package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import; import java.util.Collection; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A test case that tests if foreach predicate property inits are executed correctly. * * The revenues of an author are defined by the following expression: <code>{{ revenues=foreach("OCL:self.articles", as=RevenueLedger) }}</code>. * Thus for each article of an author a new RevenueLedger model element should be created. * * When a new RevenueLedger model element is created the feature revenueInEUR is evaluated according to the following expression: * <code>revenueInEUR=lookIn("OCL:#foreach(BibText::Article)") }}</code>. * * This testcase tests both cases using an example that contains one article and two authors. * * @author Sebastian Schlag (D049672) * */ public class TestForeachPredicateProperty extends GeneratedParserBasedTest { private static final String LANGUAGE = "ForeachPredicatePropertyInit"; private static final File TCS = FeatureFixtureData.FOREACH_PREDICATE_PROPERTY_INIT_TCS; private static final File METAMODEL = FeatureFixtureData.FOREACH_PREDICATE_PROPERTY_INIT_METAMODEL; private static final String PACKAGE_URI = FeatureFixtureData.FOREACH_PREDICATE_PROPERTY_INIT_PACKAGE_URI; private static EMFParsingHelper parsingHelper; private EObject johnDoe = null; private EObject janeDoll = null; @BeforeClass public static void setupParser() throws Exception { GeneratedParserTestConfiguration testConfig = new GeneratedParserTestConfiguration(LANGUAGE, TCS, METAMODEL); TCSSyntaxContainerBean syntaxBean = parseSyntax(testConfig); ParserFacade facade = generateParserForLanguage(syntaxBean, testConfig, new ClassLookupImpl()); parsingHelper = new EMFParsingHelper(facade, testConfig, PACKAGE_URI); } @Before public void initializeModel() throws Exception { String sample = "article{ Testing, \"John Doe\", }" + "article{ Second, \"John Doe\", }" + "author = \"John Doe\"." + "author = \"Jane Doll\"."; ModelParsingResult parsingResult = parsingHelper.parseString(sample, /*expected errors*/ 0); EObject bibTexFile = (EObject) parsingResult.getParsedModelElement(); assertNotNull(bibTexFile); EClass bibTexFileClass = bibTexFile.eClass(); assertEquals("BibTextFile", bibTexFileClass.getName()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<EObject> entries = (Collection<EObject>) bibTexFile.eGet(bibTexFileClass.getEStructuralFeature("entries")); assertEquals(4, entries.size()); for (EObject entry : entries) { if (entry.eClass().getName().equals("Author")) { if (entry.eGet(entry.eClass().getEStructuralFeature("name")).equals("John Doe")) { johnDoe = entry; } else if (entry.eGet(entry.eClass().getEStructuralFeature("name")).equals("Jane Doll")) { janeDoll = entry; } } } } /** * Since the sample code has two authors (John Doe, Jane Doll) and two articles (written by John Doe), the Jane Doll * object should <em>not</em> contain a RevenueLedger model element. Since the article is written by John Doe, the * John Doe object should contain <em>two</em> RevenueLedger model elements, which's revenueInEUR should be set to * "John Doe".length() = 8. */ @Test public void testForeachPredicatePropertyInits() { // According to the example, no RevenueLedger model elements should have been created for author Jane Doll. Collection<?> janesRevenueLedgers = (Collection<?>) janeDoll.eGet( janeDoll.eClass().getEStructuralFeature("revenues")); assertEquals(0, janesRevenueLedgers.size()); // According to the example, two RevenueLedger model element should have been created for author John Doe // because he's author of two articles @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<EObject> johnsRevenueLedgers = (Collection<EObject>) johnDoe.eGet(johnDoe.eClass().getEStructuralFeature("revenues")); assertEquals(2, johnsRevenueLedgers.size()); // According to the TCS file revenueInEUR should be set to the length of the author's name. for (EObject revenueLedger : johnsRevenueLedgers) { int revenueInEUR = (Integer) revenueLedger.eGet(revenueLedger.eClass() .getEStructuralFeature("revenueInEUR")); assertEquals("John Doe".length(), revenueInEUR); } } }