package; import java.awt.*; import*; import*; import ij.*; import ij.process.*; import ij.measure.Calibration; import ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer; import ij.plugin.frame.Recorder; import ij.plugin.JpegWriter; import ij.plugin.Orthogonal_Views; import ij.gui.*; import ij.measure.Measurements; import javax.imageio.*; /** Saves images in tiff, gif, jpeg, raw, zip and text format. */ public class FileSaver { public static final int DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY = 85; private static int jpegQuality; static {setJpegQuality(ij.Prefs.getInt(ij.Prefs.JPEG, DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY));} private static String defaultDirectory = null; private ImagePlus imp; private FileInfo fi; private String name; private String directory; private boolean saveName; /** Constructs a FileSaver from an ImagePlus. */ public FileSaver(ImagePlus imp) { this.imp = imp; fi = imp.getFileInfo(); } /** Resaves the image. Calls saveAsTiff() if this is a new image, not a TIFF, or if the image was loaded using a URL. Returns false if saveAsTiff() is called and the user selects cancel in the file save dialog box. */ public boolean save() { FileInfo ofi = null; if (imp!=null) ofi = imp.getOriginalFileInfo(); boolean validName = ofi!=null && imp.getTitle().equals(ofi.fileName); if (validName && ofi.fileFormat==FileInfo.TIFF &&!=null && !"") && (ofi.url==null||ofi.url.equals(""))) { name = imp.getTitle(); directory =; String path = directory+name; File f = new File(path); if (f==null || !f.exists()) return saveAsTiff(); if (!IJ.isMacro()) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Save as TIFF"); gd.addMessage("\""+ofi.fileName+"\" already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?"); gd.setOKLabel("Replace"); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; } IJ.showStatus("Saving "+path); if (imp.getStackSize()>1) { IJ.saveAs(imp, "tif", path); return true; } else return saveAsTiff(path); } else return saveAsTiff(); } String getPath(String type, String extension) { name = imp.getTitle(); SaveDialog sd = new SaveDialog("Save as "+type, name, extension); name = sd.getFileName(); if (name==null) return null; directory = sd.getDirectory(); imp.startTiming(); String path = directory+name; return path; } /** Save the image or stack in TIFF format using a save file dialog. Returns false if the user selects cancel. */ public boolean saveAsTiff() { String path = getPath("TIFF", ".tif"); if (path==null) return false; if (fi.nImages>1) return saveAsTiffStack(path); else return saveAsTiff(path); } /** Save the image in TIFF format using the specified path. */ public boolean saveAsTiff(String path) { fi.nImages = 1; Object info = imp.getProperty("Info"); if (info!=null && (info instanceof String)) = (String)info; Object label = imp.getProperty("Label"); if (label!=null && (label instanceof String)) { fi.sliceLabels = new String[1]; fi.sliceLabels[0] = (String)label; } fi.description = getDescriptionString(); fi.roi = RoiEncoder.saveAsByteArray(imp.getRoi()); fi.overlay = getOverlay(imp); try { TiffEncoder file = new TiffEncoder(fi); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path))); file.write(out); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { showErrorMessage(e); return false; } updateImp(fi, FileInfo.TIFF); return true; } byte[][] getOverlay(ImagePlus imp) { if (imp.getHideOverlay()) return null; Overlay overlay = imp.getOverlay(); if (overlay==null) { ImageCanvas ic = imp.getCanvas(); if (ic==null) return null; overlay = ic.getShowAllList(); // ROI Manager "Show All" list if (overlay==null) return null; } int n = overlay.size(); if (n==0) return null; if (Orthogonal_Views.isOrthoViewsImage(imp)) return null; byte[][] array = new byte[n][]; for (int i=0; i<overlay.size(); i++) { Roi roi = overlay.get(i); if (i==0) roi.setPrototypeOverlay(overlay); array[i] = RoiEncoder.saveAsByteArray(roi); } return array; } /** Save the stack as a multi-image TIFF using the specified path. */ public boolean saveAsTiffStack(String path) { if (fi.nImages==1) {IJ.error("This is not a stack"); return false;} boolean virtualStack = imp.getStack().isVirtual(); if (virtualStack) fi.virtualStack = (VirtualStack)imp.getStack(); Object info = imp.getProperty("Info"); if (info!=null && (info instanceof String)) = (String)info; fi.description = getDescriptionString(); if (virtualStack) { FileInfo fi = imp.getOriginalFileInfo(); if (path!=null && path.equals( { IJ.error("TIFF virtual stacks cannot be saved in place."); return false; } String[] labels = null; ImageStack vs = imp.getStack(); for (int i=1; i<=vs.getSize(); i++) { ImageProcessor ip = vs.getProcessor(i); String label = vs.getSliceLabel(i); if (i==1 && (label==null||label.length()<200)) break; if (labels==null) labels = new String[vs.getSize()]; labels[i-1] = label; } fi.sliceLabels = labels; } else fi.sliceLabels = imp.getStack().getSliceLabels(); fi.roi = RoiEncoder.saveAsByteArray(imp.getRoi()); fi.overlay = getOverlay(imp); if (imp.isComposite()) saveDisplayRangesAndLuts(imp, fi); try { TiffEncoder file = new TiffEncoder(fi); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path))); file.write(out); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { showErrorMessage(e); return false; } updateImp(fi, FileInfo.TIFF); return true; } /** Converts this image to a TIFF encoded array of bytes, which can be decoded using Opener.deserialize(). */ public byte[] serialize() { if (imp.getStack().isVirtual()) return null; Object info = imp.getProperty("Info"); if (info!=null && (info instanceof String)) = (String)info; saveName = true; fi.description = getDescriptionString(); saveName = false; fi.sliceLabels = imp.getStack().getSliceLabels(); fi.roi = RoiEncoder.saveAsByteArray(imp.getRoi()); fi.overlay = getOverlay(imp); if (imp.isComposite()) saveDisplayRangesAndLuts(imp, fi); ByteArrayOutputStream out = null; try { TiffEncoder encoder = new TiffEncoder(fi); out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); encoder.write(out); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } return out.toByteArray(); } void saveDisplayRangesAndLuts(ImagePlus imp, FileInfo fi) { CompositeImage ci = (CompositeImage)imp; int channels = imp.getNChannels(); fi.displayRanges = new double[channels*2]; for (int i=1; i<=channels; i++) { LUT lut = ci.getChannelLut(i); fi.displayRanges[(i-1)*2] = lut.min; fi.displayRanges[(i-1)*2+1] = lut.max; } if (ci.hasCustomLuts()) { fi.channelLuts = new byte[channels][]; for (int i=0; i<channels; i++) { LUT lut = ci.getChannelLut(i+1); byte[] bytes = lut.getBytes(); if (bytes==null) {fi.channelLuts=null; break;} fi.channelLuts[i] = bytes; } } } /** Uses a save file dialog to save the image or stack as a TIFF in a ZIP archive. Returns false if the user selects cancel. */ public boolean saveAsZip() { String path = getPath("TIFF/ZIP", ".zip"); if (path==null) return false; else return saveAsZip(path); } /** Save the image or stack in TIFF/ZIP format using the specified path. */ public boolean saveAsZip(String path) { //fi.nImages = 1; if (!path.endsWith(".zip")) path = path+".zip"; if (name==null) name = imp.getTitle(); if (name.endsWith(".zip")) name = name.substring(0,name.length()-4); if (!name.endsWith(".tif")) name = name+".tif"; fi.description = getDescriptionString(); Object info = imp.getProperty("Info"); if (info!=null && (info instanceof String)) = (String)info; fi.roi = RoiEncoder.saveAsByteArray(imp.getRoi()); fi.overlay = getOverlay(imp); fi.sliceLabels = imp.getStack().getSliceLabels(); if (imp.isComposite()) saveDisplayRangesAndLuts(imp, fi); if (fi.nImages>1 && imp.getStack().isVirtual()) fi.virtualStack = (VirtualStack)imp.getStack(); try { ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path)); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(zos)); zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(name)); TiffEncoder te = new TiffEncoder(fi); te.write(out); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { showErrorMessage(e); return false; } updateImp(fi, FileInfo.TIFF); return true; } public static boolean okForGif(ImagePlus imp) { int type = imp.getType(); if (type==ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB) { IJ.error("To save as Gif, the image must be converted to \"8-bit Color\"."); return false; } else return true; } /** Save the image in GIF format using a save file dialog. Returns false if the user selects cancel or the image is not 8-bits. */ public boolean saveAsGif() { if (!okForGif(imp)) return false; String path = getPath("GIF", ".gif"); if (path==null) return false; else return saveAsGif(path); } /** Save the image in Gif format using the specified path. Returns false if the image is not 8-bits or there is an I/O error. */ public boolean saveAsGif(String path) { if (!okForGif(imp)) return false; IJ.runPlugIn(imp, "ij.plugin.GifWriter", path); updateImp(fi, FileInfo.GIF_OR_JPG); return true; } /** Always returns true. */ public static boolean okForJpeg(ImagePlus imp) { return true; } /** Save the image in JPEG format using a save file dialog. Returns false if the user selects cancel. @see setJpegQuality @see getJpegQuality */ public boolean saveAsJpeg() { String type = "JPEG ("+getJpegQuality()+")"; String path = getPath(type, ".jpg"); if (path==null) return false; else return saveAsJpeg(path); } /** Save the image in JPEG format using the specified path. @see setJpegQuality @see getJpegQuality */ public boolean saveAsJpeg(String path) { String err =, path, jpegQuality); if (err==null && !(imp.getType()==ImagePlus.GRAY16 || imp.getType()==ImagePlus.GRAY32)) updateImp(fi, FileInfo.GIF_OR_JPG); return true; } /** Save the image in BMP format using a save file dialog. Returns false if the user selects cancel. */ public boolean saveAsBmp() { String path = getPath("BMP", ".bmp"); if (path==null) return false; else return saveAsBmp(path); } /** Save the image in BMP format using the specified path. */ public boolean saveAsBmp(String path) { IJ.runPlugIn(imp, "ij.plugin.BMP_Writer", path); updateImp(fi, FileInfo.BMP); return true; } /** Saves grayscale images in PGM (portable graymap) format and RGB images in PPM (portable pixmap) format, using a save file dialog. Returns false if the user selects cancel. */ public boolean saveAsPgm() { String extension = imp.getBitDepth()==24?".pnm":".pgm"; String path = getPath("PGM", extension); if (path==null) return false; else return saveAsPgm(path); } /** Saves grayscale images in PGM (portable graymap) format and RGB images in PPM (portable pixmap) format, using the specified path. */ public boolean saveAsPgm(String path) { IJ.runPlugIn(imp, "ij.plugin.PNM_Writer", path); updateImp(fi, FileInfo.PGM); return true; } /** Save the image in PNG format using a save file dialog. Returns false if the user selects cancel. */ public boolean saveAsPng() { String path = getPath("PNG", ".png"); if (path==null) return false; else return saveAsPng(path); } /** Save the image in PNG format using the specified path. */ public boolean saveAsPng(String path) { IJ.runPlugIn(imp, "ij.plugin.PNG_Writer", path); updateImp(fi, FileInfo.IMAGEIO); return true; } /** Save the image in FITS format using a save file dialog. Returns false if the user selects cancel. */ public boolean saveAsFits() { if (!okForFits(imp)) return false; String path = getPath("FITS", ".fits"); if (path==null) return false; else return saveAsFits(path); } /** Save the image in FITS format using the specified path. */ public boolean saveAsFits(String path) { if (!okForFits(imp)) return false; IJ.runPlugIn(imp, "ij.plugin.FITS_Writer", path); updateImp(fi, FileInfo.FITS); return true; } public static boolean okForFits(ImagePlus imp) { if (imp.getBitDepth()==24) { IJ.error("FITS Writer", "Grayscale image required"); return false; } else return true; } /** Save the image or stack as raw data using a save file dialog. Returns false if the user selects cancel. */ public boolean saveAsRaw() { String path = getPath("Raw", ".raw"); if (path==null) return false; if (imp.getStackSize()==1) return saveAsRaw(path); else return saveAsRawStack(path); } /** Save the image as raw data using the specified path. */ /** Save the image as raw data using the specified path. */ public boolean saveAsRaw(String path) { fi.nImages = 1; fi.intelByteOrder = Prefs.intelByteOrder; boolean signed16Bit = false; short[] pixels = null; int n = 0; try { signed16Bit = imp.getCalibration().isSigned16Bit(); if (signed16Bit) { pixels = (short[])imp.getProcessor().getPixels(); n = imp.getWidth()*imp.getHeight(); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) pixels[i] = (short)(pixels[i]-32768); } ImageWriter file = new ImageWriter(fi); OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path)); file.write(out); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { showErrorMessage(e); return false; } if (signed16Bit) { for (int i=0; i<n; i++) pixels[i] = (short)(pixels[i]+32768); } updateImp(fi, fi.RAW); return true; } /** Save the stack as raw data using the specified path. */ public boolean saveAsRawStack(String path) { if (fi.nImages==1) {IJ.write("This is not a stack"); return false;} fi.intelByteOrder = Prefs.intelByteOrder; boolean signed16Bit = false; Object[] stack = null; int n = 0; boolean virtualStack = imp.getStackSize()>1 && imp.getStack().isVirtual(); if (virtualStack) { fi.virtualStack = (VirtualStack)imp.getStack(); if (imp.getProperty("AnalyzeFormat")!=null) fi.fileName="FlipTheseImages"; } try { signed16Bit = imp.getCalibration().isSigned16Bit(); if (signed16Bit && !virtualStack) { stack = (Object[])fi.pixels; n = imp.getWidth()*imp.getHeight(); for (int slice=0; slice<fi.nImages; slice++) { short[] pixels = (short[])stack[slice]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) pixels[i] = (short)(pixels[i]-32768); } } ImageWriter file = new ImageWriter(fi); OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path)); file.write(out); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { showErrorMessage(e); return false; } if (signed16Bit) { for (int slice=0; slice<fi.nImages; slice++) { short[] pixels = (short[])stack[slice]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) pixels[i] = (short)(pixels[i]+32768); } } updateImp(fi, fi.RAW); return true; } /** Save the image as tab-delimited text using a save file dialog. Returns false if the user selects cancel. */ public boolean saveAsText() { String path = getPath("Text", ".txt"); if (path==null) return false; return saveAsText(path); } /** Save the image as tab-delimited text using the specified path. */ public boolean saveAsText(String path) { try { Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); int precision = Analyzer.getPrecision(); int measurements = Analyzer.getMeasurements(); boolean scientificNotation = (measurements&Measurements.SCIENTIFIC_NOTATION)!=0; if (scientificNotation) precision = -precision; TextEncoder file = new TextEncoder(imp.getProcessor(), cal, precision); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path))); file.write(out); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { showErrorMessage(e); return false; } return true; } /** Save the current LUT using a save file dialog. Returns false if the user selects cancel. */ public boolean saveAsLut() { if (imp.getType()==ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB) { IJ.error("RGB Images do not have a LUT."); return false; } String path = getPath("LUT", ".lut"); if (path==null) return false; return saveAsLut(path); } /** Save the current LUT using the specified path. */ public boolean saveAsLut(String path) { LookUpTable lut = imp.createLut(); int mapSize = lut.getMapSize(); if (mapSize==0) { IJ.error("RGB Images do not have a LUT."); return false; } if (mapSize<256) { IJ.error("Cannot save LUTs with less than 256 entries."); return false; } byte[] reds = lut.getReds(); byte[] greens = lut.getGreens(); byte[] blues = lut.getBlues(); byte[] pixels = new byte[768]; for (int i=0; i<256; i++) { pixels[i] = reds[i]; pixels[i+256] = greens[i]; pixels[i+512] = blues[i]; } FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(); fi.width = 768; fi.height = 1; fi.pixels = pixels; try { ImageWriter file = new ImageWriter(fi); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(path); file.write(out); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { showErrorMessage(e); return false; } return true; } private void updateImp(FileInfo fi, int fileFormat) { imp.changes = false; if (name!=null) { fi.fileFormat = fileFormat; FileInfo ofi = imp.getOriginalFileInfo(); if (ofi!=null) { if (ofi.openNextName==null) { fi.openNextName = ofi.fileName; fi.openNextDir =; } else { fi.openNextName = ofi.openNextName; fi.openNextDir = ofi.openNextDir ; } } fi.fileName = name; = directory; //if (fileFormat==fi.TIFF) // fi.offset = TiffEncoder.IMAGE_START; fi.description = null; imp.setTitle(name); imp.setFileInfo(fi); } } void showErrorMessage(IOException e) { String msg = e.getMessage(); if (msg.length()>100) msg = msg.substring(0, 100); IJ.error("FileSaver", "An error occured writing the file.\n \n" + msg); } /** Returns a string containing information about the specified image. */ public String getDescriptionString() { Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(100); sb.append("ImageJ="+ImageJ.VERSION+"\n"); if (fi.nImages>1 && fi.fileType!=FileInfo.RGB48) sb.append("images="+fi.nImages+"\n"); int channels = imp.getNChannels(); if (channels>1) sb.append("channels="+channels+"\n"); int slices = imp.getNSlices(); if (slices>1) sb.append("slices="+slices+"\n"); int frames = imp.getNFrames(); if (frames>1) sb.append("frames="+frames+"\n"); if (imp.isHyperStack()) sb.append("hyperstack=true\n"); if (imp.isComposite()) { String mode = ((CompositeImage)imp).getModeAsString(); sb.append("mode="+mode+"\n"); } if (fi.unit!=null) sb.append("unit="+(fi.unit.equals("\u00B5m")?"um":fi.unit)+"\n"); if (fi.valueUnit!=null && fi.calibrationFunction!=Calibration.CUSTOM) { sb.append("cf="+fi.calibrationFunction+"\n"); if (fi.coefficients!=null) { for (int i=0; i<fi.coefficients.length; i++) sb.append("c"+i+"="+fi.coefficients[i]+"\n"); } sb.append("vunit="+fi.valueUnit+"\n"); if (cal.zeroClip()) sb.append("zeroclip=true\n"); } // get stack z-spacing and fps if (cal.frameInterval!=0.0) { if ((int)cal.frameInterval==cal.frameInterval) sb.append("finterval="+(int)cal.frameInterval+"\n"); else sb.append("finterval="+cal.frameInterval+"\n"); } if (!cal.getTimeUnit().equals("sec")) sb.append("tunit="+cal.getTimeUnit()+"\n"); if (fi.nImages>1) { if (fi.pixelDepth!=0.0 && fi.pixelDepth!=1.0) sb.append("spacing="+fi.pixelDepth+"\n"); if (cal.fps!=0.0) { if ((int)cal.fps==cal.fps) sb.append("fps="+(int)cal.fps+"\n"); else sb.append("fps="+cal.fps+"\n"); } sb.append("loop="+(cal.loop?"true":"false")+"\n"); } // get min and max display values ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor(); double min = ip.getMin(); double max = ip.getMax(); int type = imp.getType(); boolean enhancedLut = (type==ImagePlus.GRAY8 || type==ImagePlus.COLOR_256) && (min!=0.0 || max !=255.0); if (enhancedLut || type==ImagePlus.GRAY16 || type==ImagePlus.GRAY32) { sb.append("min="+min+"\n"); sb.append("max="+max+"\n"); } // get non-zero origins if (cal.xOrigin!=0.0) sb.append("xorigin="+cal.xOrigin+"\n"); if (cal.yOrigin!=0.0) sb.append("yorigin="+cal.yOrigin+"\n"); if (cal.zOrigin!=0.0) sb.append("zorigin="+cal.zOrigin+"\n"); if (!=null &&<=64 &&'=')==-1 &&'\n')==-1) sb.append("info=""\n"); if (saveName) sb.append("name="+imp.getTitle()+"\n"); sb.append((char)0); return new String(sb); } /** Specifies the image quality (0-100). 0 is poorest image quality, highest compression, and 100 is best image quality, lowest compression. */ public static void setJpegQuality(int quality) { jpegQuality = quality; if (jpegQuality<0) jpegQuality = 0; if (jpegQuality>100) jpegQuality = 100; } /** Returns the current JPEG quality setting (0-100). */ public static int getJpegQuality() { return jpegQuality; } }