package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager.EventManagerFactory; import; import; import data.classes.MethodSignature; import data.classes.SapClass; import data.classes.SignatureImplementation; import data.classes.SignatureOwner; import data.classes.TypeAdapter; public class MethodCallResolver { /** * Caches the {@link URI}s of the signature implementation model elements; only URIs * because different ResourceSets may want to know. */ private Map<Pair<MethodSignature, SapClass>, URI> cache = new HashMap<Pair<MethodSignature, SapClass>, URI>(); private final MethodCallResolverCacheInvalidationListener listener; /** * Registers the method call resolver as an event listener with an event manager for the * resource set. Every time an event is received that may cause a change in method resolution, * the cache is invalidated. */ public MethodCallResolver(ResourceSet resourceSet) { listener = new MethodCallResolverCacheInvalidationListener(this); EventManagerFactory.eINSTANCE.getEventManagerFor(resourceSet).subscribe(listener.getFilter(), listener); } public SignatureImplementation getImplementation(MethodSignature staticSignature, SapClass dynamicClass, ResourceSet resourceSet) { Pair<MethodSignature, SapClass> key = new Pair<MethodSignature, SapClass>(staticSignature, dynamicClass); SignatureImplementation result; URI implURI = cache.get(key); if (implURI == null) { result = resolveMethodCallToImplementation(staticSignature, dynamicClass); cache.put(key, EcoreUtil.getURI(result)); } else { result = (SignatureImplementation) resourceSet.getEObject(implURI, /* loadOnDemand */ true); } return result; } public void invalidateCache() { cache.clear(); } /** * Implements the polymorphism strategy. When a method is to be invoked on * an object, the object's runtime type needs to be considered in order to * determine the right implementation for the method signature invoked. * <p> * * The algorithm checks if there is a signature on the runtime type of the * <tt>thiz</tt> object that conforms to <tt>calledSignature</tt>. If one is * found, it is returned. If none is found, the set of adapters known for * <tt>thiz</tt>'s runtime class are transitively checked for matching * implementations. If none is found, this means there is a conformance * problem where <tt>thiz</tt> does not conform to the class by which * <tt>calledSignature</tt> is defined which points to a problem in the * design-time's type checks. A {@link RuntimeException} is thrown in this * case. Otherwise, the signature implementation found in an adapter will be * returned. * * TODO what about delegation? */ public SignatureImplementation resolveMethodCallToImplementation(MethodSignature calledSignature, SapClass thizClass) { SapClass staticClass = (SapClass) calledSignature.getOwner(); SignatureImplementation result = findConformingSignature(calledSignature, thizClass); if (result == null) { // No conforming signature found on thizClass; search along adapters List<TypeAdapter> adapterChain = getAdapterChain(thizClass, staticClass); if (adapterChain == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Internal error: couldn't resolve method " + StringFormatter.toString(calledSignature) + " on type " + thizClass.getName()); } for (TypeAdapter ta : getAdapterChain(thizClass, staticClass)) { result = findConformingSignature(calledSignature, ta); if (result != null) { break; } } } return result; } /** * Tries to locate an owned signature on the <tt>signatureOwner</tt> that * conforms to <tt>calledSignature</tt>. If no such signature can be found, * <tt>null</tt> is returned. <em>No</em> adapter lookups are performed by * this method. */ private SignatureImplementation findConformingSignature(MethodSignature calledSignature, SignatureOwner signatureOwner) { for (MethodSignature thizClassSignature : signatureOwner.getOwnedSignatures()) { if (thizClassSignature.conformsTo(calledSignature)) { return thizClassSignature.getImplementation(); } } return null; } /** * Attempts to find a chain of {@link TypeAdapter}s where the first's * {@link TypeAdapter#getAdapted()} equals <tt>from</tt> and the last * adapter's {@link TypeAdapter#getTo()} equals <tt>to</tt> and for each * consecutive pair of adapters <tt>a1</tt> and <tt>a2</tt> in the chain, * * <tt>a1.{@link TypeAdapter#getTo() getTo}.equals(a2.{@link TypeAdapter#getAdapted() getAdapted})</tt> * . */ private List<TypeAdapter> getAdapterChain(SapClass from, SapClass to) { // TODO consider caching the adapter chain results return getAdapterChain(from, to, new HashSet<SapClass>()); } /** * Attempts to find a chain of {@link TypeAdapter}s where the first's * {@link TypeAdapter#getAdapted()} equals <tt>from</tt> and the last * adapter's {@link TypeAdapter#getTo()} equals <tt>to</tt> and for each * consecutive pair of adapters <tt>a1</tt> and <tt>a2</tt> in the chain, * * <tt>a1.{@link TypeAdapter#getTo() getTo}.equals(a2.{@link TypeAdapter#getAdapted() getAdapted})</tt> * . * <p> * * <tt>visitedClasses</tt> is the set of classes to which adaptation of * <tt>from</tt> has already been achieved. Paths leading this direction * therefore can be cut off, also avoiding endless recursions in case of * cyclic adapter definitions. * <p> * * If no such adapter chain can be found, <tt>null</tt> is returned. */ private List<TypeAdapter> getAdapterChain(SapClass from, SapClass to, Set<SapClass> visitedClasses) { List<TypeAdapter> result = null; if (from.equals(to)) { result = new ArrayList<TypeAdapter>(); } else { visitedClasses.add(from); Collection<TypeAdapter> candidates = from.getAdapters(); for (TypeAdapter candidate : candidates) { if (!visitedClasses.contains(candidate.getTo())) { result = getAdapterChain(candidate.getTo(), to, visitedClasses); if (result != null) { result.add(0, candidate); break; } } } } return result; } }