package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Incremental Lexer Servers as an intermediate class that serves the incremental parsing capabilities for an arbitrary batch * lexer and parser. * * <b>Adaption to specific lexer implementations:</b> It is the responsibility of sublcasses of this class to adapt the * incremental lexing capabilities to a specific lexer/parser implementation. An important requirement is that these * implementations need to track the lookahead of the batch lexer. It is assumed that the difference between constructionLoc (the * place representing the end of the token being constructed ) readLoc is set according to the lookahead that was done by the * lexer. This information is then used to identify how much further the lexer had to look to decide the the boundaries and type * of the token. Lookahead is then stored in the tokens and upon incremental lexing used to identify what other tokens are * affected by a change within a specific tokens. In fact, these are exactly those tokens which had a lookahead reaching this * changed token. * * @author C5106462 * */ public abstract class IncrementalLexer extends IncrementalRecognizer { private LexerAdapter batchLexer; private List<AbstractToken> tokenList; protected AbstractToken readToken; private TokenLocation constructionLoc; protected TokenLocation readLoc; protected int readOffset; protected int constructionOffset; protected AbstractToken constructionToken; private final List<TextBlock> changedBlocks = new ArrayList<TextBlock>(); protected ShortPrettyPrinter shortPrettyPrinter; public IncrementalLexer(LexerAdapter lexerAdapter, IModelElementInvestigator mi) { this.shortPrettyPrinter = new ShortPrettyPrinter(mi); setBatchLexer(lexerAdapter); getBatchLexer().setIncrementalLexer(this); } protected void setBatchLexer(LexerAdapter batchLexer) { this.batchLexer = batchLexer; } public LexerAdapter getBatchLexer() { return batchLexer; } public Eostoken getEOS() { if (!EcoreHelper.isAlive(eosRef)) { eosRef = createEOSToken(textblocksFactory, Version.CURRENT); } return eosRef; } public Bostoken getBOS() { return bosRef; } public static Bostoken createBOSToken(TextblocksFactory tbFactory, Version version) { Bostoken bos = tbFactory.createBostoken(); TbVersionUtil.setVersion(bos, version); bos.setValue(BOS); bos.setType(getBOSTokenType()); return bos; } public static Eostoken createEOSToken(TextblocksFactory tbFactory, Version version) { Eostoken eos = tbFactory.createEostoken(); TbVersionUtil.setVersion(eos, version); eos.setValue(EOS); eos.setType(getEOSTokenType()); return eos; } public void setSource(AbstractToken startNode) { readToken = startNode; } /** * This is the main method of the incremental lexer. It should be called whenever changes were made to the textblocks model so * that tokens changed their values or were deleted. It operates on the {@link Version#PREVIOUS} version of the * <code>root</code> text block. * * @param root * the root Textblock of the document that should be lexed * @return <code>true</code> if lexing was successful, <code>false</code> else */ public boolean lex(TextBlock root) { changedBlocks.clear(); // get EOS and BOS from root block setEOSFromRoot(root); setBOSFromRoot(root); // Ensure correct version to work with; root = getOtherVersion(root, Version.PREVIOUS); if (root == null) { // no previous version there, this means no changes made // so return successfully! return true; } boolean success = false; try { // mark real changes applyMarking(root); // lex all changed tokens, success = lexPhase(root); // textBlock hierarchy not changed, textBlock token contents updated if (success) { updateLookbacks(root); } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { success = false; TextBlock referenceVersion = getOtherVersion(root, Version.REFERENCE); TextBlock previousVersion = getOtherVersion(root, Version.PREVIOUS); TextBlock currentVersion = getOtherVersion(root, Version.CURRENT); Activator .logError("Unexpected Exception during incremental lexing! Check the following exception:\n" + "Reference Block:\n" + referenceVersion == null ? "<none>" : TbDebugUtil.getTextBlockAsAnnotatedString(referenceVersion) + "\n\nPrevious Block:\n" + previousVersion == null ? "<none>" : TbDebugUtil.getTextBlockAsAnnotatedString(previousVersion) + "\n\nCurrent Block:\n" + currentVersion == null ? "<none>" : TbDebugUtil .getTextBlockAsAnnotatedString(currentVersion)); Activator.logError(ex); throw ex; } finally { if (!success) { // lexing didn't work so go back to previous version. It should not have been affected. TbChangeUtil.revertToVersion(root, Version.PREVIOUS); } } return success; } /** * Proceed to the next token of the given <code>version</code>. * * @param token * @param version * @return */ protected static AbstractToken nextToken(AbstractToken token, Version version) { return TbNavigationUtil.nextToken(getOtherVersion(token, version)); } protected static AbstractToken previousToken(AbstractToken tok, Version version) { return TbNavigationUtil.previousToken(getOtherVersion(tok, version)); } /** * Returns the first token of the subtree. * * @param node * @param version * @return */ private static AbstractToken firstToken(DocumentNode node, Version version) { node = getOtherVersion(node, version); return TbNavigationUtil.firstToken(node); } /** * Starts the marking phase. * * @param node */ private void applyMarking(DocumentNode node) { DocumentNode r = node; if (isToken(node)) { if (lexemeChanged((AbstractToken) r)) { markFrom((AbstractToken) node); // Handle textual changes. } } else { TextBlock tb = (TextBlock) node; // Handle structural changes. List<? extends DocumentNode> previousVersionSubNodes = getSubNodes(tb); if (hasChildChanges(tb, Version.REFERENCE)) { TextBlock referenceVersionTb = getOtherVersion(tb, Version.REFERENCE); List<? extends DocumentNode> referenceVersionSubNodes = getSubNodes(referenceVersionTb); for (int iPrevious = 0, iReference = 0; iPrevious < previousVersionSubNodes.size() || iReference < referenceVersionSubNodes.size();) { DocumentNode previousVersionNode = null; DocumentNode referenceVersionNode = null; if (iPrevious < previousVersionSubNodes.size()) { previousVersionNode = previousVersionSubNodes.get(iPrevious); } if (iReference < referenceVersionSubNodes.size()) { referenceVersionNode = referenceVersionSubNodes.get(iReference); } if (previousVersionNode != null && getOtherVersion(previousVersionNode, Version.REFERENCE) == null) { // new node created // Mark first token not earlier than the leading edge of // the original subtree. markFrom(tokenBefore(previousVersionNode, Version.PREVIOUS)); // Mark first token after the original subtree. markFrom(firstTokenAfter(previousVersionNode, Version.PREVIOUS)); iPrevious++; } if (referenceVersionNode != null && getOtherVersion(referenceVersionNode, Version.PREVIOUS) == null) { // node deleted // Mark first token not earlier than the leading edge of // the original subtree. AbstractToken tokenBefore = tokenBefore(referenceVersionNode, Version.REFERENCE); if (tokenBefore != null && existsInVersion(tokenBefore, Version.PREVIOUS)) { // always mark the PREVIOUS Version markFrom(getOtherVersion(tokenBefore, Version.PREVIOUS)); } // Mark first token after the original subtree. AbstractToken firstTokenAfter = firstTokenAfter(referenceVersionNode, Version.REFERENCE); if (firstTokenAfter != null && existsInVersion(firstTokenAfter, Version.PREVIOUS)) { // always mark the PREVIOUS Version markFrom(getOtherVersion(firstTokenAfter, Version.PREVIOUS)); } iReference++; } else { iReference++; iPrevious++; } } } // Recursively process any edits within this subtree. /* * TODO changed from original:REFERENCE check if this is still correct */ if (hasNestedChanges(tb, Version.PREVIOUS)) { for (int i = 0; i < previousVersionSubNodes.size(); i++) { applyMarking(previousVersionSubNodes.get(i)); } } } } /** * Retrieves to token that is just in front of the given subtree/token * * @param referenceVersionNode * @param reference * @return */ private static AbstractToken tokenBefore(DocumentNode referenceVersionNode, Version version) { if (isToken(referenceVersionNode)) { return TbNavigationUtil.previousToken((AbstractToken) referenceVersionNode); } else { return TbNavigationUtil.previousToken(firstToken(referenceVersionNode, version)); } } private boolean lexemeChanged(AbstractToken r) { AbstractToken previousVersion = getOtherVersion(r, Version.PREVIOUS); if (previousVersion == null) { // No previous version exists, which means token was not changed return false; } String r1Text = asString(previousVersion); AbstractToken referenceVersion = getOtherVersion(r, Version.REFERENCE); if (referenceVersion == null) { // no reference Version exists, so token was newly created for // PREVIOUS (only happens on token gaps) return true; } String r2Text = asString(referenceVersion); if (r1Text != null) { return !r1Text.equals(r2Text); } else { return r2Text != null; } } /** * Ensure that we have a valid state to re-start the lexer here. This backup occurs in the current tree. */ private void ensureStartable(AbstractToken tok) { if (tok instanceof Bostoken || tok instanceof Eostoken) { // There is nothing before the BOS or EOS Token so // nothing needs to be marked in front of it return; } for (AbstractToken prev = TbNavigationUtil.previousToken(tok); !isStartable(prev) && !marked(prev); prev = TbNavigationUtil .previousToken(prev)) { mark(prev); } } private boolean isStartable(AbstractToken tok2) { // TODO check the actual criterion for this return true; } /** * Begin incrementally lexing a new region starting at tok. */ private void setupForFirstToken(AbstractToken tok) { readToken = constructionToken = tok; constructionOffset = readOffset = 0; readLoc = new TokenLocation(readToken, readOffset); this.constructionLoc = new TokenLocation(constructionToken, constructionOffset); tokenList = new ArrayList<AbstractToken>(); } /** * Return the next re-lexed token. TODO: check whether tokens from the previous or reference version can be re-used. */ private AbstractToken nextNewToken() { if (tokenList.isEmpty()) { tokenList.addAll(getBatchLexer().moreTokens()); } for (AbstractToken tok : tokenList) { // as index() only returned a position relative to the last // construction token // we need to fix this here before returning the token tok.setOffset(tok.getOffset() + TbUtil.getAbsoluteOffset(getConstructionLoc().getTok())); advance(asString(tok).length()); tok.setLookahead(deltaInChars(readLoc, getConstructionLoc())); } return tokenList.remove(0); } /** * Sets the new start position from where to start lexing the next token by advancing in the document tree by * <code>length</code>. * * @param constructionLoc * @param length */ private void advance(int length) { while (getConstructionLoc().getOffset() + length > asString(getConstructionLoc().getTok()).length()) { length = length - asString(getConstructionLoc().getTok()).length() + getConstructionLoc().getOffset(); getConstructionLoc().setTok(nextToken(getConstructionLoc().getTok(), Version.PREVIOUS)); getConstructionLoc().setOffset(0); if (isEOS(getConstructionLoc().getTok())) { return; } } getConstructionLoc().setOffset(getConstructionLoc().getOffset() + length); } protected String getSynchronizedValue(AbstractToken candidate) { String candidateValue = candidate.getValue(); if (candidateValue == null) { candidateValue = shortPrettyPrinter.resynchronizeToEditableState(candidate); } return candidateValue; } /** * Restore consistency to the entire token stream. * * @return <code>true</code> if lexing happened without errors, <code>false</code> else. */ private boolean lexPhase(TextBlock root) { // first create a new version of the tree // TODO: this should be enhanced by only creating new versions of // changed regions and re-using the old untouched rest. TextBlock currentRoot = getOtherVersion(root, Version.CURRENT); if (currentRoot == null) { currentRoot = (TextBlock) TbUtil.createNewCopy(root, Version.CURRENT, true, shortPrettyPrinter); } else { // TODO fix possibly incomplete textblocks to be able to reuse or // recreate them for current version TbChangeUtil.revertToVersion(root, Version.PREVIOUS); currentRoot = (TextBlock) TbUtil.createNewCopy(root, Version.CURRENT, true, shortPrettyPrinter); } for (AbstractToken tok = findNextRegion(root); !isEOS(tok); // as we are now at the right edge of the last section we need to go to // the next token // of the current version and then back to the previous version to find // the next changed region tok = isEOS(tok) ? tok : findNextRegion(getOtherVersion(nextToken(tok, Version.CURRENT), Version.PREVIOUS))) { TextBlock previousParentBlock = tok.getParent(); TextBlock currentTextBlock = getCurrentVersion(previousParentBlock); changedBlocks.add(currentTextBlock); // remove old token from current textblock it will be replaced by // newly lexed tokens AbstractToken oldTokenInCurrentBlock = getOtherVersion(tok, Version.CURRENT); int index = currentTextBlock.getSubNodes().indexOf(oldTokenInCurrentBlock); // fetch newly lexed token setupForFirstToken(tok); tok = nextNewToken(); while (!canStopLexing(tok)) { addTokenIfNecessaryAndUpdateOffetsAndLengths(tok, currentTextBlock, index++); makeOffsetRelativeToBlock(tok, tok.getParent()); // move to next new token tok = nextNewToken(); // if lexing proceeded to next previous-version token switch // to this one in current version as well and delete all CURRENT tokens that were // read over during lexing for (AbstractToken remainingToken : removeAllOutdatedTokensFromCurrentVersion(oldTokenInCurrentBlock)) { oldTokenInCurrentBlock = remainingToken; if (!oldTokenInCurrentBlock.getParent().equals(currentTextBlock)) { currentTextBlock = oldTokenInCurrentBlock.getParent(); changedBlocks.add(currentTextBlock); index = currentTextBlock.getSubNodes().indexOf(oldTokenInCurrentBlock); } } } if (!tok.isOffsetRelative()) { makeOffsetRelativeToBlock(tok, currentTextBlock); } // delete old current version token as it won't be deleted in the // cleanup due to its "current" version status if (oldTokenInCurrentBlock instanceof Eostoken && !wasReUsed(oldTokenInCurrentBlock)) { TbChangeUtil.delete(oldTokenInCurrentBlock); } } // Adds EOS token if missing fro mnew copy: TODO When and why would we // ever expect this to happen? if (!(currentRoot.getSubNodes().get(currentRoot.getSubNodes().size() - 1) instanceof Eostoken)) { AbstractToken eosTok = createEOSToken(textblocksFactory, Version.CURRENT); eosTok.setOffset(currentRoot.getLength()); eosTok.setOffsetRelative(true); currentRoot.getSubNodes().add(eosTok); } // If a token was (re-)moved because it's lexeme was joined with another // token of // another textblock the textblocks length and offset might need to be // udpated. for (TextBlock tb : changedBlocks) { TbChangeUtil.updateBlockLength(tb); } if (!batchLexer.hasErrors()) { for (TextBlock tb : changedBlocks) { TbValidationUtil.assertTextBlockConsistencyRecursive(tb); } return true; } else { return false; } } private void makeOffsetRelativeToBlock(AbstractToken tok, TextBlock currentTextBlock) { // make offset relative to textblock // currently it is relative to the offset of the previous // version of this token tok.setOffset(tok.getOffset() - TbUtil.getAbsoluteOffset(currentTextBlock)); if (tok.getOffset() < 0 && !tok.isOffsetRelative()) { // this may happen if a token gets merged into a subblock // then it is always the first token and we need to adapt // the offset of the block and all other tokens of the block currentTextBlock.setOffset(currentTextBlock.getOffset() + tok.getOffset()); TbChangeUtil.updateOffsetsWithinTextBlock(tok, tok.getOffset()); tok.setOffset(0); } tok.setOffsetRelative(true); } private void addTokenIfNecessaryAndUpdateOffetsAndLengths(AbstractToken tok, TextBlock currentTextBlock, int index) { // add new tokens at position of oldTokens // if the token is re-used it has to be first // extracted from its original parent if (tok.getParent() != null) { // if the original parent was a direct or indirect child of the // current node it can be left there if (!(TbUtil.isAncestorOf(currentTextBlock, tok.getParent()) || currentTextBlock.equals(tok.getParent()))) { tok.setParent(null); currentTextBlock.getSubNodes().add(index, tok); TbChangeUtil.updateLengthAscending(currentTextBlock, tok.getLength()); TbChangeUtil.updateOffsets(tok, tok.getLength()); // increment so that next new tokens will be added behind // this new one } else { int lengthDiff = tok.getLength() - getOtherVersion(tok, Version.PREVIOUS).getLength(); TbChangeUtil.updateLengthAscending(tok.getParent(), lengthDiff); TbChangeUtil.updateOffsets(tok, lengthDiff); } } else { currentTextBlock.getSubNodes().add(index, tok); TbChangeUtil.updateLengthAscending(currentTextBlock, tok.getLength()); TbChangeUtil.updateOffsets(tok, tok.getLength()); // increment so that next new tokens will be added behind // this new one } } /** * Removes all tokens from the CURRENT model which are outdated because new versions have been instantiated for them. TODO: * Note that this is done because the original CURRENT version was produced using a copy of the PREVIOUS version. If a more * selective versioning is used this needs to be changed/or removed. * * @return remaining tokens */ private Collection<AbstractToken> removeAllOutdatedTokensFromCurrentVersion(AbstractToken oldTokenInCurrentBlock) { AbstractToken constructionLocToken = getOtherVersion(getConstructionLoc().getTok(), Version.CURRENT); AbstractToken currentToken = oldTokenInCurrentBlock; while (!currentToken.equals(constructionLocToken)) { AbstractToken deleteToken = currentToken; // need to navigate using previous version because current might // have already been disconnected from the tree currentToken = navigateToNextCURRENTTokenUsingPreviousVersion(currentToken); // the token may have been re-used but only when the lexer didn't // "read over" it. // Read over is the case when the token is before the current // constructionLocation if (!wasReUsed(deleteToken)) { TextBlock deleteTokenParent = deleteToken.getParent(); TbChangeUtil.updateLengthAscending(deleteTokenParent, -deleteToken.getLength()); if (TbNavigationUtil.isFirstInSubTree(currentToken)) { currentToken.getParent().setOffset(currentToken.getParent().getOffset() - deleteToken.getLength()); TbChangeUtil.updateOffsets(currentToken.getParent(), -deleteToken.getLength()); } else { TbChangeUtil.updateOffsets(currentToken, -deleteToken.getLength()); } TbChangeUtil.delete(deleteToken); if (TbNavigationUtil.getSubNodesSize(deleteTokenParent) == 0) { changedBlocks.remove(deleteTokenParent); TbChangeUtil.delete(deleteTokenParent); } } } return Collections.singleton(currentToken); } protected abstract boolean wasReUsed(AbstractToken deleteToken); private static AbstractToken navigateToNextCURRENTTokenUsingPreviousVersion(AbstractToken oldTokenInCurrentBlock) { oldTokenInCurrentBlock = TbNavigationUtil.nextToken(getOtherVersion(oldTokenInCurrentBlock, Version.PREVIOUS)); // now the current version again oldTokenInCurrentBlock = getOtherVersion(oldTokenInCurrentBlock, Version.CURRENT); return oldTokenInCurrentBlock; } /** * Gets or creates the {@link Version#CURRENT} version of the Textblock. */ private TextBlock getCurrentVersion(TextBlock tb) { TextBlock currentVersion = getOtherVersion(tb, Version.CURRENT); if (currentVersion == null) { currentVersion = textblocksFactory.createTextBlock(); tb.eResource().getContents().add(currentVersion); currentVersion.setVersion(Version.CURRENT); TbUtil.referenceVersions(currentVersion, tb); if (tb.getParent() == null) { // If its the root block then add also the BOS token currentVersion.getSubNodes().add(createBOSToken(textblocksFactory, Version.CURRENT)); } // also copy cached string represenation currentVersion.setCachedString(tb.getCachedString()); } return currentVersion; } /** * Determine when previous and current token streams merge again. */ private boolean canStopLexing(AbstractToken tok) { if (isEOS(tok)) { return true; } if (tok.getParent() == null) { return false; // need one more iteration to add. } boolean atEndOfConstruction = getConstructionLoc().getOffset() == getConstructionLoc().getTok().getLength(); boolean notMarked = !marked(getConstructionLoc().getTok()); return tokenList.isEmpty() && atEndOfConstruction && notMarked && isStartable(tok); } /** * Updates all token lookback counts after re-lexing. * * @param root */ private void updateLookbacks(TextBlock root) { // Ensure to work on current version; DocumentNode node = getOtherVersion(root, Version.CURRENT); while (node != null && !isEOS(node)) { if (isToken(node)) { AbstractToken tok = (AbstractToken) node; if (wasReLexed(tok)) { node = fixLookbacks(tok); } else { node = nextSubtree(tok); } } else if (hasNestedChanges((TextBlock) node, Version.PREVIOUS)) { // Which // version? node = getSubNodeAt(((TextBlock) node), 0); } else { node = nextSubtree(node); } } } /** * Process a re-lexed region starting at tok. */ private AbstractToken fixLookbacks(AbstractToken tok) { LookAheadSet laSet = new LookAheadSet(); if (!isBOS(tok)) { // Extract lookback count (if different in current version, use old // value). int lb = nextToken(TbNavigationUtil.previousToken(tok), Version.REFERENCE).getLookback(); AbstractToken bootTok = tok; while (lb-- > 0 && tokensConverge(getOtherVersion(TbNavigationUtil.previousToken(bootTok), Version.REFERENCE), getOtherVersion(TbNavigationUtil.previousToken(bootTok), Version.PREVIOUS)) && !wasReLexed(TbNavigationUtil.previousToken(bootTok))) { bootTok = TbNavigationUtil.previousToken(bootTok); } // Initialize the lookahead set from the bootstrap region. while (bootTok != tok) { laSet.advance(bootTok.getLength()); laSet.addItem(bootTok); bootTok = TbNavigationUtil.nextToken(bootTok); } } do { // Set the lookback for re-lexed tokens. while (wasReLexed(tok)) { tok.setLookback(laSet.computeLookback()); laSet.advance(asString(tok).length()); laSet.addItem(tok); tok = TbNavigationUtil.nextToken(tok); } // Symmetric to bootstrap: process unmodified tokens reached by // lookahead from re-lexed area. while (!isEOS(tok) && !wasReLexed(tok) && !laSet.allItemsDiscardable() && tok.getLookback() != laSet.computeLookback()) { tok.setLookback(laSet.computeLookback()); laSet.advance(tok.getLength()); laSet.addItem(tok); tok = TbNavigationUtil.nextToken(tok); } } while (wasReLexed(tok)); return tok; // Return first clean token or eos to caller. } /** * Checks whether two tokens correspond to each other in the token stream. This is the case when they are linked as versions * to each other and additionally there lexeme is still the same. * * @param t1 * @param t2 * @return */ private boolean tokensConverge(AbstractToken t1, AbstractToken t2) { return t1.getOtherVersions().contains(t2) && getSynchronizedValue(t1).equals(getSynchronizedValue(t2)); } /** * Retrieves the first token of the next subtree of the <code>oldChild</code>'s subtree. * * @param oldChild * @param version * @return */ private AbstractToken firstTokenAfter(DocumentNode oldChild, Version version) { oldChild = getOtherVersion(oldChild, version); if (isEOS(oldChild)) { return (AbstractToken) oldChild; } oldChild = firstToken(nextSubtree(oldChild), version); // while (!isToken(oldChild)) { // oldChild = getSubNodes(((TextBlock) oldChild)) // .get(0); // } return (AbstractToken) oldChild; } private static boolean existsInVersion(AbstractToken tok, Version v) { return tok.getVersion().equals(v) || getOtherVersion(tok, v) != null; } /** * Explicitly mark tokens dependent upon tok for re-lexing. This backup occurs in the last-lexed tree. */ private void markFrom(AbstractToken tok) { if (!existsInVersion(tok, Version.PREVIOUS)) { // || !existsInVersion(tok, Version.REFERENCE)) return; } mark(tok); ensureStartable(tok); // Check everything in its lookback set. for (int ov = tok.getLookback(); ov > 0; --ov) { tok = previousToken(tok, Version.PREVIOUS); if (isBOS(tok)) { return; } if (!existsInVersion(tok, Version.PREVIOUS)/* see above */ || marked(tok)) { continue; } mark(tok); ensureStartable(tok); } } /** * Needs to be overwritten by parser specific subclass to be able to extract lexeme from parser specific token represntations. * * @param token * @return */ protected abstract String asString(AbstractToken token); public TokenLocation getConstructionLoc() { return constructionLoc; } public AbstractToken getReadToken() { return readToken; } public TokenLocation getReadLoc() { return readLoc; } }