package ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.defaultString; /* * #%L * HAPI FHIR JPA Server * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 University Health Network * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.MathContext; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.Expression; import javax.persistence.criteria.From; import javax.persistence.criteria.Join; import javax.persistence.criteria.JoinType; import javax.persistence.criteria.Order; import javax.persistence.criteria.Path; import javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate; import javax.persistence.criteria.Root; import javax.persistence.criteria.Subquery; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IAnyResource; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import; import; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.BaseRuntimeChildDefinition; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.ConfigurationException; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirVersionEnum; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.RuntimeChildChoiceDefinition; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.RuntimeChildResourceDefinition; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.RuntimeResourceDefinition; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.RuntimeSearchParam; import; import; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.entity.BaseHasResource; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.entity.BaseResourceIndexedSearchParam; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.entity.ResourceIndexedSearchParamDate; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.entity.ResourceIndexedSearchParamNumber; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.entity.ResourceIndexedSearchParamQuantity; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.entity.ResourceIndexedSearchParamString; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.entity.ResourceIndexedSearchParamToken; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.entity.ResourceIndexedSearchParamUri; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.entity.ResourceLink; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.entity.ResourceTable; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.entity.ResourceTag; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.entity.SearchParam; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.entity.SearchParamPresent; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.entity.TagDefinition; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.entity.TagTypeEnum; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.IHapiTerminologySvc; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.VersionIndependentConcept; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.util.StopWatch; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IPrimitiveDatatype; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IQueryParameterType; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResource; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.ResourceMetadataKeyEnum; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.base.composite.BaseCodingDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.base.composite.BaseIdentifierDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.base.composite.BaseQuantityDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu.resource.BaseResource; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.IdDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.InstantDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.valueset.BundleEntrySearchModeEnum; import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.DataFormatException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ca.uhn.fhir.util.UrlUtil; /** * The SearchBuilder is responsible for actually forming the SQL query that handles * searchs for resources */ public class SearchBuilder implements ISearchBuilder { private static Long NO_MORE = Long.valueOf(-1); private static final org.slf4j.Logger ourLog = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(SearchBuilder.class); private CriteriaBuilder myBuilder; private BaseHapiFhirDao<?> myCallingDao; private FhirContext myContext; private EntityManager myEntityManager; private IForcedIdDao myForcedIdDao; private IFulltextSearchSvc myFulltextSearchSvc; private SearchParameterMap myParams; private ArrayList<Predicate> myPredicates; private IResourceIndexedSearchParamUriDao myResourceIndexedSearchParamUriDao; private String myResourceName; private AbstractQuery<Long> myResourceTableQuery; private Root<ResourceTable> myResourceTableRoot; private Class<? extends IBaseResource> myResourceType; private ISearchParamRegistry mySearchParamRegistry; private IHapiTerminologySvc myTerminologySvc; /** * Constructor */ public SearchBuilder(FhirContext theFhirContext, EntityManager theEntityManager, IFulltextSearchSvc theFulltextSearchSvc, BaseHapiFhirDao<?> theDao, IResourceIndexedSearchParamUriDao theResourceIndexedSearchParamUriDao, IForcedIdDao theForcedIdDao, IHapiTerminologySvc theTerminologySvc, ISearchParamRegistry theSearchParamRegistry) { myContext = theFhirContext; myEntityManager = theEntityManager; myFulltextSearchSvc = theFulltextSearchSvc; myCallingDao = theDao; myResourceIndexedSearchParamUriDao = theResourceIndexedSearchParamUriDao; myForcedIdDao = theForcedIdDao; myTerminologySvc = theTerminologySvc; mySearchParamRegistry = theSearchParamRegistry; } private void addPredicateComposite(String theResourceName, RuntimeSearchParam theParamDef, List<? extends IQueryParameterType> theNextAnd) { // TODO: fail if missing is set for a composite query IQueryParameterType or = theNextAnd.get(0); if (!(or instanceof CompositeParam<?, ?>)) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid type for composite param (must be " + CompositeParam.class.getSimpleName() + ": " + or.getClass()); } CompositeParam<?, ?> cp = (CompositeParam<?, ?>) or; RuntimeSearchParam left = theParamDef.getCompositeOf().get(0); IQueryParameterType leftValue = cp.getLeftValue(); myPredicates.add(createCompositeParamPart(theResourceName, myResourceTableRoot, left, leftValue)); RuntimeSearchParam right = theParamDef.getCompositeOf().get(1); IQueryParameterType rightValue = cp.getRightValue(); myPredicates.add(createCompositeParamPart(theResourceName, myResourceTableRoot, right, rightValue)); } private void addPredicateDate(String theResourceName, String theParamName, List<? extends IQueryParameterType> theList) { Join<ResourceTable, ResourceIndexedSearchParamDate> join = myResourceTableRoot.join("myParamsDate", JoinType.LEFT); if (theList.get(0).getMissing() != null) { addPredicateParamMissing(theResourceName, theParamName, theList.get(0).getMissing(), join); return; } List<Predicate> codePredicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); for (IQueryParameterType nextOr : theList) { IQueryParameterType params = nextOr; Predicate p = createPredicateDate(params, theResourceName, theParamName, myBuilder, join); codePredicates.add(p); } Predicate orPredicates = myBuilder.or(toArray(codePredicates)); myPredicates.add(orPredicates); } private void addPredicateHas(List<List<? extends IQueryParameterType>> theHasParameters) { for (List<? extends IQueryParameterType> nextOrList : theHasParameters) { StringBuilder valueBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String targetResourceType = null; String owningParameter = null; String parameterName = null; for (IQueryParameterType nextParam : nextOrList) { HasParam next = (HasParam) nextParam; if (valueBuilder.length() > 0) { valueBuilder.append(','); } valueBuilder.append(UrlUtil.escape(next.getValueAsQueryToken(myContext))); targetResourceType = next.getTargetResourceType(); owningParameter = next.getOwningFieldName(); parameterName = next.getParameterName(); } if (valueBuilder.length() == 0) { continue; } String matchUrl = targetResourceType + '?' + UrlUtil.escape(parameterName) + '=' + valueBuilder.toString(); RuntimeResourceDefinition targetResourceDefinition; try { targetResourceDefinition = myContext.getResourceDefinition(targetResourceType); } catch (DataFormatException e) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid resource type: " + targetResourceType); } String paramName = parameterName.replaceAll("\\..*", ""); RuntimeSearchParam owningParameterDef = myCallingDao.getSearchParamByName(targetResourceDefinition, paramName); if (owningParameterDef == null) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Unknown parameter name: " + targetResourceType + ':' + parameterName); } owningParameterDef = myCallingDao.getSearchParamByName(targetResourceDefinition, owningParameter); if (owningParameterDef == null) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Unknown parameter name: " + targetResourceType + ':' + owningParameter); } Class<? extends IBaseResource> resourceType = targetResourceDefinition.getImplementingClass(); Set<Long> match = myCallingDao.processMatchUrl(matchUrl, resourceType); if (match.isEmpty()) { // Pick a PID that can never match match = Collections.singleton(-1L); } Join<ResourceTable, ResourceLink> join = myResourceTableRoot.join("myIncomingResourceLinks", JoinType.LEFT); Predicate predicate = join.get("mySourceResourcePid").in(match); myPredicates.add(predicate); } } // private void addPredicateId(Set<Long> thePids) { // if (thePids == null || thePids.isEmpty()) { // return; // } // // CriteriaBuilder builder = myEntityManager.getCriteriaBuilder(); // CriteriaQuery<Long> cq = builder.createQuery(Long.class); // Root<ResourceTable> from = cq.from(ResourceTable.class); //"myId").as(Long.class)); // // List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); // predicates.add(builder.equal(from.get("myResourceType"), myResourceName)); // predicates.add(from.get("myId").in(thePids)); // createPredicateResourceId(builder, cq, predicates, from.get("myId").as(Long.class)); // createPredicateLastUpdatedForResourceTable(builder, from, predicates); // // cq.where(toArray(predicates)); // // TypedQuery<Long> q = myEntityManager.createQuery(cq); // doSetPids(q.getResultList()); // } private void addPredicateLanguage(List<List<? extends IQueryParameterType>> theList) { for (List<? extends IQueryParameterType> nextList : theList) { Set<String> values = new HashSet<String>(); for (IQueryParameterType next : nextList) { if (next instanceof StringParam) { String nextValue = ((StringParam) next).getValue(); if (isBlank(nextValue)) { continue; } values.add(nextValue); } else { throw new InternalErrorException("Lanugage parameter must be of type " + StringParam.class.getCanonicalName() + " - Got " + next.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } } if (values.isEmpty()) { continue; } Predicate predicate = myResourceTableRoot.get("myLanguage").as(String.class).in(values); myPredicates.add(predicate); } return; } private void addPredicateNumber(String theResourceName, String theParamName, List<? extends IQueryParameterType> theList) { Join<ResourceTable, ResourceIndexedSearchParamNumber> join = myResourceTableRoot.join("myParamsNumber", JoinType.LEFT); if (theList.get(0).getMissing() != null) { addPredicateParamMissing(theResourceName, theParamName, theList.get(0).getMissing(), join); return; } List<Predicate> codePredicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); for (IQueryParameterType nextOr : theList) { IQueryParameterType params = nextOr; if (params instanceof NumberParam) { NumberParam param = (NumberParam) params; BigDecimal value = param.getValue(); if (value == null) { continue; } final Expression<BigDecimal> fromObj = join.get("myValue"); ParamPrefixEnum prefix = ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(param.getPrefix(), ParamPrefixEnum.EQUAL); String invalidMessageName = "invalidNumberPrefix"; Predicate num = createPredicateNumeric(theResourceName, theParamName, join, myBuilder, params, prefix, value, fromObj, invalidMessageName); codePredicates.add(num); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid token type: " + params.getClass()); } } myPredicates.add(myBuilder.or(toArray(codePredicates))); } private void addPredicateParamMissing(String theResourceName, String theParamName, boolean theMissing) { Join<ResourceTable, SearchParamPresent> paramPresentJoin = myResourceTableRoot.join("mySearchParamPresents", JoinType.LEFT); Join<SearchParamPresent, SearchParam> paramJoin = paramPresentJoin.join("mySearchParam", JoinType.LEFT); myPredicates.add(myBuilder.equal(paramJoin.get("myResourceName"), theResourceName)); myPredicates.add(myBuilder.equal(paramJoin.get("myParamName"), theParamName)); myPredicates.add(myBuilder.equal(paramPresentJoin.get("myPresent"), !theMissing)); } private void addPredicateParamMissing(String theResourceName, String theParamName, boolean theMissing, Join<ResourceTable, ? extends BaseResourceIndexedSearchParam> theJoin) { myPredicates.add(myBuilder.equal(theJoin.get("myResourceType"), theResourceName)); myPredicates.add(myBuilder.equal(theJoin.get("myParamName"), theParamName)); myPredicates.add(myBuilder.equal(theJoin.get("myMissing"), theMissing)); } private void addPredicateQuantity(String theResourceName, String theParamName, List<? extends IQueryParameterType> theList) { Join<ResourceTable, ResourceIndexedSearchParamQuantity> join = myResourceTableRoot.join("myParamsQuantity", JoinType.LEFT); if (theList.get(0).getMissing() != null) { addPredicateParamMissing(theResourceName, theParamName, theList.get(0).getMissing(), join); return; } List<Predicate> codePredicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); for (IQueryParameterType nextOr : theList) { Predicate singleCode = createPredicateQuantity(nextOr, theResourceName, theParamName, myBuilder, join); codePredicates.add(singleCode); } myPredicates.add(myBuilder.or(toArray(codePredicates))); } /** * Add reference predicate to the current search */ private void addPredicateReference(String theResourceName, String theParamName, List<? extends IQueryParameterType> theList) { assert theParamName.contains(".") == false; if (theList.get(0).getMissing() != null) { addPredicateParamMissing(theResourceName, theParamName, theList.get(0).getMissing()); return; } Join<ResourceTable, ResourceLink> join = myResourceTableRoot.join("myResourceLinks", JoinType.LEFT); List<Predicate> codePredicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); for (IQueryParameterType nextOr : theList) { IQueryParameterType params = nextOr; if (params instanceof ReferenceParam) { ReferenceParam ref = (ReferenceParam) params; if (isBlank(ref.getChain())) { IIdType dt = new IdDt(ref.getBaseUrl(), ref.getResourceType(), ref.getIdPart(), null); if (dt.hasBaseUrl()) { if (myCallingDao.getConfig().getTreatBaseUrlsAsLocal().contains(dt.getBaseUrl())) { dt = dt.toUnqualified(); } else { ourLog.debug("Searching for resource link with target URL: {}", dt.getValue()); Predicate eq = myBuilder.equal(join.get("myTargetResourceUrl"), dt.getValue()); codePredicates.add(eq); continue; } } List<Long> targetPid; try { targetPid = myCallingDao.translateForcedIdToPids(dt); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) { // Use a PID that will never exist targetPid = Collections.singletonList(-1L); } for (Long next : targetPid) { ourLog.debug("Searching for resource link with target PID: {}", next); Predicate pathPredicate = createResourceLinkPathPredicate(theResourceName, theParamName, join); Predicate pidPredicate = myBuilder.equal(join.get("myTargetResourcePid"), next); codePredicates.add(myBuilder.and(pathPredicate, pidPredicate)); } } else { List<Class<? extends IBaseResource>> resourceTypes; String resourceId; if (!ref.getValue().matches("[a-zA-Z]+\\/.*")) { RuntimeResourceDefinition resourceDef = myContext.getResourceDefinition(myResourceType); String paramPath = myCallingDao.getSearchParamByName(resourceDef, theParamName).getPath(); if (paramPath.endsWith(".as(Reference)")) { paramPath = paramPath.substring(0, paramPath.length() - ".as(Reference)".length()) + "Reference"; } BaseRuntimeChildDefinition def = myContext.newTerser().getDefinition(myResourceType, paramPath); if (def instanceof RuntimeChildChoiceDefinition) { RuntimeChildChoiceDefinition choiceDef = (RuntimeChildChoiceDefinition) def; resourceTypes = choiceDef.getResourceTypes(); } else if (def instanceof RuntimeChildResourceDefinition) { RuntimeChildResourceDefinition resDef = (RuntimeChildResourceDefinition) def; resourceTypes = resDef.getResourceTypes(); } else { throw new ConfigurationException("Property " + paramPath + " of type " + myResourceName + " is not a resource: " + def.getClass()); } resourceId = ref.getValue(); } else { RuntimeResourceDefinition resDef = myContext.getResourceDefinition(ref.getResourceType()); resourceTypes = new ArrayList<Class<? extends IBaseResource>>(1); resourceTypes.add(resDef.getImplementingClass()); resourceId = ref.getIdPart(); } boolean foundChainMatch = false; String chain = ref.getChain(); String remainingChain = null; int chainDotIndex = chain.indexOf('.'); if (chainDotIndex != -1) { remainingChain = chain.substring(chainDotIndex + 1); chain = chain.substring(0, chainDotIndex); } for (Class<? extends IBaseResource> nextType : resourceTypes) { RuntimeResourceDefinition typeDef = myContext.getResourceDefinition(nextType); String subResourceName = typeDef.getName(); IFhirResourceDao<?> dao = myCallingDao.getDao(nextType); if (dao == null) { ourLog.debug("Don't have a DAO for type {}", nextType.getSimpleName()); continue; } int qualifierIndex = chain.indexOf(':'); String qualifier = null; if (qualifierIndex != -1) { qualifier = chain.substring(qualifierIndex); chain = chain.substring(0, qualifierIndex); } boolean isMeta = BaseHapiFhirDao.RESOURCE_META_PARAMS.containsKey(chain); RuntimeSearchParam param = null; if (!isMeta) { param = myCallingDao.getSearchParamByName(typeDef, chain); if (param == null) { ourLog.debug("Type {} doesn't have search param {}", nextType.getSimpleName(), param); continue; } } IQueryParameterType chainValue; if (remainingChain != null) { if (param == null || param.getParamType() != RestSearchParameterTypeEnum.REFERENCE) { ourLog.debug("Type {} parameter {} is not a reference, can not chain {}", new Object[] { nextType.getSimpleName(), chain, remainingChain }); continue; } chainValue = new ReferenceParam(); chainValue.setValueAsQueryToken(myContext, theParamName, qualifier, resourceId); ((ReferenceParam) chainValue).setChain(remainingChain); } else if (isMeta) { IQueryParameterType type = BaseHapiFhirDao.newInstanceType(chain); type.setValueAsQueryToken(myContext, theParamName, qualifier, resourceId); chainValue = type; } else { chainValue = toParameterType(param, qualifier, resourceId); } foundChainMatch = true; Subquery<Long> subQ = myResourceTableQuery.subquery(Long.class); Root<ResourceTable> subQfrom = subQ.from(ResourceTable.class);"myId").as(Long.class)); List<List<? extends IQueryParameterType>> andOrParams = new ArrayList<List<? extends IQueryParameterType>>(); andOrParams.add(Collections.singletonList(chainValue)); /* * We're doing a chain call, so push the current query root * and predicate list down and put new ones at the top of the * stack and run a subuery */ Root<ResourceTable> stackRoot = myResourceTableRoot; ArrayList<Predicate> stackPredicates = myPredicates; myResourceTableRoot = subQfrom; myPredicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); // Create the subquery predicates myPredicates.add(myBuilder.equal(myResourceTableRoot.get("myResourceType"), subResourceName)); myPredicates.add(myBuilder.isNull(myResourceTableRoot.get("myDeleted"))); searchForIdsWithAndOr(subResourceName, chain, andOrParams); subQ.where(toArray(myPredicates)); /* * Pop the old query root and predicate list back */ myResourceTableRoot = stackRoot; myPredicates = stackPredicates; Predicate pathPredicate = createResourceLinkPathPredicate(theResourceName, theParamName, join); Predicate pidPredicate = join.get("myTargetResourcePid").in(subQ); codePredicates.add(myBuilder.and(pathPredicate, pidPredicate)); } if (!foundChainMatch) { throw new InvalidRequestException(myContext.getLocalizer().getMessage(BaseHapiFhirResourceDao.class, "invalidParameterChain", theParamName + '.' + ref.getChain())); } } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid token type (expecting ReferenceParam): " + params.getClass()); } } myPredicates.add(myBuilder.or(toArray(codePredicates))); } private void addPredicateResourceId(List<List<? extends IQueryParameterType>> theValues) { for (List<? extends IQueryParameterType> nextValue : theValues) { Set<Long> orPids = new HashSet<Long>(); for (IQueryParameterType next : nextValue) { String value = next.getValueAsQueryToken(myContext); if (value != null && value.startsWith("|")) { value = value.substring(1); } IdDt valueAsId = new IdDt(value); if (isNotBlank(value)) { if (valueAsId.isIdPartValidLong()) { orPids.add(valueAsId.getIdPartAsLong()); } else { try { BaseHasResource entity = myCallingDao.readEntity(valueAsId); if (entity.getDeleted() == null) { orPids.add(entity.getId()); } } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) { /* * This isn't an error, just means no result found * that matches the ID the client provided */ } } } } if (orPids.size() > 0) { Predicate nextPredicate = myResourceTableRoot.get("myId").as(Long.class).in(orPids); myPredicates.add(nextPredicate); } else { // This will never match Predicate nextPredicate = myBuilder.equal(myResourceTableRoot.get("myId").as(Long.class), -1); myPredicates.add(nextPredicate); } } } private void addPredicateString(String theResourceName, String theParamName, List<? extends IQueryParameterType> theList) { Join<ResourceTable, ResourceIndexedSearchParamString> join = myResourceTableRoot.join("myParamsString", JoinType.LEFT); if (theList.get(0).getMissing() != null) { addPredicateParamMissing(theResourceName, theParamName, theList.get(0).getMissing(), join); return; } List<Predicate> codePredicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); for (IQueryParameterType nextOr : theList) { IQueryParameterType theParameter = nextOr; Predicate singleCode = createPredicateString(theParameter, theResourceName, theParamName, myBuilder, join); codePredicates.add(singleCode); } myPredicates.add(myBuilder.or(toArray(codePredicates))); } private void addPredicateTag(List<List<? extends IQueryParameterType>> theList, String theParamName) { TagTypeEnum tagType; if (Constants.PARAM_TAG.equals(theParamName)) { tagType = TagTypeEnum.TAG; } else if (Constants.PARAM_PROFILE.equals(theParamName)) { tagType = TagTypeEnum.PROFILE; } else if (Constants.PARAM_SECURITY.equals(theParamName)) { tagType = TagTypeEnum.SECURITY_LABEL; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Param name: " + theParamName); // shouldn't happen } List<Pair<String, String>> notTags = Lists.newArrayList(); for (List<? extends IQueryParameterType> nextAndParams : theList) { for (IQueryParameterType nextOrParams : nextAndParams) { if (nextOrParams instanceof TokenParam) { TokenParam param = (TokenParam) nextOrParams; if (param.getModifier() == TokenParamModifier.NOT) { if (isNotBlank(param.getSystem()) || isNotBlank(param.getValue())) { notTags.add(Pair.of(param.getSystem(), param.getValue())); } } } } } /* * We have a parameter of ResourceType?_tag:not=foo This means match resources that don't have the given tag(s) */ if (notTags.isEmpty() == false) { // CriteriaBuilder builder = myEntityManager.getCriteriaBuilder(); // CriteriaQuery<Long> cq = builder.createQuery(Long.class); // Root<ResourceTable> from = cq.from(ResourceTable.class); //"myId").as(Long.class)); // // Subquery<Long> subQ = cq.subquery(Long.class); // Root<ResourceTag> subQfrom = subQ.from(ResourceTag.class); //"myResourceId").as(Long.class)); // Predicate subQname = builder.equal(subQfrom.get("myParamName"), theParamName); // Predicate subQtype = builder.equal(subQfrom.get("myResourceType"), myResourceName); // subQ.where(builder.and(subQtype, subQname)); // // List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); // predicates.add(builder.not("myId")).value(subQ))); // predicates.add(builder.equal(from.get("myResourceType"), myResourceName)); // predicates.add(builder.isNull(from.get("myDeleted"))); // createPredicateResourceId(builder, cq, predicates, from.get("myId").as(Long.class)); } for (List<? extends IQueryParameterType> nextAndParams : theList) { boolean haveTags = false; for (IQueryParameterType nextParamUncasted : nextAndParams) { if (nextParamUncasted instanceof TokenParam) { TokenParam nextParam = (TokenParam) nextParamUncasted; if (isNotBlank(nextParam.getValue())) { haveTags = true; } else if (isNotBlank(nextParam.getSystem())) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid " + theParamName + " parameter (must supply a value/code and not just a system): " + nextParam.getValueAsQueryToken(myContext)); } } else { UriParam nextParam = (UriParam) nextParamUncasted; if (isNotBlank(nextParam.getValue())) { haveTags = true; } } } if (!haveTags) { continue; } boolean paramInverted = false; List<Pair<String, String>> tokens = Lists.newArrayList(); for (IQueryParameterType nextOrParams : nextAndParams) { String code; String system; if (nextOrParams instanceof TokenParam) { TokenParam nextParam = (TokenParam) nextOrParams; code = nextParam.getValue(); system = nextParam.getSystem(); if (nextParam.getModifier() == TokenParamModifier.NOT) { paramInverted = true; } } else { UriParam nextParam = (UriParam) nextOrParams; code = nextParam.getValue(); system = null; } if (isNotBlank(code)) { tokens.add(Pair.of(system, code)); } } if (tokens.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (paramInverted) { ourLog.debug("Searching for _tag:not"); Subquery<Long> subQ = myResourceTableQuery.subquery(Long.class); Root<ResourceTag> subQfrom = subQ.from(ResourceTag.class);"myResourceId").as(Long.class)); myPredicates.add(myBuilder.not("myId")).value(subQ))); Subquery<Long> defJoin = subQ.subquery(Long.class); Root<TagDefinition> defJoinFrom = defJoin.from(TagDefinition.class);"myId").as(Long.class)); subQ.where(subQfrom.get("myTagId").as(Long.class).in(defJoin)); List<Predicate> orPredicates = createPredicateTagList(defJoinFrom, myBuilder, tagType, tokens); defJoin.where(toArray(orPredicates)); continue; } Join<ResourceTable, ResourceTag> tagJoin = myResourceTableRoot.join("myTags", JoinType.LEFT); From<ResourceTag, TagDefinition> defJoin = tagJoin.join("myTag"); List<Predicate> orPredicates = createPredicateTagList(defJoin, myBuilder, tagType, tokens); myPredicates.add(myBuilder.or(toArray(orPredicates))); } } private void addPredicateToken(String theResourceName, String theParamName, List<? extends IQueryParameterType> theList) { Join<ResourceTable, ResourceIndexedSearchParamToken> join = myResourceTableRoot.join("myParamsToken", JoinType.LEFT); if (theList.get(0).getMissing() != null) { addPredicateParamMissing(theResourceName, theParamName, theList.get(0).getMissing(), join); return; } List<Predicate> codePredicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); for (IQueryParameterType nextOr : theList) { if (nextOr instanceof TokenParam) { TokenParam id = (TokenParam) nextOr; if (id.isText()) { addPredicateString(theResourceName, theParamName, theList); continue; } } Predicate singleCode = createPredicateToken(nextOr, theResourceName, theParamName, myBuilder, join); codePredicates.add(singleCode); } if (codePredicates.isEmpty()) { return; } Predicate spPredicate = myBuilder.or(toArray(codePredicates)); myPredicates.add(spPredicate); } private void addPredicateUri(String theResourceName, String theParamName, List<? extends IQueryParameterType> theList) { Join<ResourceTable, ResourceIndexedSearchParamUri> join = myResourceTableRoot.join("myParamsUri", JoinType.LEFT); if (theList.get(0).getMissing() != null) { addPredicateParamMissing(theResourceName, theParamName, theList.get(0).getMissing(), join); return; } List<Predicate> codePredicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); for (IQueryParameterType nextOr : theList) { IQueryParameterType params = nextOr; if (params instanceof UriParam) { UriParam param = (UriParam) params; String value = param.getValue(); if (value == null) { continue; } Predicate predicate; if (param.getQualifier() == UriParamQualifierEnum.ABOVE) { /* * :above is an inefficient query- It means that the user is supplying a more specific URL (say * and that we should match on any URLs that are less * specific but otherwise the same. For example and would both * match. * * We do this by querying the DB for all candidate URIs and then manually checking each one. This isn't * very efficient, but this is also probably not a very common type of query to do. * * If we ever need to make this more efficient, lucene could certainly be used as an optimization. */"Searching for candidate URI:above parameters for Resource[{}] param[{}]", myResourceName, theParamName); Collection<String> candidates = myResourceIndexedSearchParamUriDao.findAllByResourceTypeAndParamName(myResourceName, theParamName); List<String> toFind = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String next : candidates) { if (value.length() >= next.length()) { if (value.substring(0, next.length()).equals(next)) { toFind.add(next); } } } if (toFind.isEmpty()) { continue; } predicate = join.<Object> get("myUri").as(String.class).in(toFind); } else if (param.getQualifier() == UriParamQualifierEnum.BELOW) { predicate =<Object> get("myUri").as(String.class), createLeftMatchLikeExpression(value)); } else { predicate = myBuilder.equal(join.<Object> get("myUri").as(String.class), value); } codePredicates.add(predicate); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid URI type: " + params.getClass()); } } /* * If we haven't found any of the requested URIs in the candidates, then we'll * just add a predicate that can never match */ if (codePredicates.isEmpty()) { Predicate predicate = myBuilder.isNull(join.<Object> get("myMissing").as(String.class)); myPredicates.add(predicate); return; } Predicate orPredicate = myBuilder.or(toArray(codePredicates)); Predicate paramNamePredicate = myBuilder.equal(join.get("myParamName"), theParamName); Predicate outerPredicate = myBuilder.and(paramNamePredicate, orPredicate); myPredicates.add(outerPredicate); } private Predicate combineParamIndexPredicateWithParamNamePredicate(String theResourceName, String theParamName, From<?, ? extends BaseResourceIndexedSearchParam> theFrom, Predicate thePredicate) { Predicate resourceTypePredicate = myBuilder.equal(theFrom.get("myResourceType"), theResourceName); Predicate paramNamePredicate = myBuilder.equal(theFrom.get("myParamName"), theParamName); Predicate outerPredicate = myBuilder.and(resourceTypePredicate, paramNamePredicate, thePredicate); return outerPredicate; } private Predicate createCompositeParamPart(String theResourceName, Root<ResourceTable> theRoot, RuntimeSearchParam theParam, IQueryParameterType leftValue) { Predicate retVal = null; switch (theParam.getParamType()) { case STRING: { From<ResourceIndexedSearchParamString, ResourceIndexedSearchParamString> stringJoin = theRoot.join("myParamsString", JoinType.INNER); retVal = createPredicateString(leftValue, theResourceName, theParam.getName(), myBuilder, stringJoin); break; } case TOKEN: { From<ResourceIndexedSearchParamToken, ResourceIndexedSearchParamToken> tokenJoin = theRoot.join("myParamsToken", JoinType.INNER); retVal = createPredicateToken(leftValue, theResourceName, theParam.getName(), myBuilder, tokenJoin); break; } case DATE: { From<ResourceIndexedSearchParamDate, ResourceIndexedSearchParamDate> dateJoin = theRoot.join("myParamsDate", JoinType.INNER); retVal = createPredicateDate(leftValue, theResourceName, theParam.getName(), myBuilder, dateJoin); break; } case QUANTITY: { From<ResourceIndexedSearchParamQuantity, ResourceIndexedSearchParamQuantity> dateJoin = theRoot.join("myParamsQuantity", JoinType.INNER); retVal = createPredicateQuantity(leftValue, theResourceName, theParam.getName(), myBuilder, dateJoin); break; } case COMPOSITE: case HAS: case NUMBER: case REFERENCE: case URI: break; } if (retVal == null) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Don't know how to handle composite parameter with type of " + theParam.getParamType()); } return retVal; } private Predicate createPredicateDate(IQueryParameterType theParam, String theResourceName, String theParamName, CriteriaBuilder theBuilder, From<?, ResourceIndexedSearchParamDate> theFrom) { Predicate p; if (theParam instanceof DateParam) { DateParam date = (DateParam) theParam; if (!date.isEmpty()) { DateRangeParam range = new DateRangeParam(date); p = createPredicateDateFromRange(theBuilder, theFrom, range); } else { // TODO: handle missing date param? p = null; } } else if (theParam instanceof DateRangeParam) { DateRangeParam range = (DateRangeParam) theParam; p = createPredicateDateFromRange(theBuilder, theFrom, range); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid token type: " + theParam.getClass()); } return combineParamIndexPredicateWithParamNamePredicate(theResourceName, theParamName, theFrom, p); } private Predicate createPredicateDateFromRange(CriteriaBuilder theBuilder, From<?, ResourceIndexedSearchParamDate> theFrom, DateRangeParam theRange) { Date lowerBound = theRange.getLowerBoundAsInstant(); Date upperBound = theRange.getUpperBoundAsInstant(); Predicate lb = null; if (lowerBound != null) { Predicate gt = theBuilder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(theFrom.<Date> get("myValueLow"), lowerBound); Predicate lt = theBuilder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(theFrom.<Date> get("myValueHigh"), lowerBound); if (theRange.getLowerBound().getPrefix() == ParamPrefixEnum.STARTS_AFTER || theRange.getLowerBound().getPrefix() == ParamPrefixEnum.EQUAL) { lb = gt; } else { lb = theBuilder.or(gt, lt); } } Predicate ub = null; if (upperBound != null) { Predicate gt = theBuilder.lessThanOrEqualTo(theFrom.<Date> get("myValueLow"), upperBound); Predicate lt = theBuilder.lessThanOrEqualTo(theFrom.<Date> get("myValueHigh"), upperBound); if (theRange.getUpperBound().getPrefix() == ParamPrefixEnum.ENDS_BEFORE || theRange.getUpperBound().getPrefix() == ParamPrefixEnum.EQUAL) { ub = lt; } else { ub = theBuilder.or(gt, lt); } } if (lb != null && ub != null) { return (theBuilder.and(lb, ub)); } else if (lb != null) { return (lb); } else { return (ub); } } private Predicate createPredicateNumeric(String theResourceName, String theParamName, From<?, ? extends BaseResourceIndexedSearchParam> theFrom, CriteriaBuilder builder, IQueryParameterType theParam, ParamPrefixEnum thePrefix, BigDecimal theValue, final Expression<BigDecimal> thePath, String invalidMessageName) { Predicate num; switch (thePrefix) { case GREATERTHAN: num =, theValue); break; case GREATERTHAN_OR_EQUALS: num =, theValue); break; case LESSTHAN: num =, theValue); break; case LESSTHAN_OR_EQUALS: num = builder.le(thePath, theValue); break; case APPROXIMATE: case EQUAL: case NOT_EQUAL: BigDecimal mul = calculateFuzzAmount(thePrefix, theValue); BigDecimal low = theValue.subtract(mul, MathContext.DECIMAL64); BigDecimal high = theValue.add(mul, MathContext.DECIMAL64); Predicate lowPred; Predicate highPred; if (thePrefix != ParamPrefixEnum.NOT_EQUAL) { lowPred =, low); highPred = builder.le(, high); num = builder.and(lowPred, highPred); ourLog.trace("Searching for {} <= val <= {}", low, high); } else { // Prefix was "ne", so reverse it! lowPred =, low); highPred =, high); num = builder.or(lowPred, highPred); } break; default: String msg = myContext.getLocalizer().getMessage(SearchBuilder.class, invalidMessageName, thePrefix.getValue(), theParam.getValueAsQueryToken(myContext)); throw new InvalidRequestException(msg); } if (theParamName == null) { return num; } return combineParamIndexPredicateWithParamNamePredicate(theResourceName, theParamName, theFrom, num); } private Predicate createPredicateQuantity(IQueryParameterType theParam, String theResourceName, String theParamName, CriteriaBuilder theBuilder, From<?, ResourceIndexedSearchParamQuantity> theFrom) { String systemValue; String unitsValue; ParamPrefixEnum cmpValue; BigDecimal valueValue; if (theParam instanceof BaseQuantityDt) { BaseQuantityDt param = (BaseQuantityDt) theParam; systemValue = param.getSystemElement().getValueAsString(); unitsValue = param.getUnitsElement().getValueAsString(); cmpValue = ParamPrefixEnum.forDstu1Value(param.getComparatorElement().getValueAsString()); valueValue = param.getValueElement().getValue(); } else if (theParam instanceof QuantityParam) { QuantityParam param = (QuantityParam) theParam; systemValue = param.getSystem(); unitsValue = param.getUnits(); cmpValue = param.getPrefix(); valueValue = param.getValue(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid quantity type: " + theParam.getClass()); } Predicate system = null; if (!isBlank(systemValue)) { system = theBuilder.equal(theFrom.get("mySystem"), systemValue); } Predicate code = null; if (!isBlank(unitsValue)) { code = theBuilder.equal(theFrom.get("myUnits"), unitsValue); } cmpValue = ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(cmpValue, ParamPrefixEnum.EQUAL); final Expression<BigDecimal> path = theFrom.get("myValue"); String invalidMessageName = "invalidQuantityPrefix"; Predicate num = createPredicateNumeric(theResourceName, null, theFrom, theBuilder, theParam, cmpValue, valueValue, path, invalidMessageName); Predicate singleCode; if (system == null && code == null) { singleCode = num; } else if (system == null) { singleCode = theBuilder.and(code, num); } else if (code == null) { singleCode = theBuilder.and(system, num); } else { singleCode = theBuilder.and(system, code, num); } return combineParamIndexPredicateWithParamNamePredicate(theResourceName, theParamName, theFrom, singleCode); } private Predicate createPredicateString(IQueryParameterType theParameter, String theResourceName, String theParamName, CriteriaBuilder theBuilder, From<?, ResourceIndexedSearchParamString> theFrom) { String rawSearchTerm; if (theParameter instanceof TokenParam) { TokenParam id = (TokenParam) theParameter; if (!id.isText()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to process a text search on a non-text token parameter"); } rawSearchTerm = id.getValue(); } else if (theParameter instanceof StringParam) { StringParam id = (StringParam) theParameter; rawSearchTerm = id.getValue(); } else if (theParameter instanceof IPrimitiveDatatype<?>) { IPrimitiveDatatype<?> id = (IPrimitiveDatatype<?>) theParameter; rawSearchTerm = id.getValueAsString(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid token type: " + theParameter.getClass()); } if (rawSearchTerm.length() > ResourceIndexedSearchParamString.MAX_LENGTH) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Parameter[" + theParamName + "] has length (" + rawSearchTerm.length() + ") that is longer than maximum allowed (" + ResourceIndexedSearchParamString.MAX_LENGTH + "): " + rawSearchTerm); } String likeExpression = BaseHapiFhirDao.normalizeString(rawSearchTerm); likeExpression = createLeftMatchLikeExpression(likeExpression); Predicate singleCode ="myValueNormalized").as(String.class), likeExpression); if (theParameter instanceof StringParam && ((StringParam) theParameter).isExact()) { Predicate exactCode = theBuilder.equal(theFrom.get("myValueExact"), rawSearchTerm); singleCode = theBuilder.and(singleCode, exactCode); } return combineParamIndexPredicateWithParamNamePredicate(theResourceName, theParamName, theFrom, singleCode); } private List<Predicate> createPredicateTagList(Path<TagDefinition> theDefJoin, CriteriaBuilder theBuilder, TagTypeEnum theTagType, List<Pair<String, String>> theTokens) { Predicate typePrediate = theBuilder.equal(theDefJoin.get("myTagType"), theTagType); List<Predicate> orPredicates = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Pair<String, String> next : theTokens) { Predicate codePrediate = theBuilder.equal(theDefJoin.get("myCode"), next.getRight()); if (isNotBlank(next.getLeft())) { Predicate systemPrediate = theBuilder.equal(theDefJoin.get("mySystem"), next.getLeft()); orPredicates.add(theBuilder.and(typePrediate, systemPrediate, codePrediate)); } else { orPredicates.add(theBuilder.and(typePrediate, codePrediate)); } } return orPredicates; } private Predicate createPredicateToken(IQueryParameterType theParameter, String theResourceName, String theParamName, CriteriaBuilder theBuilder, From<?, ResourceIndexedSearchParamToken> theFrom) { String code; String system; TokenParamModifier modifier = null; if (theParameter instanceof TokenParam) { TokenParam id = (TokenParam) theParameter; system = id.getSystem(); code = (id.getValue()); modifier = id.getModifier(); } else if (theParameter instanceof BaseIdentifierDt) { BaseIdentifierDt id = (BaseIdentifierDt) theParameter; system = id.getSystemElement().getValueAsString(); code = (id.getValueElement().getValue()); } else if (theParameter instanceof BaseCodingDt) { BaseCodingDt id = (BaseCodingDt) theParameter; system = id.getSystemElement().getValueAsString(); code = (id.getCodeElement().getValue()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid token type: " + theParameter.getClass()); } if (system != null && system.length() > ResourceIndexedSearchParamToken.MAX_LENGTH) { throw new InvalidRequestException( "Parameter[" + theParamName + "] has system (" + system.length() + ") that is longer than maximum allowed (" + ResourceIndexedSearchParamToken.MAX_LENGTH + "): " + system); } if (code != null && code.length() > ResourceIndexedSearchParamToken.MAX_LENGTH) { throw new InvalidRequestException( "Parameter[" + theParamName + "] has code (" + code.length() + ") that is longer than maximum allowed (" + ResourceIndexedSearchParamToken.MAX_LENGTH + "): " + code); } /* * Process token modifiers (:in, :below, :above) */ List<VersionIndependentConcept> codes = null; if (modifier == TokenParamModifier.IN) { codes = myTerminologySvc.expandValueSet(code); } else if (modifier == TokenParamModifier.ABOVE) { system = determineSystemIfMissing(theParamName, code, system); codes = myTerminologySvc.findCodesAbove(system, code); } else if (modifier == TokenParamModifier.BELOW) { system = determineSystemIfMissing(theParamName, code, system); codes = myTerminologySvc.findCodesBelow(system, code); } ArrayList<Predicate> singleCodePredicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); if (codes != null) { if (codes.isEmpty()) { // This will never match anything Predicate codePredicate = theBuilder.isNull(theFrom.get("myMissing")); singleCodePredicates.add(codePredicate); } else { List<Predicate> orPredicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); for (VersionIndependentConcept nextCode : codes) { Predicate systemPredicate = theBuilder.equal(theFrom.get("mySystem"), nextCode.getSystem()); Predicate codePredicate = theBuilder.equal(theFrom.get("myValue"), nextCode.getCode()); orPredicates.add(theBuilder.and(systemPredicate, codePredicate)); } singleCodePredicates.add(theBuilder.or(orPredicates.toArray(new Predicate[orPredicates.size()]))); } } else { /* * Ok, this is a normal query */ if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(system)) { singleCodePredicates.add(theBuilder.equal(theFrom.get("mySystem"), system)); } else if (system == null) { // don't check the system } else { // If the system is "", we only match on null systems singleCodePredicates.add(theBuilder.isNull(theFrom.get("mySystem"))); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(code)) { singleCodePredicates.add(theBuilder.equal(theFrom.get("myValue"), code)); } else { /* * As of HAPI FHIR 1.5, if the client searched for a token with a system but no specified value this means to * match all tokens with the given value. * * I'm not sure I agree with this, but hey.. FHIR-I voted and this was the result :) */ // singleCodePredicates.add(theBuilder.isNull(theFrom.get("myValue"))); } } Predicate singleCode = theBuilder.and(toArray(singleCodePredicates)); return combineParamIndexPredicateWithParamNamePredicate(theResourceName, theParamName, theFrom, singleCode); } @Override public Iterator<Long> createQuery(SearchParameterMap theParams) { myParams = theParams; myBuilder = myEntityManager.getCriteriaBuilder(); return new QueryIterator(); } private TypedQuery<Long> createQuery(SortSpec sort) { CriteriaQuery<Long> outerQuery; /* * Sort * * If we have a sort, we wrap the criteria search (the search that actually * finds the appropriate resources) in an outer search which is then sorted */ if (sort != null) { outerQuery = myBuilder.createQuery(Long.class); Root<ResourceTable> outerQueryFrom = outerQuery.from(ResourceTable.class); List<Order> orders = Lists.newArrayList(); List<Predicate> predicates = Lists.newArrayList(); createSort(myBuilder, outerQueryFrom, sort, orders, predicates); if (orders.size() > 0) { outerQuery.orderBy(orders); } Subquery<Long> subQ = outerQuery.subquery(Long.class); Root<ResourceTable> subQfrom = subQ.from(ResourceTable.class); myResourceTableQuery = subQ; myResourceTableRoot = subQfrom; Expression<Long> selectExpr = subQfrom.get("myId").as(Long.class);; predicates.add(0,"myId").as(Long.class)).value(subQ)); outerQuery.multiselect(outerQueryFrom.get("myId").as(Long.class)); outerQuery.where(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[0])); } else { outerQuery = myBuilder.createQuery(Long.class); myResourceTableQuery = outerQuery; myResourceTableRoot = myResourceTableQuery.from(ResourceTable.class); outerQuery.multiselect(myResourceTableRoot.get("myId").as(Long.class)); } myResourceTableQuery.distinct(true); myPredicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); if (myParams.getEverythingMode() == null) { myPredicates.add(myBuilder.equal(myResourceTableRoot.get("myResourceType"), myResourceName)); } myPredicates.add(myBuilder.isNull(myResourceTableRoot.get("myDeleted"))); DateRangeParam lu = myParams.getLastUpdated(); List<Predicate> lastUpdatedPredicates = createLastUpdatedPredicates(lu, myBuilder, myResourceTableRoot); myPredicates.addAll(lastUpdatedPredicates); if (myParams.getEverythingMode() != null) { Join<ResourceTable, ResourceLink> join = myResourceTableRoot.join("myResourceLinks", JoinType.LEFT); if (myParams.get(BaseResource.SP_RES_ID) != null) { StringParam idParm = (StringParam) myParams.get(BaseResource.SP_RES_ID).get(0).get(0); Long pid = BaseHapiFhirDao.translateForcedIdToPid(myResourceName, idParm.getValue(), myForcedIdDao); myPredicates.add(myBuilder.equal(join.get("myTargetResourcePid").as(Long.class), pid)); } else { Predicate targetTypePredicate = myBuilder.equal(join.get("myTargetResourceType").as(String.class), myResourceName); Predicate sourceTypePredicate = myBuilder.equal(myResourceTableRoot.get("myResourceType").as(String.class), myResourceName); myPredicates.add(myBuilder.or(sourceTypePredicate, targetTypePredicate)); } } else { // Normal search searchForIdsWithAndOr(myParams); } /* * Fulltext search */ if (myParams.containsKey(Constants.PARAM_CONTENT) || myParams.containsKey(Constants.PARAM_TEXT)) { if (myFulltextSearchSvc == null) { if (myParams.containsKey(Constants.PARAM_TEXT)) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Fulltext search is not enabled on this service, can not process parameter: " + Constants.PARAM_TEXT); } else if (myParams.containsKey(Constants.PARAM_CONTENT)) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Fulltext search is not enabled on this service, can not process parameter: " + Constants.PARAM_CONTENT); } } List<Long> pids = myFulltextSearchSvc.everything(myResourceName, myParams); if (pids.isEmpty()) { // Will never match pids = Collections.singletonList(-1L); } myPredicates.add(myResourceTableRoot.get("myId").as(Long.class).in(pids)); } myResourceTableQuery.where(myBuilder.and(SearchBuilder.toArray(myPredicates))); /* * Now perform the search */ final TypedQuery<Long> query = myEntityManager.createQuery(outerQuery); return query; } private Predicate createResourceLinkPathPredicate(String theResourceName, String theParamName, From<?, ? extends ResourceLink> from) { return createResourceLinkPathPredicate(myCallingDao, myContext, theParamName, from, theResourceName); } /** * @return Returns {@literal true} if any search parameter sorts were found, or false if * no sorts were found, or only non-search parameters ones (e.g. _id, _lastUpdated) */ private boolean createSort(CriteriaBuilder theBuilder, Root<ResourceTable> theFrom, SortSpec theSort, List<Order> theOrders, List<Predicate> thePredicates) { if (theSort == null || isBlank(theSort.getParamName())) { return false; } if (BaseResource.SP_RES_ID.equals(theSort.getParamName())) { From<?, ?> forcedIdJoin = theFrom.join("myForcedId", JoinType.LEFT); if (theSort.getOrder() == null || theSort.getOrder() == SortOrderEnum.ASC) { theOrders.add(theBuilder.asc(forcedIdJoin.get("myForcedId"))); theOrders.add(theBuilder.asc(theFrom.get("myId"))); } else { theOrders.add(theBuilder.desc(forcedIdJoin.get("myForcedId"))); theOrders.add(theBuilder.desc(theFrom.get("myId"))); } return createSort(theBuilder, theFrom, theSort.getChain(), theOrders, thePredicates); } if (Constants.PARAM_LASTUPDATED.equals(theSort.getParamName())) { if (theSort.getOrder() == null || theSort.getOrder() == SortOrderEnum.ASC) { theOrders.add(theBuilder.asc(theFrom.get("myUpdated"))); } else { theOrders.add(theBuilder.desc(theFrom.get("myUpdated"))); } return createSort(theBuilder, theFrom, theSort.getChain(), theOrders, thePredicates); } RuntimeResourceDefinition resourceDef = myContext.getResourceDefinition(myResourceName); RuntimeSearchParam param = myCallingDao.getSearchParamByName(resourceDef, theSort.getParamName()); if (param == null) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Unknown sort parameter '" + theSort.getParamName() + "'"); } String joinAttrName; String[] sortAttrName; switch (param.getParamType()) { case STRING: joinAttrName = "myParamsString"; sortAttrName = new String[] { "myValueExact" }; break; case DATE: joinAttrName = "myParamsDate"; sortAttrName = new String[] { "myValueLow" }; break; case REFERENCE: joinAttrName = "myResourceLinks"; sortAttrName = new String[] { "myTargetResourcePid" }; break; case TOKEN: joinAttrName = "myParamsToken"; sortAttrName = new String[] { "mySystem", "myValue" }; break; case NUMBER: joinAttrName = "myParamsNumber"; sortAttrName = new String[] { "myValue" }; break; case URI: joinAttrName = "myParamsUri"; sortAttrName = new String[] { "myUri" }; break; case QUANTITY: joinAttrName = "myParamsQuantity"; sortAttrName = new String[] { "myValue" }; break; default: throw new InvalidRequestException("This server does not support _sort specifications of type " + param.getParamType() + " - Can't serve _sort=" + theSort.getParamName()); } From<?, ?> join = theFrom.join(joinAttrName, JoinType.LEFT); if (param.getParamType() == RestSearchParameterTypeEnum.REFERENCE) { thePredicates.add(join.get("mySourcePath").as(String.class).in(param.getPathsSplit())); } else { Predicate joinParam1 = theBuilder.equal(join.get("myParamName"), theSort.getParamName()); thePredicates.add(joinParam1); } for (String next : sortAttrName) { if (theSort.getOrder() == null || theSort.getOrder() == SortOrderEnum.ASC) { theOrders.add(theBuilder.asc(join.get(next))); } else { theOrders.add(theBuilder.desc(join.get(next))); } } createSort(theBuilder, theFrom, theSort.getChain(), theOrders, thePredicates); return true; } private String determineSystemIfMissing(String theParamName, String code, String theSystem) { String retVal = theSystem; if (retVal == null) { RuntimeResourceDefinition resourceDef = myContext.getResourceDefinition(myResourceName); RuntimeSearchParam param = myCallingDao.getSearchParamByName(resourceDef, theParamName); if (param != null) { Set<String> valueSetUris = Sets.newHashSet(); for (String nextPath : param.getPathsSplit()) { BaseRuntimeChildDefinition def = myContext.newTerser().getDefinition(myResourceType, nextPath); if (def instanceof BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition) { String valueSet = ((BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition) def).getBindingValueSet(); if (isNotBlank(valueSet)) { valueSetUris.add(valueSet); } } } if (valueSetUris.size() == 1) { List<VersionIndependentConcept> candidateCodes = myTerminologySvc.expandValueSet(valueSetUris.iterator().next()); for (VersionIndependentConcept nextCandidate : candidateCodes) { if (nextCandidate.getCode().equals(code)) { retVal = nextCandidate.getSystem(); break; } } } } } return retVal; } @Override public void loadResourcesByPid(Collection<Long> theIncludePids, List<IBaseResource> theResourceListToPopulate, Set<Long> theRevIncludedPids, boolean theForHistoryOperation, EntityManager entityManager, FhirContext context, IDao theDao) { if (theIncludePids.isEmpty()) { return; } // Dupes will cause a crash later anyhow, but this is expensive so only do it // when running asserts assert new HashSet<Long>(theIncludePids).size() == theIncludePids.size() : "PID list contains duplicates: " + theIncludePids; Map<Long, Integer> position = new HashMap<Long, Integer>(); for (Long next : theIncludePids) { position.put(next, theResourceListToPopulate.size()); theResourceListToPopulate.add(null); } /* * As always, Oracle can't handle things that other databases don't mind.. In this * case it doesn't like more than ~1000 IDs in a single load, so we break this up * if it's lots of IDs. I suppose maybe we should be doing this as a join anyhow * but this should work too. Sigh. */ int maxLoad = 800; List<Long> pids = new ArrayList<Long>(theIncludePids); for (int i = 0; i < pids.size(); i += maxLoad) { int to = i + maxLoad; to = Math.min(to, pids.size()); List<Long> pidsSubList = pids.subList(i, to); doLoadPids(theResourceListToPopulate, theRevIncludedPids, theForHistoryOperation, entityManager, context, theDao, position, pidsSubList); } } private void doLoadPids(List<IBaseResource> theResourceListToPopulate, Set<Long> theRevIncludedPids, boolean theForHistoryOperation, EntityManager entityManager, FhirContext context, IDao theDao, Map<Long, Integer> position, Collection<Long> pids) { CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<ResourceTable> cq = builder.createQuery(ResourceTable.class); Root<ResourceTable> from = cq.from(ResourceTable.class); cq.where(from.get("myId").in(pids)); TypedQuery<ResourceTable> q = entityManager.createQuery(cq); for (ResourceTable next : q.getResultList()) { Class<? extends IBaseResource> resourceType = context.getResourceDefinition(next.getResourceType()).getImplementingClass(); IBaseResource resource = theDao.toResource(resourceType, next, theForHistoryOperation); Integer index = position.get(next.getId()); if (index == null) { ourLog.warn("Got back unexpected resource PID {}", next.getId()); continue; } if (resource instanceof IResource) { if (theRevIncludedPids.contains(next.getId())) { ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.ENTRY_SEARCH_MODE.put((IResource) resource, BundleEntrySearchModeEnum.INCLUDE); } else { ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.ENTRY_SEARCH_MODE.put((IResource) resource, BundleEntrySearchModeEnum.MATCH); } } else { if (theRevIncludedPids.contains(next.getId())) { ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.ENTRY_SEARCH_MODE.put((IAnyResource) resource, BundleEntrySearchModeEnum.INCLUDE.getCode()); } else { ResourceMetadataKeyEnum.ENTRY_SEARCH_MODE.put((IAnyResource) resource, BundleEntrySearchModeEnum.MATCH.getCode()); } } theResourceListToPopulate.set(index, resource); } } /** * THIS SHOULD RETURN HASHSET and not jsut Set because we add to it later (so it can't be Collections.emptySet()) * * @param theLastUpdated */ @Override public HashSet<Long> loadReverseIncludes(IDao theCallingDao, FhirContext theContext, EntityManager theEntityManager, Collection<Long> theMatches, Set<Include> theRevIncludes, boolean theReverseMode, DateRangeParam theLastUpdated) { if (theMatches.size() == 0) { return new HashSet<Long>(); } if (theRevIncludes == null || theRevIncludes.isEmpty()) { return new HashSet<Long>(); } String searchFieldName = theReverseMode ? "myTargetResourcePid" : "mySourceResourcePid"; Collection<Long> nextRoundMatches = theMatches; HashSet<Long> allAdded = new HashSet<Long>(); HashSet<Long> original = new HashSet<Long>(theMatches); ArrayList<Include> includes = new ArrayList<Include>(theRevIncludes); int roundCounts = 0; StopWatch w = new StopWatch(); boolean addedSomeThisRound; do { roundCounts++; HashSet<Long> pidsToInclude = new HashSet<Long>(); Set<Long> nextRoundOmit = new HashSet<Long>(); for (Iterator<Include> iter = includes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Include nextInclude =; if (nextInclude.isRecurse() == false) { iter.remove(); } boolean matchAll = "*".equals(nextInclude.getValue()); if (matchAll) { String sql; sql = "SELECT r FROM ResourceLink r WHERE r." + searchFieldName + " IN (:target_pids)"; TypedQuery<ResourceLink> q = theEntityManager.createQuery(sql, ResourceLink.class); q.setParameter("target_pids", nextRoundMatches); List<ResourceLink> results = q.getResultList(); for (ResourceLink resourceLink : results) { if (theReverseMode) { // if (theEverythingModeEnum.isEncounter()) { // if (resourceLink.getSourcePath().equals("Encounter.subject") || // resourceLink.getSourcePath().equals("Encounter.patient")) { // nextRoundOmit.add(resourceLink.getSourceResourcePid()); // } // } pidsToInclude.add(resourceLink.getSourceResourcePid()); } else { pidsToInclude.add(resourceLink.getTargetResourcePid()); } } } else { List<String> paths; RuntimeSearchParam param = null; if (theContext.getVersion().getVersion() == FhirVersionEnum.DSTU1) { paths = Collections.singletonList(nextInclude.getValue()); } else { String resType = nextInclude.getParamType(); if (isBlank(resType)) { continue; } RuntimeResourceDefinition def = theContext.getResourceDefinition(resType); if (def == null) { ourLog.warn("Unknown resource type in include/revinclude=" + nextInclude.getValue()); continue; } String paramName = nextInclude.getParamName(); if (isNotBlank(paramName)) { param = theCallingDao.getSearchParamByName(def, paramName); } else { param = null; } if (param == null) { ourLog.warn("Unknown param name in include/revinclude=" + nextInclude.getValue()); continue; } paths = param.getPathsSplit(); } String targetResourceType = defaultString(nextInclude.getParamTargetType(), null); for (String nextPath : paths) { String sql; boolean haveTargetTypesDefinedByParam = param != null && param.getTargets() != null && param.getTargets().isEmpty() == false; if (targetResourceType != null) { sql = "SELECT r FROM ResourceLink r WHERE r.mySourcePath = :src_path AND r." + searchFieldName + " IN (:target_pids) AND r.myTargetResourceType = :target_resource_type"; } else if (haveTargetTypesDefinedByParam) { sql = "SELECT r FROM ResourceLink r WHERE r.mySourcePath = :src_path AND r." + searchFieldName + " IN (:target_pids) AND r.myTargetResourceType in (:target_resource_types)"; } else { sql = "SELECT r FROM ResourceLink r WHERE r.mySourcePath = :src_path AND r." + searchFieldName + " IN (:target_pids)"; } TypedQuery<ResourceLink> q = theEntityManager.createQuery(sql, ResourceLink.class); q.setParameter("src_path", nextPath); q.setParameter("target_pids", nextRoundMatches); if (targetResourceType != null) { q.setParameter("target_resource_type", targetResourceType); } else if (haveTargetTypesDefinedByParam) { q.setParameter("target_resource_types", param.getTargets()); } List<ResourceLink> results = q.getResultList(); for (ResourceLink resourceLink : results) { if (theReverseMode) { Long pid = resourceLink.getSourceResourcePid(); if (pid != null) { pidsToInclude.add(pid); } } else { Long pid = resourceLink.getTargetResourcePid(); if (pid != null) { pidsToInclude.add(pid); } } } } } } if (theLastUpdated != null && (theLastUpdated.getLowerBoundAsInstant() != null || theLastUpdated.getUpperBoundAsInstant() != null)) { pidsToInclude = new HashSet<Long>(filterResourceIdsByLastUpdated(theEntityManager, theLastUpdated, pidsToInclude)); } for (Long next : pidsToInclude) { if (original.contains(next) == false && allAdded.contains(next) == false) { theMatches.add(next); } } pidsToInclude.removeAll(nextRoundOmit); addedSomeThisRound = allAdded.addAll(pidsToInclude); nextRoundMatches = pidsToInclude; } while (includes.size() > 0 && nextRoundMatches.size() > 0 && addedSomeThisRound);"Loaded {} {} in {} rounds and {} ms", new Object[] { allAdded.size(), theReverseMode ? "_revincludes" : "_includes", roundCounts, w.getMillisAndRestart() }); return allAdded; } private void searchForIdsWithAndOr(SearchParameterMap theParams) { SearchParameterMap params = theParams; if (params == null) { params = new SearchParameterMap(); } myParams = theParams; for (Entry<String, List<List<? extends IQueryParameterType>>> nextParamEntry : params.entrySet()) { String nextParamName = nextParamEntry.getKey(); List<List<? extends IQueryParameterType>> andOrParams = nextParamEntry.getValue(); searchForIdsWithAndOr(myResourceName, nextParamName, andOrParams); } } private void searchForIdsWithAndOr(String theResourceName, String theParamName, List<List<? extends IQueryParameterType>> theAndOrParams) { if (theParamName.equals(BaseResource.SP_RES_ID)) { addPredicateResourceId(theAndOrParams); } else if (theParamName.equals(BaseResource.SP_RES_LANGUAGE)) { addPredicateLanguage(theAndOrParams); } else if (theParamName.equals(Constants.PARAM_HAS)) { addPredicateHas(theAndOrParams); } else if (theParamName.equals(Constants.PARAM_TAG) || theParamName.equals(Constants.PARAM_PROFILE) || theParamName.equals(Constants.PARAM_SECURITY)) { addPredicateTag(theAndOrParams, theParamName); } else { RuntimeSearchParam nextParamDef = mySearchParamRegistry.getActiveSearchParam(theResourceName, theParamName); if (nextParamDef != null) { switch (nextParamDef.getParamType()) { case DATE: for (List<? extends IQueryParameterType> nextAnd : theAndOrParams) { addPredicateDate(theResourceName, theParamName, nextAnd); } break; case QUANTITY: for (List<? extends IQueryParameterType> nextAnd : theAndOrParams) { addPredicateQuantity(theResourceName, theParamName, nextAnd); } break; case REFERENCE: for (List<? extends IQueryParameterType> nextAnd : theAndOrParams) { addPredicateReference(theResourceName, theParamName, nextAnd); } break; case STRING: for (List<? extends IQueryParameterType> nextAnd : theAndOrParams) { addPredicateString(theResourceName, theParamName, nextAnd); } break; case TOKEN: for (List<? extends IQueryParameterType> nextAnd : theAndOrParams) { addPredicateToken(theResourceName, theParamName, nextAnd); } break; case NUMBER: for (List<? extends IQueryParameterType> nextAnd : theAndOrParams) { addPredicateNumber(theResourceName, theParamName, nextAnd); } break; case COMPOSITE: for (List<? extends IQueryParameterType> nextAnd : theAndOrParams) { addPredicateComposite(theResourceName, nextParamDef, nextAnd); } break; case URI: for (List<? extends IQueryParameterType> nextAnd : theAndOrParams) { addPredicateUri(theResourceName, theParamName, nextAnd); } break; case HAS: // should not happen break; } } else { if (Constants.PARAM_CONTENT.equals(theParamName) || Constants.PARAM_TEXT.equals(theParamName)) { // These are handled later } else { throw new InvalidRequestException("Unknown search parameter " + theParamName + " for resource type " + theResourceName); } } } } public void setType(Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType, String theResourceName) { myResourceType = theResourceType; myResourceName = theResourceName; } private IQueryParameterType toParameterType(RuntimeSearchParam theParam) { IQueryParameterType qp; switch (theParam.getParamType()) { case DATE: qp = new DateParam(); break; case NUMBER: qp = new NumberParam(); break; case QUANTITY: qp = new QuantityParam(); break; case STRING: qp = new StringParam(); break; case TOKEN: qp = new TokenParam(); break; case COMPOSITE: List<RuntimeSearchParam> compositeOf = theParam.getCompositeOf(); if (compositeOf.size() != 2) { throw new InternalErrorException("Parameter " + theParam.getName() + " has " + compositeOf.size() + " composite parts. Don't know how handlt this."); } IQueryParameterType leftParam = toParameterType(compositeOf.get(0)); IQueryParameterType rightParam = toParameterType(compositeOf.get(1)); qp = new CompositeParam<IQueryParameterType, IQueryParameterType>(leftParam, rightParam); break; case REFERENCE: qp = new ReferenceParam(); break; default: throw new InternalErrorException("Don't know how to convert param type: " + theParam.getParamType()); } return qp; } private IQueryParameterType toParameterType(RuntimeSearchParam theParam, String theQualifier, String theValueAsQueryToken) { IQueryParameterType qp = toParameterType(theParam); qp.setValueAsQueryToken(myContext, theParam.getName(), theQualifier, theValueAsQueryToken); return qp; } /** * Figures out the tolerance for a search. For example, if the user is searching for <code>4.00</code>, this method * returns <code>0.005</code> because we shold actually match values which are * <code>4 (+/-) 0.005</code> according to the FHIR specs. */ static BigDecimal calculateFuzzAmount(ParamPrefixEnum cmpValue, BigDecimal theValue) { if (cmpValue == ParamPrefixEnum.APPROXIMATE) { return theValue.multiply(new BigDecimal(0.1)); } else { String plainString = theValue.toPlainString(); int dotIdx = plainString.indexOf('.'); if (dotIdx == -1) { return new BigDecimal(0.5); } int precision = plainString.length() - (dotIdx); double mul = Math.pow(10, -precision); double val = mul * 5.0d; return new BigDecimal(val); } } private static List<Predicate> createLastUpdatedPredicates(final DateRangeParam theLastUpdated, CriteriaBuilder builder, From<?, ResourceTable> from) { List<Predicate> lastUpdatedPredicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>(); if (theLastUpdated != null) { if (theLastUpdated.getLowerBoundAsInstant() != null) {"LastUpdated lower bound: {}", new InstantDt(theLastUpdated.getLowerBoundAsInstant())); Predicate predicateLower = builder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(from.<Date> get("myUpdated"), theLastUpdated.getLowerBoundAsInstant()); lastUpdatedPredicates.add(predicateLower); } if (theLastUpdated.getUpperBoundAsInstant() != null) { Predicate predicateUpper = builder.lessThanOrEqualTo(from.<Date> get("myUpdated"), theLastUpdated.getUpperBoundAsInstant()); lastUpdatedPredicates.add(predicateUpper); } } return lastUpdatedPredicates; } private static String createLeftMatchLikeExpression(String likeExpression) { return likeExpression.replace("%", "[%]") + "%"; } private static Predicate createResourceLinkPathPredicate(IDao theCallingDao, FhirContext theContext, String theParamName, From<?, ? extends ResourceLink> theFrom, String theResourceType) { RuntimeResourceDefinition resourceDef = theContext.getResourceDefinition(theResourceType); RuntimeSearchParam param = theCallingDao.getSearchParamByName(resourceDef, theParamName); List<String> path = param.getPathsSplit(); Predicate type = theFrom.get("mySourcePath").in(path); return type; } private static List<Long> filterResourceIdsByLastUpdated(EntityManager theEntityManager, final DateRangeParam theLastUpdated, Collection<Long> thePids) { CriteriaBuilder builder = theEntityManager.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<Long> cq = builder.createQuery(Long.class); Root<ResourceTable> from = cq.from(ResourceTable.class);"myId").as(Long.class)); List<Predicate> lastUpdatedPredicates = createLastUpdatedPredicates(theLastUpdated, builder, from); lastUpdatedPredicates.add(from.get("myId").as(Long.class).in(thePids)); cq.where(SearchBuilder.toArray(lastUpdatedPredicates)); TypedQuery<Long> query = theEntityManager.createQuery(cq); List<Long> resultList = query.getResultList(); return resultList; } static Predicate[] toArray(List<Predicate> thePredicates) { return thePredicates.toArray(new Predicate[thePredicates.size()]); } private final class QueryIterator implements Iterator<Long> { private Long myNext; private final Set<Long> myPidSet = new HashSet<Long>(); private Iterator<Long> myResultsIterator; private SortSpec mySort; private QueryIterator() { mySort = myParams.getSort(); } private void fetchNext() { // If we don't have if (myResultsIterator == null) { final TypedQuery<Long> query = createQuery(mySort); myResultsIterator = query.getResultList().iterator(); } if (myNext == null) { while (myResultsIterator.hasNext()) { Long next =; if (next != null && myPidSet.add(next)) { myNext = next; break; } } if (myNext == null) { myNext = NO_MORE; } } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (myNext == null) { fetchNext(); } if (myNext == NO_MORE) { return false; } return true; } @Override public Long next() { fetchNext(); Long retVal = myNext; myNext = null; Validate.isTrue(retVal != NO_MORE, "No more elements"); return retVal; } } }