package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; /** * If a {@link DebugSession} is attached to a {@link AbstractRunletInterpreter<MetaClass, TypeUsage, ClassUsage, LinkMetaObject, LinkEndMetaObject, StatementType, ExpressionType, SignatureImplementationType, StackFrameType>}, the interpreter will * check for various sorts of breakpoints. The breakpoints are managed by an instance of this * class.<p> * * Furthermore, an debug session offers the interfaces to suspend, resume and terminate * a running session. It also manages the stepping behavior of an interpreter in the sense * that it will negotiate with the interpreter when to suspend execution next, based on * the command given to the debug session, such as "step into" or "step over."<p> * * The debug session is also the interface for remote-controlling the execution of an interpreter * in debug mode. * * @author Axel Uhl (D043530) */ public class DebugSession { /** * The listener will be notified about suspend/resume/terminate/etc. events. May be <tt>null</tt> * which means that no events will be communicated by this session. */ private DebugListener listener; /** * These are the elements at whose evaluation the interpreter to which this object is attached * is supposed to stop. */ private Set<EObject> elementBreakpoints; /** * Step-into breakpoints, managed per {@link AbstractRunletInterpreter<MetaClass, TypeUsage, ClassUsage, LinkMetaObject, LinkEndMetaObject, StatementType, ExpressionType, SignatureImplementationType, StackFrameType> interpreter}. No need to remember * the stack level where this was requested because the interpreter will stop at the next * opportunity in any case, regardless the value because this is what "step into" is actually * asking for. Think about stepping into while at the end of a method... */ private Set<AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> stepIntoBreakpoints; /** * Step-over breakpoints, managed per {@link AbstractRunletInterpreter<MetaClass, TypeUsage, ClassUsage, LinkMetaObject, LinkEndMetaObject, StatementType, ExpressionType, SignatureImplementationType, StackFrameType> interpreter}. The value represents * the index of the stack frame <tt>s</tt> in {@link AbstractRunletInterpreter<MetaClass, TypeUsage, ClassUsage, LinkMetaObject, LinkEndMetaObject, StatementType, ExpressionType, SignatureImplementationType, StackFrameType>#getCallstack} such that when * <tt>t</tt> was the current stack frame when the "step over" * was issued, <tt>s</tt> is <tt>t</tt>'s outermost {@link StackFrame#getScopeParent() scope parent} * if <tt>t</tt> has a non-<tt>null</tt> scope parent, or <tt>t</tt> if <tt>t</tt> has no * scope parent. */ private Map<AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, Integer> stepOverBreakpoints; /** * Step-return breakpoints, managed per {@link AbstractRunletInterpreter<MetaClass, TypeUsage, ClassUsage, LinkMetaObject, LinkEndMetaObject, StatementType, ExpressionType, SignatureImplementationType, StackFrameType> interpreter}. The value represents * the index of the stack frame in {@link AbstractRunletInterpreter<MetaClass, TypeUsage, ClassUsage, LinkMetaObject, LinkEndMetaObject, StatementType, ExpressionType, SignatureImplementationType, StackFrameType>#getCallstack} where the "step return" * was issued. */ private Map<AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, Integer> stepReturnBreakpoints; /** * Contains those interpreters that shall be suspended. When one of those interpreters calls * to announce an evaluation, this will suspend that interpreter. */ private Set<AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> interpretersToSuspend; /** * For each interpreter can maintain the reason why the interpreter resumes */ private Map<AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, DebugListener.ResumeReason> resumeReasons; public DebugSession(DebugListener listener) { this.listener = listener; elementBreakpoints = new HashSet<EObject>(); interpretersToSuspend = new HashSet<AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>>(); stepIntoBreakpoints = new HashSet<AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>>(); stepOverBreakpoints = new HashMap<AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, Integer>(); stepReturnBreakpoints = new HashMap<AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, Integer>(); resumeReasons = new HashMap<AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, DebugListener.ResumeReason>(); } public void addBreakpoint(EObject elementToStopAt) { elementBreakpoints.add(elementToStopAt); } public void removeBreakpoint(EObject elementToNoLongerStopAt) { elementBreakpoints.remove(elementToNoLongerStopAt); } /** * Requests that the <tt>interpreter</tt> be suspended at the next possible point */ public synchronized void suspend(AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> interpreter) { interpretersToSuspend.add(interpreter); } /** * Resumes the interpreter if it is currently suspended or removes the request to * suspend it. * @param reason TODO */ public synchronized void resume(AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> interpreter, DebugListener.ResumeReason reason) { interpretersToSuspend.remove(interpreter); resumeReasons.put(interpreter, reason); notifyAll(); } /** * An interpreter connected to this debug session calls this operation before each evaluation of * a model element and before it is set to {@link AbstractRunletInterpreter<MetaClass, TypeUsage, ClassUsage, LinkMetaObject, LinkEndMetaObject, StatementType, ExpressionType, SignatureImplementationType, StackFrameType>#isRunning()} for the first * evaluation. In case a breakpoint is set for the element or the interpreter is supposed to get * suspended, this method will block. If it was a breakpoint, the interpreter is entered into * those to be suspended. Only once the interpreter is resumed will the calling thread get * unblocked. */ public void aboutToEvaluate(AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> interpreter, EObject element) { if (!interpreter.isRunning()) { if (listener != null) { listener.started(interpreter); } } if (!interpreter.getCallstack().isEmpty()) { interpreter.getCallstack().peek().setCurrentlyEvaluating(element); } boolean suspended = false; DebugListener.SuspendReason suspendReason = null; if (interpretersToSuspend.contains(interpreter)) { suspendReason = DebugListener.SuspendReason.CLIENT_REQUEST; } if (elementBreakpoints.contains(element)) { interpretersToSuspend.add(interpreter); suspendReason = DebugListener.SuspendReason.BREAKPOINT; } suspendReason = setSuspendForInterpreterBasedOnSteppingRequests(interpreter, suspendReason); if (interpretersToSuspend.contains(interpreter) && listener != null) { suspended = true; listener.suspended(interpreter, suspendReason); } while (interpretersToSuspend.contains(interpreter)) { synchronized(this) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // no problem; just try again } } } if (suspended) { if (listener != null) { listener.resumed(interpreter, resumeReasons.get(interpreter)); } } } private DebugListener.SuspendReason setSuspendForInterpreterBasedOnSteppingRequests( AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> interpreter, DebugListener.SuspendReason suspendReason) { if (stepIntoBreakpoints.contains(interpreter)) { interpretersToSuspend.add(interpreter); // step into means stop at the next opportunity stepIntoBreakpoints.remove(interpreter); suspendReason = DebugListener.SuspendReason.STEP_END; } else { if (stepOverBreakpoints.containsKey(interpreter)) { int requestLevel = stepOverBreakpoints.get(interpreter); StackFrame<?, ?, ?, ?> currentFrame = null; int currentLevel = 0; if (interpreter.getCallstack().size() > 0) { currentFrame = interpreter.getCallstack().peek(); while (currentFrame.getScopeParent() != null) { currentFrame = currentFrame.getScopeParent(); } currentLevel = interpreter.getCallstack().indexOf(currentFrame); } if (currentLevel <= requestLevel) { interpretersToSuspend.add(interpreter); stepOverBreakpoints.remove(interpreter); suspendReason = DebugListener.SuspendReason.STEP_END; } } if (stepReturnBreakpoints.containsKey(interpreter)) { int requestLevel = stepReturnBreakpoints.get(interpreter); StackFrame<?, ?, ?, ?> currentFrame = null; int currentLevel = 0; if (interpreter.getCallstack().size() > 0) { currentFrame = interpreter.getCallstack().peek(); while (currentFrame.getScopeParent() != null) { currentFrame = currentFrame.getScopeParent(); } currentLevel = interpreter.getCallstack().indexOf(currentFrame); } if (currentLevel < requestLevel) { interpretersToSuspend.add(interpreter); stepReturnBreakpoints.remove(interpreter); suspendReason = DebugListener.SuspendReason.STEP_END; } } } return suspendReason; } protected void terminated(AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> interpreter) { if (listener != null) { listener.terminated(interpreter); } } public boolean isSuspended(AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> interpreter) { return interpretersToSuspend.contains(interpreter); } public void stepInto(AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> interpreter) { stepIntoBreakpoints.add(interpreter); resume(interpreter, DebugListener.ResumeReason.STEP_INTO); } public void stepOver(AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> interpreter) { stepOverBreakpoints.put(interpreter, interpreter.getCallstack().size()-1); resume(interpreter, DebugListener.ResumeReason.STEP_OVER); } public void stepReturn(AbstractRunletInterpreter<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> interpreter) { stepReturnBreakpoints.put(interpreter, interpreter.getCallstack().size()-1); resume(interpreter, DebugListener.ResumeReason.STEP_RETURN); } }