package ij.plugin; import ij.*; import ij.gui.*; import ij.measure.*; import ij.process.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.util.*; /** * * @author Dimiter Prodanov * IMEC * * @acknowledgments Many thanks to Jerome Mutterer for the code contributions and testing. * Thanks to Wayne Rasband for the code that properly handles the image magnification. * * @version 1.2 28 April 2009 * - added support for arrow keys * - fixed a bug in the cross position calculation * - added FocusListener behavior * - added support for magnification factors * 1.1.6 31 March 2009 * - added AdjustmentListener behavior thanks to Jerome Mutterer * - improved pane visualization * - added window rearrangement behavior. Initial code suggested by Jerome Mutterer * - bug fixes by Wayne Raspband * 1.1 24 March 2009 * - improved projection image resizing * - added ImageListener behaviors * - added check-ups * - improved pane updating * 1.0.5 23 March 2009 * - fixed pane updating issue * 1.0 21 March 2009 * * @contents This plugin projects dynamically orthogonal XZ and YZ views of a stack. * The output images are calibrated, which allows measurements to be performed more easily. */ public class Orthogonal_Views implements PlugIn, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, KeyListener, ActionListener, ImageListener, WindowListener, AdjustmentListener, MouseWheelListener, FocusListener, CommandListener { private ImageWindow win; private ImagePlus imp; private boolean rgb; private ImageStack imageStack; private boolean hyperstack; private int currentChannel, currentFrame, currentMode; private ImageCanvas canvas; private static final int H_ROI=0, H_ZOOM=1; private static boolean sticky=true; private static int xzID, yzID; private static Orthogonal_Views instance; private ImagePlus xz_image, yz_image; /** ImageProcessors for the xz and yz images */ private ImageProcessor fp1, fp2; private double ax, ay, az; private boolean rotateYZ = Prefs.rotateYZ; private boolean flipXZ = Prefs.flipXZ; private int xyX, xyY; private Calibration cal=null, cal_xz=new Calibration(), cal_yz=new Calibration(); private double magnification=1.0; private Color color = Roi.getColor(); private Updater updater = new Updater(); private double min, max; private Dimension screen = IJ.getScreenSize(); private boolean syncZoom = true; private Point crossLoc; private boolean firstTime = true; private static int previousID, previousX, previousY; private Rectangle startingSrcRect; public void run(String arg) { imp = IJ.getImage(); if (instance!=null) { instance.dispose(); return; } if (imp.getStackSize()==1) { IJ.error("Othogonal Views", "This command requires a stack."); return; } hyperstack = imp.isHyperStack(); if ((hyperstack||imp.isComposite()) && imp.getNSlices()<=1) { IJ.error("Othogonal Views", "This command requires a stack, or a hypertack with Z>1."); return; } yz_image = WindowManager.getImage(yzID); rgb = imp.getBitDepth()==24 || hyperstack; int yzBitDepth = hyperstack?24:imp.getBitDepth(); if (yz_image==null || yz_image.getHeight()!=imp.getHeight() || yz_image.getBitDepth()!=yzBitDepth) yz_image = new ImagePlus(); xz_image = WindowManager.getImage(xzID); //if (xz_image!=null) IJ.log(imp+" "+xz_image+" "+xz_image.getHeight()+" "+imp.getHeight()+" "+xz_image.getBitDepth()+" "+yzBitDepth); if (xz_image==null || xz_image.getWidth()!=imp.getWidth() || xz_image.getBitDepth()!=yzBitDepth) xz_image = new ImagePlus(); instance = this; ImageProcessor ip = hyperstack?new ColorProcessor(imp.getImage()):imp.getProcessor(); min = ip.getMin(); max = ip.getMax(); cal=this.imp.getCalibration(); double calx=cal.pixelWidth; double caly=cal.pixelHeight; double calz=cal.pixelDepth; ax=1.0; ay=caly/calx; az=calz/calx; win = imp.getWindow(); canvas = win.getCanvas(); addListeners(canvas); magnification= canvas.getMagnification(); imp.killRoi(); Rectangle r = canvas.getSrcRect(); if (imp.getID()==previousID) crossLoc = new Point(previousX, previousY); else crossLoc = new Point(r.x+r.width/2, r.y+r.height/2); imageStack = getStack(); calibrate(); if (createProcessors(imageStack)) { if (ip.isColorLut() || ip.isInvertedLut()) { ColorModel cm = ip.getColorModel(); fp1.setColorModel(cm); fp2.setColorModel(cm); } update(); } else dispose(); } private ImageStack getStack() { if (imp.isHyperStack()) { int slices = imp.getNSlices(); ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()); int c=imp.getChannel(), z=imp.getSlice(), t=imp.getFrame(); for (int i=1; i<=slices; i++) { imp.setPositionWithoutUpdate(c, i, t); stack.addSlice(null, new ColorProcessor(imp.getImage())); } imp.setPosition(c, z, t); currentChannel = c; currentFrame = t; if (imp.isComposite()) currentMode = ((CompositeImage)imp).getMode(); return stack; } else return imp.getStack(); } private void addListeners(ImageCanvas canvass) { canvas.addMouseListener(this); canvas.addMouseMotionListener(this); canvas.addKeyListener(this); win.addWindowListener (this); win.addMouseWheelListener(this); win.addFocusListener(this); Component[] c = win.getComponents(); //IJ.log(c[1].toString()); ((ScrollbarWithLabel) c[1]).addAdjustmentListener (this); ImagePlus.addImageListener(this); Executer.addCommandListener(this); } private void calibrate() { String unit=cal.getUnit(); double o_depth=cal.pixelDepth; double o_height=cal.pixelHeight; double o_width=cal.pixelWidth; cal_yz.setUnit(unit); if (rotateYZ) { cal_yz.pixelHeight=o_depth/az; cal_yz.pixelWidth=o_height; } else { cal_yz.pixelWidth=o_depth/az; cal_yz.pixelHeight=o_height; } yz_image.setCalibration(cal_yz); cal_xz.setUnit(unit); cal_xz.pixelWidth=o_width; cal_xz.pixelHeight=o_depth/az; xz_image.setCalibration(cal_xz); } private void updateMagnification(int x, int y) { double magnification= win.getCanvas().getMagnification(); int z = imp.getSlice()-1; ImageWindow xz_win = xz_image.getWindow(); if (xz_win==null) return; ImageCanvas xz_ic = xz_win.getCanvas(); double xz_mag = xz_ic.getMagnification(); double arat = az/ax; int zcoord=(int)(arat*z); if (flipXZ) zcoord=(int)(arat*(imp.getNSlices()-z)); while (xz_mag<magnification) { xz_ic.zoomIn(xz_ic.screenX(x), xz_ic.screenY(zcoord)); xz_mag = xz_ic.getMagnification(); } while (xz_mag>magnification) { xz_ic.zoomOut(xz_ic.screenX(x), xz_ic.screenY(zcoord)); xz_mag = xz_ic.getMagnification(); } ImageWindow yz_win = yz_image.getWindow(); if (yz_win==null) return; ImageCanvas yz_ic = yz_win.getCanvas(); double yz_mag = yz_ic.getMagnification(); zcoord = (int)(arat*z); while (yz_mag<magnification) { //IJ.log(magnification+" "+yz_mag+" "+zcoord+" "+y+" "+x); yz_ic.zoomIn(yz_ic.screenX(zcoord), yz_ic.screenY(y)); yz_mag = yz_ic.getMagnification(); } while (yz_mag>magnification) { yz_ic.zoomOut(yz_ic.screenX(zcoord), yz_ic.screenY(y)); yz_mag = yz_ic.getMagnification(); } } void updateViews(Point p, ImageStack is) { if (fp1==null) return; updateXZView(p,is); double arat=az/ax; int width2 = fp1.getWidth(); int height2 = (int)Math.round(fp1.getHeight()*az); if (width2!=fp1.getWidth()||height2!=fp1.getHeight()) { fp1.setInterpolate(true); ImageProcessor sfp1=fp1.resize(width2, height2); if (!rgb) sfp1.setMinAndMax(min, max); xz_image.setProcessor("XZ "+p.y, sfp1); } else { if (!rgb) fp1.setMinAndMax(min, max); xz_image.setProcessor("XZ "+p.y, fp1); } if (rotateYZ) updateYZView(p, is); else updateZYView(p, is); width2 = (int)Math.round(fp2.getWidth()*az); height2 = fp2.getHeight(); String title = "YZ "; if (rotateYZ) { width2 = fp2.getWidth(); height2 = (int)Math.round(fp2.getHeight()*az); title = "ZY "; } //IJ.log("updateViews "+width2+" "+height2+" "+arat+" "+ay+" "+fp2); if (width2!=fp2.getWidth()||height2!=fp2.getHeight()) { fp2.setInterpolate(true); ImageProcessor sfp2=fp2.resize(width2, height2); if (!rgb) sfp2.setMinAndMax(min, max); yz_image.setProcessor(title+p.x, sfp2); } else { if (!rgb) fp2.setMinAndMax(min, max); yz_image.setProcessor(title+p.x, fp2); } calibrate(); if (yz_image.getWindow()==null) {; ImageCanvas ic = yz_image.getCanvas(); ic.addKeyListener(this); ic.addMouseListener(this); ic.addMouseMotionListener(this); ic.setCustomRoi(true); yz_image.getWindow().addMouseWheelListener(this); yzID = yz_image.getID(); } else { ImageCanvas ic = yz_image.getWindow().getCanvas(); ic.addMouseListener(this); ic.addMouseMotionListener(this); ic.setCustomRoi(true); } if (xz_image.getWindow()==null) {; ImageCanvas ic = xz_image.getCanvas(); ic.addKeyListener(this); ic.addMouseListener(this); ic.addMouseMotionListener(this); ic.setCustomRoi(true); xz_image.getWindow().addMouseWheelListener(this); xzID = xz_image.getID(); } else { ImageCanvas ic = xz_image.getWindow().getCanvas(); ic.addMouseListener(this); ic.addMouseMotionListener(this); ic.setCustomRoi(true); } } void arrangeWindows(boolean sticky) { ImageWindow xyWin = imp.getWindow(); if (xyWin==null) return; Point loc = xyWin.getLocation(); if ((xyX!=loc.x)||(xyY!=loc.y)) { xyX = loc.x; xyY = loc.y; ImageWindow yzWin =null; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (yzWin==null && (System.currentTimeMillis()-start)<=2500L) { yzWin = yz_image.getWindow(); if (yzWin==null) IJ.wait(50); } if (yzWin!=null) yzWin.setLocation(xyX+xyWin.getWidth(), xyY); ImageWindow xzWin =null; start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (xzWin==null && (System.currentTimeMillis()-start)<=2500L) { xzWin = xz_image.getWindow(); if (xzWin==null) IJ.wait(50); } if (xzWin!=null) xzWin.setLocation(xyX,xyY+xyWin.getHeight()); if (firstTime) { imp.getWindow().toFront(); if (hyperstack) imp.setPosition(imp.getChannel(), imp.getNSlices()/2, imp.getFrame()); else imp.setSlice(imp.getNSlices()/2); firstTime = false; } } } /** * @param is - used to get the dimensions of the new ImageProcessors * @return */ boolean createProcessors(ImageStack is) { ImageProcessor ip=is.getProcessor(1); int width= is.getWidth(); int height=is.getHeight(); int ds=is.getSize(); double arat=1.0;//az/ax; double brat=1.0;//az/ay; int za=(int)(ds*arat); int zb=(int)(ds*brat); //IJ.log("za: "+za +" zb: "+zb); if (ip instanceof FloatProcessor) { fp1=new FloatProcessor(width,za); if (rotateYZ) fp2=new FloatProcessor(height,zb); else fp2=new FloatProcessor(zb,height); return true; } if (ip instanceof ByteProcessor) { fp1=new ByteProcessor(width,za); if (rotateYZ) fp2=new ByteProcessor(height,zb); else fp2=new ByteProcessor(zb,height); return true; } if (ip instanceof ShortProcessor) { fp1=new ShortProcessor(width,za); if (rotateYZ) fp2=new ShortProcessor(height,zb); else fp2=new ShortProcessor(zb,height); //IJ.log("createProcessors "+rotateYZ+" "+height+" "+zb+" "+fp2); return true; } if (ip instanceof ColorProcessor) { fp1=new ColorProcessor(width,za); if (rotateYZ) fp2=new ColorProcessor(height,zb); else fp2=new ColorProcessor(zb,height); return true; } return false; } void updateXZView(Point p, ImageStack is) { int width= is.getWidth(); int size=is.getSize(); ImageProcessor ip=is.getProcessor(1); int y=p.y; // XZ if (ip instanceof ShortProcessor) { short[] newpix=new short[width*size]; for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { Object pixels=is.getPixels(i+1); if (flipXZ) System.arraycopy(pixels, width*y, newpix, width*(size-i-1), width); else System.arraycopy(pixels, width*y, newpix, width*i, width); } fp1.setPixels(newpix); return; } if (ip instanceof ByteProcessor) { byte[] newpix=new byte[width*size]; for (int i=0;i<size; i++) { Object pixels=is.getPixels(i+1); if (flipXZ) System.arraycopy(pixels, width*y, newpix, width*(size-i-1), width); else System.arraycopy(pixels, width*y, newpix, width*i, width); } fp1.setPixels(newpix); return; } if (ip instanceof FloatProcessor) { float[] newpix=new float[width*size]; for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { Object pixels=is.getPixels(i+1); if (flipXZ) System.arraycopy(pixels, width*y, newpix, width*(size-i-1), width); else System.arraycopy(pixels, width*y, newpix, width*i, width); } fp1.setPixels(newpix); return; } if (ip instanceof ColorProcessor) { int[] newpix=new int[width*size]; for (int i=0;i<size; i++) { Object pixels=is.getPixels(i+1); if (flipXZ) System.arraycopy(pixels, width*y, newpix, width*(size-i-1), width); else System.arraycopy(pixels, width*y, newpix, width*i, width); } fp1.setPixels(newpix); return; } } void updateYZView(Point p, ImageStack is) { int width= is.getWidth(); int height=is.getHeight(); int ds=is.getSize(); ImageProcessor ip=is.getProcessor(1); int x=p.x; if (ip instanceof FloatProcessor) { float[] newpix=new float[ds*height]; for (int i=0;i<ds; i++) { float[] pixels= (float[]) is.getPixels(i+1);//toFloatPixels(pixels); for (int j=0;j<height;j++) newpix[(ds-i-1)*height + j] = pixels[x + j* width]; } fp2.setPixels(newpix); } if (ip instanceof ByteProcessor) { byte[] newpix=new byte[ds*height]; for (int i=0;i<ds; i++) { byte[] pixels= (byte[]) is.getPixels(i+1);//toFloatPixels(pixels); for (int j=0;j<height;j++) newpix[(ds-i-1)*height + j] = pixels[x + j* width]; } fp2.setPixels(newpix); } if (ip instanceof ShortProcessor) { short[] newpix=new short[ds*height]; for (int i=0;i<ds; i++) { short[] pixels= (short[]) is.getPixels(i+1);//toFloatPixels(pixels); for (int j=0;j<height;j++) newpix[(ds-i-1)*height + j] = pixels[x + j* width]; } fp2.setPixels(newpix); } if (ip instanceof ColorProcessor) { int[] newpix=new int[ds*height]; for (int i=0;i<ds; i++) { int[] pixels= (int[]) is.getPixels(i+1);//toFloatPixels(pixels); for (int j=0;j<height;j++) newpix[(ds-i-1)*height + j] = pixels[x + j* width]; } fp2.setPixels(newpix); } if (!flipXZ) fp2.flipVertical(); } void updateZYView(Point p, ImageStack is) { int width= is.getWidth(); int height=is.getHeight(); int ds=is.getSize(); ImageProcessor ip=is.getProcessor(1); int x=p.x; if (ip instanceof FloatProcessor) { float[] newpix=new float[ds*height]; for (int i=0;i<ds; i++) { float[] pixels= (float[]) is.getPixels(i+1);//toFloatPixels(pixels); for (int y=0;y<height;y++) newpix[i + y*ds] = pixels[x + y* width]; } fp2.setPixels(newpix); } if (ip instanceof ByteProcessor) { byte[] newpix=new byte[ds*height]; for (int i=0;i<ds; i++) { byte[] pixels= (byte[]) is.getPixels(i+1);//toFloatPixels(pixels); for (int y=0;y<height;y++) newpix[i + y*ds] = pixels[x + y* width]; } fp2.setPixels(newpix); } if (ip instanceof ShortProcessor) { short[] newpix=new short[ds*height]; for (int i=0;i<ds; i++) { short[] pixels= (short[]) is.getPixels(i+1);//toFloatPixels(pixels); for (int y=0;y<height;y++) newpix[i + y*ds] = pixels[x + y* width]; } fp2.setPixels(newpix); } if (ip instanceof ColorProcessor) { int[] newpix=new int[ds*height]; for (int i=0;i<ds; i++) { int[] pixels= (int[]) is.getPixels(i+1);//toFloatPixels(pixels); for (int y=0;y<height;y++) newpix[i + y*ds] = pixels[x + y* width]; } fp2.setPixels(newpix); } } /** draws the crosses in the images */ void drawCross(ImagePlus imp, Point p, GeneralPath path) { int width=imp.getWidth(); int height=imp.getHeight(); float x = p.x; float y = p.y; path.moveTo(0f, y); path.lineTo(width, y); path.moveTo(x, 0f); path.lineTo(x, height); } void dispose() { updater.quit(); updater = null; imp.setOverlay(null); canvas.removeMouseListener(this); canvas.removeMouseMotionListener(this); canvas.removeKeyListener(this); canvas.setCustomRoi(false); xz_image.setOverlay(null); ImageWindow win1 = xz_image.getWindow(); if (win1!=null) { win1.removeMouseWheelListener(this); ImageCanvas ic = win1.getCanvas(); if (ic!=null) { ic.removeKeyListener(this); ic.removeMouseListener(this); ic.removeMouseMotionListener(this); ic.setCustomRoi(false); } } yz_image.setOverlay(null); ImageWindow win2 = yz_image.getWindow(); if (win2!=null) { win2.removeMouseWheelListener(this); ImageCanvas ic = win2.getCanvas(); if (ic!=null) { ic.removeKeyListener(this); ic.removeMouseListener(this); ic.removeMouseMotionListener(this); ic.setCustomRoi(false); } } ImagePlus.removeImageListener(this); Executer.removeCommandListener(this); win.removeWindowListener(this); win.removeFocusListener(this); win.setResizable(true); instance = null; previousID = imp.getID(); previousX = crossLoc.x; previousY = crossLoc.y; imageStack = null; } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { ImageCanvas xyCanvas = imp.getCanvas(); startingSrcRect = (Rectangle)xyCanvas.getSrcRect().clone(); mouseDragged(e); } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { if (IJ.spaceBarDown()) // scrolling? return; if (e.getSource().equals(canvas)) { crossLoc = canvas.getCursorLoc(); } else if (e.getSource().equals(xz_image.getCanvas())) { crossLoc.x = xz_image.getCanvas().getCursorLoc().x; int pos = xz_image.getCanvas().getCursorLoc().y; int z = (int)Math.round(pos/az); int slice = flipXZ?imp.getNSlices()-z:z+1; if (hyperstack) imp.setPosition(imp.getChannel(), slice, imp.getFrame()); else imp.setSlice(slice); } else if (e.getSource().equals(yz_image.getCanvas())) { int pos; if (rotateYZ) { crossLoc.y = yz_image.getCanvas().getCursorLoc().x; pos = yz_image.getCanvas().getCursorLoc().y; } else { crossLoc.y = yz_image.getCanvas().getCursorLoc().y; pos = yz_image.getCanvas().getCursorLoc().x; } int z = (int)Math.round(pos/az); if (hyperstack) imp.setPosition(imp.getChannel(), z+1, imp.getFrame()); else imp.setSlice(z+1); } update(); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { ImageCanvas ic = imp.getCanvas(); Rectangle srcRect = ic.getSrcRect(); if (srcRect.x!=startingSrcRect.x || srcRect.y!=startingSrcRect.y) { // user has scrolled xy image int dy = srcRect.y - startingSrcRect.y; ImageCanvas yzic = yz_image.getCanvas(); Rectangle yzSrcRect =yzic.getSrcRect(); if (rotateYZ) { yzSrcRect.x += dy; if (yzSrcRect.x<0) yzSrcRect.x = 0; if (yzSrcRect.x>yz_image.getWidth()-yzSrcRect.width) yzSrcRect.y = yz_image.getWidth()-yzSrcRect.width; } else { yzSrcRect.y += dy; if (yzSrcRect.y<0) yzSrcRect.y = 0; if (yzSrcRect.y>yz_image.getHeight()-yzSrcRect.height) yzSrcRect.y = yz_image.getHeight()-yzSrcRect.height; } yzic.repaint(); int dx = srcRect.x - startingSrcRect.x; ImageCanvas xzic = xz_image.getCanvas(); Rectangle xzSrcRect =xzic.getSrcRect(); xzSrcRect.x += dx; if (xzSrcRect.x<0) xzSrcRect.x = 0; if (xzSrcRect.x>xz_image.getWidth()-xzSrcRect.width) xzSrcRect.x = xz_image.getWidth()-xzSrcRect.width; xzic.repaint(); } } /** * Refresh the output windows. This is done by sending a signal * to the Updater() thread. */ void update() { if (updater!=null) updater.doUpdate(); } private void exec() { if (canvas==null) return; int width=imp.getWidth(); int height=imp.getHeight(); if (hyperstack) { int c = imp.getChannel(); int t = imp.getFrame(); if (c!=currentChannel || t!=currentFrame) imageStack = null; if (imp.isComposite()) { int mode = ((CompositeImage)imp).getMode(); if (mode!=currentMode) imageStack = null; } } ImageStack is=imageStack; if (is==null) is = imageStack = getStack(); double arat=az/ax; double brat=az/ay; Point p=crossLoc; if (p.y>=height) p.y=height-1; if (p.x>=width) p.x=width-1; if (p.x<0) p.x=0; if (p.y<0) p.y=0; updateViews(p, is); GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); drawCross(imp, p, path); imp.setOverlay(path, color, new BasicStroke(1)); canvas.setCustomRoi(true); updateCrosses(p.x, p.y, arat, brat); if (syncZoom) updateMagnification(p.x, p.y); arrangeWindows(sticky); } private void updateCrosses(int x, int y, double arat, double brat) { Point p; int z=imp.getNSlices(); int zlice=imp.getSlice()-1; int zcoord=(int)Math.round(arat*zlice); if (flipXZ) zcoord = (int)Math.round(arat*(z-zlice)); ImageCanvas xzCanvas = xz_image.getCanvas(); p=new Point (x, zcoord); GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); drawCross(xz_image, p, path); xz_image.setOverlay(path, color, new BasicStroke(1)); if (rotateYZ) { if (flipXZ) zcoord=(int)Math.round(brat*(z-zlice)); else zcoord=(int)Math.round(brat*(zlice)); p=new Point (y, zcoord); } else { zcoord=(int)Math.round(arat*zlice); p=new Point (zcoord, y); } path = new GeneralPath(); drawCross(yz_image, p, path); yz_image.setOverlay(path, color, new BasicStroke(1)); IJ.showStatus(imp.getLocationAsString(crossLoc.x, crossLoc.y)); } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { } public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { int key = e.getKeyCode(); if (key==KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) { IJ.beep(); dispose(); } else if (IJ.shiftKeyDown()) { int width=imp.getWidth(), height=imp.getHeight(); switch (key) { case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: crossLoc.x--; if (crossLoc.x<0) crossLoc.x=0; break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: crossLoc.x++; if (crossLoc.x>=width) crossLoc.x=width-1; break; case KeyEvent.VK_UP: crossLoc.y--; if (crossLoc.y<0) crossLoc.y=0; break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: crossLoc.y++; if (crossLoc.y>=height) crossLoc.y=height-1; break; default: return; } update(); } } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { } public void imageClosed(ImagePlus imp) { dispose(); } public void imageOpened(ImagePlus imp) { } public void imageUpdated(ImagePlus imp) { if (imp==this.imp) { ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor(); min = ip.getMin(); max = ip.getMax(); update(); } } public String commandExecuting(String command) { if (command.equals("In")||command.equals("Out")) { ImagePlus cimp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (cimp==null) return command; if (cimp==imp) { ImageCanvas ic = imp.getCanvas(); if (ic==null) return null; int x = ic.screenX(crossLoc.x); int y = ic.screenY(crossLoc.y); if (command.equals("In")) { ic.zoomIn(x, y); if (ic.getMagnification()<=1.0) imp.repaintWindow(); } else { ic.zoomOut(x, y); if (ic.getMagnification()<1.0) imp.repaintWindow(); } xyX=crossLoc.x; xyY=crossLoc.y; update(); return null; } else if (cimp==xz_image || cimp==yz_image) { syncZoom = false; return command; } else return command; } else if (command.equals("Flip Vertically")&& xz_image!=null) { if (xz_image==WindowManager.getCurrentImage()) { flipXZ = !flipXZ; update(); return null; } else return command; } else return command; } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { arrangeWindows(sticky); } public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { dispose(); } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) { arrangeWindows(sticky); } public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) { } public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) { update(); } public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) { if (e.getSource().equals(xz_image.getWindow())) { crossLoc.y += e.getWheelRotation(); } else if (e.getSource().equals(yz_image.getWindow())) { crossLoc.x += e.getWheelRotation(); } update(); } public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { ImageCanvas ic = imp.getCanvas(); if (ic!=null) canvas.requestFocus(); arrangeWindows(sticky); } public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { arrangeWindows(sticky); } public static ImagePlus getImage() { if (instance!=null) return instance.imp; else return null; } public static synchronized boolean isOrthoViewsImage(ImagePlus imp) { if (imp==null || instance==null) return false; else return imp==instance.imp || imp==instance.xz_image || imp==instance.yz_image; } public static Orthogonal_Views getInstance() { return instance; } public int[] getCrossLoc() { int[] loc = new int[3]; loc[0] = crossLoc.x; loc[1] = crossLoc.y; loc[2] = imp.getSlice()-1; return loc; } public void setCrossLoc(int x, int y, int z) { crossLoc.setLocation(x, y); if (hyperstack) imp.setPosition(imp.getChannel(), z+1, imp.getFrame()); else imp.setSlice(z+1); update(); } public ImagePlus getXZImage(){ return xz_image; } public ImagePlus getYZImage(){ return yz_image; } /** * This is a helper class for Othogonal_Views that delegates the * repainting of the destination windows to another thread. * * @author Albert Cardona */ private class Updater extends Thread { long request = 0; // Constructor autostarts thread Updater() { super("Othogonal Views Updater"); setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); start(); } void doUpdate() { if (isInterrupted()) return; synchronized (this) { request++; notify(); } } void quit() { IJ.wait(10); interrupt(); synchronized (this) { notify(); } } public void run() { while (!isInterrupted()) { try { final long r; synchronized (this) { r = request; } // Call update from this thread if (r>0) exec(); synchronized (this) { if (r==request) { request = 0; // reset wait(); } // else loop through to update again } } catch (Exception e) { } } } } // Updater class }