package fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.calendar; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.calendar.CalendarPeriod.PeriodsByYear; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.common.HexaDate; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.common.HexaTime; public class CalendarFunctions { // Constants public static final String TIME_BEGIN = "1970-01-01"; public static final String TIME_END = "2038-01-10"; // the 19th jan 2038 is // the last day that // strtotime can // handle... public static String date2Display( String pDate ) { // Note re-written HexaDate hDate = new HexaDate( pDate ); String sDate = hDate.getDisplayString(); return sDate; } public static String date_add_day( String dateStr, int nbDays ) { HexaDate hDate = new HexaDate( dateStr ); hDate = hDate.addDays( nbDays ); String d = hDate.getString(); return d; } public static int date_interval_days( String pFrom, String pTo ) { HexaDate d1 = new HexaDate( pFrom ); HexaDate d2 = new HexaDate( pTo ); return d1.getIntervalDays( d2 ); } public static int intdiv( int q, int d ) { int reste = q % d; int res = (q - reste) / d; return res; } public static int date_get_day( String date ) { HexaDate hDate = new HexaDate( date ); return hDate.getDay(); } public static String now() { // return date( 'Y-m-d', strtotime( 'now' ) ); return new HexaDate().getString(); } public static String nowtime() { // return date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime( 'now' ) ); return new HexaTime().getString(); } public static PeriodsByYear SliceByYear( String periodExpr ) { Tree tree = Calendar.get().Parse( periodExpr ); PeriodBoundaries boundaries = tree.getBoundaries(); int startYear = new HexaDate( boundaries.from ).getHumanYear(); int endYear = new HexaDate( ).getHumanYear(); CalendarPeriod cp = new CalendarPeriod(); PeriodsByYear ps = PeriodsByYear(); for( int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++ ) ps.add( PeriodByYear( year, "[" + year + "-01-01;" + year + "-12-31] " + periodExpr + " &" ) ); return ps; } // Additional functions for PHP to Java translation public static int string_date_to_day_of_week( String pDateStr ) { return new HexaDate( pDateStr ).getDay(); } // ex 2013-06-11 => 20130611 public static int string_date_to_int( String d ) { HexaDate date = new HexaDate( d ); return date.getHumanYear() * 10000 + date.getHumanMonth() * 100 + date.getHumanDate(); } public static String max_date( String d1, String d2 ) { if( d1.compareTo( d2 ) >= 0 ) return d1; return d2; } public static String min_date( String d1, String d2 ) { if( d1.compareTo( d2 ) <= 0 ) return d1; return d2; } }