package openblocks.common.tileentity; import; import java.util.EnumMap; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary; import openblocks.OpenBlocks; import openblocks.client.gui.GuiPaintMixer; import openblocks.common.container.ContainerPaintMixer; import openblocks.common.item.ItemPaintCan; import openblocks.rpc.IColorChanger; import openmods.api.IHasGui; import openmods.api.IInventoryCallback; import openmods.api.IValueProvider; import openmods.gamelogic.WorkerLogic; import openmods.include.IncludeInterface; import openmods.inventory.GenericInventory; import openmods.inventory.IInventoryProvider; import openmods.inventory.TileEntityInventory; import openmods.sync.SyncableFlags; import openmods.sync.SyncableFloat; import openmods.sync.SyncableInt; import openmods.sync.drops.DroppableTileEntity; import openmods.sync.drops.StoreOnDrop; import openmods.utils.ColorUtils; import openmods.utils.MiscUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; public class TileEntityPaintMixer extends DroppableTileEntity implements IInventoryProvider, IHasGui, IInventoryCallback, IColorChanger { private static final ItemStack PAINT_CAN = new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Blocks.paintCan); private static final ItemStack MILK_BUCKET = new ItemStack(Items.milk_bucket); public static final int PROGRESS_TICKS = 300; public static enum Slots { paint, reserved, // old output slot, now merged with input dyeCyan, dyeMagenta, dyeYellow, dyeBlack } public static enum DyeSlot { cyan, magenta, yellow, black } private static EnumMap<Slots, Integer> ALLOWED_COLORS = Maps.newEnumMap(Slots.class); static { ALLOWED_COLORS.put(Slots.dyeBlack, OreDictionary.getOreID("dyeBlack")); ALLOWED_COLORS.put(Slots.dyeCyan, OreDictionary.getOreID("dyeCyan")); ALLOWED_COLORS.put(Slots.dyeMagenta, OreDictionary.getOreID("dyeMagenta")); ALLOWED_COLORS.put(Slots.dyeYellow, OreDictionary.getOreID("dyeYellow")); } public enum Flags { hasPaint } private SyncableInt canColor; @StoreOnDrop private SyncableInt color; private SyncableInt progress; private SyncableFlags flags; private final WorkerLogic logic = new WorkerLogic(progress, PROGRESS_TICKS); // These could be optimized with a byte array later // Not important for release // Levels should be 0-2, so that if there is 0.3 left, 1 can be consumed and // not overflow ;) @StoreOnDrop public SyncableFloat lvlCyan; @StoreOnDrop public SyncableFloat lvlMagenta; @StoreOnDrop public SyncableFloat lvlYellow; @StoreOnDrop public SyncableFloat lvlBlack; private GenericInventory inventory = new TileEntityInventory(this, "paintmixer", true, 6) { @Override public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int slotId, ItemStack stack) { Slots[] values = Slots.values(); if (stack == null || slotId < 0 || slotId > values.length) return false; Slots slot = values[slotId]; if (slot == Slots.paint) return PAINT_CAN.isItemEqual(stack) || MILK_BUCKET.isItemEqual(stack); return isValidForSlot(slot, stack); } }; public TileEntityPaintMixer() { inventory.addCallback(this); } @Override public void updateEntity() { super.updateEntity(); if (!worldObj.isRemote) { if (logic.isWorking()) { if (!hasValidInput() || !hasSufficientInk()) { logic.reset(); } else if (logic.update()) { consumeInk(); ItemStack output = ItemPaintCan.createStack(color.get(), ItemPaintCan.FULL_CAN_SIZE); inventory.setInventorySlotContents(Slots.paint.ordinal(), output); canColor.set(color.get()); } } checkAutoConsumption(); sync(); } } private void checkAutoConsumption() { if (lvlCyan.get() <= 1f) { /* We can store 2.0, so <= */ if (tryUseInk(Slots.dyeCyan, 1)) { lvlCyan.set(lvlCyan.get() + 1f); } } if (lvlMagenta.get() <= 1f) { if (tryUseInk(Slots.dyeMagenta, 1)) { lvlMagenta.set(lvlMagenta.get() + 1f); } } if (lvlYellow.get() <= 1f) { if (tryUseInk(Slots.dyeYellow, 1)) { lvlYellow.set(lvlYellow.get() + 1f); } } if (lvlBlack.get() <= 1f) { if (tryUseInk(Slots.dyeBlack, 1)) { lvlBlack.set(lvlBlack.get() + 1f); } } } private void consumeInk() { ColorUtils.CYMK cymk = new ColorUtils.RGB(color.get()).toCYMK(); lvlCyan.set(lvlCyan.get() - cymk.getCyan()); lvlBlack.set(lvlBlack.get() - cymk.getKey()); lvlYellow.set(lvlYellow.get() - cymk.getYellow()); lvlMagenta.set(lvlMagenta.get() - cymk.getMagenta()); } private boolean hasSufficientInk() { ColorUtils.CYMK cymk = new ColorUtils.RGB(color.get()).toCYMK(); if (cymk.getCyan() > lvlCyan.get()) { if (tryUseInk(Slots.dyeCyan, 1)) { lvlCyan.set(lvlCyan.get() + 1f); } else { return false; } } if (cymk.getYellow() > lvlYellow.get()) { if (tryUseInk(Slots.dyeYellow, 1)) { lvlYellow.set(lvlYellow.get() + 1f); } else { return false; } } if (cymk.getMagenta() > lvlMagenta.get()) { if (tryUseInk(Slots.dyeMagenta, 1)) { lvlMagenta.set(lvlMagenta.get() + 1f); } else { return false; } } if (cymk.getKey() > lvlBlack.get()) { if (tryUseInk(Slots.dyeBlack, 1)) { lvlBlack.set(lvlBlack.get() + 1f); } else { return false; } } return true; } public boolean tryUseInk(Slots slot, int consume) { ItemStack stack = inventory.getStackInSlot(slot); return isValidForSlot(slot, stack) && inventory.decrStackSize(slot.ordinal(), consume) != null; } private static boolean isValidForSlot(Slots slot, ItemStack stack) { Integer allowedColor = ALLOWED_COLORS.get(slot); if (allowedColor == null || stack == null) return false; int[] oreIds = OreDictionary.getOreIDs(stack); return ArrayUtils.contains(oreIds, allowedColor); } @Override protected void createSyncedFields() { color = new SyncableInt(0xFF0000); flags = SyncableFlags.create(Flags.values().length); progress = new SyncableInt(); lvlBlack = new SyncableFloat(); lvlCyan = new SyncableFloat(); lvlMagenta = new SyncableFloat(); lvlYellow = new SyncableFloat(); canColor = new SyncableInt(0xFFFFFF); } @Override public Object getServerGui(EntityPlayer player) { return new ContainerPaintMixer(player.inventory, this); } @Override public Object getClientGui(EntityPlayer player) { return new GuiPaintMixer(new ContainerPaintMixer(player.inventory, this)); } @Override public boolean canOpenGui(EntityPlayer player) { return true; } @Override public void changeColor(int requestedColor) { if (!worldObj.isRemote) { if (logic.isWorking()) { if (requestedColor != color.get()) logic.reset(); else return; } color.set(requestedColor); logic.start(); } } public IValueProvider<Integer> getProgress() { return progress; } public IValueProvider<Integer> getColor() { return color; } public IValueProvider<Float> getDyeSlot(DyeSlot slot) { switch (slot) { case black: return lvlBlack; case cyan: return lvlCyan; case magenta: return lvlMagenta; case yellow: return lvlYellow; default: throw MiscUtils.unhandledEnum(slot); } } public boolean hasPaint() { return flags.get(Flags.hasPaint); } public int getCanColor() { return canColor.get(); } public boolean isEnabled() { return progress.get() > 0; } public boolean hasValidInput() { return hasStack(Slots.paint, PAINT_CAN) || hasStack(Slots.paint, MILK_BUCKET); } private static Integer getColor(ItemStack stack, boolean canColor) { if (stack.isItemEqual(PAINT_CAN)) return ItemPaintCan.getColorFromStack(stack); else if (canColor && stack.isItemEqual(MILK_BUCKET)) return 0xFFFFFF; return null; } @Override public void onInventoryChanged(IInventory invent, int slotNumber) { if (!worldObj.isRemote) { boolean hasPaint = false; ItemStack can = inventory.getStackInSlot(Slots.paint); if (can != null) { Integer pickerColor = getColor(can, false); if (pickerColor != null && !logic.isWorking()) { color.set(pickerColor); // force GUI refresh color.markDirty(); } Integer canColor = getColor(can, true); if (canColor != null) { this.canColor.set(canColor); hasPaint = true; } } flags.set(Flags.hasPaint, hasPaint); sync(); markUpdated(); } } private boolean hasStack(Slots slot, ItemStack stack) { ItemStack gotStack = inventory.getStackInSlot(slot); if (gotStack == null) { return false; } return gotStack.isItemEqual(stack); } @Override @IncludeInterface public IInventory getInventory() { return inventory; } @Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) { super.writeToNBT(tag); inventory.writeToNBT(tag); } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) { super.readFromNBT(tag); inventory.readFromNBT(tag); } public IColorChanger createRpcProxy() { return createClientRpcProxy(IColorChanger.class); } @Override public ItemStack getPickBlock() { return getRawDrop(); } }