package openblocks.common.sync; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import openblocks.common.Stencil; import openmods.sync.SyncableObjectBase; public class SyncableBlockLayers extends SyncableObjectBase { public static class Layer { private int color; private Stencil stencil; private byte rotation; private boolean hasStencilCover = false; public Layer() {} public Layer(int col) { this.color = col; } public int getColor() { return color; } /*** * If the layer has a cover on it, return white. * Otherwise we render on the stored color */ public int getColorForRender() { return hasStencilCover()? 0xFFFFFF : getColor(); } public Stencil getStencil() { return stencil; } public byte getRotation() { return rotation; } public boolean hasStencilCover() { return hasStencilCover; } public void setHasStencilCover(boolean cover) { this.hasStencilCover = cover; } public void setRotation(byte rotation) { this.rotation = rotation; } public void setStencil(Stencil st) { this.stencil = st; } public boolean setColor(int color) { if (this.color != color) { this.color = color; return true; } return false; } public static Layer createFromStream(DataInput stream) { Layer layer = new Layer(); try { layer.setColor(stream.readInt()); layer.setRotation(stream.readByte()); byte b = stream.readByte(); if (b > -1) { layer.setStencil(Stencil.values()[b]); } layer.setHasStencilCover(stream.readBoolean()); } catch (Exception e) { } return layer; } public void rotate() { rotation++; if (rotation > 3) { rotation = 0; } } public NBTTagCompound getNBT() { NBTTagCompound nbt = new NBTTagCompound(); nbt.setByte("rotation", rotation); nbt.setString("stencil",; nbt.setBoolean("hasStencilCover", hasStencilCover); nbt.setInteger("color", color); return nbt; } public static Layer createFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compoundTag) { Layer layer = new Layer(); layer.setColor(compoundTag.getInteger("color")); layer.setHasStencilCover(compoundTag.getBoolean("hasStencilCover")); layer.setRotation(compoundTag.getByte("rotation")); layer.setStencil(Stencil.valueOf(compoundTag.getString("stencil"))); return layer; } } public final LinkedList<Layer> layers = Lists.newLinkedList(); public SyncableBlockLayers() {} @Override public void readFromStream(DataInputStream stream) throws IOException { int size = stream.readByte(); layers.clear(); for (byte i = 0; i < size; i++) { layers.add(Layer.createFromStream(stream)); } } @Override public void writeToStream(DataOutputStream stream) throws IOException { stream.writeByte(layers.size()); for (Layer layer : layers) { stream.writeInt(layer.getColor()); stream.writeByte(layer.getRotation()); if (layer.getStencil() != null) { stream.writeByte(layer.getStencil().ordinal()); } else { stream.writeByte(-1); } stream.writeBoolean(layer.hasStencilCover()); } } @Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt, String name) { NBTTagCompound subTag = new NBTTagCompound(); subTag.setInteger("size", layers.size()); int i = 0; for (Layer layer : layers) { subTag.setTag("layer_" + i, layer.getNBT()); i++; } nbt.setTag(name, subTag); } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt, String name) { NBTTagCompound subTag = nbt.getCompoundTag(name); int size = subTag.getInteger("size"); layers.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { layers.add(Layer.createFromNBT(subTag.getCompoundTag("layer_" + i))); } } public List<Layer> getAllLayers() { return layers; } public boolean isLastLayerStencil() { Layer last = layers.peekLast(); return last != null && last.hasStencilCover && last.stencil != null; } public void setLastLayerColor(int color) { Layer last = getOrCreateLastLayer(); final boolean hasChanged = last.setColor(color); if (hasChanged) markDirty(); } public void setLastLayerStencil(Stencil stencil) { Layer last = getOrCreateLastLayer(); last.hasStencilCover = true; last.stencil = stencil; markDirty(); } private Layer getOrCreateLastLayer() { Layer last = layers.peekLast(); if (last == null) { last = new Layer(); layers.addLast(last); } return last; } public void moveStencilToNextLayer() { Layer prevTop = layers.getLast(); prevTop.setHasStencilCover(false); Layer newLayer = new Layer(); newLayer.setStencil(prevTop.getStencil()); newLayer.setHasStencilCover(true); newLayer.setRotation(prevTop.getRotation()); layers.addLast(newLayer); markDirty(); } public void pushNewStencil(Stencil stencil) { Layer newLayer = new Layer(); newLayer.setStencil(stencil); newLayer.setHasStencilCover(true); layers.addLast(newLayer); markDirty(); } public Layer getLayer(int i) { if (i < layers.size()) { return layers.get(i); } return null; } public void removeCover() { Layer last = layers.peekLast(); if (last != null && last.hasStencilCover()) { layers.removeLast(); markDirty(); } } public Stencil getTopStencil() { Layer top = layers.peekLast(); return top != null? top.stencil : null; } public void rotateCover() { Layer lastLayer = layers.peekLast(); if (lastLayer != null && lastLayer.hasStencilCover()) { lastLayer.rotate(); markDirty(); } } public void clear() { if (!layers.isEmpty()) { layers.clear(); markDirty(); } } public boolean isEmpty() { return layers.isEmpty(); } }