package ij.gui; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.geom.*; import ij.*; import ij.process.*; import ij.measure.*; import ij.plugin.frame.Recorder; import ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer; import ij.macro.Interpreter; import; /** A rectangular region of interest and superclass for the other ROI classes. */ public class Roi extends Object implements Cloneable, { public static final int CONSTRUCTING=0, MOVING=1, RESIZING=2, NORMAL=3, MOVING_HANDLE=4; // States public static final int RECTANGLE=0, OVAL=1, POLYGON=2, FREEROI=3, TRACED_ROI=4, LINE=5, POLYLINE=6, FREELINE=7, ANGLE=8, COMPOSITE=9, POINT=10; // Types public static final int HANDLE_SIZE = 5; public static final int NOT_PASTING = -1; static final int NO_MODS=0, ADD_TO_ROI=1, SUBTRACT_FROM_ROI=2; // modification states int startX, startY, x, y, width, height; int activeHandle; int state; int modState = NO_MODS; int cornerDiameter; public static Roi previousRoi; public static final BasicStroke onePixelWide = new BasicStroke(1); protected static Color ROIColor = Prefs.getColor(Prefs.ROICOLOR,Color.yellow); protected static int pasteMode = Blitter.COPY; protected static int lineWidth = 1; protected static Color defaultFillColor; protected int type; protected int xMax, yMax; protected ImagePlus imp; private int imageID; protected ImageCanvas ic; protected int oldX, oldY, oldWidth, oldHeight; protected int clipX, clipY, clipWidth, clipHeight; protected ImagePlus clipboard; protected boolean constrain; // to be square protected boolean center; protected boolean aspect; protected boolean updateFullWindow; protected double mag = 1.0; protected double asp_bk; //saves aspect ratio if resizing takes roi very small protected ImageProcessor cachedMask; protected Color handleColor = Color.white; protected Color strokeColor; protected Color instanceColor; //obsolete; replaced by strokeColor protected Color fillColor; protected BasicStroke stroke; protected boolean nonScalable; protected boolean overlay; protected boolean wideLine; private String name; private int position; private int channel, slice, frame; private Overlay prototypeOverlay; /** Creates a new rectangular Roi. */ public Roi(int x, int y, int width, int height) { this(x, y, width, height, 0); } /** Creates a new rounded rectangular Roi. */ public Roi(int x, int y, int width, int height, int cornerDiameter) { setImage(null); if (width<1) width = 1; if (height<1) height = 1; if (width>xMax) width = xMax; if (height>yMax) height = yMax; this.cornerDiameter = cornerDiameter; //setLocation(x, y); this.x = x; this.y = y; startX = x; startY = y; oldX = x; oldY = y; oldWidth=0; oldHeight=0; this.width = width; this.height = height; oldWidth=width; oldHeight=height; clipX = x; clipY = y; clipWidth = width; clipHeight = height; state = NORMAL; type = RECTANGLE; if (ic!=null) { Graphics g = ic.getGraphics(); draw(g); g.dispose(); } fillColor = defaultFillColor; } /** Creates a new rectangular Roi. */ public Roi(Rectangle r) { this(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } /** Starts the process of creating a user-defined rectangular Roi, where sx and sy are the starting screen coordinates. */ public Roi(int sx, int sy, ImagePlus imp) { this(sx, sy, imp, 0); } /** Starts the process of creating a user-defined rectangular Roi, where sx and sy are the starting screen coordinates. */ public Roi(int sx, int sy, ImagePlus imp, int cornerDiameter) { setImage(imp); int ox=sx, oy=sy; if (ic!=null) { ox = ic.offScreenX(sx); oy = ic.offScreenY(sy); } setLocation(ox, oy); this.cornerDiameter = cornerDiameter; width = 0; height = 0; state = CONSTRUCTING; type = RECTANGLE; if (isDrawingTool()) { setStrokeColor(Toolbar.getForegroundColor()); if (!(this instanceof TextRoi)) { double mag = imp!=null&&imp.getCanvas()!=null?imp.getCanvas().getMagnification():1.0; if (mag>1.0) mag = 1.0; if (Line.getWidth()==1 && !Line.widthChanged) Line.setWidth((int)(2.0/mag)); if (mag<1.0 && Line.getWidth()*mag<1.0) Line.setWidth((int)(1.0/mag)); setStrokeWidth(Line.getWidth()); } } fillColor = defaultFillColor; } /** @deprecated */ public Roi(int x, int y, int width, int height, ImagePlus imp) { this(x, y, width, height); setImage(imp); } /** Set the location of the ROI in image coordinates. */ public void setLocation(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; startX = x; startY = y; oldX = x; oldY = y; oldWidth=0; oldHeight=0; } public void setImage(ImagePlus imp) { this.imp = imp; cachedMask = null; if (imp==null) { ic = null; clipboard = null; xMax = 99999; yMax = 99999; } else { ic = imp.getCanvas(); xMax = imp.getWidth(); yMax = imp.getHeight(); } } /** Returns the ImagePlus associated with this ROI, or null. */ public ImagePlus getImage() { return imp; } /** Returns the ID of the image associated with this ROI. */ public int getImageID() { return imp!=null?imp.getID():imageID; } public int getType() { return type; } public int getState() { return state; } /** Returns the perimeter length. */ public double getLength() { double pw=1.0, ph=1.0; if (imp!=null) { Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); pw = cal.pixelWidth; ph = cal.pixelHeight; } return 2.0*width*pw+2.0*height*ph; } /** Returns Feret's diameter, the greatest distance between any two points along the ROI boundary. */ public double getFeretsDiameter() { double[] a = getFeretValues(); return a!=null?a[0]:0.0; } /** Caculates "Feret" (maximum caliper width), "FeretAngle" and "MinFeret" (minimum caliper width), "FeretX" and "FeretY". */ public double[] getFeretValues() { double min=Double.MAX_VALUE, diameter=0.0, angle=0.0, feretX=0.0, feretY=0.0; int p1=0, p2=0; double pw=1.0, ph=1.0; if (imp!=null) { Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); pw = cal.pixelWidth; ph = cal.pixelHeight; } Polygon poly = getConvexHull(); if (poly==null) { poly = getPolygon(); if (poly==null) return null; } double w2=pw*pw, h2=ph*ph; double dx, dy, d; for (int i=0; i<poly.npoints; i++) { for (int j=i; j<poly.npoints; j++) { dx = poly.xpoints[i] - poly.xpoints[j]; dy = poly.ypoints[i] - poly.ypoints[j]; d = Math.sqrt(dx*dx*w2 + dy*dy*h2); if (d>diameter) {diameter=d; p1=i; p2=j;} } } Rectangle r = getBounds(); double cx = r.x + r.width/2.0; double cy = r.y + r.height/2.0; int n = poly.npoints; double[] x = new double[n]; double[] y = new double[n]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { x[i] = (poly.xpoints[i]-cx)*pw; y[i] = (poly.ypoints[i]-cy)*ph; } double xr, yr; for (double a=0; a<=90; a+=0.5) { // rotate calipers in 0.5 degree increments double cos = Math.cos(a*Math.PI/180.0); double sin = Math.sin(a*Math.PI/180.0); double xmin=Double.MAX_VALUE, ymin=Double.MAX_VALUE; double xmax=-Double.MAX_VALUE, ymax=-Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { xr = cos*x[i] - sin*y[i]; yr = sin*x[i] + cos*y[i]; if (xr<xmin) xmin = xr; if (xr>xmax) xmax = xr; if (yr<ymin) ymin = yr; if (yr>ymax) ymax = yr; } double width = xmax - xmin; double height = ymax - ymin; double min2 = Math.min(width, height); min = Math.min(min, min2); } double x1=poly.xpoints[p1], y1=poly.ypoints[p1]; double x2=poly.xpoints[p2], y2=poly.ypoints[p2]; if (x1>x2) { double tx1=x1, ty1=y1; x1=x2; y1=y2; x2=tx1; y2=ty1; } feretX = x1*pw; feretY = y1*ph; dx=x2-x1; dy=y1-y2; angle = (180.0/Math.PI)*Math.atan2(dy*ph, dx*pw); if (angle<0) angle = 180.0 + angle; //breadth = getFeretBreadth(poly, angle, x1, y1, x2, y2); double[] a = new double[5]; a[0] = diameter; a[1] = angle; a[2] = min; a[3] = feretX; a[4] = feretY; return a; } public Polygon getConvexHull() { return getPolygon(); } double getFeretBreadth(Shape shape, double angle, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { double cx = x1 + (x2-x1)/2; double cy = y1 + (y2-y1)/2; AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform(); at.rotate(angle*Math.PI/180.0, cx, cy); Shape s = at.createTransformedShape(shape); Rectangle2D r = s.getBounds2D(); return Math.min(r.getWidth(), r.getHeight()); /* ShapeRoi roi2 = new ShapeRoi(s); Roi[] rois = roi2.getRois(); if (rois!=null && rois.length>0) { Polygon p = rois[0].getPolygon(); ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor(); for (int i=0; i<p.npoints-1; i++) ip.drawLine(p.xpoints[i], p.ypoints[i], p.xpoints[i+1], p.ypoints[i+1]); imp.updateAndDraw(); } */ } /** Return this selection's bounding rectangle. */ public Rectangle getBounds() { return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); } /** * @deprecated * replaced by getBounds() */ public Rectangle getBoundingRect() { return getBounds(); } /** Returns the outline of this selection as a Polygon, or null if this is a straight line selection. @see ij.process.ImageProcessor#setRoi @see ij.process.ImageProcessor#drawPolygon @see ij.process.ImageProcessor#fillPolygon */ public Polygon getPolygon() { int[] xpoints = new int[4]; int[] ypoints = new int[4]; xpoints[0] = x; ypoints[0] = y; xpoints[1] = x+width; ypoints[1] = y; xpoints[2] = x+width; ypoints[2] = y+height; xpoints[3] = x; ypoints[3] = y+height; return new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, 4); } public FloatPolygon getFloatPolygon() { Polygon p = getPolygon(); if (p!=null) return new FloatPolygon(toFloat(p.xpoints), toFloat(p.ypoints), p.npoints); else return null; } /** Returns a copy of this roi. See Thinking is Java by Bruce Eckel ( for a good description of object cloning. */ public synchronized Object clone() { try { Roi r = (Roi)super.clone(); r.setImage(null); r.setStroke(getStroke()); r.setFillColor(getFillColor()); r.imageID = getImageID(); return r; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {return null;} } protected void grow(int sx, int sy) { if (clipboard!=null) return; int xNew = ic.offScreenX(sx); int yNew = ic.offScreenY(sy); if (type==RECTANGLE) { if (xNew < 0) xNew = 0; if (yNew < 0) yNew = 0; } if (constrain) { // constrain selection to be square if (!center) {growConstrained(xNew, yNew); return;} int dx, dy, d; dx = xNew - x; dy = yNew - y; if (dx<dy) d = dx; else d = dy; xNew = x + d; yNew = y + d; } if (center) { width = Math.abs(xNew - startX)*2; height = Math.abs(yNew - startY)*2; x = startX - width/2; y = startY - height/2; } else { width = Math.abs(xNew - startX); height = Math.abs(yNew - startY); x = (xNew>=startX)?startX:startX - width; y = (yNew>=startY)?startY:startY - height; if (type==RECTANGLE) { if ((x+width) > xMax) width = xMax-x; if ((y+height) > yMax) height = yMax-y; } } updateClipRect(); imp.draw(clipX, clipY, clipWidth, clipHeight); oldX = x; oldY = y; oldWidth = width; oldHeight = height; } private void growConstrained(int xNew, int yNew) { int dx = xNew - startX; int dy = yNew - startY; width = height = (int)Math.round(Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)); if (type==RECTANGLE) { x = (xNew>=startX)?startX:startX - width; y = (yNew>=startY)?startY:startY - height; if (x<0) x = 0; if (y<0) y = 0; if ((x+width) > xMax) width = xMax-x; if ((y+height) > yMax) height = yMax-y; } else { x = startX + dx/2 - width/2; y = startY + dy/2 - height/2; } updateClipRect(); imp.draw(clipX, clipY, clipWidth, clipHeight); oldX = x; oldY = y; oldWidth = width; oldHeight = height; } protected void moveHandle(int sx, int sy) { double asp; if (clipboard!=null) return; int ox = ic.offScreenX(sx); int oy = ic.offScreenY(sy); if (ox<0) ox=0; if (oy<0) oy=0; if (ox>xMax) ox=xMax; if (oy>yMax) oy=yMax; //IJ.log("moveHandle: "+activeHandle+" "+ox+" "+oy); int x1=x, y1=y, x2=x1+width, y2=y+height, xc=x+width/2, yc=y+height/2; if (width > 7 && height > 7) { asp = (double)width/(double)height; asp_bk = asp; } else { asp = asp_bk; } switch (activeHandle) { case 0: x=ox; y=oy; break; case 1: y=oy; break; case 2: x2=ox; y=oy; break; case 3: x2=ox; break; case 4: x2=ox; y2=oy; break; case 5: y2=oy; break; case 6: x=ox; y2=oy; break; case 7: x=ox; break; } if (x<x2) width=x2-x; else {width=1; x=x2;} if (y<y2) height = y2-y; else {height=1; y=y2;} if (center) { switch(activeHandle){ case 0: width=(xc-x)*2; height=(yc-y)*2; break; case 1: height=(yc-y)*2; break; case 2: width=(x2-xc)*2; x=x2-width; height=(yc-y)*2; break; case 3: width=(x2-xc)*2; x=x2-width; break; case 4: width=(x2-xc)*2; x=x2-width; height=(y2-yc)*2; y=y2-height; break; case 5: height=(y2-yc)*2; y=y2-height; break; case 6: width=(xc-x)*2; height=(y2-yc)*2; y=y2-height; break; case 7: width=(xc-x)*2; break; } if (x>=x2) { width=1; x=x2=xc; } if (y>=y2) { height=1; y=y2=yc; } } if (constrain) { if (activeHandle==1 || activeHandle==5) width=height; else height=width; if(x>=x2) { width=1; x=x2=xc; } if (y>=y2) { height=1; y=y2=yc; } switch(activeHandle){ case 0: x=x2-width; y=y2-height; break; case 1: x=xc-width/2; y=y2-height; break; case 2: y=y2-height; break; case 3: y=yc-height/2; break; case 5: x=xc-width/2; break; case 6: x=x2-width; break; case 7: y=yc-height/2; x=x2-width; break; } if (center){ x=xc-width/2; y=yc-height/2; } } if (aspect && !constrain) { if (activeHandle==1 || activeHandle==5) width=(int)Math.rint((double)height*asp); else height=(int)Math.rint((double)width/asp); switch(activeHandle){ case 0: x=x2-width; y=y2-height; break; case 1: x=xc-width/2; y=y2-height; break; case 2: y=y2-height; break; case 3: y=yc-height/2; break; case 5: x=xc-width/2; break; case 6: x=x2-width; break; case 7: y=yc-height/2; x=x2-width; break; } if (center){ x=xc-width/2; y=yc-height/2; } // Attempt to preserve aspect ratio when roi very small: if (width<8) { if(width<1) width = 1; height=(int)Math.rint((double)width/asp_bk); } if (height<8) { if(height<1) height =1; width=(int)Math.rint((double)height*asp_bk); } } updateClipRect(); imp.draw(clipX, clipY, clipWidth, clipHeight); oldX=x; oldY=y; oldWidth=width; oldHeight=height; } void move(int sx, int sy) { int xNew = ic.offScreenX(sx); int yNew = ic.offScreenY(sy); x += xNew - startX; y += yNew - startY; boolean isImageRoi = this instanceof ImageRoi; if (clipboard==null && type==RECTANGLE && !isImageRoi) { if (x<0) x=0; if (y<0) y=0; if ((x+width)>xMax) x = xMax-width; if ((y+height)>yMax) y = yMax-height; } startX = xNew; startY = yNew; updateClipRect(); if (lineWidth>1 && isLine()) imp.draw(); else imp.draw(clipX, clipY, clipWidth, clipHeight); oldX = x; oldY = y; oldWidth = width; oldHeight=height; if (isImageRoi) showStatus(); } /** Nudge ROI one pixel on arrow key press. */ public void nudge(int key) { switch(key) { case KeyEvent.VK_UP: y--; if (y<0 && (type!=RECTANGLE||clipboard==null)) y = 0; break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: y++; if ((y+height)>=yMax && (type!=RECTANGLE||clipboard==null)) y = yMax-height; break; case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: x--; if (x<0 && (type!=RECTANGLE||clipboard==null)) x = 0; break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: x++; if ((x+width)>=xMax && (type!=RECTANGLE||clipboard==null)) x = xMax-width; break; } updateClipRect(); imp.draw(clipX, clipY, clipWidth, clipHeight); oldX = x; oldY = y; showStatus(); } /** Nudge lower right corner of rectangular and oval ROIs by one pixel based on arrow key press. */ public void nudgeCorner(int key) { if (type>OVAL || clipboard!=null) return; switch(key) { case KeyEvent.VK_UP: height--; if (height<1) height = 1; break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: height++; if ((y+height) > yMax) height = yMax-y; break; case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: width--; if (width<1) width = 1; break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: width++; if ((x+width) > xMax) width = xMax-x; break; } updateClipRect(); imp.draw(clipX, clipY, clipWidth, clipHeight); oldX = x; oldY = y; cachedMask = null; showStatus(); } protected void updateClipRect() { // Finds the union of current and previous roi clipX = (x<=oldX)?x:oldX; clipY = (y<=oldY)?y:oldY; clipWidth = ((x+width>=oldX+oldWidth)?x+width:oldX+oldWidth) - clipX + 1; clipHeight = ((y+height>=oldY+oldHeight)?y+height:oldY+oldHeight) - clipY + 1; int m = 3; if (ic!=null) { double mag = ic.getMagnification(); if (mag<1.0) m = (int)(4.0/mag); } m += clipRectMargin(); m = (int)(m+getStrokeWidth()*2); clipX-=m; clipY-=m; clipWidth+=m*2; clipHeight+=m*2; //if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("updateClipRect: "+m+" "+clipX+" "+clipY+" "+clipWidth+" "+clipHeight); } protected int clipRectMargin() { return 0; } protected void handleMouseDrag(int sx, int sy, int flags) { if (ic==null) return; constrain = (flags&Event.SHIFT_MASK)!=0; center = (flags&Event.CTRL_MASK)!=0 || (IJ.isMacintosh()&&(flags&Event.META_MASK)!=0); aspect = (flags&Event.ALT_MASK)!=0; switch(state) { case CONSTRUCTING: grow(sx, sy); break; case MOVING: move(sx, sy); break; case MOVING_HANDLE: moveHandle(sx, sy); break; default: break; } } int getHandleSize() { double mag = ic!=null?ic.getMagnification():1.0; double size = HANDLE_SIZE/mag; return (int)(size*mag); } public void draw(Graphics g) { Color color = strokeColor!=null? strokeColor:ROIColor; if (fillColor!=null) color = fillColor; if (Interpreter.isBatchMode() && ic!=null && ic.getDisplayList()!=null && strokeColor==null && fillColor==null) return; g.setColor(color); mag = getMagnification(); int sw = (int)(width*mag); int sh = (int)(height*mag); int sx1 = screenX(x); int sy1 = screenY(y); int sx2 = sx1+sw/2; int sy2 = sy1+sh/2; int sx3 = sx1+sw; int sy3 = sy1+sh; Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g; if (stroke!=null) g2d.setStroke(getScaledStroke()); if (cornerDiameter>0) { int sArcSize = (int)Math.round(cornerDiameter*mag); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); if (fillColor!=null) g.fillRoundRect(sx1, sy1, sw, sh, sArcSize, sArcSize); else g.drawRoundRect(sx1, sy1, sw, sh, sArcSize, sArcSize); } else { if (fillColor!=null) g.fillRect(sx1, sy1, sw, sh); else g.drawRect(sx1, sy1, sw, sh); } if (state!=CONSTRUCTING && clipboard==null && !overlay) { int size2 = HANDLE_SIZE/2; drawHandle(g, sx1-size2, sy1-size2); drawHandle(g, sx2-size2, sy1-size2); drawHandle(g, sx3-size2, sy1-size2); drawHandle(g, sx3-size2, sy2-size2); drawHandle(g, sx3-size2, sy3-size2); drawHandle(g, sx2-size2, sy3-size2); drawHandle(g, sx1-size2, sy3-size2); drawHandle(g, sx1-size2, sy2-size2); } drawPreviousRoi(g); if (state!=NORMAL) showStatus(); if (updateFullWindow) {updateFullWindow = false; imp.draw();} } public void drawOverlay(Graphics g) { overlay = true; draw(g); overlay = false; } void drawPreviousRoi(Graphics g) { if (previousRoi!=null && previousRoi!=this && previousRoi.modState!=NO_MODS) { if (type!=POINT && previousRoi.getType()==POINT && previousRoi.modState!=SUBTRACT_FROM_ROI) return; previousRoi.setImage(imp); previousRoi.draw(g); } } void drawHandle(Graphics g, int x, int y) { double size = (width*height)*mag*mag; if (type==LINE) { size = Math.sqrt(width*width+height*height); size *= size*mag*mag; } if (size>4000.0) { g.setColor(; g.fillRect(x,y,5,5); g.setColor(handleColor); g.fillRect(x+1,y+1,3,3); } else if (size>1000.0) { g.setColor(; g.fillRect(x+1,y+1,4,4); g.setColor(handleColor); g.fillRect(x+2,y+2,2,2); } else { g.setColor(; g.fillRect(x+1,y+1,3,3); g.setColor(handleColor); g.fillRect(x+2,y+2,1,1); } } /** * @deprecated * replaced by drawPixels(ImageProcessor) */ public void drawPixels() { if (imp!=null) drawPixels(imp.getProcessor()); } /** Draws the selection outline on the specified ImageProcessor. @see ij.process.ImageProcessor#setColor @see ij.process.ImageProcessor#setLineWidth */ public void drawPixels(ImageProcessor ip) { endPaste(); int saveWidth = ip.getLineWidth(); if (getStrokeWidth()>1f) ip.setLineWidth((int)Math.round(getStrokeWidth())); if (cornerDiameter>0) (new ShapeRoi(new RoundRectangle2D.Float(x, y, width, height, cornerDiameter, cornerDiameter))).drawPixels(ip); else { if (ip.getLineWidth()==1) ip.drawRect(x, y, width+1, height+1); else ip.drawRect(x, y, width, height); } ip.setLineWidth(saveWidth); if (Line.getWidth()>1 || getStrokeWidth()>1) updateFullWindow = true; } public boolean contains(int x, int y) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(this.x, this.y, width, height); boolean contains = r.contains(x, y); if (cornerDiameter==0 || contains==false) return contains; RoundRectangle2D rr = new RoundRectangle2D.Float(this.x, this.y, width, height, cornerDiameter, cornerDiameter); return rr.contains(x, y); } /** Returns a handle number if the specified screen coordinates are inside or near a handle, otherwise returns -1. */ public int isHandle(int sx, int sy) { if (clipboard!=null || ic==null) return -1; double mag = ic.getMagnification(); int size = HANDLE_SIZE+3; int halfSize = size/2; int sx1 = ic.screenX(x) - halfSize; int sy1 = ic.screenY(y) - halfSize; int sx3 = ic.screenX(x+width) - halfSize; int sy3 = ic.screenY(y+height) - halfSize; int sx2 = sx1 + (sx3 - sx1)/2; int sy2 = sy1 + (sy3 - sy1)/2; if (sx>=sx1&&sx<=sx1+size&&sy>=sy1&&sy<=sy1+size) return 0; if (sx>=sx2&&sx<=sx2+size&&sy>=sy1&&sy<=sy1+size) return 1; if (sx>=sx3&&sx<=sx3+size&&sy>=sy1&&sy<=sy1+size) return 2; if (sx>=sx3&&sx<=sx3+size&&sy>=sy2&&sy<=sy2+size) return 3; if (sx>=sx3&&sx<=sx3+size&&sy>=sy3&&sy<=sy3+size) return 4; if (sx>=sx2&&sx<=sx2+size&&sy>=sy3&&sy<=sy3+size) return 5; if (sx>=sx1&&sx<=sx1+size&&sy>=sy3&&sy<=sy3+size) return 6; if (sx>=sx1&&sx<=sx1+size&&sy>=sy2&&sy<=sy2+size) return 7; return -1; } protected void mouseDownInHandle(int handle, int sx, int sy) { state = MOVING_HANDLE; activeHandle = handle; } protected void handleMouseDown(int sx, int sy) { if (state==NORMAL && ic!=null) { state = MOVING; startX = ic.offScreenX(sx); startY = ic.offScreenY(sy); showStatus(); } } protected void handleMouseUp(int screenX, int screenY) { state = NORMAL; if (imp==null) return; imp.draw(clipX-5, clipY-5, clipWidth+10, clipHeight+10); if (Recorder.record) { String method; if (type==LINE) { Line line = (Line)imp.getRoi(); Recorder.record("makeLine", line.x1, line.y1, line.x2, line.y2); } else if (type==OVAL) Recorder.record("makeOval", x, y, width, height); else if (!(this instanceof TextRoi)) { if (cornerDiameter==0) Recorder.record("makeRectangle", x, y, width, height); else { if (Recorder.scriptMode()) Recorder.recordCall("imp.setRoi(new Roi("+x+", "+y+", "+width+", "+height+", "+cornerDiameter+"));"); else Recorder.record("makeRectangle", x, y, width, height, cornerDiameter); } } } if (Toolbar.getToolId()==Toolbar.OVAL&&Toolbar.getBrushSize()>0) { int flags = ic!=null?ic.getModifiers():16; if ((flags&16)==0) // erase ROI Brush {imp.draw(); return;} } modifyRoi(); } void modifyRoi() { if (previousRoi==null || previousRoi.modState==NO_MODS || imp==null) return; //IJ.log("modifyRoi: "+ type+" "+modState+" "+previousRoi.type+" "+previousRoi.modState); if (type==POINT || previousRoi.getType()==POINT) { if (type==POINT && previousRoi.getType()==POINT) addPoint(); else if (isArea() && previousRoi.getType()==POINT && previousRoi.modState==SUBTRACT_FROM_ROI) subtractPoints(); return; } Roi previous = (Roi)previousRoi.clone(); previous.modState = NO_MODS; ShapeRoi s1 = null; ShapeRoi s2 = null; if (previousRoi instanceof ShapeRoi) s1 = (ShapeRoi)previousRoi; else s1 = new ShapeRoi(previousRoi); if (this instanceof ShapeRoi) s2 = (ShapeRoi)this; else s2 = new ShapeRoi(this); if (previousRoi.modState==ADD_TO_ROI) s1.or(s2); else s1.not(s2); previousRoi.modState = NO_MODS; Roi[] rois = s1.getRois(); if (rois.length==0) return; int type2 = rois[0].getType(); //IJ.log(rois.length+" "+type2); Roi roi2 = null; if (rois.length==1 && (type2==POLYGON||type2==FREEROI)) roi2 = rois[0]; else roi2 = s1; if (roi2!=null) roi2.copyAttributes(previousRoi); imp.setRoi(roi2); previousRoi = previous; } void addPoint() { if (!(type==POINT && previousRoi.getType()==POINT)) { modState = NO_MODS; imp.draw(); return; } previousRoi.modState = NO_MODS; PointRoi p1 = (PointRoi)previousRoi; Rectangle r = getBounds(); imp.setRoi(p1.addPoint(r.x, r.y)); } void subtractPoints() { previousRoi.modState = NO_MODS; PointRoi p1 = (PointRoi)previousRoi; PointRoi p2 = p1.subtractPoints(this); if (p2!=null) imp.setRoi(p1.subtractPoints(this)); else imp.killRoi(); } /** If 'add' is true, adds this selection to the previous one. If 'subtract' is true, subtracts it from the previous selection. Called by the IJ.doWand() method, and the makeRectangle(), makeOval(), makePolygon() and makeSelection() macro functions. */ public void update(boolean add, boolean subtract) { if (previousRoi==null) return; if (add) { previousRoi.modState = ADD_TO_ROI; modifyRoi(); } else if (subtract) { previousRoi.modState = SUBTRACT_FROM_ROI; modifyRoi(); } else previousRoi.modState = NO_MODS; } protected void showStatus() { if (imp==null) return; String value; if (state!=CONSTRUCTING && (type==RECTANGLE||type==POINT) && width<=25 && height<=25) { ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor(); double v = ip.getPixelValue(x,y); int digits = (imp.getType()==ImagePlus.GRAY8||imp.getType()==ImagePlus.GRAY16)?0:2; value = ", value="+IJ.d2s(v,digits); } else value = ""; Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); String size; if (cal.scaled() && !IJ.altKeyDown()) size = ", w="+IJ.d2s(width*cal.pixelWidth)+", h="+IJ.d2s(height*cal.pixelHeight); else size = ", w="+width+", h="+height; size += ", ar="+IJ.d2s((double)width/height,2); IJ.showStatus(imp.getLocationAsString(x,y)+size+value); } /** Always returns null for rectangular Roi's */ public ImageProcessor getMask() { if (cornerDiameter>0) return (new ShapeRoi(new RoundRectangle2D.Float(x, y, width, height, cornerDiameter, cornerDiameter))).getMask(); else return null; } public void startPaste(ImagePlus clipboard) { IJ.showStatus("Pasting..."); this.clipboard = clipboard; imp.getProcessor().snapshot(); updateClipRect(); imp.draw(clipX, clipY, clipWidth, clipHeight); } void updatePaste() { if (clipboard!=null) { imp.getMask(); ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor(); ip.reset(); ip.copyBits(clipboard.getProcessor(), x, y, pasteMode); if (type!=RECTANGLE) ip.reset(ip.getMask()); if (ic!=null) ic.setImageUpdated(); } } public void endPaste() { if (clipboard!=null) { updatePaste(); clipboard = null; Undo.setup(Undo.FILTER, imp); } } public void abortPaste() { clipboard = null; imp.getProcessor().reset(); imp.updateAndDraw(); } /** Returns the angle in degrees between the specified line and a horizontal line. */ public double getAngle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { double dx = x2-x1; double dy = y1-y2; if (imp!=null && !IJ.altKeyDown()) { Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); dx *= cal.pixelWidth; dy *= cal.pixelHeight; } return (180.0/Math.PI)*Math.atan2(dy, dx); } /** Sets the default (global) color used for ROI outlines. * @see #getColor() * @see #setStrokeColor(Color) */ public static void setColor(Color c) { ROIColor = c; } /** Returns the default (global) color used for drawing ROI outlines. * @see #setColor(Color) * @see #getStrokeColor() */ public static Color getColor() { return ROIColor; } /** Sets the color used by this ROI to draw its outline. This color, if not null, * overrides the global color set by the static setColor() method. * @see #getStrokeColor() * @see #setStrokeWidth(int) * @see ij.ImagePlus#setOverlay(ij.gui.Overlay) */ public void setStrokeColor(Color c) { strokeColor = c; } /** Returns the the color used to draw the ROI outline or null if the default color is being used. * @see #setStrokeColor(Color) */ public Color getStrokeColor() { return strokeColor; } /** Sets the color used to fill ROIs when they are in an overlay. * @see ij.ImagePlus#setOverlay(ij.gui.Overlay) */ public void setFillColor(Color color) { fillColor = color; } /** Returns the color used to fill this ROI, or null if it is not filled. * @see #getStrokeColor() */ public Color getFillColor() { return fillColor; } public static void setDefaultFillColor(Color color) { defaultFillColor = color; } public static Color getDefaultFillColor() { return defaultFillColor; } /** Copy the attributes (outline color, fill color, outline width) of 'roi2' to the this selection. */ public void copyAttributes(Roi roi2) { this. strokeColor = roi2. strokeColor; this.fillColor = roi2.fillColor; this.stroke = roi2.stroke; } /** * @deprecated * replaced by setStrokeColor() */ public void setInstanceColor(Color c) { strokeColor = c; } /** * @deprecated * replaced by setStrokeWidth(int) */ public void setLineWidth(int width) { setStrokeWidth(width) ; } public void updateWideLine(float width) { //IJ.log("updateWideLine "+isLine()+" "+isDrawingTool()+" "+getType()); if (isLine()) { wideLine = true; setStrokeWidth(width); if (getStrokeColor()==null) { Color c = getColor(); setStrokeColor(new Color(c.getRed(),c.getGreen(),c.getBlue(), 77)); } } } /** Set 'nonScalable' true to have TextRois in a display list drawn at a fixed location and size. */ public void setNonScalable(boolean nonScalable) { this.nonScalable = nonScalable; } /** Sets the width of the line used to draw this ROI. * @see #setStrokeColor(Color) * @see ij.ImagePlus#setOverlay(ij.gui.Overlay) */ public void setStrokeWidth(float width) { //this.stroke = new BasicStroke(width); if (width==0) stroke = null; else if (wideLine) this.stroke = new BasicStroke(width, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL); else this.stroke = new BasicStroke(width); if (width>1f) fillColor = null; } /** This is a version of setStrokeWidth() that accepts a double argument. */ public void setStrokeWidth(double width) { setStrokeWidth((float)width); } /** Returns the lineWidth. */ public float getStrokeWidth() { return stroke!=null?stroke.getLineWidth():1; } /** Sets the Stroke used to draw this ROI. */ public void setStroke(BasicStroke stroke) { this.stroke = stroke; } /** Returns the Stroke used to draw this ROI, or null if no Stroke is used. */ public BasicStroke getStroke() { return stroke; } protected BasicStroke getScaledStroke() { if (ic==null) return stroke; double mag = ic.getMagnification(); if (mag!=1.0) { float width = stroke.getLineWidth(); return new BasicStroke((float)(width*mag), BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL); } else return stroke; } /** Returns the name of this ROI, or null. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** Sets the name of this ROI. */ public void setName(String name) { = name; } /** Sets the Paste transfer mode. @see ij.process.Blitter */ public static void setPasteMode(int transferMode) { if (transferMode==pasteMode) return; pasteMode = transferMode; ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (imp!=null) imp.updateAndDraw(); } /** Sets the rounded rectangle corner diameter (pixels). */ public void setCornerDiameter(int cornerDiameter) { if (cornerDiameter<0) cornerDiameter = 0; this.cornerDiameter = cornerDiameter; ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (imp!=null && this==imp.getRoi()) imp.updateAndDraw(); } /** Returns the rounded rectangle corner diameter (pixels). */ public int getCornerDiameter() { return cornerDiameter; } /** Obsolete; replaced by setCornerDiameter(). */ public void setRoundRectArcSize(int cornerDiameter) { setCornerDiameter(cornerDiameter); } /** Obsolete; replaced by getCornerDiameter(). */ public int getRoundRectArcSize() { return cornerDiameter; } /** Sets the stack position (image number) of this ROI. In an overlay, this * ROI is only displayed when the stack is at the specified position. * Set to zero to have the ROI displayed on all images in the stack. * @see ij.gui.Overlay */ public void setPosition(int n) { if (n<0) n=0; position = n; channel = slice = frame = 0; } /** Returns the stack position (image number) of this ROI, or * zero if the ROI is not associated with a particular stack image. * @see ij.gui.Overlay */ public int getPosition() { return position; } /** Sets the hyperstack position of this ROI. In an overlay, this * ROI is only displayed when the hyperstack is at the specified position. * @see ij.gui.Overlay */ public void setPosition(int channel, int slice, int frame) { if (channel<0) channel=0; = channel; if (slice<0) slice=0; this.slice = slice; if (frame<0) frame=0; this.frame = frame; position = 0; } /** Returns the channel position of this ROI, or zero * if this ROI is not associated with a particular channel. */ public final int getCPosition() { return channel; } /** Returns the slice position of this ROI, or zero * if this ROI is not associated with a particular slice. */ public final int getZPosition() { return slice; } /** Returns the frame position of this ROI, or zero * if this ROI is not associated with a particular frame. */ public final int getTPosition() { return frame; } // Used by the FileSaver and RoiEncoder to save overlay settings. */ public void setPrototypeOverlay(Overlay overlay) { prototypeOverlay = new Overlay(); prototypeOverlay.drawLabels(overlay.getDrawLabels()); prototypeOverlay.drawNames(overlay.getDrawNames()); prototypeOverlay.drawBackgrounds(overlay.getDrawBackgrounds()); prototypeOverlay.setLabelColor(overlay.getLabelColor()); prototypeOverlay.setLabelFont(overlay.getLabelFont()); } // Used by the FileOpener and RoiDecoder to restore overlay settings. */ public Overlay getPrototypeOverlay() { if (prototypeOverlay!=null) return prototypeOverlay; else return new Overlay(); } /** Returns the current paste transfer mode, or NOT_PASTING (-1) if no paste operation is in progress. @see ij.process.Blitter */ public int getPasteMode() { if (clipboard==null) return NOT_PASTING; else return pasteMode; } /** Returns the current paste transfer mode. */ public static int getCurrentPasteMode() { return pasteMode; } /** Returns 'true' if this is an area selection. */ public boolean isArea() { return (type>=RECTANGLE && type<=TRACED_ROI) || type==COMPOSITE; } /** Returns 'true' if this is a line selection. */ public boolean isLine() { return type>=LINE && type<=FREELINE; } /** Returns 'true' if this is an ROI primarily used from drawing (e.g., Rounded Rectangle, TextRoi or Arrow). */ public boolean isDrawingTool() { return cornerDiameter>0; } protected double getMagnification() { return ic!=null?ic.getMagnification():1.0; } /** Convenience method that converts Roi type to a human-readable form. */ public String getTypeAsString() { String s=""; switch(type) { case POLYGON: s="Polygon"; break; case FREEROI: s="Freehand"; break; case TRACED_ROI: s="Traced"; break; case POLYLINE: s="Polyline"; break; case FREELINE: s="Freeline"; break; case ANGLE: s="Angle"; break; case LINE: s="Straight Line"; break; case OVAL: s="Oval"; break; case COMPOSITE: s = "Composite"; break; case POINT: s = "Point"; break; default: s="Rectangle"; break; } return s; } /** Returns true if this ROI is currently displayed on an image. */ public boolean isVisible() { return ic!=null; } /** Checks whether two rectangles are equal. */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Roi) { Roi roi2 = (Roi)obj; if (type!=roi2.getType()) return false; if (!getBounds().equals(roi2.getBounds())) return false; if (getLength()!=roi2.getLength()) return false; return true; } else return false; } protected int screenX(int ox) {return ic!=null?ic.screenX(ox):ox;} protected int screenY(int oy) {return ic!=null?ic.screenY(oy):oy;} protected int screenXD(double ox) {return ic!=null?ic.screenXD(ox):(int)ox;} protected int screenYD(double oy) {return ic!=null?ic.screenYD(oy):(int)oy;} protected int[] toInt(float[] arr) { int n = arr.length; int[] temp = new int[n]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) temp[i] = (int)Math.floor(arr[i]+0.5); return temp; } protected float[] toFloat(int[] arr) { int n = arr.length; float[] temp = new float[n]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) temp[i] = arr[i]; return temp; } public String toString() { return ("Roi["+getTypeAsString()+", x="+x+", y="+y+", width="+width+", height="+height+"]"); } /** Deprecated */ public void temporarilyHide() { } }