package ij.plugin.filter; import ij.*; import ij.gui.*; import ij.process.*; import ij.macro.*; import java.awt.*; /** This plugin implements ImageJ's Process/Math submenu. */ public class ImageMath implements ExtendedPlugInFilter, DialogListener { public static final String MACRO_KEY = "math.macro"; private int flags = DOES_ALL|SUPPORTS_MASKING|KEEP_PREVIEW; private String arg; private ImagePlus imp; private boolean canceled; private double lower=-1.0, upper=-1.0; private static double addValue = 25; private static double mulValue = 1.25; private static double minValue = 0; private static double maxValue = 255; private static final String defaultAndValue = "11110000"; private static String andValue = defaultAndValue; private static final double defaultGammaValue = 0.5; private static double gammaValue = defaultGammaValue; private static String macro = Prefs.get(MACRO_KEY, "v=v+50*sin(d/10)"); private int w, h, w2, h2; private boolean hasX, hasA, hasD, hasGetPixel; private String macro2; private PlugInFilterRunner pfr; private GenericDialog gd; public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) { this.arg = arg; this.imp = imp; IJ.register(ImageMath.class); if (imp!=null && imp.getStackSize()==1 && arg.equals("macro")) flags |= PARALLELIZE_IMAGES; else flags |= PARALLELIZE_STACKS; return flags; } public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { if (canceled) return; if (arg.equals("add")) { ip.add(addValue); return; } if (arg.equals("sub")) { ip.subtract(addValue); return; } if (arg.equals("mul")) { ip.multiply(mulValue); return; } if (arg.equals("div")) { if (mulValue==0.0&&imp.getBitDepth()!=32) return; ip.multiply(1.0/mulValue); return; } if (arg.equals("and")) { try { ip.and(Integer.parseInt(andValue,2)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { andValue = defaultAndValue; IJ.error("Binary number required"); } return; } if (arg.equals("or")) { try { ip.or(Integer.parseInt(andValue,2)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { andValue = defaultAndValue; IJ.error("Binary number required"); } return; } if (arg.equals("xor")) { try { ip.xor(Integer.parseInt(andValue,2)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { andValue = defaultAndValue; IJ.error("Binary number required"); } return; } if (arg.equals("min")) { ip.min(minValue); if (!(ip instanceof ByteProcessor)) ip.resetMinAndMax(); return; } if (arg.equals("max")) { ip.max(maxValue); if (!(ip instanceof ByteProcessor)) ip.resetMinAndMax(); return; } if (arg.equals("gamma")) { if ((gammaValue<0.1 || gammaValue>5.0) && !previewing()) { IJ.error("Gamma must be between 0.1 and 5.0"); gammaValue = defaultGammaValue; return; } ip.gamma(gammaValue); return; } if (arg.equals("set")) { boolean rgb = ip instanceof ColorProcessor; if (rgb) { if (addValue>255.0) addValue=255.0; if (addValue<0.0) addValue=0.0; int ival = (int)addValue; ip.setValue(ival + (ival<<8) + (ival<<16)); } else ip.setValue(addValue); ip.fill(); return; } if (arg.equals("log")) { ip.log(); return; } if (arg.equals("exp")) { ip.exp(); return; } if (arg.equals("sqr")) { ip.sqr(); return; } if (arg.equals("sqrt")) { ip.sqrt(); return; } if (arg.equals("reciprocal")) { if (!isFloat(ip)) return; float[] pixels = (float[])ip.getPixels(); for (int i=0; i<ip.getWidth()*ip.getHeight(); i++) { if (pixels[i]==0f) pixels[i] = Float.NaN; else pixels[i] = 1f/pixels[i]; } ip.resetMinAndMax(); return; } if (arg.equals("nan")) { setBackgroundToNaN(ip); return; } if (arg.equals("abs")) { if (!((ip instanceof FloatProcessor)||imp.getCalibration().isSigned16Bit())) { IJ.error("32-bit or signed 16-bit image required"); canceled = true; } else { ip.abs(); ip.resetMinAndMax(); } return; } if (arg.equals("macro")) { applyMacro(ip); return; } } boolean previewing() { return gd!=null && gd.getPreviewCheckbox().getState(); } boolean isFloat(ImageProcessor ip) { if (!(ip instanceof FloatProcessor)) { IJ.error("32-bit float image required"); canceled = true; return false; } else return true; } void getValue (String title, String prompt, double defaultValue, int digits) { int places = Analyzer.getPrecision(); if (digits>0 || (int)defaultValue!=defaultValue) digits = Math.max(places, 1); gd = new GenericDialog(title); gd.addNumericField(prompt, defaultValue, digits, 8, null); gd.addPreviewCheckbox(pfr); gd.addDialogListener(this); gd.showDialog(); } void getBinaryValue (String title, String prompt, String defaultValue) { gd = new GenericDialog(title); gd.addStringField(prompt, defaultValue); gd.addPreviewCheckbox(pfr); gd.addDialogListener(this); gd.showDialog(); } void getGammaValue (double defaultValue) { gd = new GenericDialog("Gamma"); gd.addSlider("Value:", 0.05, 5.0, defaultValue); gd.addPreviewCheckbox(pfr); gd.addDialogListener(this); gd.showDialog(); } /** Set non-thresholded pixels in a float image to NaN. */ void setBackgroundToNaN(ImageProcessor ip) { if (lower==-1.0 && upper==-1.0) { lower = ip.getMinThreshold(); upper = ip.getMaxThreshold(); if (lower==ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD || !(ip instanceof FloatProcessor)) { IJ.error("Thresholded 32-bit float image required"); canceled = true; return; } } float[] pixels = (float[])ip.getPixels(); int width = ip.getWidth(); int height = ip.getHeight(); double v; for (int y=0; y<height; y++) { for (int x=0; x<width; x++) { v = pixels[y*width+x]; if (v<lower || v>upper) pixels[y*width+x] = Float.NaN; } } ip.resetMinAndMax(); return; } // first default: v = v+(sin(x/(w/25))+sin(y/(h/25)))*40 // a=round(a/10); if (a%2==0) v=0; // cone: v=d // translate: v=getPixel(x+10,y+10) // flip vertically: v=getPixel(x,h-y-1) // spiral: v=(sin(d/10+a*PI/180)+1)*128 // spiral on image: v=v+50*sin(a*PI/180+d/5) // spiral rotation: a+=PI+d*PI/360; v=getPixel(d*cos(a)+w/2,d*sin(a)+h/2); // v=sin(log(d)*8 + a) * sin(a*8) // v=(a * 40.74 + d) % 32 // v=floor((a * 40.75 + 1) % 2) // v=sin(x) * sin(y) // v=cos(0.2*x) + sin(0.2*y) void applyMacro(ImageProcessor ip) { int PCStart = 23; if (macro2==null) return; if (macro2.indexOf("=")==-1) { IJ.error("The variable 'v' must be assigned a value (e.g., \"v=255-v\")"); canceled = true; return; } macro = macro2; Program pgm = (new Tokenizer()).tokenize(macro); hasX = pgm.hasWord("x"); hasA = pgm.hasWord("a"); hasD = pgm.hasWord("d"); hasGetPixel = pgm.hasWord("getPixel"); w = imp.getWidth(); h = imp.getHeight(); w2 = w/2; h2 = h/2; String code = "var v,x,y,z,w,h,d,a;\n"+ "function dummy() {}\n"+ macro2+";\n"; // code starts at program counter location 'PCStart' Interpreter interp = new Interpreter();, null); if (interp.wasError()) return; Prefs.set(MACRO_KEY, macro); interp.setVariable("w", w); interp.setVariable("h", h); boolean showProgress = pfr.getSliceNumber()==1 && !Interpreter.isBatchMode(); interp.setVariable("z", pfr.getSliceNumber()-1); int bitDepth = imp.getBitDepth(); Rectangle r = ip.getRoi(); int inc = r.height/50; if (inc<1) inc = 1; double v; int index, v2; if (bitDepth==8) { byte[] pixels1 = (byte[])ip.getPixels(); byte[] pixels2 = pixels1; if (hasGetPixel) pixels2 = new byte[w*h]; for (int y=r.y; y<(r.y+r.height); y++) { if (showProgress && y%inc==0) IJ.showProgress(y-r.y, r.height); interp.setVariable("y", y); for (int x=r.x; x<(r.x+r.width); x++) { index = y*w+x; v = pixels1[index]&255; interp.setVariable("v", v); if (hasX) interp.setVariable("x", x); if (hasA) interp.setVariable("a", getA(x,y)); if (hasD) interp.setVariable("d", getD(x,y));; v2 = (int)interp.getVariable("v"); if (v2<0) v2 = 0; if (v2>255) v2 = 255; pixels2[index] = (byte)v2; } } if (hasGetPixel) System.arraycopy(pixels2, 0, pixels1, 0, w*h); } else if (bitDepth==24) { int rgb, red, green, blue; int[] pixels1 = (int[])ip.getPixels(); int[] pixels2 = pixels1; if (hasGetPixel) pixels2 = new int[w*h]; for (int y=r.y; y<(r.y+r.height); y++) { if (showProgress && y%inc==0) IJ.showProgress(y-r.y, r.height); interp.setVariable("y", y); for (int x=r.x; x<(r.x+r.width); x++) { if (hasX) interp.setVariable("x", x); if (hasA) interp.setVariable("a", getA(x,y)); if (hasD) interp.setVariable("d", getD(x,y)); index = y*w+x; rgb = pixels1[index]; if (hasGetPixel) { interp.setVariable("v", rgb);; rgb = (int)interp.getVariable("v"); } else { red = (rgb&0xff0000)>>16; green = (rgb&0xff00)>>8; blue = rgb&0xff; interp.setVariable("v", red);; red = (int)interp.getVariable("v"); if (red<0) red=0; if (red>255) red=255; interp.setVariable("v", green);; green= (int)interp.getVariable("v"); if (green<0) green=0; if (green>255) green=255; interp.setVariable("v", blue);; blue = (int)interp.getVariable("v"); if (blue<0) blue=0; if (blue>255) blue=255; rgb = 0xff000000 | ((red&0xff)<<16) | ((green&0xff)<<8) | blue&0xff; } pixels2[index] = rgb; } } if (hasGetPixel) System.arraycopy(pixels2, 0, pixels1, 0, w*h); } else { for (int y=r.y; y<(r.y+r.height); y++) { if (showProgress && y%inc==0) IJ.showProgress(y-r.y, r.height); interp.setVariable("y", y); for (int x=r.x; x<(r.x+r.width); x++) { v = ip.getPixelValue(x, y); interp.setVariable("v", v); if (hasX) interp.setVariable("x", x); if (hasA) interp.setVariable("a", getA(x,y)); if (hasD) interp.setVariable("d", getD(x,y));; ip.putPixelValue(x, y, interp.getVariable("v")); } } } if (showProgress) IJ.showProgress(1.0); if (pfr.getSliceNumber()==1) ip.resetMinAndMax(); } final double getD(int x, int y) { double dx = x - w2; double dy = y - h2; return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); } final double getA(int x, int y) { double angle = Math.atan2((h-y-1)-h2, x-w2); if (angle<0) angle += 2*Math.PI; return angle; } void getMacro(String macro) { gd = new GenericDialog("Expression Evaluator"); gd.addStringField("Code:", macro, 42); gd.setInsets(0,40,0); gd.addMessage("v=pixel value, x,y&z=pixel coordinates, w=image width,\nh=image height, a=angle, d=distance from center\n"); gd.setInsets(5,40,0); gd.addPreviewCheckbox(pfr); gd.addDialogListener(this); gd.addHelp(IJ.URL+"/docs/menus/process.html#math-macro"); gd.showDialog(); } public int showDialog(ImagePlus imp, String command, PlugInFilterRunner pfr) { this.pfr = pfr; if (arg.equals("macro")) getMacro(macro); else if (arg.equals("add")) getValue("Add", "Value: ", addValue, 0); else if (arg.equals("sub")) getValue("Subtract", "Value: ", addValue, 0); else if (arg.equals("mul")) getValue("Multiply", "Value: ", mulValue, 2); else if (arg.equals("div")) getValue("Divide", "Value: ", mulValue, 2); else if (arg.equals("and")) getBinaryValue("AND", "Value (binary): ", andValue); else if (arg.equals("or")) getBinaryValue("OR", "Value (binary): ", andValue); else if (arg.equals("xor")) getBinaryValue("XOR", "Value (binary): ", andValue); else if (arg.equals("min")) getValue("Min", "Value: ", minValue, 0); else if (arg.equals("max")) getValue("Max", "Value: ", maxValue, 0); else if (arg.equals("gamma")) getGammaValue(gammaValue); else if (arg.equals("set")) { boolean rgb = imp.getBitDepth()==24; String prompt = rgb?"Value (0-255): ":"Value: "; getValue("Set", prompt, addValue, 0); } if (gd!=null && gd.wasCanceled()) return DONE; else return IJ.setupDialog(imp, flags); } public boolean dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e) { if (arg.equals("macro")) { String str = gd.getNextString(); if (previewing() && macro2!=null && !str.equals(macro2)) gd.getPreviewCheckbox().setState(false); macro2 = str; } else if (arg.equals("add")||arg.equals("sub")||arg.equals("set")) addValue = gd.getNextNumber(); else if (arg.equals("mul")||arg.equals("div")) mulValue = gd.getNextNumber(); else if (arg.equals("and")||arg.equals("or")||arg.equals("xor")) andValue = gd.getNextString(); else if (arg.equals("min")) minValue = gd.getNextNumber(); else if (arg.equals("max")) maxValue = gd.getNextNumber(); else if (arg.equals("gamma")) gammaValue = gd.getNextNumber(); canceled = gd.invalidNumber(); if (gd.wasOKed() && canceled) { IJ.error("Value is invalid."); return false; } return true; } public void setNPasses(int nPasses) { } }