package ij.plugin.filter; //import ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter; import ij.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import java.awt.datatransfer.*; import ij.gui.*; import ij.process.*; import ij.measure.Measurements; import ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer; import ij.text.TextWindow; import ij.measure.*; /** This plugin displays a calibration bar on the active image. Bob Dougherty, OptiNav, Inc., 4/14/2002 Based largely on by Wayne Rasband. Version 0 4/14/2002 Version 1 6/14/2002 Many revisions, including addition of the legend to the image. Version 2 6/15/2002 Control over colors, including none. Automatic box width. Version 3 6/17/2002 0 decimal places by default. Option for manual box width. July 2002: Modified by Daniel Marsh and renamed CalibrationBar. */ public class CalibrationBar implements PlugInFilter { final static int BAR_LENGTH = 128; final static int BAR_THICKNESS = 12; final static int XMARGIN = 10; final static int YMARGIN = 10; final static int WIN_HEIGHT = BAR_LENGTH; final static int BOX_PAD = 0; final static int LINE_WIDTH = 1; static int nBins = 256; static final String[] colors = {"White","Light Gray","Dark Gray","Black","Red","Green","Blue","Yellow","None"}; static final String[] locations = {"Upper Right","Lower Right","Lower Left", "Upper Left", "At Selection"}; static final int UPPER_RIGHT=0, LOWER_RIGHT=1, LOWER_LEFT=2, UPPER_LEFT=3, AT_SELECTION=4; static String fillColor = colors[0]; static String textColor = colors[3]; static String location = locations[UPPER_RIGHT]; static double zoom = 1; static int numLabels = 5; static int fontSize = 12; static int decimalPlaces = 0; ImagePlus imp; ImagePlus impOriginal; LiveDialog gd; ImageStatistics stats; Calibration cal; int[] histogram; LookUpTable lut; Image img; Button setup, redraw, insert, unInsert; Checkbox ne,nw,se,sw; CheckboxGroup locGroup; Label value, note; int newMaxCount; boolean logScale; int win_width; int userPadding = 0; int fontHeight = 0; boolean boldText = false; Object backupPixels; byte[] byteStorage; int[] intStorage; short[] shortStorage; float[] floatStorage; String boxOutlineColor = colors[8]; String barOutlineColor = colors[3]; ImagePlus impData; ImageProcessor ip; String[] fieldNames = null; int insetPad; boolean decimalPlacesChanged; public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) { if(imp!=null) { this.imp = imp; impData = imp; if(imp.getRoi()!=null) location = locations[AT_SELECTION]; } return DOES_ALL-DOES_RGB+NO_CHANGES; } public void run(ImageProcessor ipPassed) { ImageCanvas ic = imp.getCanvas(); double mag = (ic!=null)?ic.getMagnification():1.0; if (zoom<=1 && mag<1) zoom = (double) 1.0/mag; ip = ipPassed.duplicate().convertToRGB(); impOriginal = imp; imp = new ImagePlus(imp.getTitle()+" with bar", ip); imp.setCalibration(impData.getCalibration()); if(impOriginal.getRoi()!=null) imp.setRoi(impOriginal.getRoi());; ip.snapshot(); insetPad = imp.getWidth()/50; if (insetPad<4) insetPad = 4; updateColorBar(); if(!showDialog()) { imp.hide(); ip.reset(); this.imp.updateAndDraw(); return; } updateColorBar(); } private void updateColorBar() { ip.reset(); Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi!=null && location.equals(locations[AT_SELECTION])) { Rectangle r = roi.getBounds(); drawColorBar(imp,r.x,r.y); } else if( location.equals(locations[UPPER_LEFT])) drawColorBar(imp,insetPad,insetPad); else if(location.equals(locations[UPPER_RIGHT])) { calculateWidth(); drawColorBar(imp,imp.getWidth()-insetPad-win_width,insetPad); } else if( location.equals(locations[LOWER_LEFT]) ) drawColorBar(imp,insetPad,imp.getHeight() - (int)(WIN_HEIGHT*zoom + 2*(int)(YMARGIN*zoom)) - (int)(insetPad*zoom)); else if(location.equals(locations[LOWER_RIGHT])) { calculateWidth(); drawColorBar(imp,imp.getWidth()-win_width-insetPad, imp.getHeight() - (int)(WIN_HEIGHT*zoom + 2*(int)(YMARGIN*zoom)) - insetPad); } this.imp.updateAndDraw(); } private boolean showDialog() { gd = new LiveDialog("Calibration Bar"); gd.addChoice("Location:", locations, location); gd.addChoice("Fill Color: ", colors, fillColor); gd.addChoice("Label Color: ", colors, textColor); gd.addNumericField("Number of Labels:", numLabels, 0); gd.addNumericField("Decimal Places:", decimalPlaces, 0); gd.addNumericField("Font Size:", fontSize, 0); gd.addNumericField("Zoom Factor:", zoom, 1); gd.addCheckbox("Bold Text", boldText); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; location = gd.getNextChoice(); fillColor = gd.getNextChoice(); textColor = gd.getNextChoice(); numLabels = (int)gd.getNextNumber(); decimalPlaces = (int)gd.getNextNumber(); fontSize = (int)gd.getNextNumber(); zoom = (double)gd.getNextNumber(); boldText = gd.getNextBoolean(); return true; } public void verticalColorBar(ImageProcessor ip, int x, int y, int thickness, int length) { int width = thickness; int height = length; byte[] rLUT,gLUT,bLUT; int mapSize = 0; java.awt.image.ColorModel cm = lut.getColorModel(); if (cm instanceof IndexColorModel) { IndexColorModel m = (IndexColorModel)cm; mapSize = m.getMapSize(); rLUT = new byte[mapSize]; gLUT = new byte[mapSize]; bLUT = new byte[mapSize]; m.getReds(rLUT); m.getGreens(gLUT); m.getBlues(bLUT); } else { mapSize = 256; rLUT = new byte[mapSize]; gLUT = new byte[mapSize]; bLUT = new byte[mapSize]; for (int i = 0; i < mapSize; i++) { rLUT[i] = (byte)i; gLUT[i] = (byte)i; bLUT[i] = (byte)i; } } double colors = mapSize; int start = 0; ImageProcessor ipOrig = impOriginal.getProcessor(); if (ipOrig instanceof ByteProcessor) { int min = (int)ipOrig.getMin(); if (min<0) min = 0; int max = (int)ipOrig.getMax(); if (max>255) max = 255; colors = max-min+1; start = min; } for (int i = 0; i<(int)(BAR_LENGTH*zoom); i++) { int iMap = start + (int)Math.round((i*colors)/(BAR_LENGTH*zoom)); if (iMap>=mapSize) iMap =mapSize - 1; ip.setColor(new Color(rLUT[iMap]&0xff, gLUT[iMap]&0xff, bLUT[iMap]&0xff)); int j = (int)(BAR_LENGTH*zoom) - i - 1; ip.drawLine(x, j+y, thickness+x, j+y); } Color c = getColor(barOutlineColor); if (c != null) { ip.setColor(c); ip.moveTo(x,y); ip.lineTo(x+width,y); ip.lineTo(x+width,y+height); ip.lineTo(x,y+height); ip.lineTo(x,y); } } protected void drawColorBar(ImageProcessor ip, int xOffset, int yOffset) { int x, y; ip.setColor(; if (decimalPlaces == -1) decimalPlaces = Analyzer.getPrecision(); x = (int)(XMARGIN*zoom) + xOffset; y = (int)(YMARGIN*zoom) + yOffset; verticalColorBar(ip, x, y, (int)(BAR_THICKNESS*zoom), (int)(BAR_LENGTH*zoom) ); drawText(ip, x + (int)(BAR_THICKNESS*zoom), y, true); Color c = getColor(boxOutlineColor); if (c != null && !fillColor.equals("None")) { ip.setColor(c); ip.setLineWidth(LINE_WIDTH); ip.moveTo(xOffset+BOX_PAD,yOffset+BOX_PAD); ip.lineTo(xOffset+win_width-BOX_PAD,yOffset+BOX_PAD); ip.lineTo(xOffset+win_width-BOX_PAD,yOffset+(int)(WIN_HEIGHT*zoom + 2*(int)(YMARGIN*zoom))-BOX_PAD); ip.lineTo(xOffset+BOX_PAD,yOffset+(int)(WIN_HEIGHT*zoom + 2*(int)(YMARGIN*zoom))-BOX_PAD); ip.lineTo(xOffset+BOX_PAD,yOffset+BOX_PAD); } } int drawText(ImageProcessor ip, int x, int y, boolean active) { Color c = getColor(textColor); if (c == null) return 0; ip.setColor(c); double hmin = cal.getCValue(stats.histMin); double hmax = cal.getCValue(stats.histMax); double barStep = (double)(BAR_LENGTH*zoom) ; if (numLabels > 2) barStep /= (numLabels - 1); int fontType = boldText?Font.BOLD:Font.PLAIN; Font font = null; if(fontSize<9) font = new Font("SansSerif", fontType, 9); else font = new Font("SansSerif", fontType, (int)( fontSize*zoom)); ip.setFont(font); ip.setAntialiasedText(true); int maxLength = 0; //Blank offscreen image for font metrics Image img = GUI.createBlankImage(128, 64); Graphics g = img.getGraphics(); FontMetrics metrics = g.getFontMetrics(font); fontHeight = metrics.getHeight(); for (int i = 0; i < numLabels; i++) { double yLabelD = (int)(YMARGIN*zoom + BAR_LENGTH*zoom - i*barStep - 1); int yLabel = (int)(Math.round( y + BAR_LENGTH*zoom - i*barStep - 1)); Calibration cal = impOriginal.getCalibration(); //s = cal.getValueUnit(); ImageProcessor ipOrig = impOriginal.getProcessor(); double min = ipOrig.getMin(); double max = ipOrig.getMax(); if (ipOrig instanceof ByteProcessor) { if (min<0) min = 0; if (max>255) max = 255; } double grayLabel = min + (max-min)/(numLabels-1) * i; if (cal.calibrated()) { grayLabel = cal.getCValue(grayLabel); double cmin = cal.getCValue(min); double cmax = cal.getCValue(max); if (!decimalPlacesChanged && decimalPlaces==0 && ((int)cmax!=cmax||(int)cmin!=cmin)) decimalPlaces = 2; } if (active) ip.drawString(d2s(grayLabel), x + 5, yLabel + fontHeight/2); int iLength = metrics.stringWidth(d2s(grayLabel)); if(iLength > maxLength) maxLength = iLength; } return maxLength; } String d2s(double d) { return IJ.d2s(d,decimalPlaces); } int getFontHeight() { Image img = GUI.createBlankImage(64, 64); //dummy version to get fontHeight Graphics g = img.getGraphics(); int fontType = boldText?Font.BOLD:Font.PLAIN; Font font = new Font("SansSerif", fontType, (int) (fontSize*zoom) ); FontMetrics metrics = g.getFontMetrics(font); return metrics.getHeight(); } Color getColor(String color) { Color c = Color.white; if (color.equals(colors[1])) c = Color.lightGray; else if (color.equals(colors[2])) c = Color.darkGray; else if (color.equals(colors[3])) c =; else if (color.equals(colors[4])) c =; else if (color.equals(colors[5])) c =; else if (color.equals(colors[6])) c =; else if (color.equals(colors[7])) c = Color.yellow; else if (color.equals(colors[8])) c = null; return c; } void calculateWidth() { drawColorBar(imp, -1, -1); } public void drawColorBar(ImagePlus imp, int x, int y) { Roi roi = impOriginal.getRoi(); if (roi!=null) impOriginal.killRoi(); stats = impOriginal.getStatistics(Measurements.MIN_MAX, nBins); if (roi!=null) impOriginal.setRoi(roi); histogram = stats.histogram; lut = impOriginal.createLut(); cal = impOriginal.getCalibration(); int maxTextWidth = drawText(ip, 0, 0, false); win_width = (int)(XMARGIN*zoom) + 5 + (int)(BAR_THICKNESS*zoom) + maxTextWidth + (int)((XMARGIN/2)*zoom); if (x==-1 && y==-1) return; // return if calculating width Color c = getColor(fillColor); if (c != null) { ip.setColor(c); ip.setRoi(x, y, win_width, (int)(WIN_HEIGHT*zoom + 2*(int)(YMARGIN*zoom)) ); ip.fill(); } ip.resetRoi(); drawColorBar(ip,x,y); imp.updateAndDraw(); ip.setColor(; } class LiveDialog extends GenericDialog { LiveDialog(String title) { super(title); } public void textValueChanged(TextEvent e) { if(fieldNames == null) { fieldNames = new String[4]; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) fieldNames[i] = ((TextField)numberField.elementAt(i)).getName(); } TextField tf = (TextField)e.getSource(); String name = tf.getName(); String value = tf.getText(); if(value.equals("")) return; int i=0; boolean needsRefresh = false; if(name.equals(fieldNames[0])) { i = getValue( value ).intValue() ; if(i<1) return; else { needsRefresh = true; numLabels = i; } } else if(name.equals(fieldNames[1])) { i = getValue( value ).intValue() ; if(i<0) return; else { needsRefresh = true; decimalPlaces = i; decimalPlacesChanged = true; } } else if(name.equals(fieldNames[2])) { i = getValue( value ).intValue() ; if(i<1) return; else { needsRefresh = true; fontSize = i; } } else if(name.equals(fieldNames[3])) { double d = 0; d = getValue( "0" + value ).doubleValue() ; if(d<=0) return; else { needsRefresh = true; zoom = d; } } if(needsRefresh) updateColorBar(); return; } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { location = ( (Choice)(choice.elementAt(0)) ).getSelectedItem(); fillColor = ( (Choice)(choice.elementAt(1)) ).getSelectedItem(); textColor = ( (Choice)(choice.elementAt(2)) ).getSelectedItem(); boldText = ( (Checkbox)(checkbox.elementAt(0)) ).getState(); updateColorBar(); } } //LiveDialog inner class }