package IBA_J.resources.lib; import ij.IJ; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.plot.ValueMarker; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; /** * CheckBoxListener is the class responsible for the events related * with the checked / unchecked state of the checkboxes indicating the Min and MlastCheckBoxActivatedax spectra values. * It will draw lines on the Spectra where the user has choosed energies */ public class CheckBoxListenerSp implements ItemListener,DocumentListener{ private XYPlotSp sourceXYPlotSp; private ArrayList<JCheckBox> checkBoxList = new ArrayList<JCheckBox>(); private ArrayList<int[]> colorList = new ArrayList<int[]>(); //color corresponding to the checkboxes private ArrayList<Float> lineDrewPositions = new ArrayList<Float>(); private ArrayList<ValueMarker> lineDrewMarkers = new ArrayList<ValueMarker>(); private ArrayList<int[]> lineDrewColors = new ArrayList<int[]>(); private JCheckBox lastCheckBoxActivated; public CheckBoxListenerSp(XYPlotSp sourceXYPlotSp) { this.sourceXYPlotSp= sourceXYPlotSp; } public JCheckBox getLastCheckBoxActivated(){ return lastCheckBoxActivated; } public boolean isNotTaken(int r, int g,int b, int numberOfCall){ //checks if the generated color is available to be used as marker if ( g+b>(70*r/100) ) { //to avoid the red color (similar to graph color) if(colorList.isEmpty()) return true; //checks if the color is not already taken (or close to it) //chooses a low treshold if numberOfCall is high int treshold; if(numberOfCall>40){ treshold=1; } else if(numberOfCall>25){ treshold=5; } else if(numberOfCall>10){ treshold=10; } else { treshold=20; } for(int i=0;i<colorList.size();i++){ int[] colorRGB = colorList.get(i); int r2=colorRGB[0], g2=colorRGB[1], b2=colorRGB[2]; if ( (r>r2+treshold || r<r2-treshold) && (g>g2+treshold || g<g2-treshold) ){ return true; } if ( (g>g2+treshold || g<g2-treshold) && (b>b2+treshold || b<b2-treshold) ){ return true; } } } return false; } /** * this method uses a marker to draw a bouding line on the dispayed spectra's front layer. * @param position * @param checkBoxCurrent */ public void drawVerticalLine(float position, JCheckBox checkBoxCurrent){ // position is the value on the axis ValueMarker marker = new ValueMarker(position); Color colorToDraw; int r=0,g=0,b=0; if(!checkBoxList.contains(checkBoxCurrent)){ int numberOfCall=0; while(!isNotTaken(r,g,b,numberOfCall)){ r=randInt(100,200); g=randInt(120,220); b=randInt(120,220); numberOfCall++; } } else { int index=checkBoxList.indexOf(checkBoxCurrent); int[] colorRGB = colorList.get(index); r = colorRGB[0]; g = colorRGB[1]; b = colorRGB[2]; } colorToDraw = new Color(0,0,0); //colorToDraw = new Color(r,g,b); marker.setPaint(colorToDraw); marker.setOutlinePaint(colorToDraw); // change line style (dashboard) BasicStroke dashedStroke = new BasicStroke( 1.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 1.0f, new float[] {6.0f, 6.0f}, 0.0f); marker.setStroke(dashedStroke); JFreeChart chart=sourceXYPlotSp.getChart(); XYPlot XYPlotOfChart = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); //draw vertical line XYPlotOfChart.addDomainMarker(marker); int[] colorToAdd = new int[3]; colorToAdd[0]=r; colorToAdd[1]=g; colorToAdd[2]=b; lineDrewPositions.add(position); lineDrewMarkers.add(marker); lineDrewColors.add(colorToAdd); if (!checkBoxList.contains(checkBoxCurrent)){ checkBoxList.add(checkBoxCurrent); colorList.add(colorToAdd); } } /** * this method removes the marker used as bouding line on the dispayed spectra's front layer. * @param position * @param checkBoxCurrent */ public void removeVerticalLine(float position,JCheckBox checkBoxCurrent){ JFreeChart chart=sourceXYPlotSp.getChart(); XYPlot XYPlotOfChart = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); //before remove : check if the vertical line is not the same for an other checkbox //in this case the position is also taken in another checkbox selected ArrayList<JCheckBox> checkBoxsSelected = sourceXYPlotSp.getSelectedCheckBox(); boolean isPresent = false; int indexIsPresent=-1; if (checkBoxsSelected.size()>0){//so other box are selected Vector vectValues = sourceXYPlotSp.getValuesMinMaxNames(true,false,false); ArrayList<float[]> minMaxSpectra = (ArrayList<float[]>) vectValues.get(1); for(int i=0;i<minMaxSpectra.size();i++){ boolean isEqual1 =,minMaxSpectra.get(i)[0])==0; boolean isEqual2 =,minMaxSpectra.get(i)[1])==0; if (isEqual1||isEqual2) {//so no suppression //no suppression but color may not correspond //--> suppression then readd isPresent=true; indexIsPresent=i; } } } //remove vertical line int index = lineDrewPositions.indexOf(position); ValueMarker marker = lineDrewMarkers.get(index); XYPlotOfChart.removeDomainMarker(marker); lineDrewPositions.remove(position); lineDrewMarkers.remove(marker); lineDrewColors.remove(index); //commented code below : if you want to NOT keep the same color after checking/unchecking one checkbox //if (numberOfCall==2){ // int index2 = checkBoxList.indexOf(checkBoxCurrent); // colorList.remove(index2); // checkBoxList.remove(index2); //} if(isPresent){ //so need to found the right color/box and draw //find only checkboxselected JCheckBox checkBoxSimilarValue = checkBoxsSelected.get(indexIsPresent); drawVerticalLine(position, checkBoxSimilarValue); } } /** * This method is called each time that a checkbox is selected/unselected * @param e */ @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { update(e.getSource()); } public void update(Object objectActivated){ Vector vectButtons = sourceXYPlotSp.getVectButtonsSupp(); for (Object vectButton : vectButtons) { JComponent[] tabJCompToCheck = (JComponent[]) vectButton; JCheckBox checkBoxCurrent = (JCheckBox) tabJCompToCheck[0]; if(objectActivated==checkBoxCurrent){ if(checkBoxCurrent.isSelected()) lastCheckBoxActivated=checkBoxCurrent; //first reset : check up; if min/max has been changed, markers' colors need to be rechecked. // this checkbox = one color so it checks if markers of this color remain, they have to be removed. int indexOfCheckBox = checkBoxList.indexOf(checkBoxCurrent); if (indexOfCheckBox!=-1){ int[] colorRGBOfCheckBox=colorList.get(indexOfCheckBox); int r=colorRGBOfCheckBox[0]; int g=colorRGBOfCheckBox[1]; int b=colorRGBOfCheckBox[2]; ArrayList<Integer> valToRemove= new ArrayList<>(); for(int j=0;j<lineDrewColors.size();j++){ int[] colorToCheck = lineDrewColors.get(j); if (r==colorToCheck[0] && g==colorToCheck[1] && b==colorToCheck[2]){ valToRemove.add(j); } } for(int j=0;j<valToRemove.size();j++){ float positionToRemove= lineDrewPositions.get(valToRemove.get(j)); removeVerticalLine(positionToRemove,checkBoxCurrent); for(int k=0;k<valToRemove.size();k++){ valToRemove.set(k,valToRemove.get(k)-1); } } } //get the min and max values to draw for (int j=0;j<2;j++){ JTextField textFieldMinMax = (JTextField) tabJCompToCheck[j+2]; if ( !(textFieldMinMax.getText().equals("Min") || textFieldMinMax.getText().equals("Max")) ) { float minMax = -1; try { minMax = Float.valueOf(textFieldMinMax.getText()); } catch(NumberFormatException e2){} if (minMax>-1){ if(checkBoxCurrent.isSelected()) { if(! lineDrewPositions.contains(minMax)){ drawVerticalLine(minMax,checkBoxCurrent); } } } } } } } } /** * @param min * @param max * @return a randomly generated number between min and max (max included) */ public static int randInt(int min, int max) { // Usually this can be a field rather than a method variable Random rand = new Random(); // nextInt is normally exclusive of the top value, // so add 1 to make it inclusive int randomNum = rand.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min; return randomNum; } public void handlesDocumentEvt(DocumentEvent dEvt){ int lengthText = dEvt.getDocument().getLength(); try{ String text = dEvt.getDocument().getText(0,lengthText); JCheckBox checkBoxToUpdate = sourceXYPlotSp.getCheckBoxRelatedToField(text); if(checkBoxToUpdate!=null && checkBoxToUpdate.isSelected()){ update(checkBoxToUpdate); } } catch(BadLocationException e){} } @Override public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent dEvt) { handlesDocumentEvt(dEvt); } @Override public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent dEvt) { handlesDocumentEvt(dEvt); } @Override public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { //not used } }