package IBA_J.ConvertListFiles.listFiles; import IBA_J.ConvertListFiles.ADC.ADC; import*; import IBA_J.ConvertListFiles.MPA3.MPA3; import ij.*; /** * listFiles is the class representing an input file of type *.lst. * A file *.lst will contains a header, event tags and timer tags. * The timer tags allow to know when an ADC can receive a signal * The event tags indicate if ADCs have received a signal and information corresponding to follows */ public class listFiles{ //declaration private String path; private int adcIndexScanX; private int adcIndexScanY; //constructors /** * Default constructor */ public listFiles(){ } /** * Constructor with initialization of pathname * @param path absolute path of the file */ public listFiles(String path){ this.path=path; } /** * Constructor with initialization of pathname * @param adcIndexScanX the ADC index for scanning X * @param adcIndexScanY the ADC index for scanning Y */ public listFiles(int adcIndexScanX, int adcIndexScanY){ this.adcIndexScanX=adcIndexScanX; this.adcIndexScanY=adcIndexScanY; } /** * Constructor with initialization of pathname * @param path absolute path of the file * @param adcIndexScanX the ADC index for scanning X * @param adcIndexScanY the ADC index for scanning Y */ public listFiles(String path, int adcIndexScanX, int adcIndexScanY){ this.path=path; this.adcIndexScanX=adcIndexScanX; this.adcIndexScanY=adcIndexScanY; } /** * This method returns true if the reading has reached the end of the header * @param ips the open file to check * @return a state indicating if file header has been read or not * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public boolean isReadingHeader(DataInputStream ips) throws Exception { boolean flag=true; //Discards header searching for '[Listdata]' if (ips.readUnsignedByte()==91 && ips.readUnsignedByte()==76 && ips.readUnsignedByte()==73 && ips.readUnsignedByte()==83 && ips.readUnsignedByte()==84){ if (ips.readUnsignedByte()==68 && ips.readUnsignedByte()==65 && ips.readUnsignedByte()==84 && ips.readUnsignedByte()==65 && ips.readUnsignedByte()==93){ flag=false; } } return flag; } /** * Sorts a list file * @param arrayOfActiveADC contains the index of actives/functionning ADCs * @return A MPA3 object containing a list of ADC. Each event is stored in its corresponding ADC */ public MPA3 readListFile(int[] arrayOfActiveADC){ MPA3 mpa=new MPA3(); try{ DataInputStream ips=new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(path))); while(isReadingHeader(ips)){ //TODO : get useful informations from header as date or calibration } ips.readUnsignedByte(); //Reset timer tags counter int timerTag=0; int eventTag=0; int SynTag=0; int zevt=0; int tmp=0; // b is a 4 bytes word // b[0] is the high word and b[3] the lowest // Dummy Word is 0xFFFFFFFF //Timer Tag is 0x4000 ie 0100 0000 0000 0000 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx // xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx represent active ADC (bit=1) and inactive ADC (bit=0) // ADC[1] corresponds to bit 0 int [] b=new int[4]; try{ b[0]=ips.readUnsignedByte(); //loop until end of file is reached (b=-1) //while (subFile<36000){subFile+=1;} while (b[0]>-1){ //while (b[0]>-1{ //Read 4 bytes and fills b[] tab, reversing order to switch from little endian to big endian order for (int i=0;i<4;i++){ b[3-i]=ips.readUnsignedByte(); } //Counting the number of timer tags switch (checkBit(b[0],6)){ //Timer tag or Synchronize mark case 1: switch (checkBit(b[0],7) ){ //Synchronize mark case 1: SynTag+=1; break; //Timer tag case 0: timerTag+=1; int[] tmtagPerADC=new int[16]; for (int i=0;i<8;i++){ tmtagPerADC[i]=checkBit(b[3],i); } for (int i=0;i<8;i++){ tmtagPerADC[i+8]=checkBit(b[2],i); } for (int i=0;i<arrayOfActiveADC.length;i++){ int indexOfADC = arrayOfActiveADC[i]; ADC adcToComplete= mpa.getADC(indexOfADC); adcToComplete.addPeriod(tmtagPerADC[indexOfADC]); } break; } break; //Event tag case 0: eventTag+=1; //dummy word if (checkBit(b[0],7)==1) ips.readShort(); int [] evt= new int[16]; for (int i=0;i<8;i++){ if (checkBit(b[3],i)==1) evt[i]=safeBytesToInt(ips.readUnsignedByte(),ips.readUnsignedByte()); } for (int i=0;i<8;i++){ if (checkBit(b[2],i)==1) evt[i+8]=safeBytesToInt(ips.readUnsignedByte(),ips.readUnsignedByte()); } //Skipping n=200 events occuring at the beggining if (eventTag>000){ zevt+=sortEvents(mpa,evt); } //if (timerTag>108000 & timerTag<112000) zevt+=sortEvents(mpa,evt); break; } } } catch (EOFException e){ } ips.close(); IJ.log("Timer tags = "+ timerTag); } catch (Exception e){ } return mpa; } //getters public String getPath(){ return path; } public void setPath(String path){ this.path=path; } /** * This method return an absolute path. This method can be used if you want to save a file in the directory of the lst file * @param ext An extension to add to the return String * @return absolute path of the parent directory of the current file concatened with his name and a new extension */ public String setExtension(String ext){ String name=getPath().substring(0,getPath().lastIndexOf(".")); return name+"."+ext; } //Reading tags for listfiles private boolean checkTimerTag(int thisByte){ return checkBit(thisByte,6)==1; } private boolean checkEventTag(int thisByte){ return checkBit(thisByte,6)==0; } private boolean checkDummyWord (int thisByte){ return thisByte>0x80; } /** * Use this method to know if an ADC is active * @param thisByte byte to check * @param position index of ADC to check (between 0 and 8) * @return 0 or 1. 1 correspond to an active ADC. */ private int checkBit(int thisByte, int position){ if (((thisByte>>position)&0x1)==1) return 1; else return 0; } //conversion of bytes to int private int bytesToInt(int byte1, int byte2){ return ((byte2<<8)|byte1); } //conversion of bytes to int private int safeBytesToInt(int byte1, int byte2){ return ((byte2<<8)|byte1)&0xFFF; } /** * This method will write into the ADCs of the MPA3 the information concerning each event * @param mpa object MPA3 to complete * @param evt information coming from one event tag concerning all ADCs of the MPA3 */ private int sortEvents(MPA3 mpa, int [] evt){ int ct=0; for (int i=0;i<16;i++){ if (i!=(adcIndexScanX) & i!=(adcIndexScanY)){ //replace condition for coincidence on adc 15 and 16 //Condition to remove defective' channels //if (evt[i]>0 & evt[i]!=192 & evt[i]!=448 & evt[i]!=704 & evt[i]!=3839 & evt[i]!=255 & evt[i]!=512 & evt[i]!=1024 & evt[i]!=4095){ if (evt[i]>0){ //if (evt[14]>0 & evt[15]>0){ if (evt[adcIndexScanY]<256 & evt[adcIndexScanX]<256){ int [] event=new int[3]; //Y value, X value, Energy event[0]=evt[adcIndexScanX]; event[1]=evt[adcIndexScanY]; event[2]=evt[i]; mpa.getADC(i).addEvent(event); ct+=1; //test for extreme values 4095 instead of 1024 //if (i>7) IJ.log("voie :" + i + " X-Y-E = "+ event[0] +"-"+ event[1]+"-"+ event[2]); } } } } if (ct>0) return 0; else return 1; } }