package fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.ui.miracle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class DragDrop { public interface Callback<T> { String getGhostInnerHTML( T cookie, Element source ); void onDragDropFinished( T cookie, Element source, Element destination ); } private static class CaptureWidget extends FocusPanel implements MouseMoveHandler, MouseUpHandler { int startX = -1; int startY = -1; Ghost<?> ghost = null; boolean fDragging = false; public CaptureWidget() { addMouseMoveHandler( this ); addMouseUpHandler( this ); Style style = getElement().getStyle(); // workaround for IE8 opacity // style.setProperty( "filter", "alpha(opacity=0)" ); style.setOpacity( 0 ); style.setZIndex( 0 );// 1000); style.setMargin( 0, Style.Unit.PX ); style.setBorderStyle( BorderStyle.NONE ); style.setBackgroundColor( "blue" ); setPixelSize( RootPanel.get().getOffsetWidth(), RootPanel.get().getOffsetHeight() ); } void start( int x, int y, Ghost<?> ghost ) { startX = x; startY = y; this.ghost = ghost; fDragging = false; DOM.setCapture( getElement() ); } @Override public void onMouseUp( MouseUpEvent event ) { DOM.releaseCapture( getElement() ); RootPanel.get().remove( this ); if( fDragging ) { RootPanel.get().remove( ghost ); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); Element target = DOM.eventGetTarget( DOM.eventGetCurrentEvent() ); ghost.signalFinish( target ); } else { } } @Override public void onMouseMove( MouseMoveEvent event ) { // move the ghost int x = event.getClientX(); int y = event.getClientY(); if( fDragging ) { ghost.getElement().getStyle().clearDisplay(); // instead of ghost.w/2 int w = ghost.getElement().getClientWidth(); int h = ghost.getElement().getClientHeight(); ghost.getElement().getStyle().setLeft( x - w / 2, Unit.PX ); ghost.getElement().getStyle().setTop( y - h / 2, Unit.PX ); } else { int d = x - startX; d = d * d; int d2 = y - startY; d = d + d2 * d2; if( d > 25 ) { ghost.updateInnerHTML(); int w = ghost.getElement().getClientWidth(); int h = ghost.getElement().getClientHeight(); ghost.getElement().getStyle().setDisplay( Display.NONE ); fDragging = true; RootPanel.get().add( ghost, x - w / 2, y - h / 2 ); } } } } private static class Ghost<T> extends Widget { Element source; Callback<T> callback; T cookie; public Ghost( int x, int y, int w, int h, Element source, Callback<T> callback, T cookie ) { this.source = source; this.callback = callback; this.cookie = cookie; Element ghost = DOM.createDiv(); Style style = ghost.getStyle(); style.setPosition( Position.FIXED ); style.setLeft( x, Unit.PX ); style.setTop( y, Unit.PX ); // style.setWidth( w, Unit.PX ); // style.setHeight( h, Unit.PX ); // style.setBackgroundColor( "rgba(200,200,200,0.5)" ); style.setProperty( "pointerEvents", "none" ); setElement( ghost ); } void updateInnerHTML() { String html = callback.getGhostInnerHTML( cookie, source ); if( html == null ) getElement().setInnerHTML( source.getString() ); else getElement().setInnerHTML( html ); } void signalFinish( Element destination ) { if( source == destination ) return; callback.onDragDropFinished( cookie, source, destination ); } } public static <T> void initiate( Element element, Callback<T> callback, T cookie, Event event ) { int x = event.getClientX(); int y = event.getClientY(); int w = element.getClientWidth(); int h = element.getClientHeight(); CaptureWidget captureWidget = new CaptureWidget(); Ghost<T> ghost = new Ghost<T>( x, y, w, h, element, callback, cookie ); // append the ghost to the body of the document RootPanel.get().add( captureWidget ); // capture the mouse on the captureWidget and update the ghost position captureWidget.start( x, y, ghost ); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }