package ij.plugin; import ij.*; import ij.process.*; import ij.gui.*; import*; import ij.plugin.Animator; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import java.util.*; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; /** <pre> * ImageJ Plugin for reading an AVI file into an image stack * (one slice per video frame) * * Version 2008-07-03 by Michael Schmid, based on a plugin by * Daniel Marsh and Wayne Rasband * * Restrictions and Notes: * - Only few formats supported: * - uncompressed 8 bit with palette (=LUT) * - uncompressed 8 & 16 bit grayscale * - uncompressed 24 & 32 bit RGB (alpha channel ignored) * - uncompressed 32 bit AYUV (alpha channel ignored) * - various YUV 4:2:2 compressed formats * - png or jpeg-encoded individual frames. * Note that most MJPG (motion-JPEG) formats are not read correctly. * - Does not read avi formats with more than one frame per chunk * - Palette changes during the video not supported * - Out-of-sequence frames (sequence given by index) not supported * - Different frame sizes in one file (rcFrame) not supported * - Conversion of (A)YUV formats to grayscale is non-standard: * All 255 levels are kept as in the input (i.e. the full dynamic * range of data from a frame grabber is preserved). * For standard behavior, use "Brightness&Contrast", Press "Set", * enter "Min." 16, "Max." 235, and press "Apply". * Version History: * 2008-07-03 * - Support for 16bit AVIs coded by MIL (Matrox Imaging Library) * 2008-06-08 * - Support for png and jpeg/mjpg encoded files added * - Retrieves animation speed from image frame rate * - Exception handling without multiple error messages * 2008-04-29 * - Support for several other formats added, especially some YUV * (also named YCbCr) formats * - Uneven chunk sizes fixed * - Negative biHeight fixed * - Audio or second video stream don't cause a problem * - Can read part of a file (specify start & end frame numbers) * - Can convert YUV and RGB to grayscale (does not convert 8-bit with palette) * - Can flip vertically * - Can create a virtual stack * - Added slice label: time of the frame in the movie * - Added a public method 'getStack' that does not create an image window * - More compact code, especially for reading the header (rewritten) * - In the code, bitmapinfo items have their canonical names * * The AVI format looks like this: * RIFF RIFF HEADER * |-AVI AVI CHUNK * |LIST hdrl MAIN AVI HEADER * | |-avih AVI HEADER * | |LIST strl STREAM LIST(s) (One per stream) * | | |-strh STREAM HEADER (Required after above; fourcc type is 'vids' for video stream) * | | |-strf STREAM FORMAT (for video: BitMapInfo; may also contain palette) * | | |-strd OPTIONAL -- STREAM DATA (ignored in this plugin) * | | |-strn OPTIONAL -- STREAM NAME (ignored in this plugin) * |LIST movi MOVIE DATA * | | [rec] RECORD DATA (one record per frame for interleaved video; optional, unsupported in this plugin) * | | |-dataSubchunks RAW DATA: '??wb' for audio, '??db' and '??dc' for uncompressed and * | compressed video, respectively. "??" denotes stream number, usually "00" or "01" * |-idx1 AVI INDEX (required by some programs, ignored in this plugin) * </pre> */ public class AVI_Reader extends VirtualStack implements PlugIn { //four-character codes for avi chunk types //NOTE: byte sequence is reversed - ints in Intel (little endian) byte order! private final static int FOURCC_RIFF = 0x46464952; //'RIFF' private final static int FOURCC_AVI = 0x20495641; //'AVI ' private final static int FOURCC_LIST = 0x5453494c; //'LIST' private final static int FOURCC_hdrl = 0x6c726468; //'hdrl' private final static int FOURCC_avih = 0x68697661; //'avih' private final static int FOURCC_strl = 0x6c727473; //'strl' private final static int FOURCC_strh = 0x68727473; //'strh' private final static int FOURCC_strf = 0x66727473; //'strf' private final static int FOURCC_movi = 0x69766f6d; //'movi' private final static int FOURCC_rec = 0x20636572; //'rec ' private final static int FOURCC_JUNK = 0x4b4e554a; //'JUNK' private final static int FOURCC_vids = 0x73646976; //'vids' private final static int FOURCC_00db = 0x62643030; //'00db' private final static int FOURCC_00dc = 0x63643030; //'00dc' //four-character codes for supported compression formats; see private final static int NO_COMPRESSION = 0; //uncompressed, also 'RGB ', 'RAW ' private final static int NO_COMPRESSION_RGB= 0x20424752; //'RGB ' -a name for uncompressed private final static int NO_COMPRESSION_RAW= 0x20574152; //'RAW ' -a name for uncompressed private final static int NO_COMPRESSION_Y800=0x30303859;//'Y800' -a name for 8-bit grayscale private final static int NO_COMPRESSION_Y8 = 0x20203859; //'Y8 ' -another name for Y800 private final static int NO_COMPRESSION_GREY=0x59455247;//'GREY' -another name for Y800 private final static int NO_COMPRESSION_Y16= 0x20363159; //'Y16 ' -a name for 16-bit uncompressed grayscale private final static int NO_COMPRESSION_MIL= 0x204c494d; //'MIL ' - Matrox Imaging Library private final static int AYUV_COMPRESSION = 0x56555941; //'AYUV' -uncompressed, but alpha, Y, U, V bytes private final static int UYVY_COMPRESSION = 0x59565955; //'UYVY' - 4:2:2 with byte order u y0 v y1 private final static int Y422_COMPRESSION = 0x564E5955; //'Y422' -another name for of UYVY private final static int UYNV_COMPRESSION = 0x32323459; //'UYNV' -another name for of UYVY private final static int CYUV_COMPRESSION = 0x76757963; //'cyuv' -as UYVY but not top-down private final static int V422_COMPRESSION = 0x32323456; //'V422' -as UYVY but not top-down private final static int YUY2_COMPRESSION = 0x32595559; //'YUY2' - 4:2:2 with byte order y0 u y1 v private final static int YUNV_COMPRESSION = 0x564E5559; //'YUNV' -another name for YUY2 private final static int YUYV_COMPRESSION = 0x56595559; //'YUYV' -another name for YUY2 private final static int YVYU_COMPRESSION = 0x55595659; //'YVYU' - 4:2:2 with byte order y0 u y1 v private final static int JPEG_COMPRESSION = 0x6765706a; //'jpeg' JPEG compression of individual frames private final static int JPEG_COMPRESSION2 = 0x4745504a; //'JPEG' JPEG compression of individual frames private final static int JPEG_COMPRESSION3 = 0x04; //BI_JPEG: JPEG compression of individual frames private final static int MJPG_COMPRESSION = 0x47504a4d; //'MJPG' Motion JPEG, also reads compression of individual frames private final static int PNG_COMPRESSION = 0x20676e70; //'png ' PNG compression of individual frames private final static int PNG_COMPRESSION2 = 0x20474e50; //'PNG ' PNG compression of individual frames private final static int PNG_COMPRESSION3 = 0x05; //BI_PNG PNG compression of individual frames private final static int BITMASK24 = 0x10000; //for 24-bit (in contrast to 8, 16,... not a bitmask) private final static long SIZE_MASK = 0xffffffffL; //for conversion of sizes from unsigned int to long //dialog parameters are static so they will be remembered private static int firstFrameNumber = 1; //the first frame to read private static int lastFrameNumber = 0; //the last frame to read; 0 means 'read all' private static boolean convertToGray; //whether to convert color video to grayscale private static boolean flipVertical; //whether to flip image vertical private static boolean isVirtual; //whether to open as virtual stack //the input file private RandomAccessFile raFile; private String raFilePath; private boolean headerOK = false; //whether header has been read //more avi file properties etc private int streamNumber; //number of the (first) video stream private long fileSize = 0; //file size (for progress bar) private int paddingGranularity = 2; //tags start at even address //derived from BitMapInfo private int dataCompression; //data compression type used private int scanLineSize; private boolean dataTopDown; //whether data start at top of image private ColorModel cm; private boolean variableLength; //compressed (PNG, JPEG) frames have variable length //for conversion to ImageJ stack private Vector frameInfos; //for virtual stack: long[] with frame pos&size in file, time(usec) private ImageStack stack; private ImagePlus imp; //for debug messages private boolean verbose = IJ.debugMode; private long startTime; //From AVI Header Chunk private int dwMicroSecPerFrame; private int dwMaxBytesPerSec; private int dwReserved1; private int dwFlags; private int dwTotalFrames; private int dwInitialFrames; private int dwStreams; private int dwSuggestedBufferSize; private int dwWidth; private int dwHeight; //From Stream Header Chunk private int fccStreamHandler; private int dwStreamFlags; private int dwPriorityLanguage; //actually 2 16-bit words: wPriority and wLanguage private int dwStreamInitialFrames; private int dwStreamScale; private int dwStreamRate; private int dwStreamStart; private int dwStreamLength; private int dwStreamSuggestedBufferSize; private int dwStreamQuality; private int dwStreamSampleSize; //From Stream Format Chunk: BITMAPINFO contents (40 bytes) private int biSize; // size of this header in bytes (40) private int biWidth; private int biHeight; private short biPlanes; // no. of color planes: for the formats decoded; here always 1 private short biBitCount; // Bits per Pixel private int biCompression; private int biSizeImage; // size of image in bytes (may be 0: if so, calculate) private int biXPelsPerMeter; // horizontal resolution, pixels/meter (may be 0) private int biYPelsPerMeter; // vertical resolution, pixels/meter (may be 0) private int biClrUsed; // no. of colors in palette (if 0, calculate) private int biClrImportant; // no. of important colors (appear first in palette) (0 means all are important) /** The plugin is invoked by ImageJ using this method. * String 'arg' may be used to select the path. */ public void run (String arg) { OpenDialog od = new OpenDialog("Select AVI File", arg); //file dialog String fileName = od.getFileName(); if (fileName == null) return; String fileDir = od.getDirectory(); String path = fileDir + fileName; try { openAndReadHeader(path); //open and read header } catch (Exception e) { IJ.showMessage("AVI Reader", exceptionMessage(e)); return; } if (!showDialog(fileName)) return; //ask for parameters try { ImageStack stack = makeStack (path, firstFrameNumber, lastFrameNumber, isVirtual, convertToGray, flipVertical); //read data } catch (Exception e) { IJ.showMessage("AVI Reader", exceptionMessage(e)); return; } if (stack == null) return; if (stack.getSize() == 0) { String rangeText = ""; if (firstFrameNumber>1 || lastFrameNumber!=0) rangeText = "\nin Range "+firstFrameNumber+ (lastFrameNumber>0 ? " - "+lastFrameNumber : " - end"); IJ.showMessage("AVI Reader","Error: No Frames Found"+rangeText); return; } imp = new ImagePlus(fileName, stack); if (imp.getBitDepth()==16) imp.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax(); setFramesPerSecond(imp); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(); fi.fileName = fileName; = fileDir; imp.setFileInfo(fi); if (arg.equals("")); IJ.showTime(imp, startTime, "Read AVI in ", stack.getSize()); } /** Returns the ImagePlus opened by run(). */ public ImagePlus getImagePlus() { return imp; } /** Create an ImageStack from an avi file with given path. * @param path Directoy+filename of the avi file * @param firstFrameNumber Number of first frame to read (first frame of the file is 1) * @param lastFrameNumber Number of last frame to read or 0 for reading all, -1 for all but last... * @param isVirtual Whether to return a virtual stack * @param convertToGray Whether to convert color images to grayscale * @return Returns the stack; null on failure. * The stack returned may be non-null, but have a length of zero if no suitable frames were found */ public ImageStack makeStack (String path, int firstFrameNumber, int lastFrameNumber, boolean isVirtual, boolean convertToGray, boolean flipVertical) { this.firstFrameNumber = firstFrameNumber; this.lastFrameNumber = lastFrameNumber; this.isVirtual = isVirtual; this.convertToGray = convertToGray; this.flipVertical = flipVertical; String exceptionMessage = null; IJ.showProgress(.001); try { readAVI(path); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { stack.trim(); IJ.showMessage("AVI Reader", "Out of memory. " + stack.getSize() + " of " + dwTotalFrames + " frames will be opened."); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionMessage = exceptionMessage(e); } finally { try { raFile.close(); if (verbose) IJ.log("File closed."); } catch (Exception e) {} IJ.showProgress(1.0); } if (exceptionMessage != null) throw new RuntimeException(exceptionMessage); if (isVirtual && frameInfos != null) stack = this; if (stack!=null && cm!=null) stack.setColorModel(cm); return stack; } /** Returns an ImageProcessor for the specified frame of this virtual stack (if it is one) where 1<=n<=nslices. Returns null if no virtual stack or no slices. */ public synchronized ImageProcessor getProcessor(int n) { if (frameInfos==null || frameInfos.size()==0 || raFilePath==null) return null; if (n<1 || n>frameInfos.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument out of range: "+n); Object pixels = null; RandomAccessFile rFile = null; String exceptionMessage = null; try { rFile = new RandomAccessFile(new File(raFilePath), "r"); long[] frameInfo = (long[])(frameInfos.get(n-1)); pixels = readFrame(rFile, frameInfo[0], (int)frameInfo[1]); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionMessage = exceptionMessage(e); } finally { try { rFile.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} } if (exceptionMessage != null) throw new RuntimeException(exceptionMessage); if (pixels == null) return null; //failed if (pixels instanceof byte[]) return new ByteProcessor(dwWidth, biHeight, (byte[])pixels, cm); else if (pixels instanceof short[]) return new ShortProcessor(dwWidth, biHeight, (short[])pixels, cm); else return new ColorProcessor(dwWidth, biHeight, (int[])pixels); } /** Returns the image width of the virtual stack */ public int getWidth() { return dwWidth; } /** Returns the image height of the virtual stack */ public int getHeight() { return biHeight; } /** Returns the number of images in this virtual stack (if it is one) */ public int getSize() { if (frameInfos == null) return 0; else return frameInfos.size(); } /** Returns the label of the specified slice in this virtual stack (if it is one). */ public String getSliceLabel(int n) { if (frameInfos==null || n<1 || n>frameInfos.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Virtual Stack or argument out of range: "+n); return frameLabel(((long[])(frameInfos.get(n-1)))[2]); } /** Deletes the specified image from this virtual stack (if it is one), * where 1<=n<=nslices. */ public void deleteSlice(int n) { if (frameInfos==null || frameInfos.size()==0) return; if (n<1 || n>frameInfos.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument out of range: "+n); frameInfos.removeElementAt(n-1); } /** Parameters dialog, returns false on cancel */ private boolean showDialog (String fileName) { if (lastFrameNumber!=-1) lastFrameNumber = dwTotalFrames; if (IJ.macroRunning()) { firstFrameNumber = 1; lastFrameNumber = dwTotalFrames; } GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("AVI Reader"); gd.addNumericField("First Frame: ", firstFrameNumber, 0); gd.addNumericField("Last Frame: ", lastFrameNumber, 0, 6, ""); gd.addCheckbox("Use Virtual Stack", isVirtual); gd.addCheckbox("Convert to Grayscale", convertToGray); gd.addCheckbox("Flip Vertical", flipVertical); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; firstFrameNumber = (int)gd.getNextNumber(); lastFrameNumber = (int)gd.getNextNumber(); isVirtual = gd.getNextBoolean(); convertToGray = gd.getNextBoolean(); flipVertical = gd.getNextBoolean(); IJ.register(this.getClass()); return true; } private void readAVI(String path) throws Exception, IOException { if (!headerOK) //we have not read the header yet? openAndReadHeader(path); startTime += System.currentTimeMillis();//taking previously elapsed time into account findFourccAndRead(FOURCC_movi, true, fileSize, true); //read movie data return; } /** Open the file with given path and read its header */ private void openAndReadHeader (String path) throws Exception, IOException { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (verbose) IJ.log("OPEN AND READ AVI FILE HEADER "+timeString()); File file = new File(path); // o p e n raFile = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); raFilePath = path; fileSize = raFile.length(); int fileType = readInt(); // f i l e h e a d e r if (verbose) IJ.log("File header: File type='"+fourccString(fileType)+"' (should be 'RIFF')"+timeString()); if (fileType != FOURCC_RIFF) throw new Exception("Not an AVI file."); readInt(); //data size int riffType = readInt(); if (verbose) IJ.log("File header: RIFF type='"+fourccString(riffType)+"' (should be 'AVI ')"); if (riffType != FOURCC_AVI) throw new Exception("Not an AVI file."); findFourccAndRead(FOURCC_hdrl, true, fileSize, true); startTime -= System.currentTimeMillis(); //becomes minus elapsed Time headerOK = true; } /** Find the next position of fourcc or LIST fourcc and read contents. * Returns next position * If not found, throws exception or returns -1 */ private long findFourccAndRead(int fourcc, boolean isList, long endPosition, boolean throwNotFoundException) throws Exception, IOException { long nextPos; boolean contentOk = false; do { int type = readType(endPosition); if (type == 0) { //reached endPosition without finding if (throwNotFoundException) throw new Exception("Required item '"+fourccString(fourcc)+"' not found"); else return -1; } long size = readInt() & SIZE_MASK; nextPos = raFile.getFilePointer() + size; boolean foundList = false; if (isList && type == FOURCC_LIST) { foundList = true; type = readInt(); } if (verbose) IJ.log("Searching for '"+fourccString(fourcc)+"', found "+(foundList?"LIST '":"'") +fourccString(type)+"' "+posSizeString(nextPos-size, size)); if (type==fourcc) { contentOk = readContents(fourcc, nextPos); } else if (verbose) IJ.log("Discarded '"+fourccString(type)+"': Contents does not fit");; if (contentOk) return nextPos; //found and read, breaks the loop } while (!contentOk); return nextPos; } /** read contents defined by four-cc code; returns true if contens ok */ private boolean readContents (int fourcc, long endPosition) throws Exception, IOException { switch (fourcc) { case FOURCC_hdrl: findFourccAndRead(FOURCC_avih, false, endPosition, true); findFourccAndRead(FOURCC_strl, true, endPosition, true); return true; case FOURCC_avih: readAviHeader(); return true; case FOURCC_strl: long nextPosition = findFourccAndRead(FOURCC_strh, false, endPosition, false); if (nextPosition<0) return false; findFourccAndRead(FOURCC_strf, false, endPosition, true); return true; case FOURCC_strh: int streamType = readInt(); if (streamType != FOURCC_vids) { if (verbose) IJ.log("Non-video Stream '"+fourccString(streamType)+" skipped"); streamNumber++; return false; } readStreamHeader(); return true; case FOURCC_strf: readBitMapInfo(endPosition); return true; case FOURCC_movi: readMovieData(endPosition); return true; } throw new Exception("Program error, type "+fourccString(fourcc)); } void readAviHeader() throws Exception, IOException { dwMicroSecPerFrame = readInt(); dwMaxBytesPerSec = readInt(); dwReserved1 = readInt(); //in newer avi formats, this is dwPaddingGranularity? dwFlags = readInt(); dwTotalFrames = readInt(); dwInitialFrames = readInt(); dwStreams = readInt(); dwSuggestedBufferSize = readInt(); dwWidth = readInt(); dwHeight = readInt(); // dwReserved[4] follows, ignored if (verbose) { IJ.log("AVI HEADER (avih):"+timeString()); IJ.log(" dwMicroSecPerFrame=" + dwMicroSecPerFrame); IJ.log(" dwMaxBytesPerSec=" + dwMaxBytesPerSec); IJ.log(" dwReserved1=" + dwReserved1); IJ.log(" dwFlags=" + dwFlags); IJ.log(" dwTotalFrames=" + dwTotalFrames); IJ.log(" dwInitialFrames=" + dwInitialFrames); IJ.log(" dwStreams=" + dwStreams); IJ.log(" dwSuggestedBufferSize=" + dwSuggestedBufferSize); IJ.log(" dwWidth=" + dwWidth); IJ.log(" dwHeight=" + dwHeight); } } void readStreamHeader() throws Exception, IOException { fccStreamHandler = readInt(); dwStreamFlags = readInt(); dwPriorityLanguage = readInt(); dwStreamInitialFrames = readInt(); dwStreamScale = readInt(); dwStreamRate = readInt(); dwStreamStart = readInt(); dwStreamLength = readInt(); dwStreamSuggestedBufferSize = readInt(); dwStreamQuality = readInt(); dwStreamSampleSize = readInt(); //rcFrame rectangle follows, ignored if (verbose) { IJ.log("VIDEO STREAM HEADER (strh):"); IJ.log(" fccStreamHandler='" + fourccString(fccStreamHandler)+"'"); IJ.log(" dwStreamFlags=" + dwStreamFlags); IJ.log(" wPriority,wLanguage=" + dwPriorityLanguage); IJ.log(" dwStreamInitialFrames=" + dwStreamInitialFrames); IJ.log(" dwStreamScale=" + dwStreamScale); IJ.log(" dwStreamRate=" + dwStreamRate); IJ.log(" dwStreamStart=" + dwStreamStart); IJ.log(" dwStreamLength=" + dwStreamLength); IJ.log(" dwStreamSuggestedBufferSize=" + dwStreamSuggestedBufferSize); IJ.log(" dwStreamQuality=" + dwStreamQuality); IJ.log(" dwStreamSampleSize=" + dwStreamSampleSize); } if (dwStreamSampleSize > 1) throw new Exception("Video stream with "+dwStreamSampleSize+" (more than 1) frames/chunk not supported"); } /**Read stream format chunk: starts with BitMapInfo, may contain palette */ void readBitMapInfo(long endPosition) throws Exception, IOException { biSize = readInt(); biWidth = readInt(); biHeight = readInt(); biPlanes = readShort(); biBitCount = readShort(); biCompression = readInt(); biSizeImage = readInt(); biXPelsPerMeter = readInt(); biYPelsPerMeter = readInt(); biClrUsed = readInt(); biClrImportant = readInt(); if (verbose) { IJ.log(" biSize=" + biSize); IJ.log(" biWidth=" + biWidth); IJ.log(" biHeight=" + biHeight); IJ.log(" biPlanes=" + biPlanes); IJ.log(" biBitCount=" + biBitCount); IJ.log(" biCompression=0x" + Integer.toHexString(biCompression)+" '"+fourccString(biCompression)+"'"); IJ.log(" biSizeImage=" + biSizeImage); IJ.log(" biXPelsPerMeter=" + biXPelsPerMeter); IJ.log(" biYPelsPerMeter=" + biYPelsPerMeter); IJ.log(" biClrUsed=" + biClrUsed); IJ.log(" biClrImportant=" + biClrImportant); } int allowedBitCount = 0; boolean readPalette = false; switch (biCompression) { case NO_COMPRESSION: case NO_COMPRESSION_RGB: case NO_COMPRESSION_RAW: dataCompression = NO_COMPRESSION; dataTopDown = biHeight<0; //RGB mode is usually bottom-up, negative height signals top-down allowedBitCount = 8 | BITMASK24 | 32; //we don't support 1, 2 and 4 byte data readPalette = biBitCount <= 8; break; case NO_COMPRESSION_Y8: case NO_COMPRESSION_GREY: case NO_COMPRESSION_Y800: dataTopDown = true; dataCompression = NO_COMPRESSION; allowedBitCount = 8; break; case NO_COMPRESSION_Y16: case NO_COMPRESSION_MIL: dataCompression = NO_COMPRESSION; allowedBitCount = 16; break; case AYUV_COMPRESSION: dataCompression = AYUV_COMPRESSION; allowedBitCount = 32; break; case UYVY_COMPRESSION: case UYNV_COMPRESSION: dataTopDown = true; case CYUV_COMPRESSION: //same, not top-down case V422_COMPRESSION: dataCompression = UYVY_COMPRESSION; allowedBitCount = 16; break; case YUY2_COMPRESSION: case YUNV_COMPRESSION: case YUYV_COMPRESSION: dataTopDown = true; dataCompression = YUY2_COMPRESSION; allowedBitCount = 16; break; case YVYU_COMPRESSION: dataTopDown = true; dataCompression = YVYU_COMPRESSION; allowedBitCount = 16; break; case JPEG_COMPRESSION: case JPEG_COMPRESSION2: case JPEG_COMPRESSION3: case MJPG_COMPRESSION: dataCompression = JPEG_COMPRESSION; variableLength = true; break; case PNG_COMPRESSION: case PNG_COMPRESSION2: case PNG_COMPRESSION3: variableLength = true; dataCompression = PNG_COMPRESSION; break; default: throw new Exception("Unsupported compression: "+Integer.toHexString(biCompression)+ (biCompression>=0x20202020 ? " '" + fourccString(biCompression)+"'" : "")); } int bitCountTest = biBitCount==24 ? BITMASK24 : biBitCount; //convert "24" to a flag if (allowedBitCount!=0 && (bitCountTest & allowedBitCount)==0) throw new Exception("Unsupported: "+biBitCount+" bits/pixel for compression '"+ fourccString(biCompression)+"'"); if (biHeight < 0) //negative height was for top-down data in RGB mode biHeight = -biHeight; // Scan line is padded with zeroes to be a multiple of four bytes scanLineSize = ((biWidth * biBitCount + 31) / 32) * 4; // a value of biClrUsed=0 means we determine this based on the bits per pixel if (readPalette && biClrUsed==0) biClrUsed = 1 << biBitCount; if (verbose) { IJ.log(" > data compression=0x" + Integer.toHexString(dataCompression)+" '"+fourccString(dataCompression)+"'"); IJ.log(" > palette colors=" + biClrUsed); IJ.log(" > scan line size=" + scanLineSize); IJ.log(" > data top down=" + dataTopDown); } //read color palette if (readPalette) { long spaceForPalette = endPosition-raFile.getFilePointer(); if (verbose) IJ.log(" Reading "+biClrUsed+" Palette colors: " + posSizeString(spaceForPalette)); if (spaceForPalette < biClrUsed*4) throw new Exception("Not enough data ("+spaceForPalette+") for palette of size "+(biClrUsed*4)); byte[] pr = new byte[biClrUsed]; byte[] pg = new byte[biClrUsed]; byte[] pb = new byte[biClrUsed]; for (int i = 0; i < biClrUsed; i++) { pb[i] = raFile.readByte(); pg[i] = raFile.readByte(); pr[i] = raFile.readByte(); raFile.readByte(); } cm = new IndexColorModel(biBitCount, biClrUsed, pr, pg, pb); } } /**Read from the 'movi' chunk. Skips audio ('..wb', etc.), 'LIST' 'rec' etc, only reads '..db' or '..dc'*/ void readMovieData(long endPosition) throws Exception, IOException { if (verbose) IJ.log("MOVIE DATA "+posSizeString(endPosition-raFile.getFilePointer())+timeString()); //prepare for reading int type0xdb = FOURCC_00db + (streamNumber<<8); //'01db' for stream 1, etc. (inverse byte order!) int type0xdc = FOURCC_00dc + (streamNumber<<8); //'01dc' for stream 1, etc. if (verbose) IJ.log("Searching for stream "+streamNumber+": '"+ fourccString(type0xdb)+"' or '"+fourccString(type0xdc)+"' chunks"); int lastFrameToRead = Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (lastFrameNumber > 0) //last frame number to read: from Dialog lastFrameToRead = lastFrameNumber; if (lastFrameNumber < 0 && dwTotalFrames > 0) //negative means "end frame minus ..." lastFrameToRead = dwTotalFrames+lastFrameNumber; if (isVirtual) frameInfos = new Vector(100); //holds frame positions in file (for non-constant frame sizes, should hold long[] with pos and size) else stack = new ImageStack(dwWidth, biHeight); int frameNumber = 1; while (true) { //loop over all chunks int type = readType(endPosition); if (type==0) break; //end of 'movi' reached? long size = readInt() & SIZE_MASK; long pos = raFile.getFilePointer(); long nextPos = pos + size; if ((type==type0xdb || type==type0xdc) && size>0) { updateProgress(); if (verbose) IJ.log("movie data '"+fourccString(type)+"' "+posSizeString(size)+timeString()); if (frameNumber >= firstFrameNumber) { if (isVirtual) frameInfos.add(new long[]{pos, size, frameNumber*dwMicroSecPerFrame}); else { //read the frame Object pixels = readFrame(raFile, pos, (int)size); String label = frameLabel(frameNumber*dwMicroSecPerFrame); stack.addSlice(label, pixels); } } frameNumber++; if (frameNumber>lastFrameToRead) break; } else if (verbose) IJ.log("skipped '"+fourccString(type)+"' "+posSizeString(size)); if (nextPos > endPosition) break;; } } /** Reads a frame at a given position in the file, returns pixels array */ private Object readFrame (RandomAccessFile rFile, long filePos, int size) throws Exception, IOException {; if (variableLength) //JPEG or PNG-compressed frames return readCompressedFrame(rFile, size); else return readFixedLengthFrame(rFile, size); } /** Reads a JPEG or PNG-compressed frame from a RandomAccessFile and * returns the pixels array of the resulting image abd sets the * ColorModel cm (if appropriate) */ private Object readCompressedFrame (RandomAccessFile rFile, int size) throws Exception, IOException { InputStream inputStream = new raInputStream(rFile, size, biCompression==MJPG_COMPRESSION); BufferedImage bi =; int type = bi.getType(); ImageProcessor ip = null; //IJ.log("BufferedImage Type="+type); if (type==BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY) { ip = new ByteProcessor(bi); } else if (type==bi.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED) { cm = bi.getColorModel(); ip = new ByteProcessor((Image)bi); } else ip = new ColorProcessor(bi); if (convertToGray) ip = ip.convertToByte(false); if (flipVertical) ip.flipVertical(); return ip.getPixels(); } /** Read a fixed-length frame (RandomAccessFile rFile, long filePos, int size) * return the pixels array of the resulting image */ private Object readFixedLengthFrame (RandomAccessFile rFile, int size) throws Exception, IOException { if (size < scanLineSize*biHeight) throw new Exception("Data chunk size "+size+" too short ("+(scanLineSize*biHeight)+" required)"); byte[] rawData = new byte[size]; int n =, 0, size); if (n < rawData.length) throw new Exception("Frame ended prematurely after " + n + " bytes"); boolean topDown = flipVertical ? !dataTopDown : dataTopDown; Object pixels = null; byte[] bPixels = null; int[] cPixels = null; short[] sPixels = null; if (biBitCount <=8 || convertToGray) { bPixels = new byte[dwWidth * biHeight]; pixels = bPixels; } else if (biBitCount == 16 && dataCompression == NO_COMPRESSION) { sPixels = new short[dwWidth * biHeight]; pixels = sPixels; } else { cPixels = new int[dwWidth * biHeight]; pixels = cPixels; } int offset = topDown ? 0 : (biHeight-1)*dwWidth; int rawOffset = 0; for (int i = biHeight - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //for all lines if (biBitCount <=8) unpack8bit(rawData, rawOffset, bPixels, offset, dwWidth); else if (convertToGray) unpackGray(rawData, rawOffset, bPixels, offset, dwWidth); else if (biBitCount==16 && dataCompression == NO_COMPRESSION) unpackShort(rawData, rawOffset, sPixels, offset, dwWidth); else unpack(rawData, rawOffset, cPixels, offset, dwWidth); rawOffset += scanLineSize; offset += topDown ? dwWidth : -dwWidth; } return pixels; } /** For one line: copy byte data into the byte array for creating a ByteProcessor */ void unpack8bit(byte[] rawData, int rawOffset, byte[] pixels, int byteOffset, int w) { for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) pixels[byteOffset + i] = rawData[rawOffset + i]; } /** For one line: Unpack and convert YUV or RGB video data to grayscale (byte array for ByteProcessor) */ void unpackGray(byte[] rawData, int rawOffset, byte[] pixels, int byteOffset, int w) { int j = byteOffset; int k = rawOffset; if (dataCompression == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { int b0 = (((int) (rawData[k++])) & 0xff); int b1 = (((int) (rawData[k++])) & 0xff); int b2 = (((int) (rawData[k++])) & 0xff); if (biBitCount==32) k++; // ignore 4th byte (alpha value) pixels[j++] = (byte)((b0*934 + b1*4809 + b2*2449 + 4096)>>13); //0.299*R+0.587*G+0.114*B } } else { if (dataCompression==UYVY_COMPRESSION || dataCompression==AYUV_COMPRESSION) k++; //skip first byte in these formats (chroma) int step = dataCompression==AYUV_COMPRESSION ? 4 : 2; for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { pixels[j++] = rawData[k]; //Non-standard: no scaling from 16-235 to 0-255 here k+=step; } } } /** For one line: Unpack 16bit grayscale data and convert to short array for ShortProcessor */ void unpackShort(byte[] rawData, int rawOffset, short[] pixels, int shortOffset, int w) { int j = shortOffset; int k = rawOffset; for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { pixels[j++] = (short) ((int)(rawData[k++] & 0xFF)| (((int)(rawData[k++] & 0xFF))<<8)); } } /** For one line: Read YUV, RGB or RGB+alpha data and writes RGB int array for ColorProcessor */ void unpack(byte[] rawData, int rawOffset, int[] pixels, int intOffset, int w) { int j = intOffset; int k = rawOffset; switch (dataCompression) { case NO_COMPRESSION: for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { int b0 = (((int) (rawData[k++])) & 0xff); int b1 = (((int) (rawData[k++])) & 0xff) << 8; int b2 = (((int) (rawData[k++])) & 0xff) << 16; if (biBitCount==32) k++; // ignore 4th byte (alpha value) pixels[j++] = 0xff000000 | b0 | b1 | b2; } break; case YUY2_COMPRESSION: for (int i = 0; i < w/2; i++) { int y0 = rawData[k++] & 0xff; int u = rawData[k++] ^ 0xffffff80; //converts byte range 0...ff to -128 ... 127 int y1 = rawData[k++] & 0xff; int v = rawData[k++] ^ 0xffffff80; writeRGBfromYUV(y0, u, v, pixels, j++); writeRGBfromYUV(y1, u, v, pixels, j++); } break; case UYVY_COMPRESSION: for (int i = 0; i < w/2; i++) { int u = rawData[k++] ^ 0xffffff80; int y0 = rawData[k++] & 0xff; int v = rawData[k++] ^ 0xffffff80; int y1 = rawData[k++] & 0xff; writeRGBfromYUV(y0, u, v, pixels, j++); writeRGBfromYUV(y1, u, v, pixels, j++); } break; case YVYU_COMPRESSION: for (int i = 0; i < w/2; i++) { int y0 = rawData[k++] & 0xff; int v = rawData[k++] ^ 0xffffff80; int y1 = rawData[k++] & 0xff; int u = rawData[k++] ^ 0xffffff80; writeRGBfromYUV(y0, u, v, pixels, j++); writeRGBfromYUV(y1, u, v, pixels, j++); } break; case AYUV_COMPRESSION: for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { k++; //ignore alpha channel int y = rawData[k++] & 0xff; int v = rawData[k++] ^ 0xffffff80; int u = rawData[k++] ^ 0xffffff80; writeRGBfromYUV(y, u, v, pixels, j++); } break; } } /** Write an intData RGB value converted from YUV, * The y range between 16 and 235 becomes 0...255 * u, v should be between -112 and +112 */ void writeRGBfromYUV(int y, int u, int v, int[]pixels, int intArrayIndex) { //int r = (int)(1.164*(y-16)+1.596*v+0.5); //int g = (int)(1.164*(y-16)-0.391*u-0.813*v+0.5); //int b = (int)(1.164*(y-16)+2.018*u+0.5); int r = (9535*y + 13074*v -148464) >> 13; int g = (9535*y - 6660*v - 3203*u -148464) >> 13; int b = (9535*y + 16531*u -148464) >> 13; if (r>255) r=255; if (r<0) r=0; if (g>255) g=255; if (g<0) g=0; if (b>255) b=255; if (b<0) b=0; pixels[intArrayIndex] = 0xff000000 | (r<<16) | (g<<8) | b; } /** Read 4-byte int with Intel (little-endian) byte order * (note: RandomAccessFile.readInt has other byte order than AVI) */ int readInt() throws IOException { int result = 0; for (int shiftBy = 0; shiftBy < 32; shiftBy += 8) result |= (raFile.readByte() & 0xff) << shiftBy; return result; } /** Read 2-byte short with Intel (little-endian) byte order * (note: RandomAccessFile.readShort has other byte order than AVI) */ short readShort() throws IOException { int low = raFile.readByte() & 0xff; int high = raFile.readByte() & 0xff; return (short) (high << 8 | low); } /** Read type of next chunk that is not JUNK. * Returns type (or 0 if no non-JUNK chunk until endPosition) */ private int readType(long endPosition) throws IOException { while (true) { long pos = raFile.getFilePointer(); if (pos%paddingGranularity!=0) { pos = (pos/paddingGranularity+1)*paddingGranularity;; //pad to even address } if (pos >= endPosition) return 0; int type = readInt(); if (type != FOURCC_JUNK) return type; long size = readInt()&SIZE_MASK; if (verbose) IJ.log("Skip JUNK: "+posSizeString(size));; //skip junk } } private void setFramesPerSecond (ImagePlus imp) { if (dwMicroSecPerFrame<1000 && dwStreamRate>0) //if no reasonable frame time, get it from rate dwMicroSecPerFrame = (int)(dwStreamScale*1e6/dwStreamRate); if (dwMicroSecPerFrame>=1000) imp.getCalibration().fps = 1e6 / dwMicroSecPerFrame; } private String frameLabel(long timeMicroSec) { return IJ.d2s(timeMicroSec/1.e6)+" s"; } private String posSizeString(long size) throws IOException { return posSizeString(raFile.getFilePointer(), size); } private String posSizeString(long pos, long size) throws IOException { return "0x"+Long.toHexString(pos)+"-0x"+Long.toHexString(pos+size-1)+" ("+size+" Bytes)"; } private String timeString() { return " (t="+(System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime)+" ms)"; } /** returns a string of a four-cc code corresponding to an int (Intel byte order) */ private String fourccString(int fourcc) { String s = ""; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int c = fourcc&0xff; s += Character.toString((char)c); fourcc >>= 8; } return s; } private String exceptionMessage (Exception e) { String msg; if (e.getClass() == Exception.class) //for "home-built" exceptions: message only msg = e.getMessage(); else msg = e + "\n" + e.getStackTrace()[0]+"\n"+e.getStackTrace()[1]; if (msg.indexOf("Huffman table")!=-1) return "Cannot open M_JPEG AVIs that are missing Huffman tables"; else return "An error occurred reading the file.\n \n" + msg; } void updateProgress() throws IOException { IJ.showProgress((double) raFile.getFilePointer() / fileSize); } /** An input stream reading from a RandomAccessFile (starting at the current position) * This class contains a hack to convert a 'Define Huffman Table' (DHT) segments * from MJPG to JPEG. * The hack works only if the first bytes are read in a sufficiently large * array to include the start of the DHT segment. */ class raInputStream extends InputStream { RandomAccessFile rFile; //where to read the data from int readableSize; //number of bytes that one should expect to be readable boolean fixMJPG; //whether to use an ugly hack to convert MJPG frames to JPEG /** Constructor */ raInputStream (RandomAccessFile rFile, int readableSize, boolean fixMJPG) { this.rFile = rFile; this.readableSize = readableSize; this.fixMJPG = fixMJPG; } public int available () { return readableSize; } // Read methods. // Reading beyond start position + readableSize (i.e. beyond the frame in the avi file) // is possible - no checks are done (as long as it is within the bounds of the file). public int read () throws IOException { fixMJPG = false; //the fix won't work after reading single bytes return; } public int read (byte[] b) throws IOException { return read(b, 0, b.length); } public int read (byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { int nBytes =, off, len); if (fixMJPG) { doFixMJPG(b, nBytes); fixMJPG = false; } return nBytes; } // A Hack: Replace 0xffb3 segment markers with 0xffc4, the JPEG code for // 'Define Huffman Table' (DHT) // This makes at least some MJPG files readable by the JPEG decoder private void doFixMJPG (byte[] b, int len) { //IJ.log("data code="+Integer.toHexString(readShort(b, 0))); if (readShort(b, 0)!=0xffd8 || len<6) return; //not a start of JPEG-like data int offset = 2; while (true) { int code = readShort(b, offset); //read segment type if (code==0xffda || code==0xffd9) return; //start of image data or end if (code==0xffe2) { b[offset+1] = (byte)0xc4; return; //fixed } offset += 2; int segmentLength = readShort(b, offset); offset += segmentLength; if (offset>len-4 || segmentLength<0) return;//pointed out of file } } private int readShort(byte[] b, int offset) { return ((b[offset]&0xff)<<8) | (b[offset+1]&0xff); } } }