package org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.Utilities; public class ExpressionNode { public enum Kind { Name, Function, Constant, Group } public static class SourceLocation { private int line; private int column; public SourceLocation(int line, int column) { super(); this.line = line; this.column = column; } public int getLine() { return line; } public int getColumn() { return column; } public void setLine(int line) { this.line = line; } public void setColumn(int column) { this.column = column; } public String toString() { return Integer.toString(line)+", "+Integer.toString(column); } } public enum Function { Custom, Empty, Not, Exists, SubsetOf, SupersetOf, IsDistinct, Distinct, Count, Where, Select, All, Repeat, Item /*implicit from name[]*/, As, Is, Single, First, Last, Tail, Skip, Take, Iif, ToInteger, ToDecimal, ToString, Substring, StartsWith, EndsWith, Matches, ReplaceMatches, Contains, Replace, Length, Children, Descendants, MemberOf, Trace, Today, Now, Resolve, Extension, HasValue, AliasAs, Alias; public static Function fromCode(String name) { if (name.equals("empty")) return Function.Empty; if (name.equals("not")) return Function.Not; if (name.equals("exists")) return Function.Exists; if (name.equals("subsetOf")) return Function.SubsetOf; if (name.equals("supersetOf")) return Function.SupersetOf; if (name.equals("isDistinct")) return Function.IsDistinct; if (name.equals("distinct")) return Function.Distinct; if (name.equals("count")) return Function.Count; if (name.equals("where")) return Function.Where; if (name.equals("select")) return Function.Select; if (name.equals("all")) return Function.All; if (name.equals("repeat")) return Function.Repeat; if (name.equals("item")) return Function.Item; if (name.equals("as")) return Function.As; if (name.equals("is")) return Function.Is; if (name.equals("single")) return Function.Single; if (name.equals("first")) return Function.First; if (name.equals("last")) return Function.Last; if (name.equals("tail")) return Function.Tail; if (name.equals("skip")) return Function.Skip; if (name.equals("take")) return Function.Take; if (name.equals("iif")) return Function.Iif; if (name.equals("toInteger")) return Function.ToInteger; if (name.equals("toDecimal")) return Function.ToDecimal; if (name.equals("toString")) return Function.ToString; if (name.equals("substring")) return Function.Substring; if (name.equals("startsWith")) return Function.StartsWith; if (name.equals("endsWith")) return Function.EndsWith; if (name.equals("matches")) return Function.Matches; if (name.equals("replaceMatches")) return Function.ReplaceMatches; if (name.equals("contains")) return Function.Contains; if (name.equals("replace")) return Function.Replace; if (name.equals("length")) return Function.Length; if (name.equals("children")) return Function.Children; if (name.equals("descendants")) return Function.Descendants; if (name.equals("memberOf")) return Function.MemberOf; if (name.equals("trace")) return Function.Trace; if (name.equals("today")) return Function.Today; if (name.equals("now")) return Function.Now; if (name.equals("resolve")) return Function.Resolve; if (name.equals("extension")) return Function.Extension; if (name.equals("hasValue")) return Function.HasValue; if (name.equals("alias")) return Function.Alias; if (name.equals("aliasAs")) return Function.AliasAs; return null; } public String toCode() { switch (this) { case Empty : return "empty"; case Not : return "not"; case Exists : return "exists"; case SubsetOf : return "subsetOf"; case SupersetOf : return "supersetOf"; case IsDistinct : return "isDistinct"; case Distinct : return "distinct"; case Count : return "count"; case Where : return "where"; case Select : return "select"; case All : return "all"; case Repeat : return "repeat"; case Item : return "item"; case As : return "as"; case Is : return "is"; case Single : return "single"; case First : return "first"; case Last : return "last"; case Tail : return "tail"; case Skip : return "skip"; case Take : return "take"; case Iif : return "iif"; case ToInteger : return "toInteger"; case ToDecimal : return "toDecimal"; case ToString : return "toString"; case Substring : return "substring"; case StartsWith : return "startsWith"; case EndsWith : return "endsWith"; case Matches : return "matches"; case ReplaceMatches : return "replaceMatches"; case Contains : return "contains"; case Replace : return "replace"; case Length : return "length"; case Children : return "children"; case Descendants : return "descendants"; case MemberOf : return "memberOf"; case Trace : return "trace"; case Today : return "today"; case Now : return "now"; case Resolve : return "resolve"; case Extension : return "extension"; case HasValue : return "hasValue"; case Alias : return "alias"; case AliasAs : return "aliasAs"; default: return "??"; } } } public enum Operation { Equals, Equivalent, NotEquals, NotEquivalent, LessThen, Greater, LessOrEqual, GreaterOrEqual, Is, As, Union, Or, And, Xor, Implies, Times, DivideBy, Plus, Minus, Concatenate, Div, Mod, In, Contains; public static Operation fromCode(String name) { if (Utilities.noString(name)) return null; if (name.equals("=")) return Operation.Equals; if (name.equals("~")) return Operation.Equivalent; if (name.equals("!=")) return Operation.NotEquals; if (name.equals("!~")) return Operation.NotEquivalent; if (name.equals(">")) return Operation.Greater; if (name.equals("<")) return Operation.LessThen; if (name.equals(">=")) return Operation.GreaterOrEqual; if (name.equals("<=")) return Operation.LessOrEqual; if (name.equals("|")) return Operation.Union; if (name.equals("or")) return Operation.Or; if (name.equals("and")) return Operation.And; if (name.equals("xor")) return Operation.Xor; if (name.equals("is")) return Operation.Is; if (name.equals("as")) return Operation.As; if (name.equals("*")) return Operation.Times; if (name.equals("/")) return Operation.DivideBy; if (name.equals("+")) return Operation.Plus; if (name.equals("-")) return Operation.Minus; if (name.equals("&")) return Operation.Concatenate; if (name.equals("implies")) return Operation.Implies; if (name.equals("div")) return Operation.Div; if (name.equals("mod")) return Operation.Mod; if (name.equals("in")) return Operation.In; if (name.equals("contains")) return Operation.Contains; return null; } public String toCode() { switch (this) { case Equals : return "="; case Equivalent : return "~"; case NotEquals : return "!="; case NotEquivalent : return "!~"; case Greater : return ">"; case LessThen : return "<"; case GreaterOrEqual : return ">="; case LessOrEqual : return "<="; case Union : return "|"; case Or : return "or"; case And : return "and"; case Xor : return "xor"; case Times : return "*"; case DivideBy : return "/"; case Plus : return "+"; case Minus : return "-"; case Concatenate : return "&"; case Implies : return "implies"; case Is : return "is"; case As : return "as"; case Div : return "div"; case Mod : return "mod"; case In : return "in"; case Contains : return "contains"; default: return "??"; } } } public enum CollectionStatus { SINGLETON, ORDERED, UNORDERED; } //the expression will have one of either name or constant private String uniqueId; private Kind kind; private String name; private String constant; private Function function; private List<ExpressionNode> parameters; // will be created if there is a function private ExpressionNode inner; private ExpressionNode group; private Operation operation; private boolean proximal; // a proximal operation is the first in the sequence of operations. This is significant when evaluating the outcomes private ExpressionNode opNext; private SourceLocation start; private SourceLocation end; private SourceLocation opStart; private SourceLocation opEnd; private TypeDetails types; private TypeDetails opTypes; public ExpressionNode(int uniqueId) { super(); this.uniqueId = Integer.toString(uniqueId); } public String toString() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); switch (kind) { case Name: b.append(name); break; case Function: if (function == Function.Item) b.append("["); else { b.append(name); b.append("("); } boolean first = true; for (ExpressionNode n : parameters) { if (first) first = false; else b.append(", "); b.append(n.toString()); } if (function == Function.Item) b.append("]"); else { b.append(")"); } break; case Constant: b.append(Utilities.escapeJava(constant)); break; case Group: b.append("("); b.append(group.toString()); b.append(")"); } if (inner != null) { b.append("."); b.append(inner.toString()); } if (operation != null) { b.append(" "); b.append(operation.toCode()); b.append(" "); b.append(opNext.toString()); } return b.toString(); } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getConstant() { return constant; } public void setConstant(String constant) { this.constant = constant; } public Function getFunction() { return function; } public void setFunction(Function function) { this.function = function; if (parameters == null) parameters = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); } public boolean isProximal() { return proximal; } public void setProximal(boolean proximal) { this.proximal = proximal; } public Operation getOperation() { return operation; } public void setOperation(Operation operation) { this.operation = operation; } public ExpressionNode getInner() { return inner; } public void setInner(ExpressionNode value) { this.inner = value; } public ExpressionNode getOpNext() { return opNext; } public void setOpNext(ExpressionNode value) { this.opNext = value; } public List<ExpressionNode> getParameters() { return parameters; } public boolean checkName() { if (!name.startsWith("$")) return true; else return name.equals("$this"); } public Kind getKind() { return kind; } public void setKind(Kind kind) { this.kind = kind; } public ExpressionNode getGroup() { return group; } public void setGroup(ExpressionNode group) { = group; } public SourceLocation getStart() { return start; } public void setStart(SourceLocation start) { this.start = start; } public SourceLocation getEnd() { return end; } public void setEnd(SourceLocation end) { this.end = end; } public SourceLocation getOpStart() { return opStart; } public void setOpStart(SourceLocation opStart) { this.opStart = opStart; } public SourceLocation getOpEnd() { return opEnd; } public void setOpEnd(SourceLocation opEnd) { this.opEnd = opEnd; } public String getUniqueId() { return uniqueId; } public int parameterCount() { if (parameters == null) return 0; else return parameters.size(); } public String Canonical() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); write(b); return b.toString(); } public String summary() { switch (kind) { case Name: return uniqueId+": "+name; case Function: return uniqueId+": "+function.toString()+"()"; case Constant: return uniqueId+": "+constant; case Group: return uniqueId+": (Group)"; } return "??"; } private void write(StringBuilder b) { switch (kind) { case Name: b.append(name); break; case Constant: b.append(constant); break; case Function: b.append(function.toCode()); b.append('('); boolean f = true; for (ExpressionNode n : parameters) { if (f) f = false; else b.append(", "); n.write(b); } b.append(')'); break; case Group: b.append('('); group.write(b); b.append(')'); } if (inner != null) { b.append('.'); inner.write(b); } if (operation != null) { b.append(' '); b.append(operation.toCode()); b.append(' '); opNext.write(b); } } public String check() { switch (kind) { case Name: if (Utilities.noString(name)) return "No Name provided @ "+location(); break; case Function: if (function == null) return "No Function id provided @ "+location(); for (ExpressionNode n : parameters) { String msg = n.check(); if (msg != null) return msg; } break; case Constant: if (Utilities.noString(constant)) return "No Constant provided @ "+location(); break; case Group: if (group == null) return "No Group provided @ "+location(); else { String msg = group.check(); if (msg != null) return msg; } } if (inner != null) { String msg = inner.check(); if (msg != null) return msg; } if (operation == null) { if (opNext != null) return "Next provided when it shouldn't be @ "+location(); } else { if (opNext == null) return "No Next provided @ "+location(); else opNext.check(); } return null; } private String location() { return Integer.toString(start.line)+", "+Integer.toString(start.column); } public TypeDetails getTypes() { return types; } public void setTypes(TypeDetails types) { this.types = types; } public TypeDetails getOpTypes() { return opTypes; } public void setOpTypes(TypeDetails opTypes) { this.opTypes = opTypes; } }