package ij.plugin; import ij.*; import ij.gui.*; import ij.process.*; import ij.measure.Calibration; /** This plugin animates stacks. */ public class Animator implements PlugIn { private static double animationRate = Prefs.getDouble(Prefs.FPS, 7.0); private static int firstFrame=0, lastFrame=0; private ImagePlus imp; private StackWindow swin; private int slice; private int nSlices; /** Set 'arg' to "set" to display a dialog that allows the user to specify the animation speed. Set it to "start" to start animating the current stack. Set it to "stop" to stop animation. Set it to "next" or "previous" to stop any animation and display the next or previous frame. */ public void run(String arg) { imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (imp==null) {IJ.noImage(); return;} nSlices = imp.getStackSize(); if (nSlices<2) {IJ.error("Stack required."); return;} ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); if (win==null || !(win instanceof StackWindow)) { if (arg.equals("next")) imp.setSlice(imp.getCurrentSlice()+1); else if (arg.equals("previous")) imp.setSlice(imp.getCurrentSlice()-1); if (win!=null) imp.updateStatusbarValue(); return; } swin = (StackWindow)win; ImageStack stack = imp.getStack(); slice = imp.getCurrentSlice(); IJ.register(Animator.class); if (arg.equals("options")) { doOptions(); return; } if (arg.equals("start")) { startAnimation(); return; } if (swin.getAnimate()) // "stop", "next" and "previous" all stop animation stopAnimation(); if (arg.equals("stop")) { return; } if (arg.equals("next")) { nextSlice(); return; } if (arg.equals("previous")) { previousSlice(); return; } if (arg.equals("set")) { setSlice(); return; } } void stopAnimation() { swin.setAnimate(false); IJ.wait(500+(int)(1000.0/animationRate)); imp.unlock(); } void startAnimation() { int first=firstFrame, last=lastFrame; if (first<1 || first>nSlices || last<1 || last>nSlices) {first=1; last=nSlices;} if (swin.getAnimate()) {stopAnimation(); return;} imp.unlock(); // so users can adjust brightness/contrast/threshold swin.setAnimate(true); long time, nextTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); int sliceIncrement = 1; Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); if (cal.fps!=0.0) animationRate = cal.fps; if (animationRate<0.1) animationRate = 1.0; int frames = imp.getNFrames(); int slices = imp.getNSlices(); if (imp.isDisplayedHyperStack() && frames>1) { int frame = imp.getFrame(); first = 1; last = frames; while (swin.getAnimate()) { time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (time<nextTime) IJ.wait((int)(nextTime-time)); else Thread.yield(); nextTime += (long)(1000.0/animationRate); frame += sliceIncrement; if (frame<first) { frame = first+1; sliceIncrement = 1; } if (frame>last) { if (cal.loop) { frame = last-1; sliceIncrement = -1; } else { frame = first; sliceIncrement = 1; } } imp.setPosition(imp.getChannel(), imp.getSlice(), frame); } return; } if (imp.isDisplayedHyperStack() && slices>1) { slice = imp.getSlice(); first = 1; last = slices; while (swin.getAnimate()) { time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (time<nextTime) IJ.wait((int)(nextTime-time)); else Thread.yield(); nextTime += (long)(1000.0/animationRate); slice += sliceIncrement; if (slice<first) { slice = first+1; sliceIncrement = 1; } if (slice>last) { if (cal.loop) { slice = last-1; sliceIncrement = -1; } else { slice = first; sliceIncrement = 1; } } imp.setPosition(imp.getChannel(), slice, imp.getFrame()); } return; } long startTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); int count = 0; double fps = 0.0; while (swin.getAnimate()) { time = System.currentTimeMillis(); count++; if (time>startTime+1000L) { startTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); fps=count; count=0; } IJ.showStatus((int)(fps+0.5) + " fps"); if (time<nextTime) IJ.wait((int)(nextTime-time)); else Thread.yield(); nextTime += (long)(1000.0/animationRate); slice += sliceIncrement; if (slice<first) { slice = first+1; sliceIncrement = 1; } if (slice>last) { if (cal.loop) { slice = last-1; sliceIncrement = -1; } else { slice = first; sliceIncrement = 1; } } swin.showSlice(slice); } } void doOptions() { if (firstFrame<1 || firstFrame>nSlices || lastFrame<1 || lastFrame>nSlices) {firstFrame=1; lastFrame=nSlices;} if (imp.isDisplayedHyperStack()) { int frames = imp.getNFrames(); int slices = imp.getNSlices(); firstFrame = 1; if (frames>1) lastFrame = frames; else if (slices>1) lastFrame=slices; } boolean start = !swin.getAnimate(); Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); if (cal.fps!=0.0) animationRate = cal.fps; else if (cal.frameInterval!=0.0 && cal.getTimeUnit().equals("sec")) animationRate = 1.0/cal.frameInterval; int decimalPlaces = (int)animationRate==animationRate?0:3; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Animation Options"); gd.addNumericField("Speed (0.1-1000 fps):", animationRate, decimalPlaces); if (!imp.isDisplayedHyperStack()) { gd.addNumericField("First Frame:", firstFrame, 0); gd.addNumericField("Last Frame:", lastFrame, 0); } gd.addCheckbox("Loop Back and Forth", cal.loop); gd.addCheckbox("Start Animation", start); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) { if (firstFrame==1 && lastFrame==nSlices) {firstFrame=0; lastFrame=0;} return; } double speed = gd.getNextNumber(); if (!imp.isDisplayedHyperStack()) { firstFrame = (int)gd.getNextNumber(); lastFrame = (int)gd.getNextNumber(); } if (firstFrame==1 && lastFrame==nSlices) {firstFrame=0; lastFrame=0;} cal.loop = gd.getNextBoolean(); Calibration.setLoopBackAndForth(cal.loop); start = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (speed>1000.0) speed = 1000.0; //if (speed<0.1) speed = 0.1; animationRate = speed; if (animationRate!=0.0) cal.fps = animationRate; if (start && !swin.getAnimate()) startAnimation(); } void nextSlice() { if (!imp.lock()) return; boolean hyperstack = imp.isDisplayedHyperStack(); int channels = imp.getNChannels(); int slices = imp.getNSlices(); int frames = imp.getNFrames(); if (hyperstack && channels>1 && !((slices>1||frames>1)&&(IJ.controlKeyDown()||IJ.spaceBarDown()||IJ.altKeyDown()))) { int c = imp.getChannel() + 1; if (c>channels) c = channels; swin.setPosition(c, imp.getSlice(), imp.getFrame()); } else if (hyperstack && slices>1 && !(frames>1&&IJ.altKeyDown())) { int z = imp.getSlice() + 1; if (z>slices) z = slices; swin.setPosition(imp.getChannel(), z, imp.getFrame()); } else if (hyperstack && frames>1) { int t = imp.getFrame() + 1; if (t>frames) t = frames; swin.setPosition(imp.getChannel(), imp.getSlice(), t); } else { if (IJ.altKeyDown()) slice += 10; else slice++; if (slice>nSlices) slice = nSlices; swin.showSlice(slice); } imp.updateStatusbarValue(); imp.unlock(); } void previousSlice() { if (!imp.lock()) return; boolean hyperstack = imp.isDisplayedHyperStack(); int channels = imp.getNChannels(); int slices = imp.getNSlices(); int frames = imp.getNFrames(); if (hyperstack && channels>1 && !((slices>1||frames>1)&&(IJ.controlKeyDown()||IJ.spaceBarDown()||IJ.altKeyDown()))) { int c = imp.getChannel() - 1; if (c<1) c = 1; swin.setPosition(c, imp.getSlice(), imp.getFrame()); } else if (hyperstack && slices>1 && !(frames>1&&IJ.altKeyDown())) { int z = imp.getSlice() - 1; if (z<1) z = 1; swin.setPosition(imp.getChannel(), z, imp.getFrame()); } else if (hyperstack && frames>1) { int t = imp.getFrame() - 1; if (t<1) t = 1; swin.setPosition(imp.getChannel(), imp.getSlice(), t); } else { if (IJ.altKeyDown()) slice -= 10; else slice--; if (slice<1) slice = 1; swin.showSlice(slice); } imp.updateStatusbarValue(); imp.unlock(); } void setSlice() { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Set Slice"); gd.addNumericField("Slice Number (1-"+nSlices+"):", slice, 0); gd.showDialog(); if (!gd.wasCanceled()) { int n = (int)gd.getNextNumber(); if (imp.isDisplayedHyperStack()) imp.setPosition(n); else imp.setSlice(n); } } /** Returns the current animation speed in frames per second. */ public static double getFrameRate() { return animationRate; } }