package openblocks; import cpw.mods.fml.common.IFuelHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.RegistryDelegate; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentData; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipe; import net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandomChestContent; import net.minecraftforge.common.ChestGenHooks; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapedOreRecipe; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapelessOreRecipe; import openblocks.OpenBlocks.Enchantments; import openblocks.common.Stencil; import openblocks.common.TrophyHandler; import openblocks.common.item.ItemGoldenEye; import openblocks.common.item.ItemImaginary; import openblocks.common.item.ItemPaintBrush; import openblocks.common.item.MetasBucket; import openblocks.common.item.MetasGeneric; import openblocks.common.item.MetasGenericUnstackable; import openblocks.common.recipe.CrayonGlassesRecipe; import openblocks.common.recipe.CrayonMixingRecipe; import openblocks.common.recipe.EpicEraserRecipe; import openblocks.common.recipe.GoldenEyeRechargeRecipe; import openblocks.common.recipe.MapCloneRecipe; import openblocks.common.recipe.MapResizeRecipe; import openblocks.enchantments.EnchantmentExplosive; import openblocks.enchantments.EnchantmentFlimFlam; import openblocks.enchantments.EnchantmentLastStand; import openblocks.enchantments.ExplosiveEnchantmentsHandler; import openblocks.enchantments.FlimFlamEnchantmentsHandler; import openblocks.enchantments.LastStandEnchantmentsHandler; import; import; import openmods.utils.ColorUtils; import openmods.utils.ColorUtils.ColorMeta; public class Config { @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "dropblock", name = "searchDistance", comment = "The range of the drop block") public static int elevatorTravelDistance = 20; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "dropblock", name = "ignoreAllBlocks", comment = "Disable limit of blocks between elevators (equivalent to maxPassThrough = infinity)") public static boolean elevatorIgnoreBlocks = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "dropblock", name = "ignoreHalfBlocks", comment = "The elevator will ignore half blocks when counting the blocks it can pass through") public static boolean elevatorIgnoreHalfBlocks = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "dropblock", name = "maxPassThrough", comment = "The maximum amount of blocks the elevator can pass through before the teleport fails") public static int elevatorMaxBlockPassCount = 4; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "dropblock", name = "centerOnBlock", comment = "Should elevator move player to center of block after teleporting ") public static boolean elevatorCenter = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "dropblock", name = "specialBlockRules", comment = "Defines blocks that are handled specially by elevators. Entries are in form <modId>:<blockName>:<action> or id:<blockId>:<action>. Possible actions: abort (elevator can't pass block), increment (counts for elevatorMaxBlockPassCount limit) and ignore") public static String[] elevatorRules = new String[0]; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "dropblock", name = "elevatorXpDrainRatio", comment = "XP consumed by elevator (total amount = ratio * distance)") public static float elevatorXpDrainRatio = 0; @ConfigProperty(category = "tanks", name = "bucketsPerTank", comment = "The amount of buckets each tank can hold") public static int bucketsPerTank = 16; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "tanks", name = "tankTicks", comment = "Should tanks try to balance liquid amounts with neighbours") public static boolean shouldTanksUpdate = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "tanks", name = "displayAllFluids", comment = "Should filled tanks be searchable with creative menu") public static boolean displayAllFilledTanks = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "tanks", name = "fluidDifferenceUpdateThreshold", comment = "Minimal difference in fluid level between neigbors required for tank update (can be used for performance finetuning") public static int tankFluidUpdateThreshold = 0; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "trophy", name = "trophyDropChance", comment = "Legacy value. For actual configuration, see 'trophyDropChanceFormula'") public static double trophyDropChance = 0.001; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "trophy", name = "trophyDropChanceFormula", comment = "Formula for calculating trophy drop chance. Trophy drops when result is positive.") public static String trophyDropChanceFormula = "let([bias=rand()/4, selection=rand()], (looting + bias) * chance - selection)"; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "dropblock", name = "irregularBlocksArePassable", comment = "The elevator will try to pass through blocks that have custom collision boxes") public static boolean irregularBlocksArePassable = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "tanks", name = "emitLight", comment = "Tanks will emit light when they contain a liquid that glows (eg. lava)") public static boolean tanksEmitLight = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "sprinkler", name = "fertilizeChance", comment = "1/chance that crops will be fertilized without bonemeal") public static int sprinklerFertilizeChance = 500; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "sprinkler", name = "bonemealFertilizeChance", comment = "1/chance that crops will be fertilized with bonemeal") public static int sprinklerBonemealFertizizeChance = 200; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "sprinkler", name = "effectiveRange", comment = "The range in each cardinal direction that crops will be affected.") public static int sprinklerEffectiveRange = 4; @ConfigProperty(category = "sprinkler", name = "internalTankCapacity", comment = "Capacity (in mB) of internal tank.") public static int sprinklerInternalTank = 50; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "sprinkler", name = "bonemealConsumeRate", comment = "Consume rate of bonemeal (ticks/item).") public static int sprinklerBonemealConsumeRate = 600; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "sprinkler", name = "waterConsumeRate", comment = "Consume rate of sprinkler (ticks/mB).") public static int sprinklerWaterConsumeRate = 20; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "glasses", name = "opacity", comment = "0.0 - no visible change to world, 1.0 - world fully obscured") public static double sonicGlassesOpacity = 0.95; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "glasses", name = "useTexture", comment = "Use texture for obscuring world") public static boolean sonicGlassesUseTexture = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "imaginary", name = "fadingSpeed", comment = "Speed of imaginary blocks fading/appearing") public static float imaginaryFadingSpeed = 0.0075f; @ConfigProperty(category = "imaginary", name = "numberOfUses", comment = "Number of newly created crayon/pencil uses") public static float imaginaryItemUseCount = 10; @ConfigProperty(category = "crane", name = "doCraneCollisionCheck", comment = "Enable collision checking of crane arm") public static boolean doCraneCollisionCheck = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "crane", name = "boringMode", comment = "Use shift to control crane direction (otherwise, toggle every time)") public static boolean craneShiftControl = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "crane", name = "turtleMagnetRange", comment = "Range of magnet CC peripheral") public static double turtleMagnetRange = 32; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "crane", name = "turtleMagnetDeactivateRange", comment = "Maximal distance from turtle to magnet when deactivating") public static double turtleMagnetRangeDeactivate = 3; @ConfigProperty(category = "crane", name = "addTurtles", comment = "Enable magnet turtles") public static boolean enableCraneTurtles = true; @ConfigProperty(category = "crane", name = "showTurtles", comment = "Show magnet turtles in creative list") public static boolean showCraneTurtles = true; @ConfigProperty(category = "hacks", name = "enableExperimentalFeatures", comment = "Enable experimental features that may be buggy or broken entirely") public static boolean experimentalFeatures = false; @ConfigProperty(category = "tomfoolery", name = "weAreSeriousPeople", comment = "Are you serious too?") public static boolean soSerious = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "tomfoolery", name = "doItWhileTyping", comment = "You know, THAT thing! That you shouldn't do in public!") public static boolean fartTypying = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "tomfoolery", name = "flimFlamBlacklist", comment = "Blacklist/Whitelist for effects used by flim-flam enchantment") public static String[] flimFlamList = new String[0]; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "tomfoolery", name = "reverseBlacklist", comment = "If true, flim-flam blacklist will become whitelist") public static boolean flimFlamWhitelist = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "tomfoolery", name = "safeOnly", comment = "Allow only flimflams that don't cause death (or at least very rarely)") public static boolean safeFlimFlams = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "tomfoolery", name = "sillyLoreDisplay", comment = "0 - lore hidden, 1 - visible only with pressed ALT, 2 - always visible") public static int loreDisplay = 1; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "debug", name = "goldenEyeDebug", comment = "Show structures found by golden eye") public static boolean eyeDebug = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "debug", name = "gravesDebug", comment = "Dump extra amount of data, every time grave is created") public static boolean debugGraves = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "graves", name = "destructiveGraves", comment = "Try to overwrite blocks with graves if no suitable place is found on first try") public static boolean destructiveGraves = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "graves", name = "spawnRange", comment = "Size of cube searched for spaces suitable for grave spawning") public static int graveSpawnRange = 10; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "graves", name = "storeContents", comment = "Store contents of spawned graves into separate NBT files (can later be restored with ob_inventory command)") public static boolean backupGraves = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "graves", name = "spawnSkeletons", comment = "Should grave randomly spawn skeletons") public static boolean spawnSkeletons = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "graves", name = "skeletonSpawnRate", comment = "Spawn rate, range: 0..1, default: about 1 per 50s") public static double skeletonSpawnRate = 0.002; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "graves", name = "requiresGraveInInv", comment = "Require gravestone to be in a player's inventory (it is consumed)") public static boolean requiresGraveInInv = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "graves", name = "specialActionFrequency", comment = "Frequency of special action on grave digging, 0..1") public static double graveSpecialAction = 0.03; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "graves", name = "canSpawnBase", comment = "Can grave spawn single block of dirt when it has no block under?") public static boolean graveBase = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "graves", name = "minimalPosY", comment = "Minimal height where grave should be spawned (default value selected to prevent spawning in bedrock)") public static int minGraveY = 6; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "graves", name = "maximalPosY", comment = "Maximal height where grave should be spawned (default value selected to prevent spawning in bedrock)") public static int maxGraveY = 255 - 6; @ConfigProperty(category = "features", name = "explosiveEnchantmentId", comment = "Id of explosive enchantment") public static int explosiveEnchantmentId = 211; @ConfigProperty(category = "features", name = "lastStandEnchantmentId", comment = "Id of last stand enchantment") public static int lastStandEnchantmentId = 212; @ConfigProperty(category = "features", name = "flimFlamEnchantmentId", comment = "Id of flim flam enchantment") public static int flimFlamEnchantmentId = 213; @ConfigProperty(category = "features", name = "explosiveEnchantGrief", comment = "Explosive enchant can break blocks at level 3") public static boolean explosiveEnchantGrief = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "features", name = "lastStandFormula", comment = "Formula for XP cost (variables: hp,dmg,ench,xp). Note: calculation only triggers when hp - dmg < 1.") public static String lastStandEnchantmentFormula = "max(1, 50*(1-(hp-dmg))/ench)"; // 64 blocks, since containers usually have 64 blocks usability range (IInventory.isUseableByPlayer) @ConfigProperty(category = "cursor", name = "cursorMaxDistance", comment = "Maximum distance cursor can reach (warning: increasing may cause crashes)") public static int cursorDistanceLimit = 64; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "additional", name = "disableMobNames", comment = "List any mob names you want disabled on the server") public static String[] disableMobNames = new String[0]; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "additional", name = "dumpDeadPlayersInventories", comment = "Should player inventories be stored after death (can be later restored with ob_inventory command)") public static boolean dumpStiffsStuff = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "cartographer", name = "blockBlacklist", comment = "List of blocks that should be invisible to cartographer. Example: id:3, OpenBlocks:openblocks_radio (case sensitive)") public static String[] mapBlacklist = new String[] { "Natura:Cloud" }; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "cartographer", name = "reportInvalidRequest", comment = "Should invalid height map request be always reported") public static boolean alwaysReportInvalidMapRequests = false; @ConfigProperty(category = "radio", name = "radioVillagerId", comment = "Music merchant id (-1 to disable)") public static int radioVillagerId = 6156; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "radio", name = "radioVillagerSellsRecords", comment = "Should tuned crystals sell records too") public static boolean radioVillagerRecords = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "fan", name = "fanForce", comment = "Maximum force applied every tick to entities nearby (linear decay)") public static double fanForce = 0.05; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "fan", name = "fanRange", comment = "Range of fan in blocks") public static double fanRange = 10; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "fan", name = "isRedstoneActivated", comment = "Is fan force controlled by redstone current") public static boolean redstoneActivatedFan = true; @ConfigProperty(category = "sponge", name = "spongeStickUseCount", comment = "SpongeOnAStick use count") public static int spongeMaxDamage = 256; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "sponge", name = "spongeRange", comment = "Sponge block range (distance from center)") public static int spongeRange = 3; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "sponge", name = "spongeRange", comment = "Sponge block range (distance from center)") public static int spongeStickRange = 3; @ConfigProperty(category = "projector", name = "lightUpWhenWorking", comment = "Projector will light up whenever it is displaying a map") public static boolean litWhenDisplayingMap = true; @ConfigProperty(category = "projector", name = "renderHolographicCone", comment = "Projector will render a holographic cone whenever active") public static boolean renderHoloCone = true; @ConfigProperty(category = "projector", name = "brightness", comment = "The projector's cone will use the specified brightness value to render.\n" + "Value must be between 0 and 255 inclusive. To use the default world brightness set -1 as the value.\n" + "Keep in mind that default brightness means that the cone will render as light blue during the day and dark blue during the night.") public static int coneBrightness = -1; @ConfigProperty(category = "projector", name = "lightLevel", comment = "Level of light emitted by the active projector. Defaults to 10. Must be at maximum 15 and positive") public static int projectorLightLevelValue = 10; @ConfigProperty(category = "projector", name = "renderHolographicGrid", comment = "The holographic cone will display a grid.\n" + "The grid texture may look a bit pixelated and there may be a little gap between two corners.\n" + "This is not an error and it is only a texture calculation problem (e.g. 0.25 does not correctly correspond to 16 pixels in a 64x64 texture)") public static boolean renderHoloGrid = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "loot", name = "donationStation") public static boolean donationStationLoot = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "loot", name = "sonicGlasses") public static boolean sonicGlassesLoot = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "loot", name = "technicolorGlasses") public static boolean technicolorGlassesLoot = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "loot", name = "stencil") public static boolean stencilLoot = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "loot", name = "paintBrush") public static boolean paintBrushLoot = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "features", name = "infoBook", comment = "Should every player get info book on first login") public static boolean spamInfoBook = true; @ConfigProperty(category = "features", name = "xpToLiquidRatio", comment = "Storage in mB needed to store single XP point") public static int xpToLiquidRatio = 20; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "guide", name = "redstoneSensitivity", comment = "How builder guide should react to redstone. 0 - not sensitive, 1 - powered == on, -1 - inverted") public static int guideRedstone = 1; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "guide", name = "renderDistanceSq", comment = "Square of guide maximum render distance") public static double guideRenderRangeSq = 256 * 256; @ConfigProperty(category = "guide", name = "useAdvancedRenderer", comment = "Try to use advanced OpenGL for performance improvement") public static boolean useAdvancedRenderer = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "scaffolding", name = "despawnRate", comment = "The rate at which scaffolding should break. 0 - fastest") public static int scaffoldingDespawnRate = 4; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "egg", name = "pickBlocks", comment = "Can golden egg pick blocks while hatching (may lead to glitches)") public static boolean eggCanPickBlocks = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "magnet", name = "pickEntities", comment = "Can crane magnet pick entities?") public static boolean canMagnetPickEntities = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "magnet", name = "pickBlocks", comment = "Can crane magnet pick block?") public static boolean canMagnetPickBlocks = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "ladder", name = "infiniteMode", comment = "If true, ladders will behave in old way: single item will place ladder all the way down, but it will not drop when broken") public static boolean infiniteLadder = false; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "devnull", name = "sneakClickToGui", comment = "If true, /dev/null will require sneaking in addition to clicking air to open gui") public static boolean devNullSneakGui = true; @OnLineModifiable @ConfigProperty(category = "hangglider", name = "enableThermal", comment = "Enable a whole new level of hanggliding experience through thermal lift. See keybindings for acoustic vario controls") public static boolean hanggliderEnableThermal = true; public static void register() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<IRecipe> recipeList = CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList(); // There is no fail checking here because if the Generic item fails, // then I doubt anyone wants this to be silent. // Too many items would suffer from this. - NC MetasGeneric.registerItems(); OpenBlocks.Items.generic.initRecipes(); MetasGenericUnstackable.registerItems(); OpenBlocks.Items.genericUnstackable.initRecipes(); if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.ladder != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.ladder, Blocks.ladder, Blocks.trapdoor)); } if ( != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(, "grg", "gtg", "grg", 'g', "blockGlass", 't', Blocks.torch, 'r', "dustRedstone")); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.builderGuide != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.builderGuide, "grg", "ete", "grg", 'g', "blockGlass", 't', Blocks.torch, 'r', "dustRedstone", 'e', Items.ender_pearl)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.elevator != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.elevator, "www", "wew", "www", 'w', Blocks.wool, 'e', Items.ender_pearl)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.elevatorRotating != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.elevatorRotating, "wiw", "wew", "wiw", 'w', Blocks.wool, 'e', Items.ender_pearl, 'i', "ingotIron")); if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.elevator != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.elevatorRotating, OpenBlocks.Blocks.elevator, "ingotIron", "ingotIron")); } } if ( != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(, "www", "www", "s s", 'w', Blocks.wool, 's', "stickWood")); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.flag != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Blocks.flag, 3), "scc", "sc ", "s ", 'c', Blocks.carpet, 's', "stickWood")); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.tank != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Blocks.tank, 2), "ogo", "ggg", "ogo", 'g', "paneGlass", 'o', Blocks.obsidian)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.trophy != null) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new TrophyHandler()); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.bearTrap != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.bearTrap, "fif", "fif", "fif", 'f', Blocks.iron_bars, 'i', "ingotIron")); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.sprinkler != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.sprinkler, "ifi", "iri", "ifi", 'i', "ingotIron", 'r', Blocks.redstone_torch, 'f', Blocks.iron_bars)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.cannon != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.cannon, " d ", " f ", "iri", 'd', Blocks.dispenser, 'f', Blocks.iron_bars, 'i', "ingotIron", 'r', "blockRedstone")); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.vacuumHopper != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.vacuumHopper, Blocks.hopper, Blocks.obsidian, Items.ender_eye)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.sponge != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.sponge, Blocks.wool, "slimeball")); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.bigButton != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.bigButton, "bb", "bb", 'b', Blocks.stone_button)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.imaginary != null) { { ItemStack pencil = ItemImaginary.setupValues(null, new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Blocks.imaginary, 1, ItemImaginary.DAMAGE_PENCIL)); recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(pencil, Items.coal, "stickWood", Items.ender_eye, "slimeball")); } for (ColorMeta color : ColorUtils.getAllColors()) { ItemStack crayon = ItemImaginary.setupValues(color.rgb, new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Blocks.imaginary, 1, ItemImaginary.DAMAGE_CRAYON)); recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(crayon, color.oreName, Items.paper, Items.ender_eye, "slimeball")); } recipeList.add(new CrayonMixingRecipe()); RecipeSorter.register("openblocks:crayon_mix", CrayonMixingRecipe.class, RecipeSorter.Category.SHAPELESS, "after:minecraft:shapeless"); } if ( != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(, "f", "i", "s", 'f', Blocks.iron_bars, 'i', "ingotIron", 's', Blocks.stone_slab)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.xpBottler != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.xpBottler, "iii", "ibi", "iii", 'i', "ingotIron", 'b', Items.glass_bottle)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.villageHighlighter != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.villageHighlighter, "www", "wew", "ccc", 'w', "plankWood", 'e', "gemEmerald", 'c', "cobblestone")); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.path != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Blocks.path, 2), "stone", "cobblestone")); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.autoAnvil != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.autoAnvil, "iii", "iai", "rrr", 'i', "ingotIron", 'a', Blocks.anvil, 'r', "dustRedstone")); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.autoEnchantmentTable != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.autoEnchantmentTable, "iii", "iei", "rrr", 'i', "ingotIron", 'e', Blocks.enchanting_table, 'r', "dustRedstone")); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.xpDrain != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.xpDrain, "iii", "iii", "iii", 'i', Blocks.iron_bars)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.blockBreaker != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.blockBreaker, "icc", "src", "icc", 'i', "ingotIron", 'c', "cobblestone", 'r', "dustRedstone", 's', Items.diamond_pickaxe)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.blockPlacer != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.blockPlacer, "icc", "src", "icc", 'i', "ingotIron", 'c', "cobblestone", 'r', "dustRedstone", 's', Blocks.piston)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.itemDropper != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.itemDropper, "icc", "src", "icc", 'i', "ingotIron", 'c', "cobblestone", 'r', "dustRedstone", 's', Blocks.hopper)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.ropeLadder != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Blocks.ropeLadder, 8), "sts", "sts", "sts", 't', "stickWood", 's', Items.string)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.donationStation != null) { WeightedRandomChestContent drop = new WeightedRandomChestContent(new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Blocks.donationStation), 1, 1, 2); if (donationStationLoot) { ChestGenHooks.getInfo(ChestGenHooks.DUNGEON_CHEST).addItem(drop); ChestGenHooks.getInfo(ChestGenHooks.MINESHAFT_CORRIDOR).addItem(drop); } recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.donationStation, "ppp", "pcp", "ppp", 'p', Items.porkchop, 'c', "chestWood")); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.paintMixer != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.paintMixer, "ooo", "i i", "iii", 'o', Blocks.obsidian, 'i', "ingotIron")); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.canvas != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Blocks.canvas, 9), "ppp", "pfp", "ppp", 'p', Items.paper, 'f', Blocks.fence)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.projector != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.projector, "grl", "iri", "srs", 's', Blocks.stone_slab, 'r', "dustRedstone", 'g', "dustGlowstone", 'i', "ingotIron", 'l', "gemLapis")); recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.projector, "lrg", "iri", "srs", 's', Blocks.stone_slab, 'r', "dustRedstone", 'g', "dustGlowstone", 'i', "ingotIron", 'l', "gemLapis")); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.goldenEgg != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.goldenEgg, "ggg", "geg", "ggg", 'g', "ingotGold", 'e', Items.egg)); } if ( != null) { final ItemStack normal6 = new ItemStack(, 6, 0); final ItemStack normal = new ItemStack(, 1, 1); final ItemStack inverted = new ItemStack(, 1, 0); recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(normal6, "geg", "gsg", "geg", 'g', "blockGlassColorless", 'e', Items.ender_eye, 's', Blocks.end_stone)); recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(inverted, normal, Blocks.redstone_torch)); recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(normal, inverted, Blocks.redstone_torch)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.drawingTable != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.drawingTable, "sks", "pcp", "ppp", 'p', "plankWood", 'c', "craftingTableWood", 's', MetasGeneric.unpreparedStencil.newItemStack(), 'k', MetasGeneric.sketchingPencil.newItemStack())); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.xpShower != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Blocks.xpShower, "iii", " o", 'i', "ingotIron", 'o', Blocks.obsidian)); } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.scaffolding != null) { final ItemStack result = new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Blocks.scaffolding, 8); recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(result, "sss", "s s", "sss", 's', "stickWood")); final RegistryDelegate<Item> itemDelegate = result.getItem().delegate; GameRegistry.registerFuelHandler(new IFuelHandler() { @Override public int getBurnTime(ItemStack fuel) { return fuel.getItem() == itemDelegate.get()? 100 : 0; } }); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.hangGlider != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.hangGlider, "wsw", 'w', MetasGeneric.gliderWing.newItemStack(), 's', "stickWood")); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.luggage != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.luggage, "sds", "scs", "sss", 's', "stickWood", 'd', "gemDiamond", 'c', "chestWood")); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.sonicGlasses != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.sonicGlasses, "ihi", "oso", " ", 's', "stickWood", 'h', Items.iron_helmet, 'o', Blocks.obsidian, 'i', "ingotIron")); ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Items.sonicGlasses); if (sonicGlassesLoot) { WeightedRandomChestContent drop = new WeightedRandomChestContent(stack, 1, 1, 2); ChestGenHooks.getInfo(ChestGenHooks.DUNGEON_CHEST).addItem(drop); } } if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.imaginary != null) { if (OpenBlocks.Items.pencilGlasses != null) { ItemStack block = new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Blocks.imaginary, 1, ItemImaginary.DAMAGE_PENCIL); ItemImaginary.setupValues(null, block); recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.pencilGlasses, block, Items.paper)); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.crayonGlasses != null) { recipeList.add(new CrayonGlassesRecipe()); // must be after pencil RecipeSorter.register("openblocks:crayon_glasses", CrayonGlassesRecipe.class, RecipeSorter.Category.SHAPELESS, "after:minecraft:shapeless"); } if (technicolorGlassesLoot && OpenBlocks.Items.technicolorGlasses != null) { WeightedRandomChestContent drop = new WeightedRandomChestContent(new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Items.technicolorGlasses), 1, 1, 2); ChestGenHooks.getInfo(ChestGenHooks.DUNGEON_CHEST).addItem(drop); ChestGenHooks.getInfo(ChestGenHooks.MINESHAFT_CORRIDOR).addItem(drop); } } if (OpenBlocks.Items.craneControl != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.craneControl, "ili", "grg", "iri", 'i', "ingotIron", 'g', "nuggetGold", 'l', "dustGlowstone", 'r', "dustRedstone")); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.craneBackpack != null) { ItemStack line = MetasGeneric.line.newItemStack(); ItemStack beam = MetasGeneric.beam.newItemStack(); recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.craneBackpack, MetasGeneric.craneEngine.newItemStack(), MetasGeneric.craneMagnet.newItemStack(), beam, beam, line, line, line, Items.leather)); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.slimalyzer != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.slimalyzer, "igi", "isi", "iri", 'i', "ingotIron", 'g', "paneGlass", 's', "slimeball", 'r', "dustRedstone")); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.sleepingBag != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.sleepingBag, "cc ", "www", "ccw", 'c', Blocks.carpet, 'w', Blocks.wool)); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.paintBrush != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.paintBrush, "w ", " s ", " s", 'w', Blocks.wool, 's', "stickWood")); final ItemStack template = new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Items.paintBrush, 1, OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE); for (ColorMeta color : ColorUtils.getAllColors()) { ItemStack brush = ItemPaintBrush.createStackWithColor(color.rgb); recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(brush, template, color.oreName)); } if (paintBrushLoot) { for (int color : new int[] { 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF }) { ItemStack stack = ItemPaintBrush.createStackWithColor(color); WeightedRandomChestContent drop = new WeightedRandomChestContent(stack, 1, 1, 2); ChestGenHooks.getInfo(ChestGenHooks.DUNGEON_CHEST).addItem(drop); ChestGenHooks.getInfo(ChestGenHooks.VILLAGE_BLACKSMITH).addItem(drop); ChestGenHooks.getInfo(ChestGenHooks.BONUS_CHEST).addItem(drop); ChestGenHooks.getInfo(ChestGenHooks.MINESHAFT_CORRIDOR).addItem(drop); } } } if (OpenBlocks.Items.stencil != null) { if (stencilLoot) { for (Stencil stencil : Stencil.values()) { WeightedRandomChestContent drop = new WeightedRandomChestContent(new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Items.stencil, 1, stencil.ordinal()), 1, 1, 2); ChestGenHooks.getInfo(ChestGenHooks.DUNGEON_CHEST).addItem(drop); ChestGenHooks.getInfo(ChestGenHooks.MINESHAFT_CORRIDOR).addItem(drop); } } } if (OpenBlocks.Items.squeegee != null) { if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.sponge != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.squeegee, "sss", " w ", " w ", 's', OpenBlocks.Blocks.sponge, 'w', "stickWood")); } else { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.squeegee, "sss", " w ", " w ", 's', "slimeball", 'w', "stickWood")); } } if (OpenBlocks.Items.emptyMap != null) { if (OpenBlocks.Items.heightMap != null) { recipeList.add(new MapCloneRecipe()); RecipeSorter.register("openblocks:map_clone", MapCloneRecipe.class, RecipeSorter.Category.SHAPELESS, "after:minecraft:shapeless"); } recipeList.add(new MapResizeRecipe()); RecipeSorter.register("openblocks:map_resize", MapResizeRecipe.class, RecipeSorter.Category.SHAPED, "after:minecraft:shaped"); ItemStack memory = MetasGeneric.mapMemory.newItemStack(2); ItemStack cpu = MetasGeneric.mapController.newItemStack(1); recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.emptyMap.createMap(0), " m ", "mcm", " m ", 'm', memory, 'c', cpu)); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.cartographer != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.cartographer, MetasGeneric.assistantBase.newItemStack(), Items.ender_eye)); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.goldenEye != null) { recipeList.add(new GoldenEyeRechargeRecipe()); RecipeSorter.register("openblocks:golden_eye_recharge", GoldenEyeRechargeRecipe.class, RecipeSorter.Category.SHAPELESS, "after:minecraft:shapeless"); recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Items.goldenEye, 1, ItemGoldenEye.MAX_DAMAGE), "ggg", "geg", "ggg", 'g', "nuggetGold", 'e', Items.ender_eye)); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.tastyClay != null) { final ItemStack cocoa = ColorMeta.BROWN.createStack(Items.dye, 1); recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Items.tastyClay, 2), Items.clay_ball, Items.milk_bucket, cocoa)); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.cursor != null) { final ItemStack whiteWool = ColorMeta.WHITE.createStack(Blocks.wool, 1); recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.cursor, "w ", "www", "www", 'w', whiteWool)); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.infoBook != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Items.infoBook), Items.clay_ball,; } if (OpenBlocks.Items.devNull != null) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(OpenBlocks.Items.devNull); recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(new ItemStack(OpenBlocks.Items.devNull), "cobblestone",; } if (OpenBlocks.Items.spongeonastick != null) { if (OpenBlocks.Blocks.sponge != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.spongeonastick, " s ", " w ", " w ", 's', OpenBlocks.Blocks.sponge, 'w', "stickWood")); } } if (OpenBlocks.Items.pedometer != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.pedometer, "www", "rcr", "www", 'w', "plankWood", 'r', "dustRedstone", 'c', Items.clock)); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.epicEraser != null) { recipeList.add(new EpicEraserRecipe()); RecipeSorter.register("openblocks:epic_eraser", EpicEraserRecipe.class, RecipeSorter.Category.SHAPELESS, "after:minecraft:shapeless"); recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.epicEraser, "gemLapis", "slimeball", Blocks.wool)); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.filledBucket != null) { MetasBucket.registerItems(); MetasBucket.xpbucket.registerAsBucketFor(OpenBlocks.Fluids.xpJuice); } if (OpenBlocks.Items.wrench != null) { recipeList.add(new ShapedOreRecipe(OpenBlocks.Items.wrench, "iii", "iii", 'i', "ingotIron")); } if (explosiveEnchantmentId > 0) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ExplosiveEnchantmentsHandler()); Enchantments.explosive = new EnchantmentExplosive(explosiveEnchantmentId); } if (lastStandEnchantmentId > 0) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new LastStandEnchantmentsHandler()); Enchantments.lastStand = new EnchantmentLastStand(lastStandEnchantmentId); } if (flimFlamEnchantmentId > 0) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new FlimFlamEnchantmentsHandler()); Enchantments.flimFlam = new EnchantmentFlimFlam(flimFlamEnchantmentId); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int emeraldCount = 1 << i; ItemStack result = Items.enchanted_book.getEnchantedItemStack(new EnchantmentData(Enchantments.flimFlam, i + 1)); Object recipe[] = new Object[emeraldCount + 1]; recipe[0] =; Arrays.fill(recipe, 1, recipe.length, "gemEmerald"); recipeList.add(new ShapelessOreRecipe(result, recipe)); } } } }