package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import com.extjs.gxt.charts.client.Chart; import com.extjs.gxt.charts.client.model.ChartModel; import com.extjs.gxt.charts.client.model.Legend; import com.extjs.gxt.charts.client.model.Legend.Position; import com.extjs.gxt.charts.client.model.axis.XAxis; import com.extjs.gxt.charts.client.model.axis.YAxis; import com.extjs.gxt.charts.client.model.charts.StackedBarChart; import com.extjs.gxt.charts.client.model.charts.StackedBarChart.StackValue; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.ContentPanel; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.LayoutContainer; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.layout.FitLayout; import; import; import; import; public class ChartPanel extends LayoutContainer implements ISaveListener { private ChartModel chartModel; private final OpportunityServiceAsync oppService = GWT.create(OpportunityService.class); private AsyncCallback<List<SalesByMonthDTO>> chartCB = new AsyncCallback<List<SalesByMonthDTO>>() { public void onSuccess(List<SalesByMonthDTO> result) { statusDisplay.finishRPC(); updateChart(result); } public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { statusDisplay.finishRPC(); statusDisplay.error("Could not get chart data from server."); GWT.log("Could not get chart data from server.", caught); } }; private StackedBarChart chart; private Chart chartWidget; private IStatusDisplay statusDisplay; public ChartPanel(IStatusDisplay status) { super(); statusDisplay = status; ((ServiceDefTarget) oppService).setServiceEntryPoint("http://localhost:8282/runlet/main/opportunity"); } @Override protected void onRender(Element parent, int index) { super.onRender(parent, index); ContentPanel cp = new ContentPanel(); cp.setHeading("Open Opportunity Pipeline [$] by Month of Closing Date" + " (for all Opps with a closing date in the last 30 or next 150 days)"); cp.setHeight(300); cp.setFrame(true); cp.setLayout(new FitLayout()); String url = "main/chart/open-flash-chart.swf"; chartWidget = new Chart(url); chartModel = createBarChartData(); chartWidget.setChartModel(chartModel); cp.add(chartWidget); updateChart(); add(cp); } private ChartModel createBarChartData() { ChartModel cm = new ChartModel(); Legend legend = new Legend(Position.RIGHT); cm.setLegend(legend); cm.setBackgroundColour("#eeffee"); cm.setDecimalSeparatorComma(true); XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setLabels("June 2009", "July 2009", "August 2009", "September 2009"); xa.setGridColour("#AAAAAA"); xa.setColour("#AAAAAA"); cm.setXAxis(xa); YAxis ya = new YAxis(); ya.setRange(0, 20000); ya.setSteps(2000); ya.setGridColour("#AAAAAA"); ya.setColour("#AAAAAA"); cm.setYAxis(ya); chart = new StackedBarChart(); chart.setTooltip("$#val#"); cm.addChartConfig(chart); return cm; } private void updateChart(List<SalesByMonthDTO> result) { List<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>(4); List<StackValue> stack = new ArrayList<StackValue>(3); chart.set("values", null); int maxSales = 10; for (SalesByMonthDTO sbm : result) { labels.add(sbm.month); stack.clear(); int thisSales = 0; for (ExpectedSalesDTO es : sbm.sales) { String color = ""; if (es.phase.equals("Decision Making")) { color = "FD7400"; } else if (es.phase.equals("Final Phase")) { color = "FFE11A"; } else { color = "BEDB39"; } thisSales += es.expectedVolume; stack.add(new StackedBarChart.StackValue(es.expectedVolume, color)); } maxSales = (thisSales > maxSales) ? thisSales : maxSales; chart.addStack(stack); } // calculate y-Axis max and steps chartModel.getXAxis().setLabels(labels); chartModel.getYAxis().setMax(maxSales * 1.1); float steps = maxSales / 10; int exp = 1; while (steps >= 100) { exp *= 10; steps = Math.round(steps / 10); } steps = steps * exp; chartModel.getYAxis().setSteps(steps); chartWidget.setChartModel(chartModel); } public void updateChart(Date transactionTime) { statusDisplay.startRPC(); oppService.getChartData(transactionTime, chartCB); } public void updateChart() { statusDisplay.startRPC(); oppService.getChartData(chartCB); } @Override public void opportunitiesSaved() { //TODO: one important assumptions here: if we get a save event // we are sure to show the chart for the current data. changes // on past data are not possible. updateChart(); } }