package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SemanticDisambiguateHandler { private final Collection<? extends Template> templates; private final SemanticErrorBucket errorBucket; private final TemplateNamingHelper<?> namingHelper; private final ArrayList<String> usedSyntacticDisambiguates; private boolean listHasSyntacticDisambiguate; private boolean listHasSemanticDisambiguate; private boolean firstSemanticDisambiguate; public SemanticDisambiguateHandler( Collection<? extends Template> templates, SemanticErrorBucket errorBucket, TemplateNamingHelper<?> namingHelper) { this.templates = templates; this.errorBucket = errorBucket; this.namingHelper = namingHelper; usedSyntacticDisambiguates = new ArrayList<String>(); firstSemanticDisambiguate = true; analyze(); } private void analyze() { listHasSyntacticDisambiguate = false; for (Template subtemp : templates) { if (!listHasSyntacticDisambiguate && hasSyntacticDisambiguate(subtemp)) listHasSyntacticDisambiguate = true; if (!listHasSemanticDisambiguate && subtemp.getSemDisambiguate() != null) listHasSemanticDisambiguate = true; } } public boolean shouldUseSemanticDisambiguate( Template templateWithSyntacticDisambiguate) { if (!listHasSemanticDisambiguate) return false; boolean relevantSemDisambFound = false; for (Template subtemp : templates) { if (templateWithSyntacticDisambiguate.equals(subtemp)) continue; if (hasSyntacticDisambiguate(subtemp)) { // TODO implement a more tolerant comparison that can also handle whitespace differences if (subtemp.getDisambiguateV3().equals( templateWithSyntacticDisambiguate.getDisambiguateV3())) { if (subtemp.getSemDisambiguate() != null) relevantSemDisambFound = true; else { errorBucket.addError( "A subtemplate misses a SemanticDisambiguate", subtemp); return false; } } } else if (subtemp.getSemDisambiguate() != null) relevantSemDisambFound = true; else { errorBucket.addError( "A subtemplate misses a SemanticDisambiguate", subtemp); return false; } } return relevantSemDisambFound; } public boolean addSemanticDisambiguateRule(Template template, VarStringBuffer rulebody, RuleBodyBufferFactory ruleBodyBufferFactory, ClassTemplate operatorParentTemplate, String metaObjectListParam, boolean addedSemanticDisambiguateRule) throws MetaModelLookupException { if (hasSyntacticDisambiguate(template)) { if (usedSyntacticDisambiguates.contains(template .getDisambiguateV3())) return false; else { usedSyntacticDisambiguates.add(template.getDisambiguateV3()); if (!firstSemanticDisambiguate) rulebody.append("\n | "); // add disambiguation rule rulebody.append("(" + template.getDisambiguateV3() + ")=>("); // b2 } } if (!listHasSyntacticDisambiguate && !firstSemanticDisambiguate) return false; if (!firstSemanticDisambiguate && !hasSyntacticDisambiguate(template)) rulebody.append("\n | "); String semOcl = template.getSemDisambiguate(); String opnameParameter = "null"; Sequence sequence; //placeholder replacement //TODO refactor this to ClassTemplate and OperatorTemplate in a common superclass boolean isOperatorTemplate = template instanceof OperatorTemplate; if (isOperatorTemplate) sequence = ((OperatorTemplate) template).getTemplateSequence(); else sequence = ((ClassTemplate) template).getTemplateSequence(); // TODO change this character to a better intuitive version maybe ${...} // TODO support more than one use of a feature int beginRef = semOcl.indexOf("${"); String semReference = null; if (beginRef >= 0) semReference = semOcl.substring(beginRef + 2, semOcl.indexOf('}', beginRef + 1)); //find a rule representation for temporary parsing String rulePrefix = ruleBodyBufferFactory .getNewRuleBodyForSemDisambiguate(sequence, semReference); if(rulePrefix != null) rulebody.append(rulePrefix); // collect templatenames and ocls for all subtemplates rulebody.append("\n{List<SemanticDisambRuleData> semDisambRuleData = " + "new ArrayList<SemanticDisambRuleData>();\n"); for (Template subtemp : templates) { if (hasSyntacticDisambiguate(template)) { if (!template.getDisambiguateV3().equals( subtemp.getDisambiguateV3())) continue; } String ruleName; try { // TODO check if it is better to make a superclass and call // only one of the instance of parts to remove the instanceof call if (subtemp instanceof OperatorTemplate) { ruleName = namingHelper.getRuleName(subtemp); opnameParameter = "opName"; } else { ruleName = namingHelper.getRuleNameForMode(subtemp, ((ClassTemplate) subtemp).getMode()); } } catch (SyntaxElementException ex) { errorBucket.addException(ex); return false; } if (subtemp.getSemDisambiguate() == null) errorBucket.addError("No semantic disambiguate in template.", subtemp); else { rulebody .append("semDisambRuleData.add(new SemanticDisambRuleData(\"" + ruleName + "\",\"" + subtemp.getSemDisambiguate() + "\"));\n"); } } if (isOperatorTemplate) { rulebody.append("Object lefthand = ret;\n"); String proxyStr = ClassTemplateHandler .createModelElementProxyString(operatorParentTemplate, true, metaObjectListParam); rulebody.append(proxyStr); rulebody .append("setSemDisambiguate(ret,lefthand," + opnameParameter + ",semRef,semDisambRuleData,false, (ANTLR3LocationToken)firstToken);\n}"); } else { rulebody .append("setSemDisambiguate(ret,null," + opnameParameter + ",semRef,semDisambRuleData,false, (ANTLR3LocationToken)firstToken);\n}"); } if (hasSyntacticDisambiguate(template)) rulebody.append(")"); firstSemanticDisambiguate = false; return true; } public boolean subtemplatesHaveSemanticDisambiguate() { for (Template subtemp : templates) { if (subtemp.getSemDisambiguate() != null) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean hasSyntacticDisambiguate(Template template) { return template.getDisambiguateV3() != null; } }