package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Vector; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.CommandStack; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class is responsible to resolve {@link DelayedReference}s. This includes references * that could not instantly be resolved during parsing and references that need to be re-evaluated * because they might potentially change due to recent model changes. * <p> * The queue of the resolver is filled by the various {@link IAExpressionInvalidationChangeListener}s. * </p> */ public class ReferenceResolver { private final class ReferenceReevaluationCommand extends Command { private final DelayedReference ref; private ReferenceReevaluationCommand(DelayedReference ref) { super(ref.getConnection(), "Re-evaluate unresolved Reference: " + ref); this.ref = ref; } @Override public boolean canExecute() { return true; } @Override public void doExecute() { EPackage outermostPackage = AdapterEcoreHelper.getOutermostPackageThroughClusteredImports(getConnection(), (EObject) ref.getModelElement()); reEvaluateUnresolvedRef(getConnection(), outermostPackage, ref, (TextBlock) ref.getTextBlock()); } @Override public Collection<PartitionOperation> getAffectedPartitions() { PRI pri = ((EObject) ref.getModelElement()).get___Partition().getPri(); PartitionOperation editOperation = new PartitionOperation(PartitionOperation.Operation.EDIT, pri); return Collections.singleton(editOperation); } } /** * Synchronized access to this collection on this object (the * {@link ReferenceResolver} instance) because the repetition of reference * resolution is affected by it. */ private final Collection<DelayedReference> unresolvedReferences = new Vector<DelayedReference>(); private final IncrementalReferenceEvaluationRegistry registry; private final GlobalDelayedReferenceResolver notifier; public ReferenceResolver(GlobalDelayedReferenceResolver globalDelayedReferenceResolver, IncrementalReferenceEvaluationRegistry registry) { this.notifier = globalDelayedReferenceResolver; this.registry = registry; } /** * Attempt to resolve all queued unresolved references. References that * could not be resolved remain queued. * <p> * This method is thread safe: One thread at a time is responsible to resolve * references. Multiple threads however are allowed to queue new references, * while a resolve run is in progress. Those references will be picked up * automatically. * </p> */ public synchronized void resolveReferences(IProgressMonitor monitor) { synchronized (unresolvedReferences) { if (unresolvedReferences.isEmpty()) { return; // nothing to do, exit "early" } } boolean referencesAddedFromOutsideOrOneResolved; do { referencesAddedFromOutsideOrOneResolved = false; Collection<DelayedReference> failedReferences = new ArrayList<DelayedReference>(); Collection<DelayedReference> workingCopy = new ArrayList<DelayedReference>(); synchronized (unresolvedReferences) { workingCopy.addAll(unresolvedReferences); unresolvedReferences.clear(); } monitor.beginTask("Reevaluating OCL References...", workingCopy.size()); for (Entry<ResourceSet, Collection<DelayedReference>> referencesPerConnection : splitPerConnection(workingCopy).entrySet()) { CommandStack cmdStack = referencesPerConnection.getKey().getCommandStack(); if (cmdStack.canRedo()) { // the current connection is in the process of undoing commands // we may not issue reference resolving commands at this point, because // this would clear the redo stack and make it impossible to ever // redo the commands. failedReferences.addAll(referencesPerConnection.getValue()); Activator.logInfo("Deferring Reevaluation due to ongoing undo action"); continue; } cmdStack.openGroup("Re-evaluate unresolved References"); try { for (DelayedReference ref : referencesPerConnection.getValue()) { try { Command cmd = new ReferenceReevaluationCommand(ref); cmd.execute(); referencesAddedFromOutsideOrOneResolved = true; // no exception means successfully resolved // FIXME the comment above is high likely wrong! } catch (InvalidConnectionException ex) { Activator.logWarning("Could not re-resolve reference: " + ref + ". Connection: " + ref.getConnection() + " is not alive anymore! Reference is ignored and removed."); } catch (InvalidObjectException ex) { Activator.logWarning("Could not re-resolve reference: " + ref + ". Element: " + ref.getModelElement() + " is not alive anymore! Reference is ignored and removed."); } catch (PartitionEditingNotPossibleException ex) { Activator.logWarning("Could not re-resolve reference: " + ref + ". Partition: " + ex.getPri() + " is locked by connection " + ref.getConnection() + "! Will try again later"); failedReferences.add(ref); } catch (Exception ex) { Activator.logError(ex, " Could not re-resolve reference: " + ref + ". Reference is ignored and removed."); } monitor.worked(1); } } finally { cmdStack.closeGroup(); } } monitor.done(); synchronized (unresolvedReferences) { referencesAddedFromOutsideOrOneResolved = referencesAddedFromOutsideOrOneResolved || !hasEmptyQueue(); // will try to resolve deferred references again later; // re-queue. Note that this // doesn't force another run; if nothing changed, we still // wouldn't be able to resolve queueNewUnresolvedReferences(failedReferences); } } while (referencesAddedFromOutsideOrOneResolved); } private Map<ResourceSet, Collection<DelayedReference>> splitPerConnection(Collection<DelayedReference> workingCopy) { Map<ResourceSet, Collection<DelayedReference>> referencesPerConnection = new HashMap<ResourceSet, Collection<DelayedReference>>(); for (DelayedReference ref : workingCopy) { if (!referencesPerConnection.containsKey(ref.getConnection())) { referencesPerConnection.put(ref.getConnection(), new ArrayList<DelayedReference>()); } referencesPerConnection.get(ref.getConnection()).add(ref); } return referencesPerConnection; } private void reEvaluateUnresolvedRef(Connection conn, RefPackage outermostPackage, DelayedReference unresolvedRef, TextBlock contextTextBlock) { LocalContextBuilder localContextBuilder = new LocalContextBuilder(); try { // ensure that the model element uses the current connection ensureUsageOfConnection(unresolvedRef, conn); LexedTokenWrapper token = (LexedTokenWrapper) unresolvedRef.getToken(); DocumentNode referringDocumentNode = null; ModelInjector modelInjector = constructModelInjector(conn, outermostPackage); ObservableInjectingParser parser = null; LexedToken tokenInCurrentConnection = null; if (token != null) { AbstractToken modelElementToken = token.getWrappedToken(); tokenInCurrentConnection = (LexedToken) conn.getElement(modelElementToken.get___Mri()); if (tokenInCurrentConnection == null || unresolvedRef.getModelElement() == null) { registry.removeRegistration(unresolvedRef); return; } if (tokenInCurrentConnection.getParentBlock().getType() == null) { Activator.logWarning("Ignoring unresolved reference due to a broken mapping: " + unresolvedRef); return; } ConcreteSyntax cs = tokenInCurrentConnection.getParentBlock().getType().getParseRule().getConcretesyntax(); parser = registry.getParser(cs); ((ParserTextBlocksHandler) parser.getObserver()).setConnection(conn); TbUtil.constructContext(tokenInCurrentConnection, localContextBuilder); referringDocumentNode = tokenInCurrentConnection; // also rebuild the context for the parser, // as it may be used e.g. in foreach predicate references if (unresolvedRef.getType() == DelayedReference.TYPE_SEMANTIC_PREDICATE) { parser.reset(); TbUtil.constructContext(tokenInCurrentConnection, parser); } if (!localContextBuilder.getContextStack().isEmpty()) { unresolvedRef.setContextElement(localContextBuilder.getContextStack().peek()); } } else if (contextTextBlock != null) { TbUtil.constructContext(contextTextBlock, localContextBuilder); referringDocumentNode = contextTextBlock; if (!localContextBuilder.getContextStack().isEmpty()) { unresolvedRef.setContextElement(localContextBuilder.getContextStack().peek()); } ConcreteSyntax cs = contextTextBlock.getType().getParseRule().getConcretesyntax(); parser = registry.getParser(cs); // also rebuild the context for the parser, // as it may be used e.g. in foreach predicate references if (unresolvedRef.getType() == DelayedReference.TYPE_SEMANTIC_PREDICATE) { parser.reset(); TbUtil.constructContext(contextTextBlock, parser); ((ParserTextBlocksHandler) parser.getObserver()).setConnection(conn); parser.setInjector(modelInjector); } // TODO Reconstruct textual representation from TextBlock and create TokenStream from it.# // This TokenStream can then be used upon reevaluation started from the IA to // determine the values used in the disambiguation queries. } else { registry.removeRegistration(unresolvedRef); return; } boolean resolved = false; try { if (unresolvedRef.getType() == DelayedReference.TYPE_SEMANTIC_PREDICATE || !(unresolvedRef.getOclQuery() != null && unresolvedRef.getType() != DelayedReference.CONTEXT_LOOKUP)) { resolved = modelInjector.resolveReference(unresolvedRef, localContextBuilder.getContextManager(), parser); } else { Collection<?> existingValueCollection = findCurrentlySetElements(unresolvedRef, modelInjector, tokenInCurrentConnection); Collection<?> resultCollection = findNewElementsToSet(unresolvedRef); for (Object valueElement : existingValueCollection) { if (!resultCollection.contains(valueElement)) { modelInjector.unset(unresolvedRef.getModelElement(), unresolvedRef.getPropertyName(), valueElement); if (referringDocumentNode.getReferencedElements().contains(valueElement)) { referringDocumentNode.getReferencedElements().remove(valueElement); } notifier.notifyReferenceUnset(unresolvedRef, valueElement); } } for (Object result : resultCollection) { if (!existingValueCollection.contains(result) && result != null) { modelInjector.set(unresolvedRef.getModelElement(), unresolvedRef.getPropertyName(), result); resolved = true; unresolvedRef.setRealValue(result); notifier.notifyReferenceSet(unresolvedRef, result); } } } } catch (ModelAdapterException e) { Activator.logWarning(e); // TODO check if we can ignore this? } catch (ModelElementCreationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (resolved) { if (unresolvedRef.getType() == DelayedReference.TYPE_SEMANTIC_PREDICATE) { // to be able to incrementally re evaluate the reference // later // we need to setup a link between the textblock and the // template used in the ref Collection<Template> templates = ((ParserTextBlocksHandler) parser.getObserver()).getCurrentTbProxy().getAdditionalTemplates(); for (Template template : templates) { if (!((TextBlock) unresolvedRef.getTextBlock()).getAdditionalTemplates().contains(template)) { ((TextBlock) unresolvedRef.getTextBlock()).getAdditionalTemplates().add(template); } } RefObject value = (RefObject) unresolvedRef.getRealValue(); if (!referringDocumentNode.getCorrespondingModelElements().contains(value)) { referringDocumentNode.getCorrespondingModelElements().add(value); } // TbUtil.addForEachContext(unresolvedRef.getTextBlock(), // (RefObject) unresolvedRef.getModelElement(), // (RefObject) unresolvedRef.getCurrentForeachElement(), // (ForeachPredicatePropertyInit) // unresolvedRef.getQueryElement(), // (RefObject) unresolvedRef.getRealValue(), conn); parser.setDelayedReferencesAfterParsing(); } else { if (unresolvedRef.getRealValue() instanceof RefObject) { if (!referringDocumentNode.getReferencedElements().contains(unresolvedRef.getRealValue())) { referringDocumentNode.getReferencedElements().add((RefObject) unresolvedRef.getRealValue()); } } } if (!unresolvedRef.isGenericReference()) { registry.removeRegistration(unresolvedRef); } } } catch (InvalidConnectionException ice) { ice.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Ensures that the {@link DelayedReference unresolvedRef} carries the * element using the correct connection given by <code>conn</code>. * * @param unresolvedRef * the {@link DelayedReference} for which the elements should be * checked. * @param conn * the {@link Connection} where the elements should be used from. */ private void ensureUsageOfConnection(DelayedReference unresolvedRef, ResourceSet conn) { EObject elementInCurrentConnection = (EObject) conn.getElement(((EObject) unresolvedRef.getModelElement()).get___Mri()); if (elementInCurrentConnection == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Element: " + unresolvedRef.getModelElement() + " is not available in connection: " + conn); } else { unresolvedRef.setModelElement(elementInCurrentConnection); } Object elementInOldConnection = unresolvedRef.getContextElement(); if (elementInOldConnection != null) { elementInCurrentConnection = (EObject) conn.getElement(((EObject) elementInOldConnection).get___Mri()); if (elementInCurrentConnection == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Element: " + elementInOldConnection + " is not available in connection: " + conn); } else { unresolvedRef.setContextElement(elementInCurrentConnection); } } elementInOldConnection = unresolvedRef.getCurrentForeachElement(); if (elementInOldConnection != null) { elementInCurrentConnection = (EObject) conn.getElement(((EObject) elementInOldConnection).get___Mri()); if (elementInCurrentConnection == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Element: " + elementInOldConnection + " is not available in connection: " + conn); } else { unresolvedRef.setCurrentForeachElement(elementInCurrentConnection); } } elementInOldConnection = unresolvedRef.getQueryElement(); if (elementInOldConnection != null) { elementInCurrentConnection = (EObject) conn.getElement(((EObject) elementInOldConnection).get___Mri()); if (elementInCurrentConnection == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Element: " + elementInOldConnection + " is not available in connection: " + conn); } else { unresolvedRef.setQueryElement(elementInCurrentConnection); } } elementInOldConnection = unresolvedRef.getTextBlock(); if (elementInOldConnection != null) { elementInCurrentConnection = (EObject) conn.getElement(((EObject) elementInOldConnection).get___Mri()); if (elementInCurrentConnection == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Element: " + elementInOldConnection + " is not available in connection: " + conn); } else { unresolvedRef.setTextBlock(elementInCurrentConnection); } } } /*package*/ ModelInjector constructModelInjector(ResourceSet connection, RefPackage outermostPackage) { // tokenNames only needed for parse error reporting regarding keyword // issues; not needed here ModelInjector mi = new ModelInjector(/* tonekNames */null); // Use global scope (null) for now TextBlocksAwareModelAdapter ma = new TextBlocksAwareModelAdapter(new MOINModelAdapter(outermostPackage, connection, /* partitionScope */ null, /* criScope */null)); mi.setModelAdapter(ma); return mi; } void queueNewUnresolvedReferences(Collection<DelayedReference> unresolvedIAReferences) { synchronized (unresolvedReferences) { unresolvedReferences.addAll(unresolvedIAReferences); } } public boolean hasEmptyQueue() { synchronized (unresolvedReferences) { return unresolvedReferences.isEmpty(); } } /** * Clears all currently deferred references. * * This should <b>ONLY</b> be used in <b>tests</b>. */ public void clearUnresolvedReferences() { synchronized (this) { synchronized (unresolvedReferences) { unresolvedReferences.clear(); } } } }