package ij.macro; import ij.*; import ij.process.*; import ij.gui.*; import ij.plugin.Macro_Runner; import ij.plugin.frame.*; import ij.util.Tools; import ij.text.*; import ij.measure.ResultsTable; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import; /** This is the recursive descent parser/interpreter for the ImageJ macro language. */ public class Interpreter implements MacroConstants { public static final int NONE=0, STEP=1, TRACE=2, FAST_TRACE=3, RUN=4, RUN_TO_CARET=5; // debugging modes static final int STACK_SIZE=1000; static final int MAX_ARGS=20; int pc; int token; int tokenAddress; double tokenValue; String tokenString; boolean looseSyntax = true; int lineNumber; boolean statusUpdated; boolean showingProgress; boolean keysSet; boolean checkingType; int prefixValue; Variable[] stack; int topOfStack = -1; int topOfGlobals = -1; int startOfLocals = 0; static Interpreter instance, previousInstance; public static boolean batchMode; static Vector imageTable; // images opened in batch mode boolean done; Program pgm; Functions func; boolean inFunction; String macroName; String argument; String returnValue; boolean calledMacro; // macros envoked by eval() or runMacro() double[] rgbWeights; boolean inPrint; static String additionalFunctions; Editor editor; int debugMode = NONE; boolean showDebugFunctions; static boolean showVariables; boolean wasError; /** Interprets the specified string. */ public void run(String macro) { if (additionalFunctions!=null) { if (!(macro.endsWith("\n")|| additionalFunctions.startsWith("\n"))) macro = macro + "\n" + additionalFunctions; else macro = macro + additionalFunctions; } Tokenizer tok = new Tokenizer(); Program pgm = tok.tokenize(macro); if (pgm.hasVars && pgm.hasFunctions) saveGlobals2(pgm); run(pgm); } /** Runs the specified macro, passing it a string argument and returning a string value. */ public String run(String macro, String arg) { argument = arg; calledMacro = true; if (IJ.getInstance()==null) setBatchMode(true); Interpreter saveInstance = instance; run(macro); instance = saveInstance; return returnValue; } /** Interprets the specified tokenized macro file starting at location 0. */ public void run(Program pgm) { this.pgm = pgm; pc = -1; instance = this; if (!calledMacro) { batchMode = false; imageTable = null; } pushGlobals(); if (func==null) func = new Functions(this, pgm); func.plot = null; //IJ.showStatus("interpreting"); doStatements(); finishUp(); } /** Runs an existing macro starting at the specified program counter location. */ public void run(int location) { topOfStack = topOfGlobals; done = false; pc = location-1; doStatements(); } /** Interprets the specified tokenized macro starting at the specified location. */ public void runMacro(Program pgm, int macroLoc, String macroName) { calledMacro = true; this.pgm = pgm; this.macroName = macroName; pc = macroLoc-1; previousInstance = instance; instance = this; //IJ.showStatus("interpreting"); pushGlobals(); if (func==null) func = new Functions(this, pgm); func.plot = null; if (macroLoc==0) doStatements(); else doBlock(); finishUp(); Recorder.recordInMacros = false; } /** Saves global variables. */ public void saveGlobals(Program pgm) { saveGlobals2(pgm); } void saveGlobals2(Program pgm) { this.pgm = pgm; pc = -1; instance = this; func = new Functions(this, pgm); while (!done) { getToken(); switch (token) { case VAR: doVar(); break; case MACRO: skipMacro(); break; case FUNCTION: skipFunction(); break; default: } } instance = null; pgm.saveGlobals(this); pc = -1; topOfStack = -1; done = false; } final void getToken() { if (done) return; token = pgm.code[++pc]; //IJ.log(pc+" "+pgm.decodeToken(token)); if (token<=127) return; tokenAddress = token>>TOK_SHIFT; token = token&TOK_MASK; Symbol sym = pgm.table[tokenAddress]; tokenString = sym.str; tokenValue = sym.value; done = token==EOF; } final int nextToken() { return pgm.code[pc+1]&TOK_MASK; } final int nextNextToken() { return pgm.code[pc+2]&TOK_MASK; } final void putTokenBack() { pc--; if (pc<0) pc = -1; } void doStatements() { while (!done) doStatement(); } final void doStatement() { getToken(); if (debugMode!=NONE && editor!=null && !done && token!=';' && token!=FUNCTION) editor.debug(this, debugMode); switch (token) { case VAR: doVar(); break; case PREDEFINED_FUNCTION: func.doFunction(pgm.table[tokenAddress].type); break; case USER_FUNCTION: runUserFunction(); break; case RETURN: doReturn(); break; case WORD: doAssignment(); break; case IF: doIf(); return; case ELSE: error("Else without if"); return; case FOR: doFor(); return; case WHILE: doWhile(); return; case DO: doDo(); return; case MACRO: runFirstMacro(); return; case FUNCTION: skipFunction(); return; case ';': return; case '{': putTokenBack(); doBlock(); return; case NUMBER: case NUMERIC_FUNCTION: case STRING_FUNCTION: case STRING_CONSTANT: case '(': putTokenBack(); inPrint = true; String s = getString(); inPrint = false; if (s!=null && s.length()>0 && !s.equals("NaN") && !s.equals("[aborted]")) IJ.log(s); return; case ARRAY_FUNCTION: func.getArrayFunction(pgm.table[tokenAddress].type); break; case EOF: break; default: error("Statement cannot begin with '"+pgm.decodeToken(token, tokenAddress)+"'"); } if (!looseSyntax) { getToken(); if (token!=';' && !done) error("';' expected"); } } Variable runUserFunction() { int newPC = (int)tokenValue; int saveStartOfLocals = startOfLocals; startOfLocals = topOfStack+1; int saveTOS = topOfStack; int nArgs = pushArgs(); int savePC = pc; Variable value = null; pc = newPC; setupArgs(nArgs); boolean saveInFunction = inFunction; inFunction = true; try { doBlock(); } catch (ReturnException e) { value = new Variable(0, e.value, e.str, e.array); if (value.getArray()!=null && e.arraySize!=0) value.setArraySize(e.arraySize); } inFunction = saveInFunction; pc = savePC; trimStack(saveTOS, saveStartOfLocals); return value; } /** Push function arguments onto the stack. */ int pushArgs() { getLeftParen(); int count = 0; Variable[] args = new Variable[MAX_ARGS]; double value; if (nextToken()!=')') { do { if (count==MAX_ARGS) error("Too many arguments"); int next = nextToken(); int nextPlus = pgm.code[pc+2]&0xff; if (next==STRING_CONSTANT || next==STRING_FUNCTION) args[count] = new Variable(0, 0.0, getString()); else if (next==USER_FUNCTION) { int savePC = pc; getToken(); // the function boolean simpleFunctionCall = isSimpleFunctionCall(false); pc = savePC; if (simpleFunctionCall) { getToken(); // the function Variable v2 = runUserFunction(); if (v2==null) error("No return value"); args[count] = v2; } else args[count] = new Variable(0, getExpression(), null); } else if (next==WORD && (nextPlus==',' || nextPlus==')')) { value = 0.0; Variable[] array = null; int arraySize = 0; String str = null; getToken(); Variable v = lookupVariable(); if (v!=null) { int type = v.getType(); if (type==Variable.VALUE) value = v.getValue(); else if (type==Variable.ARRAY) { array = v.getArray(); arraySize = v.getArraySize(); } else str = v.getString(); } args[count] = new Variable(0, value, str, array); if (array!=null) args[count].setArraySize(arraySize); } else if (next==WORD && nextPlus=='[' ) { int savePC = pc; getToken(); Variable v = lookupVariable(); v = getArrayElement(v); if (v.getString()!=null) args[count] = new Variable(0, 0.0, v.getString(), null); else { pc = savePC; args[count] = new Variable(0, getExpression(), null); } } else args[count] = new Variable(0, getExpression(), null); count++; getToken(); } while (token==','); putTokenBack(); } int nArgs = count; while(count>0) push(args[--count], this); getRightParen(); return nArgs; } void setupArgs(int nArgs) { getLeftParen(); int i = topOfStack; int count = nArgs; if (nextToken()!=')') { do { getToken(); if (i>=0) stack[i].symTabIndex = tokenAddress; i--; count--; getToken(); } while (token==','); putTokenBack(); } if (count!=0) error(nArgs+" argument"+(nArgs==1?"":"s")+" expected"); getRightParen(); } // cache exception object for better performance ReturnException returnException; // Handle return statement void doReturn() { double value = 0.0; String str = null; Variable[] array = null; int arraySize = 0; getToken(); if (token!=';') { boolean isString = token==STRING_CONSTANT || token==STRING_FUNCTION; boolean isArrayFunction = token==ARRAY_FUNCTION; if (token==WORD) { Variable v = lookupLocalVariable(tokenAddress); if (v!=null && nextToken()==';') { array = v.getArray(); if (array!=null) arraySize=v.getArraySize(); isString = v.getString()!=null; //IJ.log("token==WORD: "+isString+" "+pgm.decodeToken(token, tokenAddress)); } } putTokenBack(); if (isString) str = getString(); else if (isArrayFunction) { getToken(); array = func.getArrayFunction(pgm.table[tokenAddress].type); } else if (array==null) value = getExpression(); } if (inFunction) { if (returnException==null) returnException = new ReturnException(); returnException.value = value; returnException.str = str; returnException.array = array; returnException.arraySize = arraySize; //throw new ReturnException(value, str, array); throw returnException; } else { finishUp(); if (value!=0.0 || array!=null) error("Macros can only return strings"); returnValue = str; done = true; } } void doFor() { boolean saveLooseSyntax = looseSyntax; looseSyntax = false; getToken(); if (token!='(') error("'(' expected"); getToken(); // skip 'var' if (token!=VAR) putTokenBack(); do { if (nextToken()!=';') getAssignmentExpression(); getToken(); } while (token==','); //IJ.log("token: "+pgm.decodeToken(token,tokenAddress)); if (token!=';') error("';' expected"); int condPC = pc; int incPC2, startPC=0; double cond = 1; while (true) { if (pgm.code[pc+1]!=';') cond = getLogicalExpression(); if (startPC==0) checkBoolean(cond); getToken(); if (token!=';') error("';' expected"); int incPC = pc; // skip to start of code if (startPC!=0) pc = startPC; else { while (token!=')') { getToken(); //IJ.log(pgm.decodeToken(token,tokenAddress)); if (token=='{' || token==';' || token=='(' || done) error("')' expected"); } } startPC = pc; if (cond==1) doStatement(); else { skipStatement(); break; } pc = incPC; // do increment do { if (nextToken()!=')') getAssignmentExpression(); getToken(); } while (token==','); pc = condPC; } looseSyntax = saveLooseSyntax; } void doWhile() { looseSyntax = false; int savePC = pc; boolean isTrue; do { pc = savePC; isTrue = getBoolean(); if (isTrue) doStatement(); else skipStatement(); } while (isTrue && !done); } void doDo() { looseSyntax = false; int savePC = pc; boolean isTrue; do { doStatement(); getToken(); if (token!=WHILE) error("'while' expected"); isTrue = getBoolean(); if (isTrue) pc = savePC; } while (isTrue && !done); } final void doBlock() { getToken(); if (token!='{') error("'{' expected"); while (!done) { getToken(); if(token=='}') break; putTokenBack(); doStatement(); } if (token!='}') error("'}' expected"); } final void skipStatement() { getToken(); switch (token) { case PREDEFINED_FUNCTION: case USER_FUNCTION: case VAR: case WORD: case '(': case PLUS_PLUS: case RETURN: case NUMERIC_FUNCTION: case STRING_FUNCTION: skipSimpleStatement(); break; case IF: skipParens(); skipStatement(); getToken(); if (token==ELSE) skipStatement(); else putTokenBack(); break; case FOR: skipParens(); skipStatement(); break; case WHILE: skipParens(); skipStatement(); break; case DO: skipStatement(); getToken(); // skip 'while' skipParens(); break; case ';': break; case '{': putTokenBack(); skipBlock(); break; default: error("Skipped statement cannot begin with '"+pgm.decodeToken(token, tokenAddress)+"'"); } } final void skipBlock() { int count = 0; do { getToken(); if (token=='{') count++; else if (token=='}') count--; else if (done) { error("'}' expected"); return; } } while (count>0); } final void skipParens() { int count = 0; do { getToken(); if (token=='(') count++; else if (token==')') count--; else if (done) { error("')' expected"); return; } } while (count>0); } final void skipSimpleStatement() { boolean finished = done; getToken(); while (!finished && !done) { if (token==';') finished = true; else if (token==ELSE||(token==PREDEFINED_FUNCTION&&pgm.code[pc-1]!='.')) error("';' expected"); else getToken(); } } /** Skips a user-defined function. */ void skipFunction() { getToken(); // skip function id skipParens(); skipBlock(); } void runFirstMacro() { getToken(); // skip macro label doBlock(); done = true; finishUp(); } void skipMacro() { getToken(); // skip macro label skipBlock(); } final void doAssignment() { int next = pgm.code[pc+1]&0xff; if (next=='[') { doArrayElementAssignment(); return; } int type = getExpressionType(); switch (type) { case Variable.STRING: doStringAssignment(); break; case Variable.ARRAY: doArrayAssignment(); break; case USER_FUNCTION: doUserFunctionAssignment(); break; case STRING_FUNCTION: doNumericStringAssignment(); break; default: putTokenBack(); getAssignmentExpression(); } } int getExpressionType() { int rightSideToken = pgm.code[pc+2]; int tok = rightSideToken&0xff; if (tok==STRING_CONSTANT) return Variable.STRING; if (tok==STRING_FUNCTION) { int address = rightSideToken>>TOK_SHIFT; int type = pgm.table[address].type; if (type==DIALOG) { int token2 = pgm.code[pc+4]; String name = pgm.table[token2>>TOK_SHIFT].str; if (name.equals("getNumber") || name.equals("getCheckbox")) return STRING_FUNCTION; } else if (type==FILE) { int token2 = pgm.code[pc+4]; String name = pgm.table[token2>>TOK_SHIFT].str; if (name.equals("exists")||name.equals("isDirectory")||name.equals("length") ||name.equals("getLength")||name.equals("rename")||name.equals("delete")) return STRING_FUNCTION; } else if (type==LIST) { int token2 = pgm.code[pc+4]; String name = pgm.table[token2>>TOK_SHIFT].str; if (name.equals("getValue")) return STRING_FUNCTION; } return Variable.STRING; } if (tok==ARRAY_FUNCTION) return Variable.ARRAY; if (tok==USER_FUNCTION) return USER_FUNCTION; if (tok!=WORD) return Variable.VALUE; Variable v = lookupVariable(rightSideToken>>TOK_SHIFT); if (v==null) return Variable.VALUE; int type = v.getType(); if (type!=Variable.ARRAY) return type; if (pgm.code[pc+3]=='.') return Variable.VALUE; if (pgm.code[pc+3]!='[') return Variable.ARRAY; int savePC = pc; getToken(); //"=" getToken(); //the variable checkingType = true; int index = getIndex(); checkingType = false; pc = savePC-1; getToken(); Variable[] array = v.getArray(); if (index<0 || index>=array.length) return Variable.VALUE; return array[index].getType(); } /** Handles string functions such as Dialog.getNumber() that return a number. */ final void doNumericStringAssignment() { putTokenBack(); getToken(); Variable v = lookupLocalVariable(tokenAddress); if (v==null) v = push(tokenAddress, 0.0, null, this); getToken(); if (token!='=') error("'=' expected"); v.setValue(getExpression()); } final void doArrayElementAssignment() { Variable v = lookupLocalVariable(tokenAddress); if (v==null) error("Undefined identifier"); if (pgm.code[pc+5]==';'&&(pgm.code[pc+4]==PLUS_PLUS||pgm.code[pc+4]==MINUS_MINUS)) {putTokenBack(); getFactor(); return;} int index = getIndex(); int expressionType = getExpressionType(); if (expressionType==Variable.ARRAY) error("Arrays of arrays not supported"); getToken(); int op = token; if (!(op=='='||op==PLUS_EQUAL||op==MINUS_EQUAL||op==MUL_EQUAL||op==DIV_EQUAL)) {error("'=', '+=', '-=', '*=' or '/=' expected"); return;} if (op!='=' && (expressionType==Variable.STRING||expressionType==Variable.ARRAY)) {error("'=' expected"); return;} Variable[] array = v.getArray(); if (array==null) error("Array expected"); if (index<0) error("Negative index"); if (index>=array.length) { // expand array if (!func.expandableArrays) error("Index ("+index+") out of range"); Variable[] array2 = new Variable[index+array.length/2+1]; //IJ.log(array.length+" "+array2.length); boolean strings = array.length>0 && array[0].getString()!=null; for (int i=0; i<array2.length; i++) { if (i<array.length) array2[i] = array[i]; else { array2[i] = new Variable(Double.NaN); if (strings) array2[i].setString("undefined"); } } v.setArray(array2); v.setArraySize(index+1); array = v.getArray(); } int size = v.getArraySize(); if (index+1>size) v.setArraySize(index+1); int next = nextToken(); switch (expressionType) { case Variable.STRING: array[index].setString(getString()); break; case Variable.ARRAY: getToken(); if (token==ARRAY_FUNCTION) array[index].setArray(func.getArrayFunction(pgm.table[tokenAddress].type)); break; default: switch (op) { case '=': array[index].setValue(getExpression()); break; case PLUS_EQUAL: array[index].setValue(array[index].getValue()+getExpression()); break; case MINUS_EQUAL: array[index].setValue(array[index].getValue()-getExpression()); break; case MUL_EQUAL: array[index].setValue(array[index].getValue()*getExpression()); break; case DIV_EQUAL: array[index].setValue(array[index].getValue()/getExpression()); break; } break; } } final void doUserFunctionAssignment() { //IJ.log("doUserFunctionAssignment0: "+pgm.decodeToken(token, tokenAddress)); putTokenBack(); int savePC = pc; getToken(); // the variable getToken(); // '=' getToken(); // the function boolean simpleAssignment = isSimpleFunctionCall(true); pc = savePC; if (!simpleAssignment) getAssignmentExpression(); else { getToken(); Variable v1 = lookupLocalVariable(tokenAddress); if (v1==null) v1 = push(tokenAddress, 0.0, null, this); getToken(); if (token!='=') error("'=' expected"); getToken(); // the function Variable v2 = runUserFunction(); if (v2==null) error("No return value"); if (done) return; int type = v2.getType(); if (type==Variable.VALUE) v1.setValue(v2.getValue()); else if (type==Variable.ARRAY) { v1.setArray(v2.getArray()); v1.setArraySize(v2.getArraySize()); } else v1.setString(v2.getString()); } } boolean isSimpleFunctionCall(boolean assignment) { int count = 0; do { getToken(); //IJ.log(pgm.decodeToken(token, tokenAddress)); if (token=='(') count++; else if (token==')') count--; else if (done) error("')' expected"); } while (count>0); getToken(); if (assignment) return token==';'; else return token==','||token==')'; } final void doStringAssignment() { Variable v = lookupLocalVariable(tokenAddress); if (v==null) { if (nextToken()=='=') v = push(tokenAddress, 0.0, null, this); else error("Undefined identifier"); } getToken(); if (token=='=') v.setString(getString()); else if (token==PLUS_EQUAL) v.setString(v.getString()+getString()); else error("'=' or '+=' expected"); } final void doArrayAssignment() { Variable v = lookupLocalVariable(tokenAddress); if (v==null) { if (nextToken()=='=') v = push(tokenAddress, 0.0, null, this); else error("Undefined identifier"); } getToken(); if (token!='=') { error("'=' expected"); return; } getToken(); if (token==ARRAY_FUNCTION) v.setArray(func.getArrayFunction(pgm.table[tokenAddress].type)); else if (token==WORD) { Variable v2 = lookupVariable(); v.setArray(v2.getArray()); } else error("Array expected"); } final void doIf() { looseSyntax = false; boolean b = getBoolean(); if (b) doStatement(); else skipStatement(); int next = nextToken(); if (next==';') { getToken(); next = nextToken(); } if (next==ELSE) { getToken(); if (b) skipStatement(); else doStatement(); } } final boolean getBoolean() { getLeftParen(); double value = getLogicalExpression(); checkBoolean(value); getRightParen(); return value==0.0?false:true; } final double getLogicalExpression() { double v1 = getBooleanExpression(); int next = nextToken(); if (!(next==LOGICAL_AND || next==LOGICAL_OR)) return v1; checkBoolean(v1); getToken(); int op = token; double v2 = getLogicalExpression(); checkBoolean(v2); if (op==LOGICAL_AND) return (int)v1 & (int)v2; else if (op==LOGICAL_OR) return (int)v1 | (int)v2; return v1; } final double getBooleanExpression() { double v1 = 0.0; String s1 = null; int next = pgm.code[pc+1]; int tok = next&TOK_MASK; if (tok==STRING_CONSTANT || tok==STRING_FUNCTION || isString(next)) s1 = getString(); else v1 = getExpression(); next = nextToken(); if (next>=EQ && next<=LTE) { getToken(); int op = token; if (s1!=null) return compareStrings(s1, getString(), op); double v2 = getExpression(); switch (op) { case EQ: v1 = v1==v2?1.0:0.0; break; case NEQ: v1 = v1!=v2?1.0:0.0; break; case GT: v1 = v1>v2?1.0:0.0; break; case GTE: v1 = v1>=v2?1.0:0.0; break; case LT: v1 = v1<v2?1.0:0.0; break; case LTE: v1 = v1<=v2?1.0:0.0; break; } } else if (s1!=null) v1 = Tools.parseDouble(s1, 0.0); return v1; } // returns true if the specified token is a string variable boolean isString(int token) { if ((token&TOK_MASK)!=WORD) return false; Variable v = lookupVariable(token>>TOK_SHIFT); if (v==null) return false; if (pgm.code[pc+2]=='[') { Variable[] array = v.getArray(); if (array!=null && array.length>0) return array[0].getType()==Variable.STRING; } return v.getType()==Variable.STRING; } double compareStrings(String s1, String s2, int op) { int result; result = s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2); double v1 = 0.0; switch (op) { case EQ: v1 = result==0?1.0:0.0; break; case NEQ: v1 = result!=0?1.0:0.0; break; case GT: v1 = result>0?1.0:0.0; break; case GTE: v1 = result>=0?1.0:0.0; break; case LT: v1 = result<0?1.0:0.0; break; case LTE: v1 = result<=0?1.0:0.0; break; } return v1; } final double getAssignmentExpression() { int tokPlus2 = pgm.code[pc+2]; if ((pgm.code[pc+1]&0xff)==WORD && (tokPlus2=='='||tokPlus2==PLUS_EQUAL ||tokPlus2==MINUS_EQUAL||tokPlus2==MUL_EQUAL||tokPlus2==DIV_EQUAL)) { getToken(); Variable v = lookupLocalVariable(tokenAddress); if (v==null) v = push(tokenAddress, 0.0, null, this); getToken(); double value = 0.0; if (token=='=') value = getAssignmentExpression(); else { value = v.getValue(); switch (token) { case PLUS_EQUAL: value += getAssignmentExpression(); break; case MINUS_EQUAL: value -= getAssignmentExpression(); break; case MUL_EQUAL: value *= getAssignmentExpression(); break; case DIV_EQUAL: value /= getAssignmentExpression(); break; } } v.setValue(value); return value; } else return getLogicalExpression(); } final void checkBoolean(double value) { if (!(value==0.0 || value==1.0)) error("Boolean expression expected"); } void doVar() { getToken(); while (token==WORD) { if (nextToken()=='=') doAssignment(); else { Variable v = lookupVariable(tokenAddress); if (v==null) push(tokenAddress, 0.0, null, this); } getToken(); if (token==',') getToken(); else { putTokenBack(); break; } } } final void getLeftParen() { getToken(); if (token!='(') error("'(' expected"); } final void getRightParen() { getToken(); if (token!=')') error("')' expected"); } final void getParens() { if (nextToken()=='(') { getLeftParen(); getRightParen(); } } final void getComma() { getToken(); if (token!=',') { if (looseSyntax) putTokenBack(); else error("',' expected"); } } void error (String message) { boolean showMessage = !done; String[] variables = showMessage?getVariables():null; token = EOF; tokenString = ""; IJ.showStatus(""); IJ.showProgress(0, 0); batchMode = false; imageTable = null; WindowManager.setTempCurrentImage(null); wasError = true; instance = null; if (showMessage) { String line = getErrorLine(); done = true; if (line.length()>120) line = line.substring(0,119)+"..."; showError("Macro Error", message+" in line "+lineNumber+".\n \n"+line, variables); throw new RuntimeException(Macro.MACRO_CANCELED); } done = true; } void showError(String title, String msg, String[] variables) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(title); gd.setInsets(6,5,0); gd.addMessage(msg); gd.setInsets(15,30,5); gd.addCheckbox("Show \"Debug\" Window", showVariables); gd.hideCancelButton(); gd.showDialog(); showVariables = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (!gd.wasCanceled() && showVariables) updateDebugWindow(variables, null); } public TextWindow updateDebugWindow(String[] variables, TextWindow debugWindow) { if (debugWindow==null) { Frame f = WindowManager.getFrame("Debug"); if (f!=null && (f instanceof TextWindow)) { debugWindow = (TextWindow)f; debugWindow.toFront(); } } if (debugWindow==null) debugWindow = new TextWindow("Debug", "Name\tValue", "", 300, 400); TextPanel panel = debugWindow.getTextPanel(); int n = variables.length; if (n==0) { panel.clear(); return debugWindow; } int lines = panel.getLineCount(); for (int i=0; i<lines; i++) { if (i<n) panel.setLine(i, variables[i]); else panel.setLine(i, ""); } for (int i=lines; i<n; i++) debugWindow.append(variables[i]); return debugWindow; } String getErrorLine() {//n__ int savePC = pc; lineNumber = pgm.lineNumbers[pc]; while (pc>=0 && lineNumber==pgm.lineNumbers[pc]) pc--; //go to beginning of line if (lineNumber<=1) pc = -1; String line = ""; getToken(); while (!done && lineNumber==pgm.lineNumbers[pc]) { String str = pgm.decodeToken(token, tokenAddress); if (pc==savePC) str = "<" + str + ">"; line += str + " "; getToken(); } return line; } final String getString() { String str = getStringTerm(); while (true) { getToken(); if (token=='+') str += getStringTerm(); else { putTokenBack(); break; } }; return str; } final String getStringTerm() { String str; getToken(); switch (token) { case STRING_CONSTANT: str = tokenString; break; case STRING_FUNCTION: str = func.getStringFunction(pgm.table[tokenAddress].type); break; case USER_FUNCTION: Variable v = runUserFunction(); if (v==null) error("No return value"); str = v.getString(); if (str==null) { double value = v.getValue(); if ((int)value==value) str = IJ.d2s(value,0); else str = ""+value; } break; case WORD: str = lookupStringVariable(); if (str!=null) break; // else fall through default: putTokenBack(); double value = getStringExpression(); if ((int)value==value) str = IJ.d2s(value,0); else { str = ""+value; if (inPrint && value!=Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY && value!=Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY && value!=Double.NaN && (str.length()-str.indexOf('.'))>6 && str.indexOf('E')==-1) str = IJ.d2s(value, 4); } } return str; } final boolean isStringFunction() { Symbol symbol = pgm.table[tokenAddress]; return symbol.type==D2S; } final double getExpression() { double value = getTerm(); int next; while (true) { next = nextToken(); if (next=='+') { getToken(); value += getTerm(); } else if (next=='-') { getToken(); value -= getTerm(); } else break; } return value; } final double getTerm() { double value = getFactor(); boolean done = false; int next; while (!done) { next = nextToken(); switch (next) { case '*': getToken(); value *= getFactor(); break; case '/': getToken(); value /= getFactor(); break; case '%': getToken(); value %= getFactor(); break; case '&': getToken(); value = (int)value&(int)getFactor(); break; case '|': getToken(); value = (int)value|(int)getFactor(); break; case '^': getToken(); value = (int)value^(int)getFactor(); break; case SHIFT_RIGHT: getToken(); value = (int)value>>(int)getFactor(); break; case SHIFT_LEFT: getToken(); value = (int)value<<(int)getFactor(); break; default: done = true; break; } } return value; } final double getFactor() { double value = 0.0; Variable v = null; getToken(); switch (token) { case NUMBER: value = tokenValue; break; case NUMERIC_FUNCTION: value = func.getFunctionValue(pgm.table[tokenAddress].type); break; case STRING_FUNCTION: String str = func.getStringFunction(pgm.table[tokenAddress].type); value = Tools.parseDouble(str); if ("NaN".equals(str)) value = Double.NaN; else if (Double.isNaN(value)) error("Numeric value expected"); break; case USER_FUNCTION: v = runUserFunction(); if (v==null) error("No return value"); if (done) value = 0; else { if (v.getString()!=null) error("Numeric return value expected"); else value = v.getValue(); } break; case TRUE: value = 1.0; break; case FALSE: value = 0.0; break; case PI: value = Math.PI; break; case NaN: value = Double.NaN; break; case WORD: v = lookupVariable(); if (v==null) return 0.0; int next = nextToken(); if (next=='[') { v = getArrayElement(v); value = v.getValue(); next = nextToken(); } else if (next=='.') { value = getArrayLength(v); next = nextToken(); } else { if (prefixValue!=0 && !checkingType) { v.setValue(v.getValue()+prefixValue); prefixValue = 0; } value = v.getValue(); } if (!(next==PLUS_PLUS || next==MINUS_MINUS)) break; getToken(); if (token==PLUS_PLUS) v.setValue(v.getValue()+(checkingType?0:1)); else v.setValue(v.getValue()-(checkingType?0:1)); break; case (int)'(': value = getLogicalExpression(); getRightParen(); break; case PLUS_PLUS: prefixValue = 1; value = getFactor(); break; case MINUS_MINUS: prefixValue = -1; value = getFactor(); break; case '!': value = getFactor(); if (value==0.0 || value==1.0) { value = value==0.0?1.0:0.0; } else error("Boolean expected"); break; case '-': value = -getFactor(); break; case '~': value = ~(int)getFactor(); break; default: error("Number or numeric function expected"); } // IJ.log("getFactor: "+value+" "+pgm.decodeToken(preToken,0)); return value; } final Variable getArrayElement(Variable v) { int index = getIndex(); Variable[] array = v.getArray(); if (array==null) error("Array expected"); if (index<0 || index>=array.length) error("Index ("+index+") out of 0-"+(array.length-1)+" range"); return array[index]; } final double getArrayLength(Variable v) { getToken(); // '.' getToken(); if (!(token==WORD && tokenString.equals("length"))) error("'length' expected"); if (v.getArray()==null) error("Array expected"); return v.getArraySize(); } final double getStringExpression() { double value = getTerm(); while (true) { getToken(); if (token=='+') { getToken(); if (token==STRING_CONSTANT || token==STRING_FUNCTION) { putTokenBack(); putTokenBack(); break; } if (token==WORD) { Variable v = lookupVariable(tokenAddress); if (v!=null && v.getString()!=null) { putTokenBack(); putTokenBack(); break; } } putTokenBack(); value += getTerm(); } else if (token=='-') value -= getTerm(); else { putTokenBack(); break; } }; return value; } /** Searches the local and global sections of the stack for. the specified variable. Returns null if it is not found. */ final Variable lookupLocalVariable(int symTabAddress) { //IJ.log("lookupLocalVariable: "+topOfStack+" "+startOfLocals+" "+topOfGlobals); Variable v = null; for (int i=topOfStack; i>=startOfLocals; i--) { if (stack[i].symTabIndex==symTabAddress) { v = stack[i]; break; } } if (v==null) { for (int i=topOfGlobals; i>=0; i--) { if (stack[i].symTabIndex==symTabAddress) { v = stack[i]; break; } } } return v; } /** Searches the entire stack for the specified variable. Returns null if it is not found. */ final Variable lookupVariable(int symTabAddress) { Variable v = null; for (int i=topOfStack; i>=0; i--) { if (stack[i].symTabIndex==symTabAddress) { v = stack[i]; break; } } return v; } Variable push(Variable var, Interpreter interp) { if (stack==null) stack = new Variable[STACK_SIZE]; if (topOfStack>=(STACK_SIZE-2)) interp.error("Stack overflow"); else topOfStack++; stack[topOfStack] = var; return var; } void pushGlobals() { if (pgm.globals==null) return; if (stack==null) stack = new Variable[STACK_SIZE]; for (int i=0; i<pgm.globals.length; i++) { topOfStack++; stack[topOfStack] = pgm.globals[i]; } topOfGlobals = topOfStack; } /** Creates a Variable and pushes it onto the stack. */ Variable push(int symTabLoc, double value, String str, Interpreter interp) { Variable var = new Variable(symTabLoc, value, str); if (stack==null) stack = new Variable[STACK_SIZE]; if (topOfStack>=(STACK_SIZE-2)) interp.error("Stack overflow"); else topOfStack++; stack[topOfStack] = var; return var; } void trimStack(int previousTOS, int previousStartOfLocals) { for (int i=previousTOS+1; i<=topOfStack; i++) stack[i] = null; topOfStack = previousTOS; startOfLocals = previousStartOfLocals; //IJ.log("trimStack: "+topOfStack); } /** Searches the entire stack for the variable associated with the current token. Aborts the macro if it is not found. */ final Variable lookupVariable() { Variable v = null; if (stack==null) { undefined(); return v; } boolean found = false; for (int i=topOfStack; i>=0; i--) { v = stack[i]; //IJ.log(I+" "+v+" "+v.symTabIndex+" "+tokenAddress); if (v.symTabIndex==tokenAddress) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) undefined(); return v; } final String lookupStringVariable() { if (stack==null) { undefined(); return ""; } boolean found = false; String str = null; for (int i=topOfStack; i>=0; i--) { if (stack[i].symTabIndex==tokenAddress) { Variable v = stack[i]; found = true; int next = nextToken(); if (next=='[') { int savePC = pc; int index = getIndex(); Variable[] array = v.getArray(); if (array==null) error("Array expected"); if (index<0 || index>=array.length) error("Index ("+index+") out of 0-"+(array.length-1)+" range"); str = array[index].getString(); if (str==null) { pc = savePC-1; getToken(); } } else if (next=='.') str = null; else { if (v.getArray()!=null) {getToken(); error("'[' or '.' expected");} str = v.getString(); } break; } } if (!found) undefined(); return str; } int getIndex() { getToken(); if (token!='[') error("'['expected"); int index = (int)getExpression(); getToken(); if (token!=']') error("']' expected"); return index; } void undefined() { if (nextToken()=='(') error("Undefined identifier"); else error("Undefined variable"); } void dump() { getParens(); if (!done) { pgm.dumpSymbolTable(); pgm.dumpProgram(); dumpStack(); } } void dumpStack() { IJ.log(""); IJ.log("Stack"); if (stack!=null) for (int i=topOfStack; i>=0; i--) IJ.log(i+" "+pgm.table[stack[i].symTabIndex].str+" "+stack[i]); } void finishUp() { func.updateDisplay(); instance = null; if (!calledMacro) { if (batchMode) showingProgress = true; batchMode = false; imageTable = null; WindowManager.setTempCurrentImage(null); } if (func.plot!=null) {; func.plot = null; } if (showingProgress) IJ.showProgress(0, 0); if (keysSet) { IJ.setKeyUp(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); IJ.setKeyUp(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); IJ.setKeyUp(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); } if (rgbWeights!=null) ColorProcessor.setWeightingFactors(rgbWeights[0], rgbWeights[1], rgbWeights[2]); if (func.writer!=null) func.writer.close(); func.roiManager = null; if (func.resultsPending) { ResultsTable rt = ResultsTable.getResultsTable(); if (rt!=null && rt.getCounter()>0)"Results"); } } /** Aborts currently running macro. */ public static void abort() { if (instance!=null) instance.abortMacro(); } /** Aborts the macro that was running when this one started. */ static void abortPrevious() { if (previousInstance!=null) { previousInstance.abortMacro(); IJ.beep(); previousInstance = null; } } /** Absolete, replaced by abortMacro(). */ public static void abort(Interpreter interp) { if (interp!=null) interp.abortMacro(); } /** Aborts this macro. */ public void abortMacro() { if (!calledMacro) { batchMode = false; imageTable = null; } done = true; if (func!=null && !(macroName!=null&¯oName.indexOf(" Tool")!=-1)) func.abortDialog(); IJ.showStatus("Macro aborted"); } public static Interpreter getInstance() { return instance; } //public boolean inLoop() { // return !looseSyntax; //} static void setBatchMode(boolean b) { batchMode = b; if (b==false) imageTable = null; } public static boolean isBatchMode() { return batchMode; } public static void addBatchModeImage(ImagePlus imp) { if (!batchMode || imp==null) return; if (imageTable==null) imageTable = new Vector(); //IJ.log("add: "+imp+" "+imageTable.size()); imageTable.addElement(imp); } public static void removeBatchModeImage(ImagePlus imp) { if (imageTable!=null && imp!=null) { int index = imageTable.indexOf(imp); //IJ.log("remove: "+imp+" "+imageTable.size()); if (index!=-1) imageTable.removeElementAt(index); } } public static int[] getBatchModeImageIDs() { if (!batchMode || imageTable==null) return new int[0]; int n = imageTable.size(); int[] imageIDs = new int[n]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { ImagePlus imp = (ImagePlus)imageTable.elementAt(i); imageIDs[i] = imp.getID(); } return imageIDs; } public static int getBatchModeImageCount() { if (!batchMode || imageTable==null) return 0; else return imageTable.size(); } public static ImagePlus getBatchModeImage(int id) { if (!batchMode || imageTable==null) return null; for (Enumeration en=Interpreter.imageTable.elements(); en.hasMoreElements();) { ImagePlus imp = (ImagePlus)en.nextElement(); if (id==imp.getID()) return imp; } return null; } public static ImagePlus getLastBatchModeImage() { if (!batchMode || imageTable==null) return null; int size = imageTable.size(); if (size==0) return null; return (ImagePlus)imageTable.elementAt(size-1); } /** The specified string, if not null, is added to strings passed to the run() method. */ public static void setAdditionalFunctions(String functions) { additionalFunctions = functions; } public static String getAdditionalFunctions() { return additionalFunctions; } /** Returns the batch mode RoiManager instance. */ public static RoiManager getBatchModeRoiManager() { Interpreter interp = getInstance(); if (interp!=null && isBatchMode() && RoiManager.getInstance()==null) { if (interp.func.roiManager==null) interp.func.roiManager = new RoiManager(true); return interp.func.roiManager; } else return null; } /** Returns true if there is an internal batch mode RoiManager. */ public static boolean isBatchModeRoiManager() { Interpreter interp = getInstance(); return interp!=null && isBatchMode() && interp.func.roiManager!=null; } public void setEditor(Editor ed) { if (ed!=null&&editor==null) ed.fixLineEndings(); editor = ed; if (ed!=null) debugMode = STEP; else debugMode = NONE; } public void setDebugMode(int mode) { debugMode = mode; } public int getLineNumber() {//n__ return pgm.lineNumbers[pc]; } public String[] getVariables() { int nImages = WindowManager.getImageCount(); if (nImages>0) showDebugFunctions = true; int nFunctions = showDebugFunctions?3:0; String[] variables = new String[topOfStack+1+nFunctions]; if (showDebugFunctions) { String title = null; if (nImages>0) { ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (imp!=null) title = imp.getTitle(); } if (debugMode==STEP) System.gc(); variables[0] = "FreeMemory()\t" + IJ.freeMemory(); variables[1] = "nImages()\t" + nImages; variables[2] = "getTitle()\t" + (title!=null?"\""+title+"\"":""); } String name; int index = nFunctions; for (int i=0; i<=topOfStack; i++) { name = pgm.table[stack[i].symTabIndex].str; if (i<=topOfGlobals) name += " (g)"; variables[index++] = name + "\t" + stack[i]; } return variables; } // Returns 'true' if this macro has finished or if it was aborted. */ public boolean done() { return done; } // Returns the Editor, if any, associated with this macro. */ public Editor getEditor() { return editor; } // Returns 'true' if this macro generated an error and was aborted. */ public boolean wasError() { return wasError; } public void setVariable(String name, double value) { int index; for (int i=0; i<=topOfStack; i++) { index = stack[i].symTabIndex; if (pgm.table[index].str.equals(name)) { stack[i].setValue(value); break; } } } public double getVariable(String name) { int index; for (int i=0; i<=topOfStack; i++) { index = stack[i].symTabIndex; if (pgm.table[index].str.equals(name)) return stack[i].getValue(); } return Double.NaN; } public double getVariable2(String name) { int index; for (int i=topOfStack; i>=0; i--) { index = stack[i].symTabIndex; if (pgm.table[index].str.equals(name)) return stack[i].getValue(); } return Double.NaN; } public String getStringVariable(String name) { int index; for (int i=topOfStack; i>=0; i--) { index = stack[i].symTabIndex; if (pgm.table[index].str.equals(name)) return stack[i].getString(); } return null; } public String getVariableAsString(String name) { String s = getStringVariable(name); if (s==null) { double value = getVariable2(name); if (!Double.isNaN(value)) s=""+value; } return s; } } // class Interpreter