package fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.ui.chart.raphael; import; import; import; import; /** * Utility class that provides easy, type-checked access to the shape attributes * in Raphael shape properties and animation methods. * <p> * Example usage: * * <pre> * Shape s = ...; * s.attr(new Attr().fill("#f20").opacity(50.0).rotation(45).strokeWidth(1)); * </pre> * * @author Tassos Bassoukos */ public class Attr extends JSONObject { public enum StrokeLineCap { butt, square, round; } public enum StrokeLineJoin { bevel, miter, round; } public enum TextAnchor { start, middle, end; } public enum StrokeDashArray { SHORT_DASH( "-" ), SHORT_DOT( "." ), SHORT_DASH_DOT( "-." ), SHORT_DASH_DOT_DOT( "-.." ), DASH( "- " ), DOT( ". " ), LONG_DASH( "--" ), DASH_DOT( "- ." ), LONG_DASH_DOT( "--." ), LONG_DASH_DOT_DOT( "--.." ); private String cssName; private StrokeDashArray( String name ) { cssName = name; } public String getCssName() { return cssName; }; } public Attr cursor( Cursor cursor ) { this.put( "cursor", cursor == null ? null : new JSONString( cursor.getCssName() ) ); return this; } public Attr cursor( String cursor ) { this.put( "cursor", new JSONString( cursor ) ); return this; } public Attr fill( String color ) { this.put( "fill", new JSONString( color ) ); return this; } public Attr cx( double cx ) { this.put( "cx", new JSONNumber( cx ) ); return this; } public Attr cy( double cy ) { this.put( "cy", new JSONNumber( cy ) ); return this; } public Attr x( double x ) { this.put( "x", new JSONNumber( x ) ); return this; } public Attr y( double y ) { this.put( "y", new JSONNumber( y ) ); return this; } public Attr rx( double rx ) { this.put( "rx", new JSONNumber( rx ) ); return this; } public Attr ry( double ry ) { this.put( "ry", new JSONNumber( ry ) ); return this; } public Attr r( double r ) { this.put( "r", new JSONNumber( r ) ); return this; } public Attr rotation( double r ) { this.put( "rotation", new JSONNumber( r ) ); return this; } public Attr opacity( double opacity ) { this.put( "opacity", new JSONNumber( opacity ) ); return this; } public Attr width( double rotation ) { this.put( "rotation", new JSONNumber( rotation ) ); return this; } public Attr height( double height ) { this.put( "height", new JSONNumber( height ) ); return this; } public Attr strokeOpacity( double strokeOpacity ) { this.put( "stroke-opacity", new JSONNumber( strokeOpacity ) ); return this; } public Attr fillOpacity( double fillOpacity ) { this.put( "fill-opacity", new JSONNumber( fillOpacity ) ); return this; } public Attr strokeWidth( double strokeWidth ) { this.put( "stroke-width", new JSONNumber( strokeWidth ) ); return this; } public Attr strokeMiterLimit( double strokeMiterLimit ) { this.put( "stroke-miterlimit", new JSONNumber( strokeMiterLimit ) ); return this; } public Attr fontSize( double fontSize ) { this.put( "font-size", new JSONNumber( fontSize ) ); return this; } public Attr clipRect( double x, double y, double width, double height ) { this.put( "clip-rect", new JSONString( x + " " + y + " " + width + " " + height ) ); return this; } public Attr font( String font ) { this.put( "font", new JSONString( font ) ); return this; } public Attr fontFamily( String fontFamily ) { this.put( "font-family", new JSONString( fontFamily ) ); return this; } public Attr fontWeight( String fontWeight ) { this.put( "font-weight", new JSONString( fontWeight ) ); return this; } public Attr path( PathBuilder path ) { this.put( "path", new JSONString( path.toString() ) ); return this; } public Attr path( String path ) { this.put( "path", new JSONString( path ) ); return this; } public Attr scale( double rx, double ry, double centerX, double centerY ) { this.put( "scale", new JSONString( rx + " " + ry + " " + centerX + " " + centerY ) ); return this; } public Attr scale( double rx, double ry ) { this.put( "scale", new JSONString( rx + " " + ry ) ); return this; } public Attr stroke( String color ) { this.put( "stroke", new JSONString( color ) ); return this; } public Attr strokeDash( StrokeDashArray dashes ) { this.put( "stroke-dasharray", new JSONString( dashes.getCssName() ) ); return this; } public Attr strokeDash( String dashes ) { this.put( "stroke-dasharray", new JSONString( dashes ) ); return this; } public Attr strokeLineCap( StrokeLineCap lineCap ) { this.put( "stroke-linecap", new JSONString( ) ); return this; } public Attr strokeLineJoin( StrokeLineJoin lineJoin ) { this.put( "stroke-linejoin", new JSONString( ) ); return this; } public Attr textAnchor( TextAnchor anchor ) { this.put( "text-Anchor", new JSONString( ) ); return this; } public Attr title( String title ) { this.put( "title", new JSONString( title ) ); return this; } public Attr translation( double dx, double dy ) { this.put( "translation", new JSONString( dx + " " + dy ) ); return this; } }