package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.lang.System; public class ConnectionImpl { private String itsUrl; private boolean itsSecure; private String itsProfile = ""; private int itsRootIndex = 0; private List<String> itsRootLocations = new ArrayList<String>(); private String itsSession = ""; private int itsSequence = 0; private List<Location> itsLocations = new ArrayList<Location>(); private long itsLocationsRefreshTime; private long itsChannelsIdleTime; private int itsChannelsIdleInterval; private int itsLocationsRefreshInterval; private final int itsLocationsRefreshDefault = 300; private final int itsChannelsIdleDefault = 600; public ConnectionImpl(String theUrl) { // parse the string for several url's into the locations arraylist // don't throw exception from constructor. instead return error when using an empty location itsUrl = theUrl; itsSecure = false; if(theUrl.startsWith("trex-is:")) { itsRootLocations.add(theUrl.substring(8)); } else { int pbgn = 0; if (theUrl.startsWith("trex://")) { pbgn = 7; } else if (theUrl.startsWith("trexs://")) { pbgn = 8; itsSecure = true; } if(pbgn>0) { int pnxt; int pend = theUrl.indexOf('/',pbgn); if (pend == -1) pend = theUrl.length(); for(; pbgn<pend; pbgn=pnxt) { pnxt = theUrl.indexOf(',',pbgn); if(pnxt == -1 || pnxt > pend) pnxt = pend; itsRootLocations.add(theUrl.substring(pbgn,pnxt)); if(pnxt!=pend) pnxt++; } pbgn = pend+1; if (pbgn < theUrl.length()) { pend = theUrl.indexOf('?',pbgn); if(pend == -1) pend = theUrl.length(); itsProfile = theUrl.substring(pbgn,pend); } } } itsLocationsRefreshTime = 0L; itsChannelsIdleTime = 0L; itsLocationsRefreshInterval = itsLocationsRefreshDefault; itsChannelsIdleInterval = itsChannelsIdleDefault; } private void getLocations() throws TrexException, Exception { if (itsRootLocations.size() == 0) throw new TrexException (Error.TDBC_INVALID_CONNECTION_URL, itsUrl); for(int num=0; num<itsRootLocations.size(); num++) { Channel channel = null; try { int idx=itsRootIndex % itsRootLocations.size(); // server side of this call is in TrexService/TrexClient.cpp channel = new Channel();, itsSecure); channel.writeHeader(itsSession, ++itsSequence, "_getServer"); channel.output().writeInt(4); // special protocol version for this core call channel.output().writeString(itsRootLocations.get(idx)); // for detection of location format (name,ip,fqdn) channel.output().writeString(itsProfile); channel.output().writeString(""); // should be changelist channel.writeEOF(); Error error = new Error(); // don't lock itsLocations while waiting for server; if(channel.readEOF()) throw new TrexException(error.getCode(), error.getErrorMessage()); int t; t = channel.input().readInt(); itsLocationsRefreshInterval = t; t = channel.input().readInt(); itsChannelsIdleInterval = t; itsSession = channel.input().readString(); int i,j; j = channel.input().readVectorSize(); if(j > 0) { itsLocations = new ArrayList<Location>(j); for(i=0; i<j; i++) { String tmp = channel.input().readString(); itsLocations.add(new Location(tmp, true)); } } else { // continue with the initial locations j=itsRootLocations.size(); itsLocations = new ArrayList<Location>(j); for(i=0; i<j; i++) { itsLocations.add(new Location(itsRootLocations.get(i), true)); } } channel.releaseRef(); break; } catch(Exception ex) { if(channel != null) channel.releaseRef(); itsRootIndex++; if(num==itsRootLocations.size()-1) { itsLocationsRefreshTime = 0L; throw ex; } } } } public synchronized Channel getChannel(String theMethod) throws Exception { Channel channel = null; long now = System.currentTimeMillis()/1000; for(int loop=0; channel==null && loop<2; loop++) { if(loop > 0 || now > itsLocationsRefreshTime + itsLocationsRefreshInterval) { itsLocationsRefreshTime=now; getLocations(); } for(int num=0; channel==null && num<itsLocations.size(); num++) { // increment itsIndex without write lock -> round robin could be slightly imbalanced int idx=itsSequence++ % itsLocations.size(); try { if(itsLocations.get(idx).getFlag()) { channel = new Channel();, itsSecure); channel.writeHeader(itsSession, itsSequence, theMethod); } } catch(IOException ex) { itsLocations.get(idx).setFlag(false); if(loop==1 && num == itsLocations.size()-1) throw new Exception(ex); } } } if(channel != null) return channel; throw new TrexException(Error.TREX_SAPRC_SERVER_NOT_FOUND,itsUrl); } public String getUrl() { return this.itsUrl; } } class Location { private String itsLocation; private boolean itsFlag; public Location(String location, boolean flag) { this.itsLocation = location; this.itsFlag = flag; } public void setLocation(String theLocation ) { this.itsLocation = theLocation; } public void setFlag (boolean theFlag) { this.itsFlag = theFlag; } public String getLocationName() { return this.itsLocation; } public boolean getFlag() { return this.itsFlag; } }