package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.ui.treetable.Row; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.ui.treetable.TreeTable; public class HierarchySet<T> { public interface IHierarchyLevel<T> { public String getName(); public String getIdentifier( T record ); public void fillRow( Row row, T record ); public IHierarchyAccumulator<T> getNewAccumulator(); } ArrayList<IHierarchyLevel<T>> hierarchy = new ArrayList<IHierarchyLevel<T>>(); public interface IHierarchyAccumulator<T> { public void add( T element ); public void fillRow( Row row ); } HashMap<String, Row> items = new HashMap<String, Row>(); HashMap<Row, IHierarchyAccumulator<T>> accumulators = new HashMap<Row, IHierarchyAccumulator<T>>(); public void resetDisplay() { items.clear(); accumulators.clear(); } public void clearHierarchy() { hierarchy.clear(); } public void add( IHierarchyLevel<T> item ) { hierarchy.add( item ); } public Row getParentItem( TreeTable table, T element ) { Row itemParent = null; String itemAddress = ""; for( IHierarchyLevel<T> h : hierarchy ) { itemAddress += "-" + h.getIdentifier( element ); Row item = items.get( itemAddress ); if( item == null ) { item = table.addRow( itemParent ); h.fillRow( item, element ); // TODO : FIx the bug that prevents to do that... // table.setExpanded( item, false ); items.put( itemAddress, item ); accumulators.put( item, h.getNewAccumulator() ); } IHierarchyAccumulator<T> accu = accumulators.get( item ); if( accu != null ) accu.add( element ); itemParent = item; } return itemParent; } public Row createItem( TreeTable table, T element ) { Row itemParent = getParentItem( table, element ); return table.addRow( itemParent ); } public void displayAccumulators( TreeTable table ) { Set<Entry<Row, IHierarchyAccumulator<T>>> set = accumulators.entrySet(); for( Iterator<Entry<Row, IHierarchyAccumulator<T>>> i = set.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Entry<Row, IHierarchyAccumulator<T>> entry =; if( entry.getValue() != null ) entry.getValue().fillRow( entry.getKey() ); } } }