package; /* * #%L * HAPI FHIR - Core Library * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 University Health Network * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.ConfigurationException; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Description; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.IdDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.valueset.BundleTypeEnum; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SearchMethodBinding extends BaseResourceReturningMethodBinding { private static final org.slf4j.Logger ourLog = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(SearchMethodBinding.class); private String myCompartmentName; private String myDescription; private Integer myIdParamIndex; private String myQueryName; private boolean myAllowUnknownParams; public SearchMethodBinding(Class<? extends IBaseResource> theReturnResourceType, Method theMethod, FhirContext theContext, Object theProvider) { super(theReturnResourceType, theMethod, theContext, theProvider); Search search = theMethod.getAnnotation(Search.class); this.myQueryName = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(search.queryName(), null); this.myCompartmentName = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(search.compartmentName(), null); this.myIdParamIndex = MethodUtil.findIdParameterIndex(theMethod, getContext()); this.myAllowUnknownParams = search.allowUnknownParams(); Description desc = theMethod.getAnnotation(Description.class); if (desc != null) { if (isNotBlank(desc.formalDefinition())) { myDescription = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(desc.formalDefinition(), null); } else { myDescription = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(desc.shortDefinition(), null); } } /* * Check for parameter combinations and names that are invalid */ List<IParameter> parameters = getParameters(); // List<SearchParameter> searchParameters = new ArrayList<SearchParameter>(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) { IParameter next = parameters.get(i); if (!(next instanceof SearchParameter)) { continue; } SearchParameter sp = (SearchParameter) next; if (sp.getName().startsWith("_")) { if (ALLOWED_PARAMS.contains(sp.getName())) { String msg = getContext().getLocalizer().getMessage(getClass().getName() + ".invalidSpecialParamName", theMethod.getName(), theMethod.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName(), sp.getName()); throw new ConfigurationException(msg); } } // searchParameters.add(sp); } // for (int i = 0; i < searchParameters.size(); i++) { // SearchParameter next = searchParameters.get(i); // // next. // } /* * Only compartment searching methods may have an ID parameter */ if (isBlank(myCompartmentName) && myIdParamIndex != null) { String msg = theContext.getLocalizer().getMessage(getClass().getName() + ".idWithoutCompartment", theMethod.getName(), theMethod.getDeclaringClass()); throw new ConfigurationException(msg); } } public String getDescription() { return myDescription; } @Override public RestOperationTypeEnum getRestOperationType() { return RestOperationTypeEnum.SEARCH_TYPE; } @Override protected BundleTypeEnum getResponseBundleType() { return BundleTypeEnum.SEARCHSET; } @Override public ReturnTypeEnum getReturnType() { return ReturnTypeEnum.BUNDLE; } @Override public boolean incomingServerRequestMatchesMethod(RequestDetails theRequest) { String clientPreference = theRequest.getHeader(Constants.HEADER_PREFER); boolean lenientHandling = false; if(clientPreference != null) { String[] preferences = clientPreference.split(";"); for( String p : preferences){ if("handling:lenient".equalsIgnoreCase(p)) { lenientHandling = true; break; } } } if (theRequest.getId() != null && myIdParamIndex == null) { ourLog.trace("Method {} doesn't match because ID is not null: {}", theRequest.getId()); return false; } if (theRequest.getRequestType() == RequestTypeEnum.GET && theRequest.getOperation() != null && !Constants.PARAM_SEARCH.equals(theRequest.getOperation())) { ourLog.trace("Method {} doesn't match because request type is GET but operation is not null: {}", theRequest.getId(), theRequest.getOperation()); return false; } if (theRequest.getRequestType() == RequestTypeEnum.POST && !Constants.PARAM_SEARCH.equals(theRequest.getOperation())) { ourLog.trace("Method {} doesn't match because request type is POST but operation is not _search: {}", theRequest.getId(), theRequest.getOperation()); return false; } if (theRequest.getRequestType() != RequestTypeEnum.GET && theRequest.getRequestType() != RequestTypeEnum.POST) { ourLog.trace("Method {} doesn't match because request type is {}", getMethod()); return false; } if (!StringUtils.equals(myCompartmentName, theRequest.getCompartmentName())) { ourLog.trace("Method {} doesn't match because it is for compartment {} but request is compartment {}", new Object[] { getMethod(), myCompartmentName, theRequest.getCompartmentName() }); return false; } // This is used to track all the parameters so we can reject queries that // have additional params we don't understand Set<String> methodParamsTemp = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> unqualifiedNames = theRequest.getUnqualifiedToQualifiedNames().keySet(); Set<String> qualifiedParamNames = theRequest.getParameters().keySet(); for (int i = 0; i < this.getParameters().size(); i++) { if (!(getParameters().get(i) instanceof BaseQueryParameter)) { continue; } BaseQueryParameter temp = (BaseQueryParameter) getParameters().get(i); String name = temp.getName(); if (temp.isRequired()) { if (qualifiedParamNames.contains(name)) { QualifierDetails qualifiers = extractQualifiersFromParameterName(name); if (qualifiers.passes(temp.getQualifierWhitelist(), temp.getQualifierBlacklist())) { methodParamsTemp.add(name); } } if (unqualifiedNames.contains(name)) { List<String> qualifiedNames = theRequest.getUnqualifiedToQualifiedNames().get(name); qualifiedNames = processWhitelistAndBlacklist(qualifiedNames, temp.getQualifierWhitelist(), temp.getQualifierBlacklist()); methodParamsTemp.addAll(qualifiedNames); } if (!qualifiedParamNames.contains(name) && !unqualifiedNames.contains(name)) { ourLog.trace("Method {} doesn't match param '{}' is not present", getMethod().getName(), name); return false; } } else { if (qualifiedParamNames.contains(name)) { QualifierDetails qualifiers = extractQualifiersFromParameterName(name); if (qualifiers.passes(temp.getQualifierWhitelist(), temp.getQualifierBlacklist())) { methodParamsTemp.add(name); } } if (unqualifiedNames.contains(name)) { List<String> qualifiedNames = theRequest.getUnqualifiedToQualifiedNames().get(name); qualifiedNames = processWhitelistAndBlacklist(qualifiedNames, temp.getQualifierWhitelist(), temp.getQualifierBlacklist()); methodParamsTemp.addAll(qualifiedNames); } if (!qualifiedParamNames.contains(name)) { methodParamsTemp.add(name); } } } if (myQueryName != null) { String[] queryNameValues = theRequest.getParameters().get(Constants.PARAM_QUERY); if (queryNameValues != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(queryNameValues[0])) { String queryName = queryNameValues[0]; if (!myQueryName.equals(queryName)) { ourLog.trace("Query name does not match {}", myQueryName); return false; } methodParamsTemp.add(Constants.PARAM_QUERY); } else { ourLog.trace("Query name does not match {}", myQueryName); return false; } } else { String[] queryNameValues = theRequest.getParameters().get(Constants.PARAM_QUERY); if (queryNameValues != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(queryNameValues[0])) { ourLog.trace("Query has name"); return false; } } for (String next : theRequest.getParameters().keySet()) { if (ALLOWED_PARAMS.contains(next)) { methodParamsTemp.add(next); } } Set<String> keySet = theRequest.getParameters().keySet(); if(lenientHandling == true) return true; if (myAllowUnknownParams == false) { for (String next : keySet) { if (!methodParamsTemp.contains(next)) { return false; } } } return true; } @Override public BaseHttpClientInvocation invokeClient(Object[] theArgs) throws InternalErrorException { assert (myQueryName == null || ((theArgs != null ? theArgs.length : 0) == getParameters().size())) : "Wrong number of arguments: " + (theArgs != null ? theArgs.length : "null"); Map<String, List<String>> queryStringArgs = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); if (myQueryName != null) { queryStringArgs.put(Constants.PARAM_QUERY, Collections.singletonList(myQueryName)); } IdDt id = (IdDt) (myIdParamIndex != null ? theArgs[myIdParamIndex] : null); String resourceName = getResourceName(); if (theArgs != null) { for (int idx = 0; idx < theArgs.length; idx++) { IParameter nextParam = getParameters().get(idx); nextParam.translateClientArgumentIntoQueryArgument(getContext(), theArgs[idx], queryStringArgs, null); } } BaseHttpClientInvocation retVal = createSearchInvocation(getContext(), resourceName, queryStringArgs, id, myCompartmentName, null); return retVal; } @Override public IBundleProvider invokeServer(IRestfulServer<?> theServer, RequestDetails theRequest, Object[] theMethodParams) throws InvalidRequestException, InternalErrorException { if (myIdParamIndex != null) { theMethodParams[myIdParamIndex] = theRequest.getId(); } Object response = invokeServerMethod(theServer, theRequest, theMethodParams); return toResourceList(response); } @Override protected boolean isAddContentLocationHeader() { return false; } private List<String> processWhitelistAndBlacklist(List<String> theQualifiedNames, Set<String> theQualifierWhitelist, Set<String> theQualifierBlacklist) { if (theQualifierWhitelist == null && theQualifierBlacklist == null) { return theQualifiedNames; } ArrayList<String> retVal = new ArrayList<String>(theQualifiedNames.size()); for (String next : theQualifiedNames) { QualifierDetails qualifiers = extractQualifiersFromParameterName(next); if (!qualifiers.passes(theQualifierWhitelist, theQualifierBlacklist)) { continue; } retVal.add(next); } return retVal; } @Override public String toString() { return getMethod().toString(); } public static BaseHttpClientInvocation createSearchInvocation(FhirContext theContext, String theResourceName, Map<String, List<String>> theParameters, IdDt theId, String theCompartmentName, SearchStyleEnum theSearchStyle) { SearchStyleEnum searchStyle = theSearchStyle; if (searchStyle == null) { int length = 0; for (Entry<String, List<String>> nextEntry : theParameters.entrySet()) { length += nextEntry.getKey().length(); for (String next : nextEntry.getValue()) { length += next.length(); } } if (length < 5000) { searchStyle = SearchStyleEnum.GET; } else { searchStyle = SearchStyleEnum.POST; } } BaseHttpClientInvocation invocation; boolean compartmentSearch = false; if (theCompartmentName != null) { if (theId == null || !theId.hasIdPart()) { String msg = theContext.getLocalizer().getMessage(SearchMethodBinding.class.getName() + ".idNullForCompartmentSearch"); throw new InvalidRequestException(msg); } compartmentSearch = true; } /* * Are we doing a get (GET [base]/Patient?name=foo) or a get with search (GET [base]/Patient/_search?name=foo) or a post (POST [base]/Patient with parameters in the POST body) */ switch (searchStyle) { case GET: default: if (compartmentSearch) { invocation = new HttpGetClientInvocation(theContext, theParameters, theResourceName, theId.getIdPart(), theCompartmentName); } else { invocation = new HttpGetClientInvocation(theContext, theParameters, theResourceName); } break; case GET_WITH_SEARCH: if (compartmentSearch) { invocation = new HttpGetClientInvocation(theContext, theParameters, theResourceName, theId.getIdPart(), theCompartmentName, Constants.PARAM_SEARCH); } else { invocation = new HttpGetClientInvocation(theContext, theParameters, theResourceName, Constants.PARAM_SEARCH); } break; case POST: if (compartmentSearch) { invocation = new HttpPostClientInvocation(theContext, theParameters, theResourceName, theId.getIdPart(), theCompartmentName, Constants.PARAM_SEARCH); } else { invocation = new HttpPostClientInvocation(theContext, theParameters, theResourceName, Constants.PARAM_SEARCH); } } return invocation; } public static QualifierDetails extractQualifiersFromParameterName(String theParamName) { QualifierDetails retVal = new QualifierDetails(); if (theParamName == null || theParamName.length() == 0) { return retVal; } int dotIdx = -1; int colonIdx = -1; for (int idx = 0; idx < theParamName.length(); idx++) { char nextChar = theParamName.charAt(idx); if (nextChar == '.' && dotIdx == -1) { dotIdx = idx; } else if (nextChar == ':' && colonIdx == -1) { colonIdx = idx; } } if (dotIdx != -1 && colonIdx != -1) { if (dotIdx < colonIdx) { retVal.setDotQualifier(theParamName.substring(dotIdx, colonIdx)); retVal.setColonQualifier(theParamName.substring(colonIdx)); retVal.setParamName(theParamName.substring(0, dotIdx)); retVal.setWholeQualifier(theParamName.substring(dotIdx)); } else { retVal.setColonQualifier(theParamName.substring(colonIdx, dotIdx)); retVal.setDotQualifier(theParamName.substring(dotIdx)); retVal.setParamName(theParamName.substring(0, colonIdx)); retVal.setWholeQualifier(theParamName.substring(colonIdx)); } } else if (dotIdx != -1) { retVal.setDotQualifier(theParamName.substring(dotIdx)); retVal.setParamName(theParamName.substring(0, dotIdx)); retVal.setWholeQualifier(theParamName.substring(dotIdx)); } else if (colonIdx != -1) { retVal.setColonQualifier(theParamName.substring(colonIdx)); retVal.setParamName(theParamName.substring(0, colonIdx)); retVal.setWholeQualifier(theParamName.substring(colonIdx)); } else { retVal.setParamName(theParamName); retVal.setColonQualifier(null); retVal.setDotQualifier(null); retVal.setWholeQualifier(null); } return retVal; } public static class QualifierDetails { private String myColonQualifier; private String myDotQualifier; private String myParamName; private String myWholeQualifier; public boolean passes(Set<String> theQualifierWhitelist, Set<String> theQualifierBlacklist) { if (theQualifierWhitelist != null) { if (!theQualifierWhitelist.contains(".*")) { if (myDotQualifier != null) { if (!theQualifierWhitelist.contains(myDotQualifier)) { return false; } } else { if (!theQualifierWhitelist.contains(".")) { return false; } } } /* * This was removed Sep 9 2015, as I don't see any way it could possibly be triggered. if (!theQualifierWhitelist.contains(SearchParameter.QUALIFIER_ANY_TYPE)) { if (myColonQualifier != null) { if (!theQualifierWhitelist.contains(myColonQualifier)) { return false; } } else { if (!theQualifierWhitelist.contains(":")) { return false; } } } */ } if (theQualifierBlacklist != null) { if (myDotQualifier != null) { if (theQualifierBlacklist.contains(myDotQualifier)) { return false; } } if (myColonQualifier != null) { if (theQualifierBlacklist.contains(myColonQualifier)) { return false; } } } return true; } public void setParamName(String theParamName) { myParamName = theParamName; } public String getParamName() { return myParamName; } public void setColonQualifier(String theColonQualifier) { myColonQualifier = theColonQualifier; } public void setDotQualifier(String theDotQualifier) { myDotQualifier = theDotQualifier; } public String getWholeQualifier() { return myWholeQualifier; } public void setWholeQualifier(String theWholeQualifier) { myWholeQualifier = theWholeQualifier; } } public static BaseHttpClientInvocation createSearchInvocation(FhirContext theContext, String theSearchUrl, Map<String, List<String>> theParams) { return new HttpGetClientInvocation(theContext, theParams, theSearchUrl); } }