package ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; /* * #%L * HAPI FHIR JPA Server * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 University Health Network * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext; import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.SearchParameterMap.IncludeComparator; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IQueryParameterAnd; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IQueryParameterOr; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IQueryParameterType; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ca.uhn.fhir.util.ObjectUtil; import ca.uhn.fhir.util.UrlUtil; public class SearchParameterMap extends LinkedHashMap<String, List<List<? extends IQueryParameterType>>> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Integer myCount; private EverythingModeEnum myEverythingMode = null; private Set<Include> myIncludes; private DateRangeParam myLastUpdated; private boolean myLoadSynchronous; private Integer myLoadSynchronousUpTo; private Set<Include> myRevIncludes; private SortSpec mySort; /** * Constructor */ public SearchParameterMap() { // nothing } /** * Constructor */ public SearchParameterMap(String theName, IQueryParameterType theParam) { add(theName, theParam); } public SearchParameterMap add(String theName, DateParam theDateParam) { add(theName, (IQueryParameterOr<?>) theDateParam); return this; } public void add(String theName, IQueryParameterAnd<?> theAnd) { if (theAnd == null) { return; } if (!containsKey(theName)) { put(theName, new ArrayList<List<? extends IQueryParameterType>>()); } for (IQueryParameterOr<?> next : theAnd.getValuesAsQueryTokens()) { if (next == null) { continue; } get(theName).add(next.getValuesAsQueryTokens()); } } public void add(String theName, IQueryParameterOr<?> theOr) { if (theOr == null) { return; } if (!containsKey(theName)) { put(theName, new ArrayList<List<? extends IQueryParameterType>>()); } get(theName).add(theOr.getValuesAsQueryTokens()); } public SearchParameterMap add(String theName, IQueryParameterType theParam) { assert !Constants.PARAM_LASTUPDATED.equals(theName); // this has it's own field in the map if (theParam == null) { return this; } if (!containsKey(theName)) { put(theName, new ArrayList<List<? extends IQueryParameterType>>()); } ArrayList<IQueryParameterType> list = new ArrayList<IQueryParameterType>(); list.add(theParam); get(theName).add(list); return this; } public void addInclude(Include theInclude) { getIncludes().add(theInclude); } private void addLastUpdateParam(StringBuilder b, DateParam date) { if (date != null && isNotBlank(date.getValueAsString())) { addUrlParamSeparator(b); b.append(Constants.PARAM_LASTUPDATED); b.append('='); b.append(date.getValueAsString()); } } public void addRevInclude(Include theInclude) { getRevIncludes().add(theInclude); } private void addUrlIncludeParams(StringBuilder b, String paramName, Set<Include> theList) { ArrayList<Include> list = new ArrayList<Include>(theList); Collections.sort(list, new IncludeComparator()); for (Include nextInclude : list) { addUrlParamSeparator(b); b.append(paramName); b.append('='); b.append(UrlUtil.escape(nextInclude.getParamType())); b.append(':'); b.append(UrlUtil.escape(nextInclude.getParamName())); if (isNotBlank(nextInclude.getParamTargetType())) { b.append(':'); b.append(nextInclude.getParamTargetType()); } } } private void addUrlParamSeparator(StringBuilder theB) { if (theB.length() == 0) { theB.append('?'); } else { theB.append('&'); } } public Integer getCount() { return myCount; } public EverythingModeEnum getEverythingMode() { return myEverythingMode; } public Set<Include> getIncludes() { if (myIncludes == null) { myIncludes = new HashSet<Include>(); } return myIncludes; } /** * Returns null if there is no last updated value */ public DateRangeParam getLastUpdated() { if (myLastUpdated != null) { if (myLastUpdated.isEmpty()) { myLastUpdated = null; } } return myLastUpdated; } /** * Returns null if there is no last updated value, and removes the lastupdated * value from this map */ public DateRangeParam getLastUpdatedAndRemove() { DateRangeParam retVal = getLastUpdated(); myLastUpdated = null; return retVal; } /** * If set, tells the server to load these results synchronously, and not to load * more than X results */ public Integer getLoadSynchronousUpTo() { return myLoadSynchronousUpTo; } public Set<Include> getRevIncludes() { if (myRevIncludes == null) { myRevIncludes = new HashSet<Include>(); } return myRevIncludes; } public SortSpec getSort() { return mySort; } /** * If set, tells the server to load these results synchronously, and not to load * more than X results */ public boolean isLoadSynchronous() { return myLoadSynchronous; } public void setCount(Integer theCount) { myCount = theCount; } public void setEverythingMode(EverythingModeEnum theConsolidateMatches) { myEverythingMode = theConsolidateMatches; } public void setIncludes(Set<Include> theIncludes) { myIncludes = theIncludes; } public void setLastUpdated(DateRangeParam theLastUpdated) { myLastUpdated = theLastUpdated; } /** * If set, tells the server to load these results synchronously, and not to load * more than X results */ public SearchParameterMap setLoadSynchronous(boolean theLoadSynchronous) { myLoadSynchronous = theLoadSynchronous; return this; } /** * If set, tells the server to load these results synchronously, and not to load * more than X results. Note that setting this to a value will also set * {@link #setLoadSynchronous(boolean)} to true */ public SearchParameterMap setLoadSynchronousUpTo(Integer theLoadSynchronousUpTo) { myLoadSynchronousUpTo = theLoadSynchronousUpTo; if (myLoadSynchronousUpTo != null) { setLoadSynchronous(true); } return this; } /** * @deprecated As of HAPI FHIR 2.4 this method no longer does anything */ @Deprecated public void setPersistResults(boolean thePersistResults) { // does nothing as of HAPI FHIR 2.4 } public void setRevIncludes(Set<Include> theRevIncludes) { myRevIncludes = theRevIncludes; } public void setSort(SortSpec theSort) { mySort = theSort; } public String toNormalizedQueryString(FhirContext theCtx) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(keySet()); Collections.sort(keys); for (String nextKey : keys) { List<List<? extends IQueryParameterType>> nextValuesAndsIn = get(nextKey); List<List<IQueryParameterType>> nextValuesAndsOut = new ArrayList<List<IQueryParameterType>>(); for (List<? extends IQueryParameterType> nextValuesAndIn : nextValuesAndsIn) { List<IQueryParameterType> nextValuesOrsOut = new ArrayList<IQueryParameterType>(); for (IQueryParameterType nextValueOrIn : nextValuesAndIn) { if (nextValueOrIn.getMissing() != null || isNotBlank(nextValueOrIn.getValueAsQueryToken(theCtx))) { nextValuesOrsOut.add(nextValueOrIn); } } Collections.sort(nextValuesOrsOut, new QueryParameterTypeComparator(theCtx)); if (nextValuesOrsOut.size() > 0) { nextValuesAndsOut.add(nextValuesOrsOut); } } // for AND Collections.sort(nextValuesAndsOut, new QueryParameterOrComparator(theCtx)); for (List<IQueryParameterType> nextValuesAnd : nextValuesAndsOut) { addUrlParamSeparator(b); IQueryParameterType firstValue = nextValuesAnd.get(0); b.append(UrlUtil.escape(nextKey)); if (firstValue.getMissing() != null) { b.append(Constants.PARAMQUALIFIER_MISSING); b.append('='); if (firstValue.getMissing()) { b.append(Constants.PARAMQUALIFIER_MISSING_TRUE); }else { b.append(Constants.PARAMQUALIFIER_MISSING_FALSE); } continue; } if (isNotBlank(firstValue.getQueryParameterQualifier())){ b.append(firstValue.getQueryParameterQualifier()); } b.append('='); for (int i = 0; i < nextValuesAnd.size(); i++) { IQueryParameterType nextValueOr = nextValuesAnd.get(i); if (i > 0) { b.append(','); } String valueAsQueryToken = nextValueOr.getValueAsQueryToken(theCtx); // b.append(ParameterUtil.escapeAndUrlEncode(valueAsQueryToken)); b.append(UrlUtil.escape(valueAsQueryToken)); } } } // for keys SortSpec sort = getSort(); boolean first = true; while (sort != null) { if (isNotBlank(sort.getParamName())) { if (first) { addUrlParamSeparator(b); b.append(Constants.PARAM_SORT); b.append('='); first = false; } else { b.append(','); } if (sort.getOrder() == SortOrderEnum.DESC) { b.append('-'); } b.append(sort.getParamName()); } Validate.isTrue(sort != sort.getChain()); // just in case, shouldn't happen sort = sort.getChain(); } addUrlIncludeParams(b, Constants.PARAM_INCLUDE, getIncludes()); addUrlIncludeParams(b, Constants.PARAM_REVINCLUDE, getRevIncludes()); if (getLastUpdated() != null) { DateParam lb = getLastUpdated().getLowerBound(); addLastUpdateParam(b, lb); DateParam ub = getLastUpdated().getUpperBound(); addLastUpdateParam(b, ub); } if (getCount() != null) { addUrlParamSeparator(b); b.append(Constants.PARAM_COUNT); b.append('='); b.append(getCount()); } if (b.length() == 0) { b.append('?'); } return b.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { ToStringBuilder b = new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE); if (isEmpty() == false) { b.append("params", super.toString()); } if (getIncludes().isEmpty() == false) { b.append("includes", getIncludes()); } return b.toString(); } static int compare(FhirContext theCtx, IQueryParameterType theO1, IQueryParameterType theO2) { int retVal; if (theO1.getMissing() == null && theO2.getMissing() == null) { retVal = 0; } else if (theO1.getMissing() == null) { retVal = -1; } else if (theO2.getMissing() == null) { retVal = 1; } else if (ObjectUtil.equals(theO1.getMissing(), theO2.getMissing())) { retVal = 0; } else { if (theO1.getMissing().booleanValue()) { retVal = 1; } else { retVal = -1; } } if (retVal == 0) { String q1 = theO1.getQueryParameterQualifier(); String q2 = theO2.getQueryParameterQualifier(); retVal =, q2); } if (retVal == 0) { String v1 = theO1.getValueAsQueryToken(theCtx); String v2 = theO2.getValueAsQueryToken(theCtx); retVal =, v2); } return retVal; } public enum EverythingModeEnum { /* * Don't reorder! We rely on the ordinals */ ENCOUNTER_INSTANCE(false, true, true), ENCOUNTER_TYPE(false, true, false), PATIENT_INSTANCE(true, false, true), PATIENT_TYPE(true, false, false); private final boolean myEncounter; private final boolean myInstance; private final boolean myPatient; private EverythingModeEnum(boolean thePatient, boolean theEncounter, boolean theInstance) { assert thePatient ^ theEncounter; myPatient = thePatient; myEncounter = theEncounter; myInstance = theInstance; } public boolean isEncounter() { return myEncounter; } public boolean isInstance() { return myInstance; } public boolean isPatient() { return myPatient; } } public class IncludeComparator implements Comparator<Include> { @Override public int compare(Include theO1, Include theO2) { int retVal =, theO2.getParamType()); if (retVal == 0) { retVal =, theO2.getParamName()); } if (retVal == 0) { retVal =, theO2.getParamTargetType()); } return retVal; } } public class QueryParameterOrComparator implements Comparator<List<IQueryParameterType>> { private final FhirContext myCtx; public QueryParameterOrComparator(FhirContext theCtx) { myCtx = theCtx; } @Override public int compare(List<IQueryParameterType> theO1, List<IQueryParameterType> theO2) { // These lists will never be empty return, theO1.get(0), theO2.get(0)); } } public class QueryParameterTypeComparator implements Comparator<IQueryParameterType> { private final FhirContext myCtx; public QueryParameterTypeComparator(FhirContext theCtx) { myCtx = theCtx; } @Override public int compare(IQueryParameterType theO1, IQueryParameterType theO2) { return, theO1, theO2); } } }