package ij.gui; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import ij.*; import ij.process.*; import ij.util.*; import ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer; import ij.macro.Interpreter; import ij.measure.Calibration; /** This class is an image that line graphs can be drawn on. */ public class Plot { /** Display points using a circle 5 pixels in diameter. */ public static final int CIRCLE = 0; /** Display points using an X-shaped mark. */ public static final int X = 1; /** Display points using an box-shaped mark. */ public static final int BOX = 3; /** Display points using an tiangular mark. */ public static final int TRIANGLE = 4; /** Display points using an cross-shaped mark. */ public static final int CROSS = 5; /** Display points using a single pixel. */ public static final int DOT = 6; /** Connect points with solid lines. */ public static final int LINE = 2; ///** flag multiplier for maximum number of ticks&grid lines along x */ //public static final int X_INTERVALS_M = 0x1; ///** flag multiplier for maximum number of ticks&grid lines along y */ //public static final int Y_INTERVALS_M = 0x100; /** flag for numeric labels of x-axis ticks */ public static final int X_NUMBERS = 0x1; /** flag for numeric labels of x-axis ticks */ public static final int Y_NUMBERS = 0x2; /** flag for drawing x-axis ticks */ public static final int X_TICKS = 0x4; /** flag for drawing x-axis ticks */ public static final int Y_TICKS = 0x8; /** flag for drawing vertical grid lines for x-axis ticks */ public static final int X_GRID = 0x10; /** flag for drawing horizontal grid lines for y-axis ticks */ public static final int Y_GRID = 0x20; /** flag for forcing frame to coincide with the grid/ticks in x direction (results in unused space) */ public static final int X_FORCE2GRID = 0x40; /** flag for forcing frame to coincide with the grid/ticks in y direction (results in unused space) */ public static final int Y_FORCE2GRID = 0x80; /** the default flags */ public static final int DEFAULT_FLAGS = X_NUMBERS + Y_NUMBERS + /*X_TICKS + Y_TICKS +*/ X_GRID + Y_GRID; /** the margin width left of the plot frame (enough for 5-digit numbers such as unscaled 16-bit data*/ public static final int LEFT_MARGIN = 60; /** the margin width right of the plot frame */ public static final int RIGHT_MARGIN = 18; /** the margin width above the plot frame */ public static final int TOP_MARGIN = 15; /** the margin width below the plot frame */ public static final int BOTTOM_MARGIN = 40; private static final int WIDTH = 450; private static final int HEIGHT = 200; private static final int MAX_INTERVALS = 12; //maximum number of intervals between ticks or grid lines private static final int MIN_X_GRIDWIDTH = 60; //minimum distance between grid lines or ticks along x private static final int MIN_Y_GRIDWIDTH = 40; //minimum distance between grid lines or ticks along y private static final int TICK_LENGTH = 3; //length of ticks private final Color gridColor = new Color(0xc0c0c0); //light gray private int frameWidth; private int frameHeight; Rectangle frame = null; float[] xValues, yValues; float[] errorBars; int nPoints; double xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax; private double xScale, yScale; private static String defaultDirectory = null; private String xLabel; private String yLabel; private int flags; private Font font = new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 12); private boolean fixedYScale; private int lineWidth = 1; // Line.getWidth(); private int markSize = 5; private ImageProcessor ip; private String title; private boolean initialized; private boolean plotDrawn; private int plotWidth = PlotWindow.plotWidth; private int plotHeight = PlotWindow.plotHeight; private boolean multiplePlots; private boolean drawPending; private int sourceImageID; /** keeps a reference to all of the data that is going to be plotted. */ ArrayList storedData; /** Construct a new PlotWindow. * @param title the window title * @param xLabel the x-axis label * @param yLabel the y-axis label * @param xValues the x-coodinates, or null * @param yValues the y-coodinates, or null * @param flags sum of flag values controlling appearance of ticks, grid, etc. */ public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, float[] xValues, float[] yValues, int flags) { this.title = title; this.xLabel = xLabel; this.yLabel = yLabel; this.flags = flags; storedData = new ArrayList(); if (xValues==null || yValues==null) { xValues = new float[0]; yValues = new float[0]; } else storeData(xValues, yValues); this.xValues = xValues; this.yValues = yValues; double[] a = Tools.getMinMax(xValues); xMin=a[0]; xMax=a[1]; a = Tools.getMinMax(yValues); yMin=a[0]; yMax=a[1]; fixedYScale = false; nPoints = xValues.length; drawPending = true; } /** This version of the constructor uses the default flags. */ public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, float[] xValues, float[] yValues) { this(title, xLabel, yLabel, xValues, yValues, DEFAULT_FLAGS); } /** This version of the constructor accepts double arrays. */ public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, double[] xValues, double[] yValues, int flags) { this(title, xLabel, yLabel, xValues!=null?Tools.toFloat(xValues):null, yValues!=null?Tools.toFloat(yValues):null, flags); } /** This version of the constructor accepts double arrays and uses the default flags */ public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, double[] xValues, double[] yValues) { this(title, xLabel, yLabel, xValues!=null?Tools.toFloat(xValues):null, yValues!=null?Tools.toFloat(yValues):null, DEFAULT_FLAGS); } /** Sets the x-axis and y-axis range. */ public void setLimits(double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax) { this.xMin = xMin; this.xMax = xMax; this.yMin = yMin; this.yMax = yMax; fixedYScale = true; if (initialized) { ip.setColor(Color.white); ip.resetRoi(); ip.fill(); ip.setColor(; setScaleAndDrawAxisLabels(); } } /** Sets the canvas size (i.e., size of the resulting ImageProcessor). * By default, the size is adjusted for the plot frame size specified * in Edit>Options>Profile Plot Options. */ public void setSize(int width, int height) { if (!initialized && width>LEFT_MARGIN+RIGHT_MARGIN+20 && height>TOP_MARGIN+BOTTOM_MARGIN+20) { plotWidth = width-LEFT_MARGIN-RIGHT_MARGIN; plotHeight = height-TOP_MARGIN-BOTTOM_MARGIN; } } /** Sets the plot frame size in pixels. */ public void setFrameSize(int width, int height) { plotWidth = width; plotHeight = height; } /** Adds a set of points to the plot or adds a curve if shape is set to LINE. * @param x the x-coodinates * @param y the y-coodinates * @param shape CIRCLE, X, BOX, TRIANGLE, CROSS, DOT or LINE */ public void addPoints(float[] x, float[] y, int shape) { setup(); switch(shape) { case CIRCLE: case X: case BOX: case TRIANGLE: case CROSS: case DOT: ip.setClipRect(frame); for (int i=0; i<x.length; i++) { int xt = LEFT_MARGIN + (int)((x[i]-xMin)*xScale); int yt = TOP_MARGIN + frameHeight - (int)((y[i]-yMin)*yScale); drawShape(shape, xt, yt, markSize); } ip.setClipRect(null); break; case LINE: drawFloatPolyline(ip, x, y, x.length); break; } multiplePlots = true; if (xValues==null || xValues.length==0) { xValues = x; yValues = y; nPoints = x.length; drawPending = false; } storeData(x, y); } /** Adds a set of points to the plot using double arrays. * Must be called before the plot is displayed. */ public void addPoints(double[] x, double[] y, int shape) { addPoints(Tools.toFloat(x), Tools.toFloat(y), shape); } void drawShape(int shape, int x, int y, int size) { int xbase = x-size/2; int ybase = y-size/2; switch(shape) { case X: ip.drawLine(xbase,ybase,xbase+size,ybase+size); ip.drawLine(xbase+size,ybase,xbase,ybase+size); break; case BOX: ip.drawLine(xbase,ybase,xbase+size,ybase); ip.drawLine(xbase+size,ybase,xbase+size,ybase+size); ip.drawLine(xbase+size,ybase+size,xbase,ybase+size); ip.drawLine(xbase,ybase+size,xbase,ybase); break; case TRIANGLE: ip.drawLine(x,ybase,xbase+size,ybase+size); ip.drawLine(xbase+size,ybase+size,xbase,ybase+size); ip.drawLine(xbase,ybase+size,x,ybase); break; case CROSS: ip.drawLine(xbase,y,xbase+size,y); ip.drawLine(x,ybase,x,ybase+size); break; case DOT: ip.drawDot(x, y); break; default: // 5x5 oval ip.drawLine(x-1, y-2, x+1, y-2); ip.drawLine(x-1, y+2, x+1, y+2); ip.drawLine(x+2, y+1, x+2, y-1); ip.drawLine(x-2, y+1, x-2, y-1); break; } } /** Adds error bars to the plot. */ public void addErrorBars(float[] errorBars) { this.errorBars = errorBars ; } /** Adds error bars to the plot. */ public void addErrorBars(double[] errorBars) { addErrorBars(Tools.toFloat(errorBars)); } /** Draws text at the specified location, where (0,0) * is the upper left corner of the the plot frame and (1,1) is * the lower right corner. */ public void addLabel(double x, double y, String label) { setup(); int xt = LEFT_MARGIN + (int)(x*frameWidth); int yt = TOP_MARGIN + (int)(y*frameHeight); ip.drawString(label, xt, yt); } /* Draws text at the specified location, using the coordinate system defined by setLimits() and the justification specified by setJustification(). */ // public void addText(String text, double x, double y) { // setup(); // int xt = LEFT_MARGIN + (int)((x-xMin)*xScale); // int yt = TOP_MARGIN + frameHeight - (int)((y-yMin)*yScale); // if (justification==CENTER) // xt -= ip.getStringWidth(text)/2; // else if (justification==RIGHT) // xt -= ip.getStringWidth(text); // ip.drawString(text, xt, yt); // } /** Sets the justification used by addLabel(), where <code>justification</code> * is ImageProcessor.LEFT, ImageProcessor.CENTER or ImageProcessor.RIGHT. */ public void setJustification(int justification) { setup(); ip.setJustification(justification); } /** Changes the drawing color. For selecting the color of the data passed with the constructor, * use <code>setColor</code> before <code>draw</code>. * The frame and labels are always drawn in black. */ public void setColor(Color c) { setup(); if (!(ip instanceof ColorProcessor)) { ip = ip.convertToRGB(); ip.setLineWidth(lineWidth); ip.setFont(font); ip.setAntialiasedText(true); } ip.setColor(c); } /** Changes the line width. */ public void setLineWidth(int lineWidth) { if (lineWidth<1) lineWidth = 1; setup(); ip.setLineWidth(lineWidth); this.lineWidth = lineWidth; markSize = lineWidth==1?5:7; } /* Draws a line using the coordinate system defined by setLimits(). */ public void drawLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { setup(); int ix1 = LEFT_MARGIN + (int)Math.round((x1-xMin)*xScale); int iy1 = TOP_MARGIN + frameHeight - (int)Math.round((y1-yMin)*yScale); int ix2 = LEFT_MARGIN + (int)Math.round((x2-xMin)*xScale); int iy2 = TOP_MARGIN + frameHeight - (int)Math.round((y2-yMin)*yScale); ip.drawLine(ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2); } /** Changes the font. */ public void changeFont(Font font) { setup(); ip.setFont(font); this.font = font; } void setup() { if (initialized) return; initialized = true; createImage(); ip.setColor(; if (lineWidth>3) lineWidth = 3; ip.setLineWidth(lineWidth); ip.setFont(font); ip.setAntialiasedText(true); if (frameWidth==0) { frameWidth = plotWidth; frameHeight = plotHeight; } frame = new Rectangle(LEFT_MARGIN, TOP_MARGIN, frameWidth, frameHeight); setScaleAndDrawAxisLabels(); } void setScaleAndDrawAxisLabels() { if ((xMax-xMin)==0.0) xScale = 1.0; else xScale = frame.width/(xMax-xMin); if ((yMax-yMin)==0.0) yScale = 1.0; else yScale = frame.height/(yMax-yMin); if (PlotWindow.noGridLines) drawAxisLabels(); else drawTicksEtc(); } void drawAxisLabels() { int digits = getDigits(yMin, yMax); String s = IJ.d2s(yMax, digits); int sw = ip.getStringWidth(s); if ((sw+4)>LEFT_MARGIN) ip.drawString(s, 4, TOP_MARGIN-4); else ip.drawString(s, LEFT_MARGIN-ip.getStringWidth(s)-4, TOP_MARGIN+10); s = IJ.d2s(yMin, digits); sw = ip.getStringWidth(s); if ((sw+4)>LEFT_MARGIN) ip.drawString(s, 4, TOP_MARGIN+frame.height); else ip.drawString(s, LEFT_MARGIN-ip.getStringWidth(s)-4, TOP_MARGIN+frame.height); FontMetrics fm = ip.getFontMetrics(); int x = LEFT_MARGIN; int y = TOP_MARGIN + frame.height + fm.getAscent() + 6; digits = getDigits(xMin, xMax); ip.drawString(IJ.d2s(xMin,digits), x, y); s = IJ.d2s(xMax,digits); ip.drawString(s, x + frame.width-ip.getStringWidth(s)+6, y); ip.drawString(xLabel, LEFT_MARGIN+(frame.width-ip.getStringWidth(xLabel))/2, y+3); drawYLabel(yLabel,LEFT_MARGIN-4,TOP_MARGIN,frame.height, fm); } void drawTicksEtc() { int fontAscent = ip.getFontMetrics().getAscent(); int fontMaxAscent = ip.getFontMetrics().getMaxAscent(); if ((flags&(X_NUMBERS + X_TICKS + X_GRID)) != 0) { double step = Math.abs(Math.max(frame.width/MAX_INTERVALS, MIN_X_GRIDWIDTH)/xScale); //the smallest allowable increment step = niceNumber(step); int i1, i2; if ((flags&X_FORCE2GRID) != 0) { i1 = (int)Math.floor(Math.min(xMin,xMax)/step+1.e-10); //this also allows for inverted xMin, xMax i2 = (int)Math.ceil(Math.max(xMin,xMax)/step-1.e-10); xMin = i1*step; xMax = i2*step; xScale = frame.width/(xMax-xMin); //rescale to make it fit } else { i1 = (int)Math.ceil(Math.min(xMin,xMax)/step-1.e-10); i2 = (int)Math.floor(Math.max(xMin,xMax)/step+1.e-10); } int digits = -(int)Math.floor(Math.log(step)/Math.log(10)+1e-6); if (digits < 0) digits = 0; if (digits>5) digits = -3; // use scientific notation int y1 = TOP_MARGIN; int y2 = TOP_MARGIN+frame.height; int yNumbers = y2 + fontAscent + 7; for (int i=0; i<=(i2-i1); i++) { double v = (i+i1)*step; int x = (int)Math.round((v - xMin)*xScale) + LEFT_MARGIN; if ((flags&X_GRID) != 0) { ip.setColor(gridColor); ip.drawLine(x, y1, x, y2); ip.setColor(; } if ((flags&X_TICKS) !=0) { ip.drawLine(x, y1, x, y1+TICK_LENGTH); ip.drawLine(x, y2, x, y2-TICK_LENGTH); } if ((flags&X_NUMBERS) != 0) { String s = IJ.d2s(v,digits); ip.drawString(s, x-ip.getStringWidth(s)/2, yNumbers); } } } int maxNumWidth = 0; if ((flags&(Y_NUMBERS + Y_TICKS + Y_GRID)) != 0) { double step = Math.abs(Math.max(frame.width/MAX_INTERVALS, MIN_Y_GRIDWIDTH)/yScale); //the smallest allowable increment step = niceNumber(step); int i1, i2; if ((flags&X_FORCE2GRID) != 0) { i1 = (int)Math.floor(Math.min(yMin,yMax)/step+1.e-10); //this also allows for inverted xMin, xMax i2 = (int)Math.ceil(Math.max(yMin,yMax)/step-1.e-10); yMin = i1*step; yMax = i2*step; yScale = frame.height/(yMax-yMin); //rescale to make it fit } else { i1 = (int)Math.ceil(Math.min(yMin,yMax)/step-1.e-10); i2 = (int)Math.floor(Math.max(yMin,yMax)/step+1.e-10); } int digits = -(int)Math.floor(Math.log(step)/Math.log(10)+1e-6); if (digits < 0) digits = 0; if (digits>5) digits = -3; // use scientific notation int x1 = LEFT_MARGIN; int x2 = LEFT_MARGIN+frame.width; for (int i=0; i<=(i2-i1); i++) { double v = (i+i1)*step; int y = TOP_MARGIN + frame.height - (int)Math.round((v - yMin)*yScale); if ((flags&Y_GRID) != 0) { ip.setColor(gridColor); ip.drawLine(x1, y, x2, y); ip.setColor(; } if ((flags&Y_TICKS) !=0) { ip.drawLine(x1, y, x1+TICK_LENGTH, y); ip.drawLine(x2, y, x2-TICK_LENGTH, y); } if ((flags&Y_NUMBERS) != 0) { String s = IJ.d2s(v,digits); int w = ip.getStringWidth(s); if (w>maxNumWidth) maxNumWidth = w; ip.drawString(s, LEFT_MARGIN-w-4, y+fontMaxAscent/2+1); } } } if ((flags&Y_NUMBERS)==0) { //simply note y-axis min&max int digits = getDigits(yMin, yMax); String s = IJ.d2s(yMax, digits); int sw = ip.getStringWidth(s); if ((sw+4)>LEFT_MARGIN) ip.drawString(s, 4, TOP_MARGIN-4); else ip.drawString(s, LEFT_MARGIN-ip.getStringWidth(s)-4, TOP_MARGIN+10); s = IJ.d2s(yMin, digits); sw = ip.getStringWidth(s); if ((sw+4)>LEFT_MARGIN) ip.drawString(s, 4, TOP_MARGIN+frame.height); else ip.drawString(s, LEFT_MARGIN-ip.getStringWidth(s)-4, TOP_MARGIN+frame.height); } FontMetrics fm = ip.getFontMetrics(); int x = LEFT_MARGIN; int y = TOP_MARGIN + frame.height + fm.getAscent() + 6; if ((flags&X_NUMBERS)==0) { //simply note x-axis min&max int digits = getDigits(xMin, xMax); ip.drawString(IJ.d2s(xMin,digits), x, y); String s = IJ.d2s(xMax,digits); ip.drawString(s, x + frame.width-ip.getStringWidth(s)+6, y); } else y += fm.getAscent(); //space needed for x numbers ip.drawString(xLabel, LEFT_MARGIN+(frame.width-ip.getStringWidth(xLabel))/2, y+6); drawYLabel(yLabel,LEFT_MARGIN-maxNumWidth-4,TOP_MARGIN,frame.height, fm); } double niceNumber(double v) { //the smallest "nice" number >= v. "Nice" numbers are .. 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 ... double base = Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(v)/Math.log(10)-1.e-6)); if (v > 5.0000001*base) return 10*base; else if (v > 2.0000001*base) return 5*base; else return 2*base; } void createImage() { if (ip!=null) return; int width = plotWidth+LEFT_MARGIN+RIGHT_MARGIN; int height = plotHeight+TOP_MARGIN+BOTTOM_MARGIN; byte[] pixels = new byte[width*height]; for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++) pixels[i] = (byte)255; ip = new ByteProcessor(width, height, pixels, null); } int getDigits(double n1, double n2) { if (Math.round(n1)==n1 && Math.round(n2)==n2) return 0; else { n1 = Math.abs(n1); n2 = Math.abs(n2); double n = n1<n2&&n1>0.0?n1:n2; double diff = Math.abs(n2-n1); if (diff>0.0 && diff<n) n = diff; int digits = 1; if (n<10.0) digits = 2; if (n<0.01) digits = 3; if (n<0.001) digits = 4; if (n<0.0001) digits = -3; // use scientific notation return digits; } } /** Draws the plot specified in the constructor. */ public void draw() { int x, y; double v; if (plotDrawn) return; plotDrawn = true; createImage(); setup(); if (drawPending) { drawFloatPolyline(ip, xValues, yValues, nPoints); if (this.errorBars != null) { int nPoints2 = nPoints; if (errorBars.length<nPoints) nPoints2 = errorBars.length; int[] xpoints = new int[2]; int[] ypoints = new int[2]; for (int i=0; i<nPoints2; i++) { xpoints[0] = xpoints[1] = LEFT_MARGIN + (int)((xValues[i]-xMin)*xScale); ypoints[0] = TOP_MARGIN + frame.height - (int)((yValues[i]-yMin-errorBars[i])*yScale); ypoints[1] = TOP_MARGIN + frame.height - (int)((yValues[i]-yMin+errorBars[i])*yScale); drawPolyline(ip, xpoints,ypoints, 2, false); } } } if (ip instanceof ColorProcessor) ip.setColor(; if (lineWidth>5) ip.setLineWidth(5); ip.drawRect(frame.x, frame.y, frame.width+1, frame.height+1); ip.setLineWidth(lineWidth); } void drawPolyline(ImageProcessor ip, int[] x, int[] y, int n, boolean clip) { if (clip) ip.setClipRect(frame); ip.moveTo(x[0], y[0]); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) ip.lineTo(x[i], y[i]); if (clip) ip.setClipRect(null); } void drawFloatPolyline(ImageProcessor ip, float[] x, float[] y, int n) { if (x==null || x.length==0) return; ip.setClipRect(frame); int x1, y1, x2, y2; boolean y1IsNaN, y2IsNaN; x2 = LEFT_MARGIN + (int)((x[0]-xMin)*xScale); y2 = TOP_MARGIN + frame.height - (int)((y[0]-yMin)*yScale); y2IsNaN = Float.isNaN(y[0]); for (int i=1; i<n; i++) { x1 = x2; y1 = y2; y1IsNaN = y2IsNaN; x2 = LEFT_MARGIN + (int)((x[i]-xMin)*xScale); y2 = TOP_MARGIN + frame.height - (int)((y[i]-yMin)*yScale); y2IsNaN = Float.isNaN(y[i]); if (!y1IsNaN && !y2IsNaN) { ip.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); } } ip.setClipRect(null); } void drawYLabel(String yLabel, int x, int y, int height, FontMetrics fm) { if (yLabel.equals("")) return; int w = fm.stringWidth(yLabel) + 5; int h = fm.getHeight() + 5; ImageProcessor label = new ByteProcessor(w, h); label.setColor(Color.white); label.fill(); label.setColor(; label.setFont(font); label.setAntialiasedText(true); int descent = fm.getDescent(); label.drawString(yLabel, 0, h-descent); label = label.rotateLeft(); int y2 = y+(height-ip.getStringWidth(yLabel))/2; if (y2<y) y2 = y; int x2 = Math.max(x-h, 0); ip.insert(label, x2, y2); } ImageProcessor getBlankProcessor() { createImage(); return ip; } String getCoordinates(int x, int y) { String text = ""; if (!frame.contains(x, y)) return text; if (fixedYScale || multiplePlots) { // display cursor location double xv = (x-LEFT_MARGIN)/xScale + xMin; double yv = (TOP_MARGIN+frameHeight-y)/yScale +yMin; text = "X=" + IJ.d2s(xv,getDigits(xv,xv))+", Y=" + IJ.d2s(yv,getDigits(yv,yv)); } else { // display x and f(x) int index = (int)((x-frame.x)/((double)frame.width/nPoints)); if (index>0 && index<nPoints) { double xv = xValues[index]; double yv = yValues[index]; text = "X=" + IJ.d2s(xv,getDigits(xv,xv))+", Y=" + IJ.d2s(yv,getDigits(yv,yv)); } } return text; } /** Returns the plot as an ImageProcessor. */ public ImageProcessor getProcessor() { draw(); return ip; } /** Returns the plot as an ImagePlus. */ public ImagePlus getImagePlus() { draw(); ImagePlus img = new ImagePlus(title, ip); Calibration cal = img.getCalibration(); cal.xOrigin = LEFT_MARGIN-xMin*xScale; cal.yOrigin = TOP_MARGIN+frameHeight+yMin*yScale; cal.pixelWidth = 1.0/xScale; cal.pixelHeight = 1.0/yScale; cal.setInvertY(true); return img; } /** Displays the plot in a PlotWindow and returns a reference to the PlotWindow. */ public PlotWindow show() { draw(); if (Prefs.useInvertingLut && (ip instanceof ByteProcessor) && !Interpreter.isBatchMode() && IJ.getInstance()!=null) { ip.invertLut(); ip.invert(); } if ((IJ.macroRunning() && IJ.getInstance()==null) || Interpreter.isBatchMode()) { ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus(title, ip); WindowManager.setTempCurrentImage(imp); imp.setProperty("XValues", xValues); //Allows values to be retrieved by imp.setProperty("YValues", yValues); // by Plot.getValues() macro function Interpreter.addBatchModeImage(imp); return null; } ImageWindow.centerNextImage(); return new PlotWindow(this); } /** Stores plot data into an ArrayList to be used when a plot window wants to 'createlist'. */ private void storeData(float[] xvalues, float[] yvalues){ storedData.add(xvalues); storedData.add(yvalues); } void setSourceImageID(int id) { sourceImageID = id; } int getSourceImageID() { return sourceImageID; } }