package openblocks.integration; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraft.block.material.MapColor; import openblocks.common.HeightMapData; import openblocks.common.HeightMapData.LayerData; import openblocks.common.tileentity.TileEntityProjector; import openperipheral.api.adapter.Asynchronous; import openperipheral.api.adapter.IPeripheralAdapter; import openperipheral.api.adapter.method.Arg; import openperipheral.api.adapter.method.ArgType; import openperipheral.api.adapter.method.IMultiReturn; import openperipheral.api.adapter.method.ReturnType; import openperipheral.api.adapter.method.ScriptCallable; import openperipheral.api.architecture.FeatureGroup; import openperipheral.api.helpers.MultiReturn; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; @FeatureGroup("openblocks-projector") public class AdapterProjector implements IPeripheralAdapter { @Override public String getSourceId() { return "openblocks_projector"; } private static int toInt(Object object) { return ((Number)object).intValue(); } @Override public Class<?> getTargetClass() { return TileEntityProjector.class; } @ScriptCallable(returnTypes = ReturnType.NUMBER, description = "Get current map id") public Integer getMapId(TileEntityProjector projector) { int mapId = projector.mapId(); return (mapId >= 0)? mapId : null; } @ScriptCallable(returnTypes = ReturnType.TABLE, description = "Get current map info") public Map<String, Object> getMapInfo(final TileEntityProjector projector) { HeightMapData data = projector.getMap(); Preconditions.checkState(data.isValid(), "Map not loaded"); Map<String, Object> result = Maps.newHashMap(); result.put("center_x", data.centerX); result.put("center_z", data.centerZ); result.put("scale", data.scale); result.put("dimension", data.dimension); Map<Integer, Integer> layers = Maps.newHashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < data.layers.length; i++) { LayerData layerData = data.layers[i]; layers.put(i, UnsignedBytes.toInt(layerData.alpha)); } result.put("layers", layers); return result; } @ScriptCallable(description = "Set current map info") public void setMapInfo(TileEntityProjector projector, @Arg(name = "properties", description = "Map of properties", type = ArgType.TABLE) Map<String, Object> args) { HeightMapData data = projector.getMap(); Preconditions.checkState(data != null && data.isValid(), "Map not loaded"); { Object value = args.get("center_x"); if (value != null) data.centerX = toInt(value); } { Object value = args.get("center_z"); if (value != null) data.centerZ = toInt(value); } { Object value = args.get("dimension"); if (value != null) data.dimension = toInt(value); } { Object value = args.get("layers"); if (value != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<Integer, Integer> layers = (Map<Integer, Integer>)value; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> e : layers.entrySet()) { int index = toInt(e.getKey()); Preconditions.checkElementIndex(index, data.layers.length, "layer index"); LayerData layerData = data.layers[index]; layerData.alpha = (byte)toInt(e.getValue()); } } } projector.markMapDirty(); } @ScriptCallable(returnTypes = ReturnType.NUMBER, description = "Get displayed map rotation") public int getRotation(TileEntityProjector projector) { return projector.rotation(); } @ScriptCallable(description = "Rotate displayed map rotation") public void rotate(TileEntityProjector projector, @Arg(name = "delta", description = "Rotation delta (positive - CW, negative - CCW)") int delta) { projector.rotate(delta); } @Asynchronous @ScriptCallable(returnTypes = { ReturnType.NUMBER, ReturnType.NUMBER }, description = "Get height and color of point on map") public IMultiReturn getPoint(TileEntityProjector projector, @Arg(name = "row", description = "Map row (0..63)") int row, @Arg(name = "column", description = "Map column (0..63)") int column, @Arg(name = "layer", description = "Map layer") int layer) { Preconditions.checkElementIndex(row, 64, "row"); Preconditions.checkElementIndex(column, 64, "column"); HeightMapData data = projector.getMap(); Preconditions.checkState(data != null && data.isValid(), "Map not loaded"); Preconditions.checkElementIndex(layer, data.layers.length, "layer"); int index = 64 * row + column; LayerData layerData = data.layers[layer]; return MultiReturn.wrap(UnsignedBytes.toInt(layerData.heightMap[index]), layerData.colorMap[index]); } @Asynchronous @ScriptCallable(description = "Get height and color of point on map") public void setPoint(TileEntityProjector projector, @Arg(name = "row", description = "Map row (0..63)") int row, @Arg(name = "column", description = "Map column (0..63)") int column, @Arg(name = "layer", description = "Map layer") int layer, @Arg(name = "height", description = "Point height") int height, @Arg(name = "color", description = "Point color ") int color) { Preconditions.checkElementIndex(row, 64, "row"); Preconditions.checkElementIndex(column, 64, "column"); Preconditions.checkElementIndex(height, 256, "height"); Preconditions.checkElementIndex(color, MapColor.mapColorArray.length, "color"); HeightMapData data = projector.getMap(); Preconditions.checkState(data != null && data.isValid(), "Map not loaded"); Preconditions.checkElementIndex(layer, data.layers.length, "layer"); int index = 64 * row + column; LayerData layerData = data.layers[layer]; layerData.heightMap[index] = (byte)height; layerData.colorMap[index] = (byte)color; projector.markMapDirty(); } @ScriptCallable(description = "Clear map") public void clearMap(TileEntityProjector projector) { HeightMapData data = projector.getMap(); Preconditions.checkState(data.isValid(), "Map not loaded"); data.layers = new LayerData[0]; projector.markMapDirty(); } @ScriptCallable(description = "Clear single layer") public void clearLayer(TileEntityProjector projector, @Arg(name = "layer", description = "Map layer") int layer) { HeightMapData data = projector.getMap(); Preconditions.checkState(data.isValid(), "Map not loaded"); Preconditions.checkElementIndex(layer, data.layers.length, "layer"); LayerData newLayer = new LayerData(); newLayer.alpha = (byte)255; data.layers[layer] = newLayer; projector.markMapDirty(); } @ScriptCallable(description = "Append layer") public void appendLayer(TileEntityProjector projector) { HeightMapData data = projector.getMap(); Preconditions.checkState(data.isValid(), "Map not loaded"); LayerData newLayer = new LayerData(); newLayer.alpha = (byte)255; data.layers = ArrayUtils.add(data.layers, newLayer); projector.markMapDirty(); } }