package example; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.TemporalPrecisionEnum; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.CodeableConceptDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.CodingDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.HumanNameDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.IdentifierDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.QuantityDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.SimpleQuantityDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Observation; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Patient; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AdministrativeGenderEnum; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.MaritalStatusCodesEnum; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ObservationStatusEnum; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.InstantDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.parser.IParser; import; public class FhirDataModel { public static void datatypes() { // START SNIPPET: datatypes Observation obs = new Observation(); // These are all equivalent obs.setIssued(new InstantDt(new Date())); obs.setIssued(new Date(), TemporalPrecisionEnum.MILLI); obs.setIssuedWithMillisPrecision(new Date()); // The InstantDt also lets you work with the instant as a Java Date // object or as a FHIR String. Date date = obs.getIssuedElement().getValue(); // A date object String dateString = obs.getIssuedElement().getValueAsString(); // "2014-03-08T12:59:58.068-05:00" // END SNIPPET: datatypes System.out.println(date); System.out.println(dateString); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void nonNull() { // START SNIPPET: nonNull Observation observation = new Observation(); // None of these calls will not return null, but instead create their // respective // child elements. List<IdentifierDt> identifierList = observation.getIdentifier(); CodeableConceptDt code = observation.getCode(); StringDt textElement = observation.getCode().getTextElement(); // DateTimeDt is a FHIR primitive however, so the following will return // null // unless a value has been placed there. Date active = observation.addIdentifier().getPeriod().getStartElement().getValue(); // END SNIPPET: nonNull } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void codes() { // START SNIPPET: codes Patient patient = new Patient(); // You can set this code using a String if you want. Note that // for "closed" valuesets (such as the one used for Patient.gender) // you must use one of the strings defined by the FHIR specification. // You must not define your own. patient.getGenderElement().setValue("male"); // HAPI also provides Java enumerated types which make it easier to // deal with coded values. This code achieves the exact same result // as the code above. patient.setGender(AdministrativeGenderEnum.MALE); // You can also retrieve coded values the same way String genderString = patient.getGenderElement().getValueAsString(); AdministrativeGenderEnum genderEnum = patient.getGenderElement().getValueAsEnum(); // The following is a shortcut to create patient.setMaritalStatus(MaritalStatusCodesEnum.M); // END SNIPPET: codes } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void codeableConcepts() { // START SNIPPET: codeableConcepts Patient patient = new Patient(); // Coded types can naturally be set using plain strings CodingDt statusCoding = patient.getMaritalStatus().addCoding(); statusCoding.setSystem(""); statusCoding.setCode("M"); statusCoding.setDisplay("Married"); // You could add a second coding to the field if needed too. This // can be useful if you want to convey the concept using different // codesystems. CodingDt secondStatus = patient.getMaritalStatus().addCoding(); secondStatus.setCode("H"); secondStatus.setSystem(""); secondStatus.setDisplay("Happily Married"); // CodeableConcept also has a text field meant to convey // a user readable version of the concepts it conveys. patient.getMaritalStatus().setText("Happily Married"); // There are also accessors for retrieving values String firstCode = patient.getMaritalStatus().getCoding().get(0).getCode(); String secondCode = patient.getMaritalStatus().getCoding().get(1).getCode(); // END SNIPPET: codeableConcepts } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void codeableConceptEnums() { // START SNIPPET: codeableConceptEnums Patient patient = new Patient(); // Set the CodeableConcept's first coding to use the code // and codesystem associated with the M value. patient.setMaritalStatus(MaritalStatusCodesEnum.M); // If you need to set other fields (such as the display name) after // using the Enum type, you may still do so. patient.getMaritalStatus().getCodingFirstRep().setDisplay("Married"); patient.getMaritalStatus().getCodingFirstRep().setVersion("1.0"); patient.getMaritalStatus().getCodingFirstRep().setUserSelected(true); // You can use accessors to retrieve values from CodeableConcept fields // Returns "M" String code = patient.getMaritalStatus().getCodingFirstRep().getCode(); // Returns "". This value was also // populated via the enum above. String codeSystem = patient.getMaritalStatus().getCodingFirstRep().getCode(); // In many cases, Enum types can be used to retrieve values as well. Note that // the setter takes a single type, but the getter returns a Set, because the // field can technicaly contain more than one code and codesystem. BE CAREFUL // when using this method however, as no Enum will be returned in the case // that the field contains only a code other than the ones defined by the Enum. Set<MaritalStatusCodesEnum> status = patient.getMaritalStatus().getValueAsEnum(); // END SNIPPET: codeableConceptEnums } public static void main(String[] args) { tmp(); datatypes(); // START SNIPPET: observation // Create an Observation instance Observation observation = new Observation(); // Give the observation a status observation.setStatus(ObservationStatusEnum.FINAL); // Give the observation a code (what kind of observation is this) CodingDt coding = observation.getCode().addCoding(); coding.setCode("29463-7").setSystem("").setDisplay("Body Weight"); // Create a quantity datatype QuantityDt value = new QuantityDt(); value.setValue(83.9).setSystem("").setCode("kg"); observation.setValue(value); // Set the reference range SimpleQuantityDt low = new SimpleQuantityDt(); low.setValue(45).setSystem("").setCode("kg"); observation.getReferenceRangeFirstRep().setLow(low); SimpleQuantityDt high = new SimpleQuantityDt(); low.setValue(90).setSystem("").setCode("kg"); observation.getReferenceRangeFirstRep().setHigh(high); // END SNIPPET: observation } private static void tmp() { // Create a FHIR Context FhirContext ctx = FhirContext.forDstu2(); // Create a client IGenericClient client = ctx.newRestfulGenericClient(""); // Read a patient with the given ID Patient patient = client .read() .resource(Patient.class) .withId("952975") .execute(); // Print the patient's name String string = ctx.newXmlParser().setPrettyPrint(true).encodeResourceToString(patient); System.out.println(string); } public void namesHard() { // START SNIPPET: namesHard Patient patient = new Patient(); HumanNameDt name = patient.addName(); StringDt family = name.addFamily(); family.setValue("Smith"); StringDt firstName = name.addGiven(); firstName.setValue("Rob"); StringDt secondName = name.addGiven(); secondName.setValue("Bruce"); // END SNIPPET: namesHard } public void namesEasy() { // START SNIPPET: namesEasy Patient patient = new Patient(); patient.addName().addFamily("Smith").addGiven("Rob").addGiven("Bruce"); // END SNIPPET: namesEasy } }