package; import; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Simple Test for the custom BibText language, using the lower and upper bounds for entries in the metamodel. */ public class TestBibTextLowerUpperBounds extends GeneratedParserBasedTest { private static final String LANGUAGE = "BibtextUpperLower"; private static final File TCS = ScenarioFixtureData.BIBTEXT_UPPER_LOWER_TCS; private static final File[] METAMODELS = { ScenarioFixtureData.BIBTEXT_UPPER_LOWER_METAMODEL, ScenarioFixtureData.BIBTEXT1_METAMODEL }; private static StubParsingHelper parsingHelper; @BeforeClass public static void setupParser() throws Exception { GeneratedParserTestConfiguration testConfig = new GeneratedParserTestConfiguration(LANGUAGE, TCS, METAMODELS); TCSSyntaxContainerBean syntaxBean = parseSyntax(testConfig); ParserFacade facade = generateParserForLanguage(syntaxBean, testConfig, new ClassLookupImpl()); parsingHelper = new StubParsingHelper(facade); } /** * tests metamodel upper and lower bounds are used and cause errors when violated * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testBoundedEntries() throws Exception { // this specific metamodel variant requires 2-4 entries in the sample String sample = ""; parsingHelper.parseString(sample, 1); sample = "author = \"Jane Doll\"."; // expect one error parsingHelper.parseString(sample, 1); sample = "author = \"Jane Doll\"." + "author = \"John Doe\"."; // expect one error parsingHelper.parseString(sample, 0); // expect no errors sample = "author = \"John Doe\"." + "author = \"Jane Doll\"." + "author = \"Tom Dooley\"."; parsingHelper.parseString(sample, 0); sample = "article{" + " Testing, \"John Doe\"," + " year = \"2002\"" + "}" + "author = \"John Doe\"." + "author = \"Jane Doll\"." ; parsingHelper.parseString(sample, 0); sample = "author = \"John Doe\"." + "author = \"Jane Doll\"." + "author = \"Jim Jones\"." + "author = \"Tom Dooley\"."; parsingHelper.parseString(sample, 0); sample = "article{" + " Testing, \"John Doe\"," + " year = \"2002\"" + "}" + "author = \"John Doe\"." + "author = \"Jim Jones\"." + "author = \"Jane Doll\"." ; parsingHelper.parseString(sample, 0); // now expect errors because upper bound has been breached sample = "author = \"John Doe\"." + "author = \"Jane Doll\"." + "author = \"Jim Jones\"." + "author = \"Will Bright\"." + "author = \"Tom Dooley\"."; parsingHelper.parseString(sample, 1); sample = "article{" + " Testing, \"John Doe\"," + " year = \"2002\"" + "}" + "author = \"John Doe\"." + "author = \"Jim Jones\"." + "author = \"Will Bright\"." + "author = \"Jane Doll\"." ; parsingHelper.parseString(sample, 1); } }