/* [The "BSD licence"] Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Terence Parr All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.antlr.test; import org.antlr.analysis.DFA; import org.antlr.analysis.DFAOptimizer; import org.antlr.codegen.CodeGenerator; import org.antlr.tool.*; import java.util.List; public class TestCharDFAConversion extends BaseTest { /** Public default constructor used by TestRig */ public TestCharDFAConversion() { } // R A N G E S & S E T S public void testSimpleRangeVersusChar() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "A : 'a'..'z' '@' | 'k' '$' ;"); g.createLookaheadDFAs(); String expecting = ".s0-'k'->.s1\n" + ".s0-{'a'..'j', 'l'..'z'}->:s2=>1\n" + ".s1-'$'->:s3=>2\n" + ".s1-'@'->:s2=>1\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testRangeWithDisjointSet() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "A : 'a'..'z' '@'\n" + " | ('k'|'9'|'p') '$'\n" + " ;\n"); g.createLookaheadDFAs(); // must break up a..z into {'a'..'j', 'l'..'o', 'q'..'z'} String expecting = ".s0-'9'->:s3=>2\n" + ".s0-{'a'..'j', 'l'..'o', 'q'..'z'}->:s2=>1\n" + ".s0-{'k', 'p'}->.s1\n" + ".s1-'$'->:s3=>2\n" + ".s1-'@'->:s2=>1\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testDisjointSetCollidingWithTwoRanges() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "A : ('a'..'z'|'0'..'9') '@'\n" + " | ('k'|'9'|'p') '$'\n" + " ;\n"); g.createLookaheadDFAs(false); // must break up a..z into {'a'..'j', 'l'..'o', 'q'..'z'} and 0..9 // into 0..8 String expecting = ".s0-{'0'..'8', 'a'..'j', 'l'..'o', 'q'..'z'}->:s2=>1\n" + ".s0-{'9', 'k', 'p'}->.s1\n" + ".s1-'$'->:s3=>2\n" + ".s1-'@'->:s2=>1\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testDisjointSetCollidingWithTwoRangesCharsFirst() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "A : ('k'|'9'|'p') '$'\n" + " | ('a'..'z'|'0'..'9') '@'\n" + " ;\n"); // must break up a..z into {'a'..'j', 'l'..'o', 'q'..'z'} and 0..9 // into 0..8 String expecting = ".s0-{'0'..'8', 'a'..'j', 'l'..'o', 'q'..'z'}->:s3=>2\n" + ".s0-{'9', 'k', 'p'}->.s1\n" + ".s1-'$'->:s2=>1\n" + ".s1-'@'->:s3=>2\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testDisjointSetCollidingWithTwoRangesAsSeparateAlts() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "A : 'a'..'z' '@'\n" + " | 'k' '$'\n" + " | '9' '$'\n" + " | 'p' '$'\n" + " | '0'..'9' '@'\n" + " ;\n"); // must break up a..z into {'a'..'j', 'l'..'o', 'q'..'z'} and 0..9 // into 0..8 String expecting = ".s0-'0'..'8'->:s8=>5\n" + ".s0-'9'->.s6\n" + ".s0-'k'->.s1\n" + ".s0-'p'->.s4\n" + ".s0-{'a'..'j', 'l'..'o', 'q'..'z'}->:s2=>1\n" + ".s1-'$'->:s3=>2\n" + ".s1-'@'->:s2=>1\n" + ".s4-'$'->:s5=>4\n" + ".s4-'@'->:s2=>1\n" + ".s6-'$'->:s7=>3\n" + ".s6-'@'->:s8=>5\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testKeywordVersusID() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "IF : 'if' ;\n" + // choose this over ID "ID : ('a'..'z')+ ;\n"); String expecting = ".s0-'a'..'z'->:s2=>1\n" + ".s0-<EOT>->:s1=>2\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); expecting = ".s0-'i'->.s1\n" + ".s0-{'a'..'h', 'j'..'z'}->:s4=>2\n" + ".s1-'f'->.s2\n" + ".s1-<EOT>->:s4=>2\n" + ".s2-'a'..'z'->:s4=>2\n" + ".s2-<EOT>->:s3=>1\n"; checkDecision(g, 2, expecting, null); } public void testIdenticalRules() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "A : 'a' ;\n" + "B : 'a' ;\n"); // can't reach this String expecting = ".s0-'a'->.s1\n" + ".s1-<EOT>->:s2=>1\n"; ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue(); ErrorManager.setErrorListener(equeue); checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, new int[] {2}); assertEquals("unexpected number of expected problems", 1, equeue.size()); Message msg = (Message)equeue.errors.get(0); assertTrue("warning must be an unreachable alt", msg instanceof GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage); GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage u = (GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage)msg; assertEquals("[2]", u.alts.toString()); } public void testAdjacentNotCharLoops() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "A : (~'r')+ ;\n" + "B : (~'s')+ ;\n"); String expecting = ".s0-'r'->:s3=>2\n" + ".s0-'s'->:s2=>1\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'q', 't'..'\\uFFFE'}->.s1\n" + ".s1-'r'->:s3=>2\n" + ".s1-<EOT>->:s2=>1\n" + ".s1-{'\\u0000'..'q', 't'..'\\uFFFE'}->.s1\n"; checkDecision(g, 3, expecting, null); } public void testNonAdjacentNotCharLoops() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "A : (~'r')+ ;\n" + "B : (~'t')+ ;\n"); String expecting = ".s0-'r'->:s3=>2\n" + ".s0-'t'->:s2=>1\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'q', 's', 'u'..'\\uFFFE'}->.s1\n" + ".s1-'r'->:s3=>2\n" + ".s1-<EOT>->:s2=>1\n" + ".s1-{'\\u0000'..'q', 's', 'u'..'\\uFFFE'}->.s1\n"; checkDecision(g, 3, expecting, null); } public void testLoopsWithOptimizedOutExitBranches() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "A : 'x'* ~'x'+ ;\n"); String expecting = ".s0-'x'->:s1=>1\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'w', 'y'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s2=>2\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); // The optimizer yanks out all exit branches from EBNF blocks // This is ok because we've already verified there are no problems // with the enter/exit decision DFAOptimizer optimizer = new DFAOptimizer(g); optimizer.optimize(); FASerializer serializer = new FASerializer(g); DFA dfa = g.getLookaheadDFA(1); String result = serializer.serialize(dfa.startState); expecting = ".s0-'x'->:s1=>1\n"; assertEquals(expecting, result); } // N O N G R E E D Y public void testNonGreedy() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "CMT : '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' ;"); String expecting = ".s0-'*'->.s1\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..')', '+'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s3=>1\n" + ".s1-'/'->:s2=>2\n" + ".s1-{'\\u0000'..'.', '0'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s3=>1\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testNonGreedyWildcardStar() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "SLCMT : '//' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '\n' ;"); String expecting = ".s0-'\\n'->:s1=>2\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'\\t', '\\u000B'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s2=>1\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testNonGreedyByDefaultWildcardStar() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "SLCMT : '//' .* '\n' ;"); String expecting = ".s0-'\\n'->:s1=>2\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'\\t', '\\u000B'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s2=>1\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testNonGreedyWildcardPlus() throws Exception { // same DFA as nongreedy .* but code gen checks number of // iterations at runtime Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "SLCMT : '//' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )+ '\n' ;"); String expecting = ".s0-'\\n'->:s1=>2\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'\\t', '\\u000B'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s2=>1\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testNonGreedyByDefaultWildcardPlus() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "SLCMT : '//' .+ '\n' ;"); String expecting = ".s0-'\\n'->:s1=>2\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'\\t', '\\u000B'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s2=>1\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testNonGreedyByDefaultWildcardPlusWithParens() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "SLCMT : '//' (.)+ '\n' ;"); String expecting = ".s0-'\\n'->:s1=>2\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'\\t', '\\u000B'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s2=>1\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testNonWildcardNonGreedy() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "DUH : (options {greedy=false;}:'x'|'y')* 'xy' ;"); String expecting = ".s0-'x'->.s1\n" + ".s0-'y'->:s4=>2\n" + ".s1-'x'->:s3=>1\n" + ".s1-'y'->:s2=>3\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testNonWildcardEOTMakesItWorkWithoutNonGreedyOption() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "DUH : ('x'|'y')* 'xy' ;"); String expecting = ".s0-'x'->.s1\n" + ".s0-'y'->:s3=>1\n" + ".s1-'x'->:s3=>1\n" + ".s1-'y'->.s2\n" + ".s2-'x'..'y'->:s3=>1\n" + ".s2-<EOT>->:s4=>2\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testAltConflictsWithLoopThenExit() throws Exception { // \" predicts alt 1, but wildcard then " can predict exit also Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "STRING : '\"' (options {greedy=false;}: '\\\\\"' | .)* '\"' ;\n" ); String expecting = ".s0-'\"'->:s1=>3\n" + ".s0-'\\\\'->.s2\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'!', '#'..'[', ']'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s4=>2\n" + ".s2-'\"'->:s3=>1\n" + ".s2-{'\\u0000'..'!', '#'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s4=>2\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testNonGreedyLoopThatNeverLoops() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar t;\n"+ "DUH : (options {greedy=false;}:'x')+ ;"); // loop never matched String expecting = ":s0=>2\n"; ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue(); ErrorManager.setErrorListener(equeue); checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, new int[] {1}); assertEquals("unexpected number of expected problems", 1, equeue.size()); Message msg = (Message)equeue.errors.get(0); assertTrue("warning must be an unreachable alt", msg instanceof GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage); GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage u = (GrammarUnreachableAltsMessage)msg; assertEquals("[1]", u.alts.toString()); } public void testRecursive() throws Exception { // this is cool because the 3rd alt includes !(all other possibilities) Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar duh;\n" + "SUBTEMPLATE\n" + " : '{'\n" + " ( SUBTEMPLATE\n" + " | ESC\n" + " | ~('}'|'\\\\'|'{')\n" + " )*\n" + " '}'\n" + " ;\n" + "fragment\n" + "ESC : '\\\\' . ;"); g.createLookaheadDFAs(); String expecting = ".s0-'\\\\'->:s2=>2\n" + ".s0-'{'->:s1=>1\n" + ".s0-'}'->:s4=>4\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'[', ']'..'z', '|', '~'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s3=>3\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testRecursive2() throws Exception { // this is also cool because it resolves \\ to be ESC alt; it's just // less efficient of a DFA Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar duh;\n" + "SUBTEMPLATE\n" + " : '{'\n" + " ( SUBTEMPLATE\n" + " | ESC\n" + " | ~('}'|'{')\n" + " )*\n" + " '}'\n" + " ;\n" + "fragment\n" + "ESC : '\\\\' . ;"); g.createLookaheadDFAs(); String expecting = ".s0-'\\\\'->.s3\n" + ".s0-'{'->:s2=>1\n" + ".s0-'}'->:s1=>4\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'[', ']'..'z', '|', '~'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s5=>3\n" + ".s3-'\\\\'->:s8=>2\n" + ".s3-'{'->:s7=>2\n" + ".s3-'}'->.s4\n" + ".s3-{'\\u0000'..'[', ']'..'z', '|', '~'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s6=>2\n" + ".s4-'\\u0000'..'\\uFFFE'->:s6=>2\n" + ".s4-<EOT>->:s5=>3\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testNotFragmentInLexer() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar T;\n"+ "A : 'a' | ~B {;} ;\n" + "fragment B : 'a' ;\n"); g.createLookaheadDFAs(); String expecting = ".s0-'a'->:s1=>1\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'`', 'b'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s2=>2\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testNotSetFragmentInLexer() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar T;\n"+ "A : B | ~B {;} ;\n" + "fragment B : 'a'|'b' ;\n"); g.createLookaheadDFAs(); String expecting = ".s0-'a'..'b'->:s1=>1\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'`', 'c'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s2=>2\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testNotTokenInLexer() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar T;\n"+ "A : 'x' ('a' | ~B {;}) ;\n" + "B : 'a' ;\n"); g.createLookaheadDFAs(); String expecting = ".s0-'a'->:s1=>1\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'`', 'b'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s2=>2\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testNotComplicatedSetRuleInLexer() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar T;\n"+ "A : B | ~B {;} ;\n" + "fragment B : 'a'|'b'|'c'..'e'|C ;\n" + "fragment C : 'f' ;\n"); // has to seen from B to C String expecting = ".s0-'a'..'f'->:s1=>1\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'`', 'g'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s2=>2\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testNotSetWithRuleInLexer() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar T;\n"+ "T : ~('a' | B) | 'a';\n" + "fragment\n" + "B : 'b' ;\n" + "C : ~'x'{;} ;"); // force Tokens to not collapse T|C String expecting = ".s0-'b'->:s3=>2\n" + ".s0-'x'->:s2=>1\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'a', 'c'..'w', 'y'..'\\uFFFE'}->.s1\n" + ".s1-<EOT>->:s2=>1\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testSetCallsRuleWithNot() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar A;\n" + "T : ~'x' ;\n" + "S : 'x' (T | 'x') ;\n"); String expecting = ".s0-'x'->:s2=>2\n" + ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'w', 'y'..'\\uFFFE'}->:s1=>1\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } public void testSynPredInLexer() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "lexer grammar T;\n"+ "LT: '<' ' '*\n" + " | ('<' IDENT) => '<' IDENT '>'\n" + // this was causing syntax error " ;\n" + "IDENT: 'a'+;\n"); // basically, Tokens rule should not do set compression test String expecting = ".s0-'<'->:s1=>1\n" + ".s0-'a'->:s2=>2\n"; checkDecision(g, 4, expecting, null); // 4 is Tokens rule } // S U P P O R T public void _template() throws Exception { Grammar g = new Grammar( "grammar T;\n"+ "a : A | B;"); String expecting = "\n"; checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null); } protected void checkDecision(Grammar g, int decision, String expecting, int[] expectingUnreachableAlts) throws Exception { // mimic actions of org.antlr.Tool first time for grammar g if ( g.getCodeGenerator()==null ) { CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(null, g, "Java"); g.setCodeGenerator(generator); g.buildNFA(); g.createLookaheadDFAs(false); } DFA dfa = g.getLookaheadDFA(decision); assertNotNull("unknown decision #"+decision, dfa); FASerializer serializer = new FASerializer(g); String result = serializer.serialize(dfa.startState); //System.out.print(result); List nonDetAlts = dfa.getUnreachableAlts(); //System.out.println("alts w/o predict state="+nonDetAlts); // first make sure nondeterministic alts are as expected if ( expectingUnreachableAlts==null ) { if ( nonDetAlts!=null && nonDetAlts.size()!=0 ) { System.err.println("nondeterministic alts (should be empty): "+nonDetAlts); } assertEquals("unreachable alts mismatch", 0, nonDetAlts!=null?nonDetAlts.size():0); } else { for (int i=0; i<expectingUnreachableAlts.length; i++) { assertTrue("unreachable alts mismatch", nonDetAlts!=null?nonDetAlts.contains(new Integer(expectingUnreachableAlts[i])):false); } } assertEquals(expecting, result); } }