package org.hl7.fhir.instance.model; import java.util.List; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.utilities.Utilities; /** * See * * @author Grahame * */ public class Comparison { public class MatchProfile { } public static boolean matches(String c1, String c2, MatchProfile profile) { if (Utilities.noString(c1) || Utilities.noString(c2)) return false; c1 = Utilities.normalize(c1); c2 = Utilities.normalize(c2); return c1.equals(c2); } public static <T extends Enum<?>> boolean matches(Enumeration<T> e1, Enumeration<T> e2, MatchProfile profile) { if (e1 == null || e2 == null) return false; return e1.getValue().equals(e2.getValue()); } public static boolean matches(CodeableConcept c1, CodeableConcept c2, MatchProfile profile) throws Exception { if (profile != null) throw new Exception("Not Implemented Yet"); if (c1.getCoding().isEmpty() && c2.getCoding().isEmpty()) { return matches(c1.getText(), c2.getText(), null); } else { // in the absence of specific guidance, we just require that all codes match boolean ok = true; for (Coding c : c1.getCoding()) { ok = ok && inList(c2.getCoding(), c, null); } for (Coding c : c2.getCoding()) { ok = ok && inList(c1.getCoding(), c, null); } return ok; } } public static void merge(CodeableConcept dst, CodeableConcept src) { if (dst.getTextElement() == null && src.getTextElement() != null) dst.setTextElement(src.getTextElement()); } public static boolean inList(List<Coding> list, Coding c, MatchProfile profile) throws Exception { for (Coding item : list) { if (matches(item, c, profile)) return true; } return false; } public static boolean matches(Coding c1, Coding c2, MatchProfile profile) throws Exception { if (profile != null) throw new Exception("Not Implemented Yet"); // in the absence of a profile, we ignore version return matches(c1.getSystem(), c2.getSystem(), null) && matches(c1.getCode(), c2.getCode(), null); } public static boolean matches(Identifier i1, Identifier i2, MatchProfile profile) throws Exception { if (profile != null) throw new Exception("Not Implemented Yet"); // in the absence of a profile, we ignore version return matches(i1.getSystem(), i2.getSystem(), null) && matches(i1.getValue(), i2.getValue(), null); } public static void merge(Identifier dst, Identifier src) { if (dst.getUseElement() == null && src.getUseElement() != null) dst.setUseElement(src.getUseElement()); if (dst.getType() == null && src.getType() != null) dst.setType(src.getType()); if (dst.getPeriod() == null && src.getPeriod() != null) dst.setPeriod(src.getPeriod()); if (dst.getAssigner() == null && src.getAssigner() != null) dst.setAssigner(src.getAssigner()); } public static boolean matches(ContactPoint c1, ContactPoint c2, Object profile) throws Exception { if (profile != null) throw new Exception("Not Implemented Yet"); // in the absence of a profile, we insist on system return matches(c1.getSystemElement(), c2.getSystemElement(), null) && matches(c1.getValue(), c2.getValue(), null); } public static void merge(ContactPoint dst, ContactPoint src) { if (dst.getUseElement() == null && src.getUseElement() != null) dst.setUseElement(src.getUseElement()); if (dst.getPeriod() == null && src.getPeriod() != null) dst.setPeriod(src.getPeriod()); } }