package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import org.antlr.runtime.Token; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.ETypedElement; import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException; import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer; import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.CompletionProposal; import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ICompletionProposal; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class CtsContentAssistUtil { private static Image keywordImage = null; private static Image propertyImage = null; private static Image propValueImage = null; private static Image templateImage = null; private static ITextViewer imageHostViewer = null; private static ICompletionProposal createProposal(String displayString, String replacementString, Image img, ITextViewer viewer, int line, int charPositionInLine, Token token) { int cursorPosition = getOffset(viewer, line, charPositionInLine); int replacementOffset = cursorPosition; int replacementLength = 0; if (token != null) { if (isInToken(line, charPositionInLine, token)) { replacementOffset = getOffset(viewer, getLine(token), getCharPositionInLine(token)); replacementLength = Math.min(displayString.length(), Math.min(getLength(token), getCommonPrefix(token.getText(), replacementString).length())); } else { // TODO workaround because ANTRL will not create error token // for unlexed characters // TODO this assumes languages with standard whitespaces // filter by currently un-tokenized non-whitespace prefix int stopOffset = -1; // stop at end of last valid token if (getCharPositionInLine(token) != -1) { try { stopOffset = viewer.getDocument().getLineInformation(getLine(token)).getOffset() + getCharPositionInLine(token); } catch (BadLocationException e) { // do nothing } } String prefix = ""; try { prefix = computeNonWhitespacePrefix(viewer.getDocument().get(), viewer.getDocument().getLineInformation(line) .getOffset() + charPositionInLine, stopOffset); } catch (BadLocationException e) { // do nothing } if (!prefix.isEmpty()) { replacementOffset = cursorPosition - prefix.length(); replacementLength = Math.min(displayString.length(), Math.min(prefix.length(), getCommonPrefix(prefix, replacementString).length())); } // end workaround } } return new CompletionProposal(replacementString, replacementOffset, replacementLength, replacementString.length(), img, displayString, null, null); } /** * computes the non-whitespace-prefix starting at the offset and going back * until reaching stopOffset * * @param documentContents * @param offset * @param stopOffset * @return */ public static String computeNonWhitespacePrefix(String documentContents, int offset, int stopOffset) { String result = ""; int curOffset = offset - 1; while (curOffset >= 0 && !(curOffset == stopOffset) && !isWhitespace(documentContents.charAt(curOffset))) { result = documentContents.charAt(curOffset) + result; curOffset--; } return result; } private static boolean isWhitespace(char c) { return (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t'); } public static String getCommonPrefix(String a, String b) { int prefixLength = 0; while (prefixLength < a.length() && prefixLength < b.length()) { if (a.regionMatches(0, b, 0, prefixLength + 1)) { prefixLength++; } else { break; } } return a.substring(0, prefixLength); } private static Image getKeywordImage(ITextViewer currentViewer) { if (imageHostViewer != currentViewer || keywordImage == null) { imageHostViewer = currentViewer; keywordImage = new Image(imageHostViewer.getTextWidget().getDisplay(), CtsContentAssistUtil.class.getResourceAsStream("img/keyword.gif")); } return keywordImage; } private static Image getPropertyImage(ITextViewer currentViewer) { if (imageHostViewer != currentViewer || propertyImage == null) { imageHostViewer = currentViewer; propertyImage = new Image(imageHostViewer.getTextWidget().getDisplay(), CtsContentAssistUtil.class.getResourceAsStream("img/property.gif")); } return propertyImage; } private static Image getPropValueImage(ITextViewer currentViewer) { if (imageHostViewer != currentViewer || propValueImage == null) { imageHostViewer = currentViewer; propValueImage = new Image(imageHostViewer.getTextWidget().getDisplay(), CtsContentAssistUtil.class.getResourceAsStream("img/propValue.gif")); } return propValueImage; } private static Image getTemplateImage(ITextViewer currentViewer) { if (imageHostViewer != currentViewer || templateImage == null) { imageHostViewer = currentViewer; templateImage = new Image(imageHostViewer.getTextWidget().getDisplay(), CtsContentAssistUtil.class.getResourceAsStream("img/template.gif")); } return templateImage; } public static ICompletionProposal createKeywordProposal(String displayString, String replacementString, ITextViewer viewer, int line, int charPositionInLine, Token token) { Image img = null; if (viewer != null && viewer.getTextWidget() != null) { img = getKeywordImage(viewer); } return createProposal(displayString, replacementString, img, viewer, line, charPositionInLine, token); } public static ICompletionProposal createPropValueProposal(String displayString, String replacementString, ITextViewer viewer, int line, int charPositionInLine, Token token) { Image img = null; if (viewer != null && viewer.getTextWidget() != null) { img = getPropValueImage(viewer); } return createProposal(displayString, replacementString, img, viewer, line, charPositionInLine, token); } public static ICompletionProposal createTemplateProposal(String displayString, String replacementString, ITextViewer viewer, int line, int charPositionInLine, Token token) { Image img = null; if (viewer != null && viewer.getTextWidget() != null) { img = getTemplateImage(viewer); } return createProposal(displayString, replacementString, img, viewer, line, charPositionInLine, token); } public static ICompletionProposal createPropertyProposal(String displayString, String replacementString, ITextViewer viewer, int line, int charPositionInLine, Token token) { Image img = null; if (viewer != null && viewer.getTextWidget() != null) { img = getPropertyImage(viewer); } return createProposal(displayString, replacementString, img, viewer, line, charPositionInLine, token); } public static int getOffset(ITextViewer viewer, int line, int charPositionInLine) { if (viewer != null) { try { return viewer.getDocument().getLineOffset(line) + charPositionInLine; } catch (BadLocationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return 0; } public static boolean isContained(SequenceElement e, Set<SequenceElement> templateFirstAtomicSet) { if (e != null) { return templateFirstAtomicSet.contains(e); } return false; } public static boolean isInToken(int line, int charPositionInLine, Token t) { if (line != getLine(t)) { return false; } if (charPositionInLine < getCharPositionInLine(t)) { return false; } if (charPositionInLine > getCharPositionInLine(t) + getLength(t)) { return false; } return true; } public static int getAbsoluteOffset(ITextViewer viewer, int line, int charPositionInLine) throws BadLocationException { return viewer.getDocument().getLineInformation(line).getOffset() + charPositionInLine; } public static String getDocumentContents(ITextViewer viewer) { return viewer.getDocument().get(); } public static int getCharPositionInLine(Token token) { // ANTRL line positions start at 0 return token.getCharPositionInLine(); } public static int getLine(Token token) { // ANTRL lines start at 1 return token.getLine() - 1; } public static int getLength(Token token) { int length = 0; if (token.getText() != null) { length = token.getText().length(); } return length; } public static boolean isContextAtWhitespace(ITextViewer viewer, CtsContentAssistContext context) throws BadLocationException { if (context != null) { if (context.getToken() != null) { String contents = getDocumentContents(viewer); int offset = getAbsoluteOffset(viewer, getLine(context.getToken()), getCharPositionInLine(context.getToken())); char c = contents.charAt(offset); if (isWhitespace(c)) { return true; } } } return false; } public static void fixTokenText(ITextViewer viewer, Token t) throws BadLocationException { // assumes the tokens line and charPositionInLine point to its start // location String contents = getDocumentContents(viewer); int curOffset = CtsContentAssistUtil.getAbsoluteOffset(viewer, getLine(t), getCharPositionInLine(t)); String newText = ""; boolean firstWhitespace = true; while (curOffset < contents.length()) { char c = contents.charAt(curOffset); if (!isWhitespace(c)) { firstWhitespace = false; newText += c; } else { if (!firstWhitespace) { break; } // move token to the right or down if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') { t.setCharPositionInLine(t.getCharPositionInLine() + 1); } if (c == '\n') { t.setLine(t.getLine() + 1); } } curOffset++; } t.setText(newText); } /** * * @param viewer * @param offset * 0..n-1 * @return * @throws BadLocationException */ public static int getLine(ITextViewer viewer, int offset) throws BadLocationException { return viewer.getDocument().getLineOfOffset(offset); } public static boolean isAtEndOfToken(int line, int charPositionInLine, Token t) { if (line != getLine(t)) { return false; } if (charPositionInLine == getCharPositionInLine(t) + getLength(t)) { return true; } return false; } public static boolean isAtomic(Property p, Map<List<String>, Map<String, ClassTemplate>> classTemplateMap) { ETypedElement s = TcsUtil.getStructuralFeature(p); if (s != null) { if (s instanceof EReference) { if (!PropertyArgumentUtil.containsRefersToArg(p) && !PropertyArgumentUtil.containsAsArg(p) && !PropertyArgumentUtil.containsLookupScopePArg(p)) { return false; } } if (s instanceof EAttribute && classTemplateMap != null) { // check if we have a non-primitive type attribute by querying // classTemplateMap List<String> typeName = TcsUtil.getQualifiedName(TcsUtil.getType(p)); if (classTemplateMap.containsKey(typeName)) { return false; } } } return true; } public static Stack<Property> duplicatePropertyStack(Stack<Property> source) { if (source == null) { return null; } Stack<Property> copiedPropertyStack = new Stack<Property>(); for (Property p : source) { copiedPropertyStack.push(p); } return copiedPropertyStack; } public static Stack<FunctionCall> duplicateFunctionCallStack(Stack<FunctionCall> source) { if (source == null) { return null; } Stack<FunctionCall> copiedFunctionCallStack = new Stack<FunctionCall>(); for (FunctionCall p : source) { copiedFunctionCallStack.push(p); } return copiedFunctionCallStack; } public static Stack<Template> duplicateTemplateStack(Stack<Template> source) { if (source == null) { return null; } Stack<Template> copiedTemplateStack = new Stack<Template>(); for (Template p : source) { copiedTemplateStack.push(p); } return copiedTemplateStack; } }