package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import; import java.util.Collection; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Simple Test for the custom BibText language */ public class TestBibTextModes extends GeneratedParserBasedTest { private static final String LANGUAGE = "BibtextModes"; private static final File TCS = ScenarioFixtureData.BIBTEXT_MODES_TCS; private static final File[] METAMODELS = { ScenarioFixtureData.BIBTEXT_METAMODEL, ScenarioFixtureData.BIBTEXT1_METAMODEL }; private static StubParsingHelper parsingHelper; @BeforeClass public static void setupParser() throws Exception { GeneratedParserTestConfiguration testConfig = new GeneratedParserTestConfiguration(LANGUAGE, TCS, METAMODELS); TCSSyntaxContainerBean syntaxBean = parseSyntax(testConfig); ParserFacade facade = generateParserForLanguage(syntaxBean, testConfig, new ClassLookupImpl()); parsingHelper = new StubParsingHelper(facade); } /** * Tests references are set, this protects against bugs relating to naming of classes. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testReference() throws Exception { String sample = "article{" + " Testing, \"John Doe\" " + "} ;" + "author = \"John Doe\";"; StubModelAdapter stubModelHandler = parsingHelper.parseString(sample, 0); Collection<StubModelElement> authors = stubModelHandler.getElementsOfType("BibText::Author"); assertEquals(1, authors.size()); StubModelElement johnDoe = authors.iterator().next(); Collection<StubModelElement> articles = stubModelHandler.getElementsOfType("BibText::Article"); assertEquals(1, articles.size()); StubModelElement article = articles.iterator().next(); // now check the reference was set using the right property name // assertNotNull(johnDoe.get("articles")); StubModelHandler not powerful enough assertNotNull(article.get("author")); assertEquals(johnDoe, article.get("author")); } /** * */ @Test public void testSingleAuthor() throws Exception { // in this special syntax, a single author must not have a ';' in the end String sample = "author = \"John Doe\""; StubModelAdapter stubModelHandler = parsingHelper.parseString(sample, 0); Collection<StubModelElement> authors = stubModelHandler.getElementsOfType("BibText::Author"); assertEquals(1, authors.size()); } /** * */ @Test public void testSingleArticle() throws Exception { // in this special syntax, a single author must not have a ';' in the end String sample = "article {" + " Testing }"; StubModelAdapter stubModelHandler = parsingHelper.parseString(sample, 0); Collection<StubModelElement> articles = stubModelHandler.getElementsOfType("BibText::Article"); assertEquals(1, articles.size()); } }