package ij.plugin; import ij.*; import*; import ij.macro.*; import ij.text.*; import ij.util.*; import ij.plugin.frame.*; import*; import java.lang.reflect.*; /** Opens and runs a macro file. */ public class Macro_Runner implements PlugIn { /** Opens and runs the specified macro file, which is assumed to be in the plugins folder, on the current thread. Displays a file open dialog if <code>name</code> is an empty string. */ public void run(String name) { Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); String threadName = thread.getName(); if (!threadName.endsWith("Macro$")) thread.setName(threadName+"Macro$"); String path = null; if (name.equals("")) { OpenDialog od = new OpenDialog("Run Macro...", path); String directory = od.getDirectory(); name = od.getFileName(); if (name!=null) { path = directory+name; runMacroFile(path, null); if (Recorder.record) { if (Recorder.scriptMode()) Recorder.recordCall("IJ.runMacroFile(\""+path+"\");"); else Recorder.record("runMacro", path); } } } else if (name.startsWith("JAR:")) runMacroFromJar(name.substring(4), null); else if (name.startsWith("ij.jar:")) runMacroFromIJJar(name, null); else { path = Menus.getPlugInsPath() + name; runMacroFile(path, null); } } /** Opens and runs the specified macro file on the current thread. The file is assumed to be in the macros folder unless <code>name</code> is a full path. ".txt" is added if <code>name</code> does not have an extension. */ public String runMacroFile(String name, String arg) { if (name.startsWith("ij.jar:")) return runMacroFromIJJar(name, arg); if (name.indexOf(".")==-1) name = name + ".txt"; String name2 = name; boolean fullPath = name.startsWith("/") || name.startsWith("\\") || name.indexOf(":\\")==1; if (!fullPath) { String macrosDir = Menus.getMacrosPath(); if (macrosDir!=null) name2 = Menus.getMacrosPath() + name; } File file = new File(name2); int size = (int)file.length(); if (size<=0 && !fullPath && name2.endsWith(".txt")) { String name3 = name2.substring(0, name2.length()-4)+".ijm"; file = new File(name3); size = (int)file.length(); if (size>0) name2 = name3; } if (size<=0 && !fullPath) { file = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + name); size = (int)file.length(); //IJ.log("runMacroFile: "+file.getAbsolutePath()+" "+name+" "+size); } if (size<=0) { IJ.error("RunMacro", "Macro or script not found:\n \n"+name2); return null; } try { byte[] buffer = new byte[size]; FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);, 0, size); String macro = new String(buffer, 0, size, "ISO8859_1"); in.close(); if (name.endsWith(".js")) return runJavaScript(macro, arg); else return runMacro(macro, arg); } catch (Exception e) { IJ.error(e.getMessage()); return null; } } /** Opens and runs the specified macro on the current thread. Macros can retrieve the optional string argument by calling the getArgument() macro function. Returns the String value returned by the macro, null if the macro does not return a value, or "[aborted]" if the macro was aborted due to an error. */ public String runMacro(String macro, String arg) { Interpreter interp = new Interpreter(); try { return, arg); } catch(Throwable e) { interp.abortMacro(); IJ.showStatus(""); IJ.showProgress(1.0); ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (imp!=null) imp.unlock(); String msg = e.getMessage(); if (e instanceof RuntimeException && msg!=null && e.getMessage().equals(Macro.MACRO_CANCELED)) return "[aborted]"; IJ.handleException(e); } return "[aborted]"; } /** Runs the specified macro from a JAR file in the plugins folder, passing it the specified argument. Returns the String value returned by the macro, null if the macro does not return a value, or "[aborted]" if the macro was aborted due to an error. The macro can reside anywhere in the plugins folder, in or out of a JAR file, so name conflicts are possible. To avoid name conflicts, it is a good idea to incorporate the plugin or JAR file name in the macro name (e.g., "Image_5D_Macro1.ijm"). */ public static String runMacroFromJar(String name, String arg) { String macro = null; try { ClassLoader pcl = IJ.getClassLoader(); InputStream is = pcl.getResourceAsStream(name); if (is==null) { IJ.error("Macro Runner", "Unable to load \""+name+"\" from jar file"); return null; } InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); char [] b = new char [8192]; int n; while ((n = > 0) sb.append(b,0, n); macro = sb.toString(); is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { IJ.error("Macro Runner", ""+e); } if (macro!=null) return (new Macro_Runner()).runMacro(macro, arg); else return null; } public String runMacroFromIJJar(String name, String arg) { ImageJ ij = IJ.getInstance(); //if (ij==null) return null; Class c = ij!=null?ij.getClass():(new ImageStack()).getClass(); name = name.substring(7); String macro = null; try { InputStream is = c .getResourceAsStream("/macros/"+name+".txt"); //IJ.log(is+" "+("/macros/"+name+".txt")); if (is==null) return runMacroFile(name, arg); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); char [] b = new char [8192]; int n; while ((n = > 0) sb.append(b,0, n); macro = sb.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = e.getMessage(); if (msg==null || msg.equals("")) msg = "" + e; IJ.showMessage("Macro Runner", msg); } if (macro!=null) return runMacro(macro, arg); else return null; } /** Runs a script on the current thread, passing 'arg', which the script can retrieve using the getArgument() function.*/ public String runJavaScript(String script, String arg) { if (arg==null) arg = ""; Object js = null; if (IJ.isJava16() && !(IJ.isMacOSX()&&!IJ.is64Bit())) js = IJ.runPlugIn("JavaScriptEvaluator", ""); else js = IJ.runPlugIn("JavaScript", ""); if (js==null) IJ.error(Editor.JS_NOT_FOUND); script = Editor.getJSPrefix(arg)+script; try { Class c = js.getClass(); Method m = c.getMethod("run", new Class[] {script.getClass(), arg.getClass()}); String s = (String)m.invoke(js, new Object[] {script, arg}); } catch(Exception e) { String msg = ""+e; if (msg.indexOf("NoSuchMethod")!=0) msg = "\"JavaScript.jar\" ("+IJ.URL+"/download/tools/JavaScript.jar)\nis outdated"; IJ.error(msg); return null; } return null; } }