package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; public class LookAheadSet { private final List<Entry> list = new ArrayList<Entry>(); // private Entry currentEntry; public void advance(int offset) { // replace <tok,cla,cnt> in list with <tok,cla - offset,cnt + 1> for (Entry currentEntry : list) { currentEntry.characterLookahead = currentEntry.characterLookahead - offset; currentEntry.tokenLookback++; } } public void addItem(AbstractToken tok) { list.add(new Entry(tok, tok.getLookahead(), 0)); } public int computeLookback() { /* * remove <tok,cla,cnt> s.t. cla <= 0 from list if (list == empty) return 0; else return max cnt j <tok,cla,cnt> in list */ List<Entry> removeObjects = new ArrayList<Entry>(); for (Entry entry : list) { if (entry.characterLookahead <= 0) { removeObjects.add(entry); } } list.removeAll(removeObjects); if (list.isEmpty()) { return 0; } // TODO this is a hack re-check algorithm then change to maxLookback =0; int maxLookback = 1; for (Entry entry2 : list) { if (entry2.tokenLookback > maxLookback) { maxLookback = entry2.tokenLookback; } } return maxLookback; } public boolean allItemsDiscardable() { /* * forall <tok,cla,cnt> in list, !was_re_lexed(tok) */ boolean result = true; for (Entry entry : list) { result = wasReLexed(entry.token) && result; } return result; } private boolean wasReLexed(AbstractToken token) { return token.isRelexingNeeded(); } private class Entry { private final AbstractToken token; private int characterLookahead; private int tokenLookback; public Entry(AbstractToken token, int characterLookahead, int tokenLookback) { super(); this.token = token; this.characterLookahead = characterLookahead; this.tokenLookback = tokenLookback; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof Entry) { Entry otherEntry = (Entry) other; return token.equals(otherEntry.token) && characterLookahead == otherEntry.characterLookahead && tokenLookback == otherEntry.tokenLookback; } else { return false; } } } }