package fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.ui.chart.raphael; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Overlay class for GWT to use raphaeljs library */ public class RaphaelJS extends JavaScriptObject { interface RaphaelBundle extends ClientBundle { @Source( "raphael-min.js" ) TextResource RaphaelJs(); } private static RaphaelBundle bundle = null; private static void _ensureScriptLoaded() { if( bundle != null ) return; bundle = (RaphaelBundle) GWT.create( RaphaelBundle.class ); Document doc = Document.get(); ScriptElement sqljs = doc.createScriptElement(); sqljs.setAttribute( "type", "text/javascript" ); sqljs.setInnerText( bundle.RaphaelJs().getText() ); doc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChildElement().appendChild( sqljs ); } static public RaphaelJS create( String elementId, int width, int height ) { _ensureScriptLoaded(); return createImpl( elementId, width, height ); } public static RaphaelJS create( element, int width, int height ) { _ensureScriptLoaded(); return createImpl( element, width, height ); } /** * Raphael factory method */ static private final native RaphaelJS createImpl( String elementId, int width, int height ) /*-{ return $wnd.Raphael(elementId, width, height); }-*/; /** * Raphael factory method */ static public final native RaphaelJS createImpl( element, int width, int height ) /*-{ return $wnd.Raphael(element, width, height); }-*/; /** * color object returned by Element.getColor() and friends */ public static class Color extends JavaScriptObject { protected Color() { } /** * reset getColor() function to restart from the beginning */ public final native void reset() /*-{ this.reset(); }-*/; } /** * element objected returned by circle(), rect(), etc. */ public static class Element extends JavaScriptObject { protected Element() { } public final native Element cloneElement() /*-{ return this.clone(); }-*/; /** * Gives you a reference to the DOM object, so you can assign event * handlers or just mess around. * * @return reference to the current DOM object */ public final native node() /*-{ return this.node; }-*/; /** * Removes element from the DOM. You can't use it after this method * call. */ public final native void remove() /*-{ this.remove(); }-*/; /** * Makes element invisible * * @return the javascript object hidden */ public final native Element hide() /*-{ return this.hide(); }-*/; /** * Makes element visible * * @return the javascript object made visible */ public final native Element show() /*-{ return; }-*/; /** * Rotates the element by the given degree from its center point * relatively. * * @param degree * number of degrees of rotation (0-360) * * @return the javascript object rotated */ public final native Element rotate( double degree ) /*-{ return this.rotate(degree); }-*/; /** * Rotates the element by the given degree from its center point. * * @param degree * number of degrees of rotation (0-360) * @param isAbsolute * boolean Specifies if degree is relative to previous * position (false) or is it absolute angle (true) * * @return the javascript object rotated */ public final native Element rotate( double degree, boolean isAbsolute ) /*-{ return this.rotate(degree, isAbsolute); }-*/; /** * Rotates the element by the given degree from its center point * relatively. * * @param degree * number of degrees of rotation (0-360) * @param cx * number X coordinate of center of rotation * @param cy * number Y coordinate of center of rotation * * @return the javascript object rotated */ public final native Element rotate( double degree, double cx, double cy ) /*-{ return this.rotate(degree, cx, cy); }-*/; /** * Moves the element around the canvas by the given distances. * * @param dx * number of pixels of translation by X-axis * @param dy * number of pixels of translation by Y-axis * * @return the javascript object translated */ public final native Element translate( double dx, double dy ) /*-{ return this.translate(dx, dy); }-*/; /** * Resizes the element by the given multipliers. * * @param Xtimes * factor to scale horizontally * @param Ytimes * factor to scale vertically * * @return the javascript object scaled */ public final native Element scale( double Xtimes, double Ytimes ) /*-{ return this.scale(Xtimes, Ytimes); }-*/; /** * Resizes the element by the given multipliers. * * @param Xtimes * factor to scale horizontally * @param Ytimes * factor to scale vertically * * @return the javascript object scaled */ public final native Element scale( double Xtimes, double Ytimes, double centerX ) /*-{ return this.scale(Xtimes, Ytimes, centerX); }-*/; /** * Resizes the element by the given multipliers. * * @param Xtimes * factor to scale horizontally * @param Ytimes * factor to scale vertically * * @return the javascript object scaled */ public final native Element scale( double Xtimes, double Ytimes, double centerX, double centerY ) /*-{ return this.scale(Xtimes, Ytimes, centerX, centerY); }-*/; /** * Linearly changes an attribute from its current value to its specified * value in the given amount of milliseconds. * * @param newAttrs * string Attributes of the object after animation (not all * attributes can be animated) * @attributes_to_animate: . clip-rect string . cx number . cy number . * fill colour . fill-opacity number . font-size * number . height number . opacity number . * path pathString . r number . rotation number * . rx number . ry number . scale string . * stroke colour . stroke-opacity number . * stroke-width number . translation string . * width number . x number . y number * @param duration * The duration of the animation, given in milliseconds * */ public final native Element animate( JavaScriptObject newAttrs, int ms ) /*-{ return this.animate(newAttrs, ms); }-*/; public final native Element animate( JavaScriptObject newAttrs, int ms, AnimationCallback callback ) /*-{ return this .animate( newAttrs, ms, function() { @fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.ui.chart.raphael.AnimationCallback::fire(Lfr/lteconsulting/hexa/client/ui/chart/raphael/AnimationCallback;)(callback); }); }-*/; /** * Linearly changes an attribute from its current value to its specified * value in the given amount of milliseconds (with callback) * * @param newAttrs * string Attributes of the object after animation (not all * attributes can be animated) * @attributes_to_animate: see animate(String, int) function for * complete listing * @param ms * int the duration of the animation, given in milliseconds * @param easing * [>, <, <>, backIn, backOut, bounce, elastic] * */ public final native Element animate( JavaScriptObject newAttrs, int ms, String easing ) /*-{ return this.animate(newAttrs, ms, easing); }-*/; public final native Element animate( JavaScriptObject newAttrs, int ms, String easing, AnimationCallback callback ) /*-{ return this .animate( newAttrs, ms, easing, function() { @fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.ui.chart.raphael.AnimationCallback::fire(Lfr/lteconsulting/hexa/client/ui/chart/raphael/AnimationCallback;)(callback); }); }-*/; public final native Element animateWith( Element element, JavaScriptObject newAttrs, int ms ) /*-{ return this.animateWith(element, newAttrs, ms); }-*/; public final native Element animateWith( Element element, JavaScriptObject newAttrs, int ms, AnimationCallback callback ) /*-{ return this .animateWith( element, newAttrs, ms, function() { @fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.ui.chart.raphael.AnimationCallback::fire(Lfr/lteconsulting/hexa/client/ui/chart/raphael/AnimationCallback;)(callback); }); }-*/; public final native Element animateWith( Element element, JavaScriptObject newAttrs, int ms, String easing ) /*-{ return this.animateWith(element, newAttrs, ms, easing); }-*/; public final native Element animateWith( Element element, JavaScriptObject newAttrs, int ms, String easing, AnimationCallback callback ) /*-{ return this .animateWith( element, newAttrs, ms, easing, function() { @fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.ui.chart.raphael.AnimationCallback::fire(Lfr/lteconsulting/hexa/client/ui/chart/raphael/AnimationCallback;)(callback); }); }-*/; public final native Element animateAlong( Element path, int ms ) /*-{ return this.animateAlong(path, ms); }-*/; public final native Element animateAlong( Element path, int ms, boolean rotate ) /*-{ return this.animateAlong(path, ms, rotate); }-*/; public final native Element animateAlong( Element path, int ms, boolean rotate, AnimationCallback callback ) /*-{ return this .animateAlong( path, ms, rotate, function() { @fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.ui.chart.raphael.AnimationCallback::fire(Lfr/lteconsulting/hexa/client/ui/chart/raphael/AnimationCallback;)(callback); }); }-*/; public final native Element animateAlongBack( Element path, int ms ) /*-{ return this.animateAlongBack(path, ms); }-*/; public final native Element animateAlongBack( Element path, int ms, boolean rotate ) /*-{ return this.animateAlongBack(path, ms, rotate); }-*/; public final native Element animateAlongBack( Element path, int ms, boolean rotate, AnimationCallback callback ) /*-{ return this .animateAlongBack( path, ms, rotate, function() { @fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.ui.chart.raphael.AnimationCallback::fire(Lfr/lteconsulting/hexa/client/ui/chart/raphael/AnimationCallback;)(callback); }); }-*/; /** * Sets the attributes of elements directly. * * @param attributeName * string of the attribute name * @attribute_names: . clip-rect string comma or space separated values: * x, y, width and height . cx number . cy number . * fill colour or gradient . fill-opacity number . * font string . font-family string . font-size number * . font-weight string . height number . opacity * number . path pathString . r number . rotation * number . rx number . ry number . scale comma or * space separated values: xtimes, ytimes, cx, cy. . * src string (URL) . stroke colour . stroke-dasharray * string [“�, “-�, “.�, “-.�, * “-..�, “. �, “- �, “--�, “- .�, * “--.�, “--..�] . stroke-linecap string * [“butt�, “square�, “round�] . * stroke-linejoin string [“bevel�, “round�, * “miter�] . stroke-miterlimit number . * stroke-opacity number . stroke-width number . * translation string comma or space separated values: * x and y . width number . x number . y number * @param value * string of the new value * * @return the javascript object having attributes modified */ public final native Element attr( String attributeName, String value ) /*-{ return this.attr(attributeName, value); }-*/; public final native Element attr( String attributeName, double value ) /*-{ return this.attr(attributeName, value); }-*/; /** * sets a values for given attribute names * * @return the current value for the given attribute name */ public final native Element attr( JavaScriptObject params ) /*-{ return this.attr(params); }-*/; /** * gets the value for an attribute * * @return the current value for the given attribute name */ public final native double attrAsDouble( String attributeName ) /*-{ return this.attr(attributeName); }-*/; /** * gets the value for an attribute * * @return the current value for the given attribute name */ public final native String attrAsString( String attributeName ) /*-{ return this.attr(attributeName); }-*/; /** * gets an array of values for given attribute names * * @return the current value for the given attribute name */ public final native JsArrayMixed attr( JsArrayMixed attributeNames ) /*-{ return this.attr(attributeNames); }-*/; public final native BBox getBBox() /*-{ return this.getBBox(); }-*/; public final native Element toFront() /*-{ return this.toFront(); }-*/; public final native Element toBack() /*-{ return this.toBack(); }-*/; public final native Element insertBefore( Element obj ) /*-{ return this.insertBefore(obj); }-*/; public final native Element insertAfter( Element obj ) /*-{ return this.insertAfter(obj); }-*/; } /** * font object returned by Path.getFont() and friends */ public static class Font extends JavaScriptObject { protected Font() { } } /** * path object returned by RaphaelJS.path() */ public static class Path extends Element { protected Path() { } public final native int getTotalLength() /*-{ return this.getTotalLength(); }-*/; public final native Point getPointAtLength( int length ) /*-{ return this.getPointAtLength(length); }-*/; public final native String getSubpath( int from, int to ) /*-{ return this.getSubpath(from, to); }-*/; } public static class Set extends Element { protected Set() { } public final native Set push( Element obj ) /*-{ return this.push(obj); }-*/; public final native Element pop() /*-{ return this.pop(); }-*/; } /** * overlay raphael class constructor - must be protected, empty, and * no-argument */ protected RaphaelJS() { } /** * Draw a circle to the Raphael canvas * * @param x * number x coordinate of the center * @param y * number y coordinate of the center * @param r * r number radius of the circle * * @return the circle object */ public final native Element circle( double x, double y, double r ) /*-{ return, y, r); }-*/; /** * Clears the canvas, i.e. removes all the elements */ public final native void clear() /*-{ return this.clear(); }-*/; /** * Draw an ellipse to the Raphael canvas * * @param x * number x coordinate of the center * @param y * number y coordinate of the center * @param rx * number horizontal radius * @param ry * number vertical radius * * @return the ellipse object */ public final native Element ellipse( double x, double y, double rx, double ry ) /*-{ return this.ellipse(x, y, rx, ry); }-*/; /** * return the next color in the spectrum */ public final native Color getColor() /*-{ return this.getColor(); }-*/; /** * return the next color in the spectrum * * @param brightness */ public final native Color getColor( double brightness ) /*-{ return this.getColor(brightness); }-*/; public final native Font getFont( String family ) /*-{ return this.getFont(family); }-*/; public final native Font getFont( String family, String weight ) /*-{ return this.getFont(family, weight); }-*/; public final native Font getFont( String family, String weight, String style ) /*-{ return this.getFont(family, weight, style); }-*/; public final native Font getFont( String family, String weight, String style, String stretch ) /*-{ return this.getFont(family, weight, style, stretch); }-*/; /** * parse color string and return a Color object */ public final native Color getRGB( String color ) /*-{ return this.getRGB(color); }-*/; /** * Draw an image to the Raphael canvas * * @param src * string URI of the source image * @param x * number x coordinate position * @param y * number y coordinate position * @param width * number width of the image * @param height * number height of the image * * @return the image object */ public final native Element image( String src, double x, double y, double width, double height ) /*-{ return this.image(src, x, y, width, height); }-*/; /** * Draws a path to the Raphael canvas * * @param obj * string Attributes for the resulting path as described in the * attr reference. * * @return the path object */ public final native Path path() /*-{ return this.path(); }-*/; /** * Draws a path to the Raphael canvas given the SVG path string * * @param pathString * string Path data in SVG path string format. * * @return the path object */ public final native Path path( String pathString ) /*-{ return this.path(pathString); }-*/; public final native Font print( double x, double y, String text, Font font, double font_size ) /*-{ return this.print(x, y, text, font, font - size); }-*/; /** * Draw a rectangle to the Raphael canvas * * @param x * number x coordinate of top left corner * @param y * number y coordinate of top left corner * @param width * width of the rectangle * @param height * height of the rectangle * * @return the rectangle object */ public final native Element rect( double x, double y, double width, double height ) /*-{ return this.rect(x, y, width, height); }-*/; /** * Draw a rectangle (with rounded corners) to the Raphael canvas * * @param x * number x coordinate of top left corner * @param y * number y coordinate of top left corner * @param width * width of the rectangle * @param height * height of the rectangle * @param r * r number [optional] radius for rounded corners, default is 0 * * @return the rectangle object with rounded corners */ public final native Element rect( double x, double y, double width, double height, double r ) /*-{ return this.rect(x, y, width, height, r); }-*/; public final native Font registerFont( JavaScriptObject font ) /*-{ return this.registerFont(font); }-*/; /** * creates an object to hold and operate on multiple Elements */ public final native Set set() /*-{ return this.set(); }-*/; /** * change the dimensions of the canvas */ public final native Element setSize( int width, int height ) /*-{ return this.setSize(width, height); }-*/; public final native Element text( double x, double y, String text ) /*-{ return this.text(x, y, text); }-*/; /** * Added by saurabh tripathi 21/7/2011 There is an inconvenient rendering * bug is Safari (WebKit): sometimes the rendering should be forced. This * method should help with dealing with this bug. */ public final native void safari()/*-{ this.safari(); }-*/; public final native Element cloneElement( Element el )/*-{ return el.clone(); }-*/; }