package fr.lteconsulting.hexa.rebind; import; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.comm.CustomMethod; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.comm.FieldName; public class DataProxyGenerator extends Generator { private String genMethodPrototype( JMethod method ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "public " + method.getReturnType().getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName() + " " + method.getName() + "( " ); for( int i = 0; i < method.getParameters().length; i++ ) { JParameter param = method.getParameters()[i]; sb.append( param.getType().getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName() + " " + param.getName() ); if( i < method.getParameters().length - 1 ) sb.append( ", " ); } sb.append( " )" ); return sb.toString(); } // HexaDate fields HashMap<String, String> hexaDateFields = new HashMap<String, String>(); String registerHexaDateVariable( String fieldName ) { String variableName = hexaDateFields.get( fieldName ); if( variableName == null ) { variableName = "hexaDate_" + hexaDateFields.size(); hexaDateFields.put( fieldName, variableName ); } return variableName; } void generateHexaDateVariables( SourceWriter sw ) { for( String variableName : hexaDateFields.values() ) sw.println( "HexaDate " + variableName + " = null;" ); } // HexaTime fields HashMap<String, String> hexaTimeFields = new HashMap<String, String>(); String registerHexaTimeVariable( String fieldName ) { String variableName = hexaTimeFields.get( fieldName ); if( variableName == null ) { variableName = "hexaTime_" + hexaTimeFields.size(); hexaTimeFields.put( fieldName, variableName ); } return variableName; } void generateHexaTimeVariables( SourceWriter sw ) { for( String variableName : hexaTimeFields.values() ) sw.println( "HexaTime " + variableName + " = null;" ); } // HexaDateTime fields HashMap<String, String> hexaDateTimeFields = new HashMap<String, String>(); String registerHexaDateTimeVariable( String fieldName ) { String variableName = hexaDateTimeFields.get( fieldName ); if( variableName == null ) { variableName = "hexaDateTime_" + hexaDateTimeFields.size(); hexaDateTimeFields.put( fieldName, variableName ); } return variableName; } void generateHexaDateTimeVariables( SourceWriter sw ) { for( String variableName : hexaDateTimeFields.values() ) sw.println( "HexaDateTime " + variableName + " = null;" ); } @Override public String generate( TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String requestedClass ) throws UnableToCompleteException { logger.log( TreeLogger.INFO, "Generate '" + requestedClass, null ); TypeOracle typeOracle = context.getTypeOracle(); JClassType requestedType = typeOracle.findType( requestedClass ); if( requestedType == null ) { logger.log( TreeLogger.ERROR, "Type '" + requestedClass + "' has not been found by the Oracle", null ); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } String className = requestedType.getName() + "Impl"; String fullClassName = requestedClass + "Impl"; String packageName = requestedType.getPackage().getName(); PrintWriter printWriter = context.tryCreate( logger, packageName, className ); if( printWriter == null ) { logger.log( TreeLogger.DEBUG, requestedClass + " : CANNOT CREATE PRINT WRITER", null ); return fullClassName; } // Get type parameters informations so that we generate a fitting class String parameterizedTypeExt = ""; String typeExt = ""; JGenericType genericType = requestedType.isGenericType(); if( genericType != null ) { parameterizedTypeExt = "<"; typeExt = "<"; JTypeParameter[] tps = genericType.getTypeParameters(); boolean needComa = false; for( int i = 0; i < tps.length; i++ ) { if( needComa ) { parameterizedTypeExt += ", "; typeExt += ", "; } needComa = true; JTypeParameter tp = tps[i]; parameterizedTypeExt += tp.getName() + " extends "; typeExt += tp.getName(); JClassType[] cts = tp.getBounds(); boolean needAnd = false; for( int j = 0; j < cts.length; j++ ) { if( needAnd ) parameterizedTypeExt += " & "; needAnd = true; JClassType ct = cts[j]; parameterizedTypeExt += ct.getName(); } } parameterizedTypeExt += ">"; typeExt += ">"; } ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composerFactory = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory( packageName, className + parameterizedTypeExt ); composerFactory.addImport( "" ); composerFactory.addImport( "fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.comm.DataProxy" ); composerFactory.addImport( "fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.comm.GenericJSO" ); composerFactory.addImport( "fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.comm.ResponseJSO" ); composerFactory.addImport( "java.util.ArrayList" ); composerFactory.addImport( "" ); composerFactory.addImport( "fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.common.HexaDate" ); composerFactory.addImport( "fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.common.HexaTime" ); composerFactory.addImport( "fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.common.HexaDateTime" ); composerFactory.addImport( "" ); composerFactory.addImport( "" ); composerFactory.addImplementedInterface( requestedClass + typeExt ); SourceWriter sw = composerFactory.createSourceWriter( context, printWriter ); if( sw == null ) { // logger.log( TreeLogger.WARN, requestedClass + // " : CANNOT CREATE SOURCEWRITER", null ); return fullClassName; // null, already generated } sw.println( "private GenericJSO jso = null;" ); JMethod[] methods = requestedType.getMethods(); sw.println( "@Override public String toString() {" ); sw.indent(); sw.println( "return new JSONObject(jso).toString();" ); sw.outdent(); sw.println( "}" ); sw.println( "public void init( GenericJSO jso ) {" ); sw.indent(); sw.println( "this.jso = jso;" ); sw.outdent(); sw.println( "}" ); for( JMethod method : methods ) { FieldName fnAnnotation = method.getAnnotation( FieldName.class ); CustomMethod cmAnnotation = method.getAnnotation( CustomMethod.class ); if( cmAnnotation != null ) { sw.println( "public " + method.getReturnType().getSimpleSourceName() + " " + method.getName() + "() {" ); sw.indent(); sw.println( cmAnnotation.body() ); sw.outdent(); sw.println( "}" ); } else if( fnAnnotation != null ) { String methodPrototype = genMethodPrototype( method ); sw.println( methodPrototype ); sw.println( "{" ); // sw.println( "public " + // method.getReturnType().getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName() // + " " + method.getName() + "() {" ); sw.indent(); if( method.getReturnType().getSimpleSourceName().compareTo( "HexaDate" ) == 0 ) { String variableName = registerHexaDateVariable( fnAnnotation.fieldName() ); sw.println( "if( " + variableName + " == null ) " + variableName + " = new HexaDate( jso.getString( \"" + fnAnnotation.fieldName() + "\" ) );" ); sw.println( "return " + variableName + ";" ); } else if( method.getReturnType().getSimpleSourceName().compareTo( "HexaTime" ) == 0 ) { String variableName = registerHexaTimeVariable( fnAnnotation.fieldName() ); sw.println( "if( " + variableName + " == null ) " + variableName + " = new HexaTime( jso.getString( \"" + fnAnnotation.fieldName() + "\" ) );" ); sw.println( "return " + variableName + ";" ); // sw.println( "return new HexaTime( jso.getString( \"" + // fnAnnotation.fieldName() + "\" ) );" ); } else if( method.getReturnType().getSimpleSourceName().compareTo( "HexaDateTime" ) == 0 ) { String variableName = registerHexaDateTimeVariable( fnAnnotation.fieldName() ); sw.println( "if( " + variableName + " == null ) " + variableName + " = new HexaDateTime( jso.getString( \"" + fnAnnotation.fieldName() + "\" ) );" ); sw.println( "return " + variableName + ";" ); // sw.println( "return new HexaDateTime( jso.getString( \"" // + fnAnnotation.fieldName() + "\" ) );" ); } else if( isJSOType( method.getReturnType() ) ) { sw.println( "return jso.getGenericJSO( \"" + fnAnnotation.fieldName() + "\" ).cast();" ); } //else if( !method.getReturnType().getSimpleSourceName().equals( "ArrayList" ) ) else if( ! ( method.getReturnType().getQualifiedSourceName().equals( "java.util.ArrayList" ) || method.getReturnType().getQualifiedSourceName().equals( "java.util.List" ) ) ) { String jsoType = method.getReturnType().getSimpleSourceName(); if( method.getReturnType().getSimpleSourceName().compareTo( "int" ) == 0 ) jsoType = "Int"; else if( method.getReturnType().getSimpleSourceName().compareTo( "Integer" ) == 0 ) jsoType = "Integer"; else if( method.getReturnType().getSimpleSourceName().compareTo( "boolean" ) == 0 ) jsoType = "Boolean"; else if( method.getReturnType().getSimpleSourceName().compareTo( "double" ) == 0 ) jsoType = "Double"; sw.println( "return jso.get" + jsoType + "( \"" + fnAnnotation.fieldName() + "\" );" ); } else { JParameterizedType ptype = method.getReturnType().isParameterized(); JClassType[] typeArgs = ptype.getTypeArgs(); assert (typeArgs.length == 1); String type = typeArgs[0].getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName(); String field = fnAnnotation.fieldName(); sw.println( "ArrayList<" + type + "> res = new ArrayList<" + type + ">();" ); sw.println( "JsArray<GenericJSO> jsos = jso.getArray( \"" + field + "\" );" ); sw.println( "for( int i=0; i<jsos.length(); i++ ) {" ); sw.println( " " + type + " elem = GWT.create( " + type + ".class );" ); sw.println( " elem.init( jsos.get(i) );" ); sw.println( " res.add( elem );" ); sw.println( "}" ); sw.println( "return res;" ); } sw.outdent(); sw.println( "}" ); } } generateHexaDateVariables( sw ); generateHexaTimeVariables( sw ); generateHexaDateTimeVariables( sw ); sw.commit( logger ); return fullClassName; } boolean isJSOType( JType type ) { JClassType cType = type.isClass(); if( cType == null ) cType = type.isInterface(); if( cType == null ) return false; for( JClassType t = cType; t != null; t = t.getSuperclass() ) { // sw.println( "// supertype : " + t.getSimpleSourceName() ); JTypeParameter typeParam = t.isTypeParameter(); if( typeParam != null ) { // sw.println( "// which is a type parameter" ); JClassType[] bounds = typeParam.getBounds(); for( int b = 0; b < bounds.length; b++ ) { // sw.println( "// which is bound to : " + // bounds[b].getSimpleSourceName() ); if( bounds[b].getSimpleSourceName().compareTo( "JavaScriptObject" ) == 0 ) return true; } } if( t.getSimpleSourceName().compareTo( "JavaScriptObject" ) == 0 ) return true; } return false; } }