package ij.plugin; import ij.*; import*; import ij.gui.*; import ij.process.*; import*; import java.awt.*; /** Opens ImageJ, NIH Image and Scion Image for windows ROI outlines. has a description of the file format. @see @see ij.plugin.filter.RoiWriter */ public class RoiReader implements PlugIn { final int polygon=0, rect=1, oval=2, line=3,freeLine=4, segLine=5, noRoi=6,freehand=7, traced=8; public void run(String arg) { OpenDialog od = new OpenDialog("Open ROI...", arg); String dir = od.getDirectory(); String name = od.getFileName(); if (name==null) return; try { openRoi(dir, name); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = e.getMessage(); if (msg==null || msg.equals("")) msg = ""+e; IJ.error("ROI Reader", msg); } } public void openRoi(String dir, String name) throws IOException { String path = dir+name; RoiDecoder rd = new RoiDecoder(path); Roi roi = rd.getRoi(); Rectangle r = roi.getBounds(); ImagePlus img = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (img==null || img.getWidth()<(r.x+r.width) || img.getHeight()<(r.y+r.height)) { ImageProcessor ip = new ByteProcessor(r.x+r.width+10, r.y+r.height+10); ip.setColor(Color.white); ip.fill(); img = new ImagePlus(name, ip);; } img.setRoi(roi); } }