_SEARCH.put(myEntry.getResource(), myEntry.getLinkSearch().getValue()); } } } private class AtomLinkState extends BaseState { private BundleEntry myEntry; private String myHref; private Bundle myInstance; private String myRel; public AtomLinkState(Bundle theInstance) { super(null); myInstance = theInstance; } public AtomLinkState(BundleEntry theEntry) { super(null); myEntry = theEntry; } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { if ("rel".equals(theName)) { myRel = theValue; } else if ("href".equals(theName)) { myHref = theValue; } } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { if (myInstance != null) { if ("self".equals(myRel)) { myInstance.getLinkSelf().setValueAsString(myHref); } else if ("first".equals(myRel)) { myInstance.getLinkFirst().setValueAsString(myHref); } else if ("previous".equals(myRel)) { myInstance.getLinkPrevious().setValueAsString(myHref); } else if ("next".equals(myRel)) { myInstance.getLinkNext().setValueAsString(myHref); } else if ("last".equals(myRel)) { myInstance.getLinkLast().setValueAsString(myHref); } else if ("fhir-base".equals(myRel)) { myInstance.getLinkBase().setValueAsString(myHref); } } else { if ("self".equals(myRel)) { myEntry.getLinkSelf().setValueAsString(myHref); } else if ("search".equals(myRel)) { myEntry.getLinkSearch().setValueAsString(myHref); } else if ("alternate".equals(myRel)) { myEntry.getLinkAlternate().setValueAsString(myHref); } } pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { throw new DataFormatException("Found unexpected element content '" + theLocalPart + "' within <link>"); } } private class AtomPrimitiveState extends BaseState { private String myData; private IPrimitiveDatatype<?> myPrimitive; public AtomPrimitiveState(IPrimitiveDatatype<?> thePrimitive) { super(null); Validate.notNull(thePrimitive, "thePrimitive"); myPrimitive = thePrimitive; } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { if (myJsonMode) { string(theValue); } else { super.attributeValue(theName, theValue); } } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { myPrimitive.setValueAsString(myData); pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { throw new DataFormatException("Unexpected nested element in atom tag: " + theLocalPart); } @Override protected IElement getCurrentElement() { return null; } @Override public void string(String theData) { if (myData == null) { myData = theData; } else { // this shouldn't generally happen so it's ok that it's // inefficient myData = myData + theData; } } } private class AtomState extends BaseState { private Bundle myInstance; private Class<? extends IBaseResource> myResourceType; public AtomState(Bundle theInstance, Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType) { super(null); myInstance = theInstance; myResourceType = theResourceType; } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if ("entry".equals(theLocalPart) && verifyNamespace(XmlParser.ATOM_NS, theNamespaceUri)) { push(new AtomEntryState(myInstance, myResourceType)); } else if (theLocalPart.equals("title")) { push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myInstance.getTitle())); } else if ("id".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myInstance.getBundleId())); } else if ("link".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new AtomLinkState(myInstance)); } else if ("totalResults".equals(theLocalPart) && (verifyNamespace(XmlParser.OPENSEARCH_NS, theNamespaceUri) || verifyNamespace(Constants.OPENSEARCH_NS_OLDER, theNamespaceUri))) { push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myInstance.getTotalResults())); } else if ("updated".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myInstance.getUpdated())); } else if ("author".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new AtomAuthorState(myInstance)); } else if ("category".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new AtomCategoryState(myInstance.getCategories())); } else if ("deleted-entry".equals(theLocalPart) && verifyNamespace(XmlParser.TOMBSTONES_NS, theNamespaceUri)) { push(new AtomDeletedEntryState(myInstance, myResourceType)); } else { logAndSwallowUnexpectedElement(theLocalPart); } // TODO: handle category and DSig } @Override protected IElement getCurrentElement() { return myInstance; } } private class BasePreAtomOrBundleState extends BaseState { private Bundle myInstance; private Class<? extends IBaseResource> myResourceType; public BasePreAtomOrBundleState(Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType) { super(null); myResourceType = theResourceType; } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { pop(); } @Override protected IElement getCurrentElement() { return myInstance; } public Bundle getInstance() { return myInstance; } protected Class<? extends IBaseResource> getResourceType() { return myResourceType; } public void setInstance(Bundle theInstance) { myInstance = theInstance; } @Override public void wereBack() { /* * Stitch together resource references */ Map<String, IResource> idToResource = new HashMap<String, IResource>(); List<IResource> resources = myInstance.toListOfResources(); for (IResource next : resources) { if (next.getId() != null && next.getId().isEmpty() == false) { idToResource.put(next.getId().toUnqualifiedVersionless().getValue(), next); } } for (IResource next : resources) { List<BaseResourceReferenceDt> refs = myContext.newTerser().getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType(next, BaseResourceReferenceDt.class); for (BaseResourceReferenceDt nextRef : refs) { if (nextRef.isEmpty() == false && nextRef.getReference() != null) { IResource target = idToResource.get(nextRef.getReference().getValue()); if (target != null) { nextRef.setResource(target); } } } } } } private abstract class BaseState { private PreResourceState myPreResourceState; private BaseState myStack; public BaseState(PreResourceState thePreResourceState) { super(); myPreResourceState = thePreResourceState; } /** * @param theValue * The attribute value */ public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { myErrorHandler.unknownAttribute(null, theName); } public boolean elementIsRepeating(String theChildName) { return false; } public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { // ignore by default } /** * @param theNamespaceUri * The XML namespace (if XML) or null */ public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { myErrorHandler.unknownElement(null, theLocalPart); } /** * Default implementation just handles undeclared extensions */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void enteringNewElementExtension(StartElement theElement, String theUrlAttr, boolean theIsModifier, final String baseServerUrl) { if (myPreResourceState != null && getCurrentElement() instanceof ISupportsUndeclaredExtensions) { ExtensionDt newExtension = new ExtensionDt(theIsModifier); newExtension.setUrl(theUrlAttr); ISupportsUndeclaredExtensions elem = (ISupportsUndeclaredExtensions) getCurrentElement(); elem.addUndeclaredExtension(newExtension); ExtensionState newState = new ExtensionState(myPreResourceState, newExtension); push(newState); } else { if (theIsModifier == false) { if (getCurrentElement() instanceof IBaseHasExtensions) { IBaseExtension<?, ?> ext = ((IBaseHasExtensions) getCurrentElement()).addExtension(); ext.setUrl(theUrlAttr); ParserState<T>.ExtensionState newState = new ExtensionState(myPreResourceState, ext); push(newState); } else { logAndSwallowUnexpectedElement("extension"); } } else { if (getCurrentElement() instanceof IBaseHasModifierExtensions) { IBaseExtension<?, ?> ext = ((IBaseHasModifierExtensions) getCurrentElement()).addModifierExtension(); ext.setUrl(theUrlAttr); ParserState<T>.ExtensionState newState = new ExtensionState(myPreResourceState, ext); push(newState); } else { logAndSwallowUnexpectedElement("modifierExtension"); } } } } protected IBase getCurrentElement() { return null; } public PreResourceState getPreResourceState() { return myPreResourceState; } public boolean isPreResource() { return false; } protected void logAndSwallowUnexpectedElement(String theLocalPart) { myErrorHandler.unknownElement(null, theLocalPart); push(new SwallowChildrenWholeState(getPreResourceState())); } public void setStack(BaseState theState) { myStack = theState; } /** * @param theData * The string value */ public void string(String theData) { // ignore by default } public void wereBack() { // allow an implementor to override } /** * @param theNextEvent * The XML event */ public void xmlEvent(XMLEvent theNextEvent) { // ignore } } private class BinaryResourceStateForDstu1 extends BaseState { private static final int SUBSTATE_CONTENT = 2; private static final int SUBSTATE_CT = 1; private String myData; private IBaseBinary myInstance; private int mySubState = 0; public BinaryResourceStateForDstu1(PreResourceState thePreResourceState, IBaseBinary theInstance) { super(thePreResourceState); myInstance = theInstance; } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { if ("id".equals(theName)) { if (myInstance instanceof IIdentifiableElement) { ((IIdentifiableElement) myInstance).setElementSpecificId((theValue)); } else { ((IResource) myInstance).setId(new IdDt(theValue)); } } else if ("contentType".equals(theName)) { myInstance.setContentType(theValue); } else if (myJsonMode && "value".equals(theName)) { string(theValue); } } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { if (mySubState == SUBSTATE_CT) { myInstance.setContentType(myData); mySubState = 0; myData = null; return; } else if (mySubState == SUBSTATE_CONTENT) { myInstance.setContentAsBase64(myData); mySubState = 0; myData = null; return; } else { if (!myJsonMode) { myInstance.setContentAsBase64(myData); } pop(); } } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if (myJsonMode && "contentType".equals(theLocalPart) && mySubState == 0) { mySubState = SUBSTATE_CT; } else if (myJsonMode && "content".equals(theLocalPart) && mySubState == 0) { mySubState = SUBSTATE_CONTENT; } else { throw new DataFormatException("Unexpected nested element in atom tag: " + theLocalPart); } } @Override protected IElement getCurrentElement() { return null; } @Override public void string(String theData) { if (myData == null) { myData = theData; } else { // this shouldn't generally happen so it's ok that it's // inefficient myData = myData + theData; } } } private class BundleEntryDeletedState extends BaseState { private BundleEntry myEntry; public BundleEntryDeletedState(PreResourceState thePreResourceState, BundleEntry theEntry) { super(thePreResourceState); myEntry = theEntry; } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { String resType = myEntry.getDeletedResourceType().getValue(); String id = myEntry.getDeletedResourceId().getValue(); String version = myEntry.getDeletedResourceVersion().getValue(); myEntry.setLinkSelf(new StringDt(new IdDt(resType, id, version).getValue())); putPlacerResourceInDeletedEntry(myEntry); pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if ("type".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myEntry.getDeletedResourceType())); } else if ("id".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myEntry.getDeletedResourceId())); } else if ("resourceId".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myEntry.getDeletedResourceId())); } else if ("version".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myEntry.getDeletedResourceVersion())); } else if ("versionId".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myEntry.getDeletedResourceVersion())); } else if ("instant".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myEntry.getDeletedAt())); } else { throw new DataFormatException("Unexpected element '" + theLocalPart + "' in element 'deleted'"); } } } private class BundleEntrySearchState extends BaseState { private BundleEntry myEntry; public BundleEntrySearchState(BundleEntry theEntry) { super(null); myEntry = theEntry; } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if ("mode".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myEntry.getSearchMode())); } else if ("score".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myEntry.getScore())); } else { throw new DataFormatException("Unexpected element in " + theLocalPart); } } } private class BundleEntryState extends BaseState { private BundleEntry myEntry; private IdDt myFullUrl; private Class<? extends IBaseResource> myResourceType; public BundleEntryState(Bundle theInstance, Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType) { super(null); myEntry = new BundleEntry(); myResourceType = theResourceType; theInstance.getEntries().add(myEntry); } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { populateResourceMetadata(); pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if ("base".equals(theLocalPart)) { //TODO: Use of a deprecated method should be resolved. push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myEntry.getLinkBase())); } else if ("request".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new BundleEntryTransactionState(myEntry)); } else if ("search".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new BundleEntrySearchState(myEntry)); } else if ("score".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myEntry.getScore())); } else if ("resource".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PreResourceStateHapi(myEntry, myResourceType).setRequireResourceType(false)); } else if ("deleted".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new BundleEntryDeletedState(getPreResourceState(), myEntry)); } else if ("link".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new BundleLinkState(myEntry)); } else if ("fullUrl".equals(theLocalPart)) { myFullUrl = new IdDt(); push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myFullUrl)); } else if ("fhir_comments".equals(theLocalPart) && myJsonMode) { push(new SwallowChildrenWholeState(getPreResourceState())); } else { this.logAndSwallowUnexpectedElement(theLocalPart); } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void populateResourceMetadata() { if (myEntry.getResource() == null) { return; } IdDt id = myEntry.getId(); if (id != null && id.isEmpty() == false) { myEntry.getResource().setId(id); } if (myFullUrl != null && !myFullUrl.isEmpty()) { myEntry.getResource().setId(myFullUrl); } Map<ResourceMetadataKeyEnum<?>, Object> metadata = myEntry.getResource().getResourceMetadata(); if (myEntry.getPublished().isEmpty() == false) { ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.PUBLISHED.put(myEntry.getResource(), myEntry.getPublished()); } if (myEntry.getUpdated().isEmpty() == false) { ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.UPDATED.put(myEntry.getResource(), myEntry.getUpdated()); } ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.TITLE.put(myEntry.getResource(), myEntry.getTitle().getValue()); if (myEntry.getCategories().isEmpty() == false) { TagList tagList = new TagList(); for (Tag next : myEntry.getCategories()) { tagList.add(next); } ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.TAG_LIST.put(myEntry.getResource(), tagList); } if (!myEntry.getLinkSelf().isEmpty()) { String linkSelfValue = myEntry.getLinkSelf().getValue(); IdDt linkSelf = new IdDt(linkSelfValue); myEntry.getResource().setId(linkSelf); if (isNotBlank(linkSelf.getVersionIdPart())) { metadata.put(ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.VERSION_ID, linkSelf); } } if (!myEntry.getLinkAlternate().isEmpty()) { ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.LINK_ALTERNATE.put(myEntry.getResource(), myEntry.getLinkAlternate().getValue()); } if (!myEntry.getLinkSearch().isEmpty()) { ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.LINK_SEARCH.put(myEntry.getResource(), myEntry.getLinkSearch().getValue()); } if (!myEntry.getSearchMode().isEmpty()) { ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.ENTRY_SEARCH_MODE.put(myEntry.getResource(), myEntry.getSearchMode().getValueAsEnum()); } if (!myEntry.getTransactionMethod().isEmpty()) { ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.ENTRY_TRANSACTION_METHOD.put(myEntry.getResource(), myEntry.getTransactionMethod().getValueAsEnum()); } if (!myEntry.getScore().isEmpty()) { ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.ENTRY_SCORE.put(myEntry.getResource(), myEntry.getScore()); } } } private class BundleEntryTransactionState extends BaseState { private BundleEntry myEntry; public BundleEntryTransactionState(BundleEntry theEntry) { super(null); myEntry = theEntry; } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if ("method".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myEntry.getTransactionMethod())); } else if ("url".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myEntry.getLinkSearch())); } else { logAndSwallowUnexpectedElement(theLocalPart); } } } private class BundleLinkState extends BaseState { private BundleEntry myEntry; private String myHref; private boolean myInRelation = false; private Bundle myInstance; private boolean myInUrl = false; private String myRel; public BundleLinkState(Bundle theInstance) { super(null); myInstance = theInstance; } public BundleLinkState(BundleEntry theEntry) { super(null); myEntry = theEntry; } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { if (myInRelation) { myRel = theValue; } else if (myInUrl) { myHref = theValue; } } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { if (!myInRelation && !myInUrl) { if (myInstance != null) { if ("self".equals(myRel)) { myInstance.getLinkSelf().setValueAsString(myHref); } else if ("first".equals(myRel)) { myInstance.getLinkFirst().setValueAsString(myHref); } else if ("previous".equals(myRel)) { myInstance.getLinkPrevious().setValueAsString(myHref); } else if ("next".equals(myRel)) { myInstance.getLinkNext().setValueAsString(myHref); } else if ("last".equals(myRel)) { myInstance.getLinkLast().setValueAsString(myHref); } else if ("fhir-base".equals(myRel)) { myInstance.getLinkBase().setValueAsString(myHref); } } else { if ("self".equals(myRel)) { myEntry.getLinkSelf().setValueAsString(myHref); } else if ("search".equals(myRel)) { myEntry.getLinkSearch().setValueAsString(myHref); } else if ("alternate".equals(myRel)) { myEntry.getLinkAlternate().setValueAsString(myHref); } } pop(); } else { myInRelation = false; myInUrl = false; } } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if (myInRelation || myInUrl) { throw new DataFormatException("Unexpected element '" + theLocalPart + "' in element 'link'"); } if ("relation".equals(theLocalPart)) { myInRelation = true; } else if ("url".equals(theLocalPart)) { myInUrl = true; } else { throw new DataFormatException("Unexpected element '" + theLocalPart + "' in element 'link'"); } } } private class BundleState extends BaseState { private Bundle myInstance; private Class<? extends IBaseResource> myResourceType; public BundleState(Bundle theInstance, Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType) { super(null); myInstance = theInstance; myResourceType = theResourceType; } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if ("id".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PrimitiveState(null, myInstance.getId())); } else if ("meta".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new MetaElementState(null, myInstance.getResourceMetadata())); } else if ("type".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myInstance.getType())); } else if ("base".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myInstance.getLinkBase())); } else if ("total".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myInstance.getTotalResults())); } else if ("link".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new BundleLinkState(myInstance)); } else if ("entry".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new BundleEntryState(myInstance, myResourceType)); } else if ("text".equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new SwallowChildrenWholeState(getPreResourceState())); } else { throw new DataFormatException("Unxpected element '" + theLocalPart + "' in element 'Bundle'"); } // if ("entry".equals(theLocalPart) && verifyNamespace(XmlParser.ATOM_NS, theNamespaceUri)) { // push(new AtomEntryState(myInstance, myResourceType)); // } else if (theLocalPart.equals("published")) { // push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myInstance.getPublished())); // } else if (theLocalPart.equals("title")) { // push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myInstance.getTitle())); // } else if ("id".equals(theLocalPart)) { // push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myInstance.getBundleId())); // } else if ("link".equals(theLocalPart)) { // push(new AtomLinkState(myInstance)); // } else if ("totalResults".equals(theLocalPart) && (verifyNamespace(XmlParser.OPENSEARCH_NS, // theNamespaceUri) || verifyNamespace(Constants.OPENSEARCH_NS_OLDER, theNamespaceUri))) { // push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myInstance.getTotalResults())); // } else if ("updated".equals(theLocalPart)) { // push(new AtomPrimitiveState(myInstance.getUpdated())); // } else if ("author".equals(theLocalPart)) { // push(new AtomAuthorState(myInstance)); // } else if ("category".equals(theLocalPart)) { // push(new AtomCategoryState(myInstance.getCategories())); // } else if ("deleted-entry".equals(theLocalPart) && verifyNamespace(XmlParser.TOMBSTONES_NS, // theNamespaceUri)) { // push(new AtomDeletedEntryState(myInstance, myResourceType)); // } else { // if (theNamespaceUri != null) { // throw new DataFormatException("Unexpected element: {" + theNamespaceUri + "}" + theLocalPart); // } else { // throw new DataFormatException("Unexpected element: " + theLocalPart); // } // } // TODO: handle category and DSig } @Override protected IElement getCurrentElement() { return myInstance; } @Override public void wereBack() { for (BundleEntry nextEntry : myInstance.getEntries()) { IResource nextResource = nextEntry.getResource(); if (nextResource == null) { continue; } String bundleBaseUrl = myInstance.getLinkBase().getValue(); //TODO: Use of a deprecated method should be resolved. String entryBaseUrl = nextEntry.getLinkBase().getValue(); String version = ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.VERSION.get(nextResource); String resourceName = myContext.getResourceDefinition(nextResource).getName(); String bundleIdPart = nextResource.getId().getIdPart(); if (isNotBlank(bundleIdPart)) { String baseUrl; if (isNotBlank(entryBaseUrl)) { baseUrl = entryBaseUrl; } else { baseUrl = bundleBaseUrl; } if (baseUrl == null) { // nothing } else if (!baseUrl.startsWith("cid:") && !baseUrl.startsWith("urn:")) { nextResource.setId(new IdDt(baseUrl, resourceName, bundleIdPart, version)); } else { if (baseUrl.endsWith(":")) { nextResource.setId(new IdDt(baseUrl + bundleIdPart)); } else { nextResource.setId(new IdDt(baseUrl + ':' + bundleIdPart)); } } } } String bundleVersion = (String) myInstance.getResourceMetadata().get(ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.VERSION); String baseUrl = myInstance.getLinkBase().getValue(); String id = myInstance.getId().getIdPart(); if (isNotBlank(id)) { myInstance.setId(new IdDt(baseUrl, "Bundle", id, bundleVersion)); } } } private class ContainedResourcesStateHapi extends PreResourceState { public ContainedResourcesStateHapi(PreResourceState thePreResourcesState) { super(thePreResourcesState, ((IResource) thePreResourcesState.myInstance).getStructureFhirVersionEnum()); } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { pop(); } @Override protected void populateTarget() { // nothing } @Override public void wereBack() { super.wereBack(); IResource res = (IResource) getCurrentElement(); assert res != null; if (res.getId() == null || res.getId().isEmpty()) { // If there is no ID, we don't keep the resource because it's useless (contained resources // need an ID to be referred to) myErrorHandler.containedResourceWithNoId(null); } else { if (!res.getId().isLocal()) { res.setId(new IdDt('#' + res.getId().getIdPart())); } getPreResourceState().getContainedResources().put(res.getId().getValueAsString(), res); } IResource preResCurrentElement = (IResource) getPreResourceState().getCurrentElement(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<IResource> containedResources = (List<IResource>) preResCurrentElement.getContained().getContainedResources(); containedResources.add(res); } } private class ContainedResourcesStateHl7Org extends PreResourceState { public ContainedResourcesStateHl7Org(PreResourceState thePreResourcesState) { super(thePreResourcesState, thePreResourcesState.myParentVersion); } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { pop(); } @Override protected void populateTarget() { // nothing } @Override public void wereBack() { super.wereBack(); IBaseResource res = getCurrentElement(); assert res != null; if (res.getIdElement() == null || res.getIdElement().isEmpty()) { // If there is no ID, we don't keep the resource because it's useless (contained resources // need an ID to be referred to) myErrorHandler.containedResourceWithNoId(null); } else { res.getIdElement().setValue('#' + res.getIdElement().getIdPart()); getPreResourceState().getContainedResources().put(res.getIdElement().getValue(), res); } IBaseResource preResCurrentElement = getPreResourceState().getCurrentElement(); RuntimeResourceDefinition def = myContext.getResourceDefinition(preResCurrentElement); def.getChildByName("contained").getMutator().addValue(preResCurrentElement, res); } } private class DeclaredExtensionState extends BaseState { private IBase myChildInstance; private RuntimeChildDeclaredExtensionDefinition myDefinition; private IBase myParentInstance; private PreResourceState myPreResourceState; public DeclaredExtensionState(PreResourceState thePreResourceState, RuntimeChildDeclaredExtensionDefinition theDefinition, IBase theParentInstance) { super(thePreResourceState); myPreResourceState = thePreResourceState; myDefinition = theDefinition; myParentInstance = theParentInstance; } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { if (theName.equals("url")) { // This can be ignored return; } super.attributeValue(theName, theValue); } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { BaseRuntimeElementDefinition<?> target = myDefinition.getChildByName(theLocalPart); if (target == null) { myErrorHandler.unknownElement(null, theLocalPart); push(new SwallowChildrenWholeState(getPreResourceState())); return; } switch (target.getChildType()) { case COMPOSITE_DATATYPE: { BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition<?> compositeTarget = (BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition<?>) target; ICompositeType newChildInstance = (ICompositeType) compositeTarget.newInstance(myDefinition.getInstanceConstructorArguments()); myDefinition.getMutator().addValue(myParentInstance, newChildInstance); ElementCompositeState newState = new ElementCompositeState(myPreResourceState, theLocalPart, compositeTarget, newChildInstance); push(newState); return; } case PRIMITIVE_DATATYPE: { RuntimePrimitiveDatatypeDefinition primitiveTarget = (RuntimePrimitiveDatatypeDefinition) target; IPrimitiveType<?> newChildInstance = primitiveTarget.newInstance(myDefinition.getInstanceConstructorArguments()); myDefinition.getMutator().addValue(myParentInstance, newChildInstance); PrimitiveState newState = new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), newChildInstance); push(newState); return; } case PRIMITIVE_XHTML: case RESOURCE: case RESOURCE_BLOCK: case UNDECL_EXT: case EXTENSION_DECLARED: default: break; } } @Override public void enteringNewElementExtension(StartElement theElement, String theUrlAttr, boolean theIsModifier, final String baseServerUrl) { RuntimeChildDeclaredExtensionDefinition declaredExtension = myDefinition.getChildExtensionForUrl(theUrlAttr); if (declaredExtension != null) { if (myChildInstance == null) { myChildInstance = myDefinition.newInstance(); myDefinition.getMutator().addValue(myParentInstance, myChildInstance); } BaseState newState = new DeclaredExtensionState(getPreResourceState(), declaredExtension, myChildInstance); push(newState); } else { super.enteringNewElementExtension(theElement, theUrlAttr, theIsModifier, baseServerUrl); } } @Override protected IBase getCurrentElement() { return myParentInstance; } } private class ElementCompositeState extends BaseState { private BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition<?> myDefinition; private IBase myInstance; private Set<String> myParsedNonRepeatableNames = new HashSet<String>(); private String myElementName; public ElementCompositeState(PreResourceState thePreResourceState, String theElementName, BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition<?> theDef, IBase theInstance) { super(thePreResourceState); myDefinition = theDef; myInstance = theInstance; myElementName = theElementName; } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { if ("id".equals(theName)) { if (myInstance instanceof IIdentifiableElement) { ((IIdentifiableElement) myInstance).setElementSpecificId((theValue)); } else if (myInstance instanceof IBaseElement) { ((IBaseElement) myInstance).setId(theValue); } else if (myInstance instanceof IBaseResource) { new IdDt(theValue).applyTo((IBaseResource) myInstance); } } else if ("url".equals(theName) && myInstance instanceof ExtensionDt) { ((ExtensionDt) myInstance).setUrl(theValue); } else { if (myJsonMode) { myErrorHandler.incorrectJsonType(null, myElementName, ValueType.OBJECT, null, ValueType.SCALAR, ScalarType.STRING); } else { myErrorHandler.unknownAttribute(null, theName); } } } @Override public boolean elementIsRepeating(String theChildName) { BaseRuntimeChildDefinition child = myDefinition.getChildByName(theChildName); if (child == null) { return false; } return child.getMax() > 1 || child.getMax() == Child.MAX_UNLIMITED; } @Override public void endingElement() { pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespace, String theChildName) throws DataFormatException { BaseRuntimeChildDefinition child = myDefinition.getChildByName(theChildName); if (child == null) { if (theChildName.equals("id")) { if (getCurrentElement() instanceof IIdentifiableElement) { push(new IdentifiableElementIdState(getPreResourceState(), (IIdentifiableElement) getCurrentElement())); return; } } /* * This means we've found an element that doesn't exist on the structure. If the error handler doesn't throw * an exception, swallow the element silently along with any child elements */ myErrorHandler.unknownElement(null, theChildName); push(new SwallowChildrenWholeState(getPreResourceState())); return; } if ((child.getMax() == 0 || child.getMax() == 1) && !myParsedNonRepeatableNames.add(theChildName)) { myErrorHandler.unexpectedRepeatingElement(null, theChildName); push(new SwallowChildrenWholeState(getPreResourceState())); return; } BaseRuntimeElementDefinition<?> target = child.getChildByName(theChildName); if (target == null) { // This is a bug with the structures and shouldn't happen.. throw new DataFormatException("Found unexpected element '" + theChildName + "' in parent element '" + myDefinition.getName() + "'. Valid names are: " + child.getValidChildNames()); } switch (target.getChildType()) { case COMPOSITE_DATATYPE: { BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition<?> compositeTarget = (BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition<?>) target; ICompositeType newChildInstance = (ICompositeType) compositeTarget.newInstance(child.getInstanceConstructorArguments()); child.getMutator().addValue(myInstance, newChildInstance); ParserState<T>.ElementCompositeState newState = new ElementCompositeState(getPreResourceState(), theChildName, compositeTarget, newChildInstance); push(newState); return; } case ID_DATATYPE: case PRIMITIVE_DATATYPE: { RuntimePrimitiveDatatypeDefinition primitiveTarget = (RuntimePrimitiveDatatypeDefinition) target; IPrimitiveType<?> newChildInstance; newChildInstance = primitiveTarget.newInstance(child.getInstanceConstructorArguments()); child.getMutator().addValue(myInstance, newChildInstance); PrimitiveState newState = new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), newChildInstance); push(newState); return; } case RESOURCE_BLOCK: { RuntimeResourceBlockDefinition blockTarget = (RuntimeResourceBlockDefinition) target; IBase newBlockInstance = blockTarget.newInstance(); child.getMutator().addValue(myInstance, newBlockInstance); ElementCompositeState newState = new ElementCompositeState(getPreResourceState(), theChildName, blockTarget, newBlockInstance); push(newState); return; } case PRIMITIVE_XHTML: { RuntimePrimitiveDatatypeNarrativeDefinition xhtmlTarget = (RuntimePrimitiveDatatypeNarrativeDefinition) target; XhtmlDt newDt = xhtmlTarget.newInstance(); child.getMutator().addValue(myInstance, newDt); XhtmlState state = new XhtmlState(getPreResourceState(), newDt, true); push(state); return; } case PRIMITIVE_XHTML_HL7ORG: { RuntimePrimitiveDatatypeXhtmlHl7OrgDefinition xhtmlTarget = (RuntimePrimitiveDatatypeXhtmlHl7OrgDefinition) target; IBaseXhtml newDt = xhtmlTarget.newInstance(); child.getMutator().addValue(myInstance, newDt); XhtmlStateHl7Org state = new XhtmlStateHl7Org(getPreResourceState(), newDt); push(state); return; } case CONTAINED_RESOURCES: { List<? extends IBase> values = child.getAccessor().getValues(myInstance); Object newDt; if (values == null || values.isEmpty() || values.get(0) == null) { newDt = newContainedDt((IResource) getPreResourceState().myInstance); child.getMutator().addValue(myInstance, (IBase) newDt); } else { newDt = values.get(0); } ContainedResourcesStateHapi state = new ContainedResourcesStateHapi(getPreResourceState()); push(state); return; } case CONTAINED_RESOURCE_LIST: { ContainedResourcesStateHl7Org state = new ContainedResourcesStateHl7Org(getPreResourceState()); push(state); return; } case RESOURCE: { if (myInstance instanceof IAnyResource || myInstance instanceof IBaseBackboneElement) { ParserState<T>.PreResourceStateHl7Org state = new PreResourceStateHl7Org(myInstance, child.getMutator(), null); push(state); } else { ParserState<T>.PreResourceStateHapi state = new PreResourceStateHapi(myInstance, child.getMutator(), null); push(state); } return; } case UNDECL_EXT: case EXTENSION_DECLARED: { // Throw an exception because this shouldn't happen here break; } } throw new DataFormatException("Illegal resource position: " + target.getChildType()); } @Override public void enteringNewElementExtension(StartElement theElement, String theUrlAttr, boolean theIsModifier, final String baseServerUrl) { RuntimeChildDeclaredExtensionDefinition declaredExtension = myDefinition.getDeclaredExtension(theUrlAttr, baseServerUrl); if (declaredExtension != null) { BaseState newState = new DeclaredExtensionState(getPreResourceState(), declaredExtension, myInstance); push(newState); } else { super.enteringNewElementExtension(theElement, theUrlAttr, theIsModifier, baseServerUrl); } } @Override protected IBase getCurrentElement() { return myInstance; } } public class ElementIdState extends BaseState { private IBaseElement myElement; public ElementIdState(ParserState<T>.PreResourceState thePreResourceState, IBaseElement theElement) { super(thePreResourceState); myElement = theElement; } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { myElement.setId(theValue); } @Override public void endingElement() { pop(); } } private class ExtensionState extends BaseState { private IBaseExtension<?, ?> myExtension; public ExtensionState(PreResourceState thePreResourceState, IBaseExtension<?, ?> theExtension) { super(thePreResourceState); myExtension = theExtension; } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { if ("url".equals(theName)) { // The URL attribute is handles in the XML loop as a special case since it is "url" instead // of "value" like every single other place return; } if ("id".equals(theName)) { if (getCurrentElement() instanceof IBaseElement) { ((IBaseElement) getCurrentElement()).setId(theValue); return; } else if (getCurrentElement() instanceof IIdentifiableElement) { ((IIdentifiableElement) getCurrentElement()).setElementSpecificId(theValue); return; } } super.attributeValue(theName, theValue); } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { if (myExtension.getValue() != null && myExtension.getExtension().size() > 0) { throw new DataFormatException("Extension (URL='" + myExtension.getUrl() + "') must not have both a value and other contained extensions"); } pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if (theLocalPart.equals("id")) { if (getCurrentElement() instanceof IBaseElement) { push(new ElementIdState(getPreResourceState(), (IBaseElement)getCurrentElement())); return; } else if (getCurrentElement() instanceof IIdentifiableElement) { push(new IdentifiableElementIdState(getPreResourceState(), (IIdentifiableElement)getCurrentElement())); return; } } BaseRuntimeElementDefinition<?> target = myContext.getRuntimeChildUndeclaredExtensionDefinition().getChildByName(theLocalPart); if (target != null) { switch (target.getChildType()) { case COMPOSITE_DATATYPE: { BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition<?> compositeTarget = (BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition<?>) target; ICompositeType newChildInstance = (ICompositeType) compositeTarget.newInstance(); myExtension.setValue(newChildInstance); ElementCompositeState newState = new ElementCompositeState(getPreResourceState(), theLocalPart, compositeTarget, newChildInstance); push(newState); return; } case ID_DATATYPE: case PRIMITIVE_DATATYPE: { RuntimePrimitiveDatatypeDefinition primitiveTarget = (RuntimePrimitiveDatatypeDefinition) target; IPrimitiveType<?> newChildInstance = primitiveTarget.newInstance(); myExtension.setValue(newChildInstance); PrimitiveState newState = new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), newChildInstance); push(newState); return; } case CONTAINED_RESOURCES: case CONTAINED_RESOURCE_LIST: case EXTENSION_DECLARED: case PRIMITIVE_XHTML: case PRIMITIVE_XHTML_HL7ORG: case RESOURCE: case RESOURCE_BLOCK: case UNDECL_EXT: break; } } // We hit an invalid type for the extension myErrorHandler.unknownElement(null, theLocalPart); push(new SwallowChildrenWholeState(getPreResourceState())); return; } @Override protected IBaseExtension<?, ?> getCurrentElement() { return myExtension; } } public class IdentifiableElementIdState extends BaseState { private IIdentifiableElement myElement; public IdentifiableElementIdState(ParserState<T>.PreResourceState thePreResourceState, IIdentifiableElement theElement) { super(thePreResourceState); myElement = theElement; } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { myElement.setElementSpecificId(theValue); } @Override public void endingElement() { pop(); } } private class MetaElementState extends BaseState { private ResourceMetadataMap myMap; public MetaElementState(ParserState<T>.PreResourceState thePreResourceState, ResourceMetadataMap theMap) { super(thePreResourceState); myMap = theMap; } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if (theLocalPart.equals("versionId")) { push(new MetaVersionElementState(getPreResourceState(), myMap)); // } else if (theLocalPart.equals("profile")) { // } else if (theLocalPart.equals("lastUpdated")) { InstantDt updated = new InstantDt(); push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), updated)); myMap.put(ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.UPDATED, updated); } else if (theLocalPart.equals("security")) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<IBase> securityLabels = (List<IBase>) myMap.get(ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.SECURITY_LABELS); if (securityLabels == null) { securityLabels = new ArrayList<IBase>(); myMap.put(ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.SECURITY_LABELS, securityLabels); } IBase securityLabel = myContext.getVersion().newCodingDt(); BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition<?> codinfDef = (BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition<?>) myContext.getElementDefinition(securityLabel.getClass()); push(new SecurityLabelElementStateHapi(getPreResourceState(), codinfDef, securityLabel)); securityLabels.add(securityLabel); } else if (theLocalPart.equals("profile")) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<IdDt> profiles = (List<IdDt>) myMap.get(ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.PROFILES); List<IdDt> newProfiles; if (profiles != null) { newProfiles = new ArrayList<IdDt>(profiles.size() + 1); newProfiles.addAll(profiles); } else { newProfiles = new ArrayList<IdDt>(1); } IdDt profile = new IdDt(); push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), profile)); newProfiles.add(profile); myMap.put(ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.PROFILES, Collections.unmodifiableList(newProfiles)); } else if (theLocalPart.equals("tag")) { TagList tagList = (TagList) myMap.get(ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.TAG_LIST); if (tagList == null) { tagList = new TagList(); myMap.put(ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.TAG_LIST, tagList); } push(new TagState(tagList)); } else { myErrorHandler.unknownElement(null, theLocalPart); push(new SwallowChildrenWholeState(getPreResourceState())); return; } } } private class MetaVersionElementState extends BaseState { private ResourceMetadataMap myMap; public MetaVersionElementState(ParserState<T>.PreResourceState thePreResourceState, ResourceMetadataMap theMap) { super(thePreResourceState); myMap = theMap; } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { myMap.put(ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.VERSION, theValue); } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { myErrorHandler.unknownElement(null, theLocalPart); push(new SwallowChildrenWholeState(getPreResourceState())); return; } } private class PreAtomState extends BasePreAtomOrBundleState { public PreAtomState(Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType) { super(theResourceType); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if (!"feed".equals(theLocalPart)) { throw new DataFormatException("Expecting outer element called 'feed', found: " + theLocalPart); } setInstance(new Bundle()); push(new AtomState(getInstance(), getResourceType())); } } private class PreBundleState extends BasePreAtomOrBundleState { public PreBundleState(Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType) { super(theResourceType); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if (!"Bundle".equals(theLocalPart)) { throw new DataFormatException("Expecting outer element called 'Bundle', found: " + theLocalPart); } setInstance(new Bundle()); push(new BundleState(getInstance(), getResourceType())); } } private abstract class PreResourceState extends BaseState { private Map<String, IBaseResource> myContainedResources; private IBaseResource myInstance; private FhirVersionEnum myParentVersion; private boolean myRequireResourceType = true; private Class<? extends IBaseResource> myResourceType; public PreResourceState(Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType) { super(null); myResourceType = theResourceType; myContainedResources = new HashMap<String, IBaseResource>(); if (theResourceType != null) { myParentVersion = myContext.getResourceDefinition(theResourceType).getStructureVersion(); } else { myParentVersion = myContext.getVersion().getVersion(); } } public PreResourceState(PreResourceState thePreResourcesState, FhirVersionEnum theParentVersion) { super(thePreResourcesState); Validate.notNull(theParentVersion); myParentVersion = theParentVersion; myContainedResources = thePreResourcesState.getContainedResources(); } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { stitchBundleCrossReferences(); pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { BaseRuntimeElementDefinition<?> definition; if (myResourceType == null) { definition = null; if (myParser.getPreferTypes() != null) { for (Class<? extends IBaseResource> next : myParser.getPreferTypes()) { RuntimeResourceDefinition nextDef = myContext.getResourceDefinition(next); if (nextDef.getName().equals(theLocalPart)) { definition = nextDef; } } } if (definition == null) { definition = myContext.getResourceDefinition(myParentVersion, theLocalPart); } if ((definition == null)) { throw new DataFormatException("Element '" + theLocalPart + "' is not a known resource type, expected a resource at this position"); } } else { definition = myContext.getResourceDefinition(myResourceType); if (!StringUtils.equals(theLocalPart, definition.getName())) { if (myRequireResourceType) { throw new DataFormatException(myContext.getLocalizer().getMessage(ParserState.class, "wrongResourceTypeFound", definition.getName(), theLocalPart)); } definition = myContext.getResourceDefinition(theLocalPart); if (!(definition instanceof RuntimeResourceDefinition)) { throw new DataFormatException("Element '" + theLocalPart + "' is not a resource, expected a resource at this position"); } } } RuntimeResourceDefinition def = (RuntimeResourceDefinition) definition; if (!definition.getName().equals(theLocalPart) && definition.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(theLocalPart)) { throw new DataFormatException("Unknown resource type '" + theLocalPart + "': Resource names are case sensitive, found similar name: '" + definition.getName() + "'"); } myInstance = def.newInstance(); String resourceName = def.getName(); if ("Binary".equals(resourceName) && myContext.getVersion().getVersion() == FhirVersionEnum.DSTU1) { push(new BinaryResourceStateForDstu1(getRootPreResourceState(), (IBaseBinary) myInstance)); } else if (myInstance instanceof IResource) { push(new ResourceStateHapi(getRootPreResourceState(), def, (IResource) myInstance)); } else { push(new ResourceStateHl7Org(getRootPreResourceState(), def, myInstance)); } } public Map<String, IBaseResource> getContainedResources() { return myContainedResources; } @Override protected IBaseResource getCurrentElement() { return myInstance; } private PreResourceState getRootPreResourceState() { if (getPreResourceState() != null) { return getPreResourceState(); } return this; } @Override public boolean isPreResource() { return true; } protected abstract void populateTarget(); private void postProcess() { if (myContext.hasDefaultTypeForProfile()) { IBaseMetaType meta = myInstance.getMeta(); Class<? extends IBaseResource> wantedProfileType = null; String usedProfile = null; for (IPrimitiveType<String> next : meta.getProfile()) { if (isNotBlank(next.getValue())) { wantedProfileType = myContext.getDefaultTypeForProfile(next.getValue()); if (wantedProfileType != null) { usedProfile = next.getValue(); break; } } } if (wantedProfileType != null && !wantedProfileType.equals(myInstance.getClass())) { if (myResourceType == null || myResourceType.isAssignableFrom(wantedProfileType)) { ourLog.debug("Converting resource of type {} to type defined for profile \"{}\": {}", new Object[] { myInstance.getClass().getName(), usedProfile, wantedProfileType }); /* * This isn't the most efficient thing really.. If we want a specific * type we just re-parse into that type. The problem is that we don't know * until we've parsed the resource which type we want to use because the * profile declarations are in the text of the resource itself. * * At some point it would be good to write code which can present a view * of one type backed by another type and use that. */ IParser parser = myContext.newJsonParser(); String asString = parser.encodeResourceToString(myInstance); myInstance = parser.parseResource(wantedProfileType, asString); } } } populateTarget(); } public ParserState<T>.PreResourceState setRequireResourceType(boolean theRequireResourceType) { myRequireResourceType = theRequireResourceType; return this; } private void stitchBundleCrossReferences() { final boolean bundle = "Bundle".equals(myContext.getResourceDefinition(myInstance).getName()); if (bundle) { FhirTerser t = myContext.newTerser(); Map<String, IBaseResource> idToResource = new HashMap<String, IBaseResource>(); if (myContext.getVersion().getVersion().isNewerThan(FhirVersionEnum.DSTU1)) { List<IBase> entries = t.getValues(myInstance, "Bundle.entry", IBase.class); for (IBase nextEntry : entries) { IPrimitiveType<?> fullUrl = t.getSingleValueOrNull(nextEntry, "fullUrl", IPrimitiveType.class); if (fullUrl != null && isNotBlank(fullUrl.getValueAsString())) { IBaseResource resource = t.getSingleValueOrNull(nextEntry, "resource", IBaseResource.class); if (resource != null) { idToResource.put(fullUrl.getValueAsString(), resource); } } } } /* * Stitch together resource references */ List<IBaseResource> resources = t.getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType(myInstance, IBaseResource.class); for (IBaseResource next : resources) { IIdType id = next.getIdElement(); if (id != null && id.isEmpty() == false) { String resName = myContext.getResourceDefinition(next).getName(); IIdType idType = id.withResourceType(resName).toUnqualifiedVersionless(); idToResource.put(idType.getValueAsString(), next); } } for (IBaseResource next : resources) { List<IBaseReference> refs = myContext.newTerser().getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType(next, IBaseReference.class); for (IBaseReference nextRef : refs) { if (nextRef.isEmpty() == false && nextRef.getReferenceElement() != null) { IIdType unqualifiedVersionless = nextRef.getReferenceElement().toUnqualifiedVersionless(); IBaseResource target = idToResource.get(unqualifiedVersionless.getValueAsString()); if (target != null) { nextRef.setResource(target); } } } } /* * Set resource IDs based on Bundle.entry.request.url */ List<Pair<String, IBaseResource>> urlsAndResources = BundleUtil.getBundleEntryUrlsAndResources(myContext, (IBaseBundle) myInstance); for (Pair<String, IBaseResource> pair : urlsAndResources) { if (pair.getRight() != null && isNotBlank(pair.getLeft()) && pair.getRight().getIdElement().isEmpty()) { if (pair.getLeft().startsWith("urn:")) { pair.getRight().setId(pair.getLeft()); } } } } } protected void weaveContainedResources() { FhirTerser terser = myContext.newTerser(); terser.visit(myInstance, new IModelVisitor() { @Override public void acceptElement(IBaseResource theResource, IBase theElement, List<String> thePathToElement, BaseRuntimeChildDefinition theChildDefinition, BaseRuntimeElementDefinition<?> theDefinition) { if (theElement instanceof BaseResourceReferenceDt) { BaseResourceReferenceDt nextRef = (BaseResourceReferenceDt) theElement; String ref = nextRef.getReference().getValue(); if (isNotBlank(ref)) { if (ref.startsWith("#")) { IResource target = (IResource) myContainedResources.get(ref); if (target != null) { ourLog.debug("Resource contains local ref {} in field {}", ref, thePathToElement); nextRef.setResource(target); } else { myErrorHandler.unknownReference(null, ref); } } } } else if (theElement instanceof IBaseReference) { IBaseReference nextRef = (IBaseReference) theElement; String ref = nextRef.getReferenceElement().getValue(); if (isNotBlank(ref)) { if (ref.startsWith("#")) { IBaseResource target = myContainedResources.get(ref); if (target != null) { ourLog.debug("Resource contains local ref {} in field {}", ref, thePathToElement); nextRef.setResource(target); } else { myErrorHandler.unknownReference(null, ref); } } } } } }); } @Override public void wereBack() { postProcess(); } } private class PreResourceStateHapi extends PreResourceState { private BundleEntry myEntry; private IMutator myMutator; private Object myTarget; public PreResourceStateHapi(BundleEntry theEntry, Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType) { super(theResourceType); myEntry = theEntry; assert theResourceType == null || IResource.class.isAssignableFrom(theResourceType); } public PreResourceStateHapi(Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType) { super(theResourceType); assert theResourceType == null || IResource.class.isAssignableFrom(theResourceType); } public PreResourceStateHapi(Object theTarget, IMutator theMutator, Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType) { super(theResourceType); myTarget = theTarget; myMutator = theMutator; assert theResourceType == null || IResource.class.isAssignableFrom(theResourceType); } // @Override // public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { // super.enteringNewElement(theNamespaceUri, theLocalPart); // populateTarget(); // } @Override protected void populateTarget() { weaveContainedResources(); if (myEntry != null) { myEntry.setResource((IResource) getCurrentElement()); } if (myMutator != null) { myMutator.setValue(myTarget, getCurrentElement()); } } @Override public void wereBack() { super.wereBack(); IResource nextResource = (IResource) getCurrentElement(); String version = ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.VERSION.get(nextResource); String resourceName = myContext.getResourceDefinition(nextResource).getName(); String bundleIdPart = nextResource.getId().getIdPart(); if (isNotBlank(bundleIdPart)) { // if (isNotBlank(entryBaseUrl)) { // nextResource.setId(new IdDt(entryBaseUrl, resourceName, bundleIdPart, version)); // } else { nextResource.setId(new IdDt(null, resourceName, bundleIdPart, version)); // } } } } private class PreResourceStateHl7Org extends PreResourceState { private IMutator myMutator; private Object myTarget; public PreResourceStateHl7Org(Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType) { super(theResourceType); } public PreResourceStateHl7Org(Object theTarget, IMutator theMutator, Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType) { super(theResourceType); myMutator = theMutator; myTarget = theTarget; } @Override protected void populateTarget() { weaveContainedResources(); if (myMutator != null) { myMutator.setValue(myTarget, getCurrentElement()); } } @Override public void wereBack() { super.wereBack(); if (getCurrentElement() instanceof IDomainResource) { IDomainResource elem = (IDomainResource) getCurrentElement(); String resourceName = myContext.getResourceDefinition(elem).getName(); String versionId = elem.getMeta().getVersionId(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(elem.getIdElement().getIdPart())) { // Resource has no ID } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(versionId)) { elem.getIdElement().setValue(resourceName + "/" + elem.getIdElement().getIdPart() + "/_history/" + versionId); } else { elem.getIdElement().setValue(resourceName + "/" + elem.getIdElement().getIdPart()); } } } } private class PreTagListState extends BaseState { private TagList myTagList; public PreTagListState() { super(null); myTagList = new TagList(); } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if (!TagList.ELEMENT_NAME_LC.equals(theLocalPart.toLowerCase())) { throw new DataFormatException("resourceType does not appear to be 'TagList', found: " + theLocalPart); } push(new TagListState(myTagList)); } @Override protected IBase getCurrentElement() { return myTagList; } @Override public boolean isPreResource() { return true; } } private class PrimitiveState extends BaseState { private IPrimitiveType<?> myInstance; public PrimitiveState(PreResourceState thePreResourceState, IPrimitiveType<?> theInstance) { super(thePreResourceState); myInstance = theInstance; } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { if ("value".equals(theName)) { if ("".equals(theValue)) { myErrorHandler.invalidValue(null, theValue, "Attribute values must not be empty (\"\")"); } else { try { myInstance.setValueAsString(theValue); } catch (DataFormatException e) { myErrorHandler.invalidValue(null, theValue, e.getMessage()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { myErrorHandler.invalidValue(null, theValue, e.getMessage()); } } } else if ("id".equals(theName)) { if (myInstance instanceof IIdentifiableElement) { ((IIdentifiableElement) myInstance).setElementSpecificId(theValue); } else if (myInstance instanceof IBaseElement) { ((IBaseElement) myInstance).setId(theValue); } else if (myInstance instanceof IBaseResource) { new IdDt(theValue).applyTo((org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource) myInstance); } else { myErrorHandler.unknownAttribute(null, theName); } } else { myErrorHandler.unknownAttribute(null, theName); } } @Override public void endingElement() { pop(); } // @Override // public void enteringNewElementExtension(StartElement theElement, // String theUrlAttr) { // if (myInstance instanceof ISupportsUndeclaredExtensions) { // UndeclaredExtension ext = new UndeclaredExtension(theUrlAttr); // ((ISupportsUndeclaredExtensions) // myInstance).getUndeclaredExtensions().add(ext); // push(new ExtensionState(ext)); // } // } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { myErrorHandler.unknownElement(null, theLocalPart); push(new SwallowChildrenWholeState(getPreResourceState())); return; } @Override protected IBase getCurrentElement() { return myInstance; } } private class ResourceStateHapi extends ElementCompositeState { private IResource myInstance; public ResourceStateHapi(PreResourceState thePreResourceState, BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition<?> theDef, IResource theInstance) { super(thePreResourceState, theDef.getName(), theDef, theInstance); myInstance = theInstance; } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespace, String theChildName) throws DataFormatException { if ("id".equals(theChildName)) { push(new PrimitiveState(getPreResourceState(), myInstance.getId())); } else if ("meta".equals(theChildName)) { push(new MetaElementState(getPreResourceState(), myInstance.getResourceMetadata())); } else { super.enteringNewElement(theNamespace, theChildName); } } } private class ResourceStateHl7Org extends ElementCompositeState { public ResourceStateHl7Org(PreResourceState thePreResourceState, BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition<?> theDef, IBaseResource theInstance) { super(thePreResourceState, theDef.getName(), theDef, theInstance); } } private class SecurityLabelElementStateHapi extends ElementCompositeState { public SecurityLabelElementStateHapi(ParserState<T>.PreResourceState thePreResourceState, BaseRuntimeElementCompositeDefinition<?> theDef, IBase codingDt) { super(thePreResourceState, theDef.getName(), theDef, codingDt); } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { pop(); } } private class SwallowChildrenWholeState extends BaseState { private int myDepth; public SwallowChildrenWholeState(PreResourceState thePreResourceState) { super(thePreResourceState); } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { // ignore } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { myDepth--; if (myDepth < 0) { pop(); } } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { myDepth++; } @Override public void enteringNewElementExtension(StartElement theElement, String theUrlAttr, boolean theIsModifier, final String baseServerUrl) { myDepth++; } } private class TagListState extends BaseState { private TagList myTagList; public TagListState(TagList theTagList) { super(null); myTagList = theTagList; } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { pop(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { if (TagList.ATTR_CATEGORY.equals(theLocalPart)) { push(new TagState(myTagList)); } else { throw new DataFormatException("Unexpected element: " + theLocalPart); } } @Override protected IBase getCurrentElement() { return myTagList; } } private class TagState extends BaseState { private static final int LABEL = 2; private static final int NONE = 0; private static final int SCHEME = 3; private static final int TERM = 1; private String myLabel; private String myScheme; private int mySubState = 0; private TagList myTagList; private String myTerm; public TagState(TagList theTagList) { super(null); myTagList = theTagList; } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { String value = defaultIfBlank(theValue, null); switch (mySubState) { case TERM: myTerm = (value); break; case LABEL: myLabel = (value); break; case SCHEME: myScheme = (value); break; case NONE: // This handles JSON encoding, which is a bit weird enteringNewElement(null, theName); attributeValue(null, value); endingElement(); break; } } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { if (mySubState != NONE) { mySubState = NONE; } else { if (isNotEmpty(myScheme) || isNotBlank(myTerm) || isNotBlank(myLabel)) { myTagList.addTag(myScheme, myTerm, myLabel); } pop(); } } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { /* * We allow for both the DSTU1 and DSTU2 names here */ if (Tag.ATTR_TERM.equals(theLocalPart) || "code".equals(theLocalPart)) { mySubState = TERM; } else if (Tag.ATTR_SCHEME.equals(theLocalPart) || "system".equals(theLocalPart)) { mySubState = SCHEME; } else if (Tag.ATTR_LABEL.equals(theLocalPart) || "display".equals(theLocalPart)) { mySubState = LABEL; } else { throw new DataFormatException("Unexpected element: " + theLocalPart); } } } private class XhtmlState extends BaseState { private int myDepth; private XhtmlDt myDt; private List<XMLEvent> myEvents = new ArrayList<XMLEvent>(); private boolean myIncludeOuterEvent; private XhtmlState(PreResourceState thePreResourceState, XhtmlDt theXhtmlDt, boolean theIncludeOuterEvent) throws DataFormatException { super(thePreResourceState); myDepth = 0; myDt = theXhtmlDt; myIncludeOuterEvent = theIncludeOuterEvent; } @Override public void attributeValue(String theName, String theValue) throws DataFormatException { if (myJsonMode) { myDt.setValueAsString(theValue); } else { // IGNORE - don't handle this as an error, we process these as XML events } } protected void doPop() { pop(); } @Override public void endingElement() throws DataFormatException { if (myJsonMode) { doPop(); return; } super.endingElement(); } @Override public void enteringNewElement(String theNamespaceUri, String theLocalPart) throws DataFormatException { // IGNORE - don't handle this as an error, we process these as XML events } @Override protected IElement getCurrentElement() { return myDt; } public XhtmlDt getDt() { return myDt; } @Override public void xmlEvent(XMLEvent theEvent) { if (theEvent.isEndElement()) { myDepth--; } if (myIncludeOuterEvent || myDepth > 0) { myEvents.add(theEvent); } if (theEvent.isStartElement()) { myDepth++; } if (theEvent.isEndElement()) { if (myDepth == 0) { myDt.setValue(myEvents); doPop(); } } } } private class XhtmlStateHl7Org extends XhtmlState { private IBaseXhtml myHl7OrgDatatype; private XhtmlStateHl7Org(PreResourceState thePreResourceState, IBaseXhtml theHl7OrgDatatype) { super(thePreResourceState, new XhtmlDt(), true); myHl7OrgDatatype = theHl7OrgDatatype; } @Override public void doPop() { // TODO: this is not very efficient String value = getDt().getValueAsString(); myHl7OrgDatatype.setValueAsString(value); super.doPop(); } } }