package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.classinfo.ClassInfo; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.classinfo.Clazz; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.classinfo.Field; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.classinfo.Method; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.databinding.PlatformSpecific; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.databinding.PlatformSpecificProvider; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.databinding.propertyadapters.CompositePropertyAdapter; import; class PropertyValues { private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger( PropertyValues.class.getName() ); private final static PlatformSpecific propertyBagAccess = PlatformSpecificProvider.get(); /** * Returns the class of the property */ Class<?> getPropertyType( Clazz<?> clazz, String name ) { ClassInfoCache cache = retrieveCache( clazz ); Class<?> res = cache.getPropertyType( name ); if( res != null ) return res; Class<?> getterType = getGetterPropertyType( clazz, name ); if( getterType == null ) return null; Class<?> setterType = getSetterPropertyType( clazz, name ); if( setterType == null ) return null; if( getterType != setterType ) return null; cache.setPropertyType( name, getterType ); return getterType; } /** * Whether a getter or a field is available with that name */ boolean hasSomethingToGetField( Clazz<?> clazz, String name ) { return getGetterPropertyType( clazz, name ) != null; } /** * Return the property getter type */ Class<?> getGetterPropertyType( Clazz<?> clazz, String name ) { String getterName = "get" + capitalizeFirstLetter( name ); Method getter = clazz.getMethod( getterName ); if( getter != null ) return getter.getReturnType(); // try direct field access Field field = clazz.getAllField( name ); if( field != null ) return field.getType(); return null; } /** * Gets the property's value from an object * * @param object * The object * @param name * Property name */ <T> T getValue( Object object, String name ) { T result = getPropertyImpl( object, name ); if( result instanceof Property ) { @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) Property<T> property = ((Property<T>) result); return property.getValue(); } return result; } /** * Whether there is a setter or a field to write this property */ boolean hasSomethingToSetField( Clazz<?> clazz, String name ) { return getSetterPropertyType( clazz, name ) != null; } private final static Map<Integer, ClassInfoCache> classInfoCache = new HashMap<>(); private ClassInfoCache retrieveCache( Clazz<?> clazz ) { Integer key = System.identityHashCode( clazz ); ClassInfoCache res = classInfoCache.get( key ); if( res == null ) { res = new ClassInfoCache(); classInfoCache.put( key, res ); } return res; } private static class ClassInfoCache { Map<String, Class<?>> propertyTypes = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Class<?>> setterTypes = new HashMap<>(); public Class<?> getSetterType( String name ) { return setterTypes.get( name ); } public void setSetterType( String name, Class<?> res ) { setterTypes.put( name, res ); } public Class<?> getPropertyType( String name ) { return propertyTypes.get( name ); } public void setPropertyType( String name, Class<?> classs ) { propertyTypes.put( name, classs ); } } /** * Returns the class of the setter property. It can be this of the setter or * of the field */ Class<?> getSetterPropertyType( Clazz<?> clazz, String name ) { ClassInfoCache cache = retrieveCache( clazz ); Class<?> res = cache.getSetterType( name ); if( res != null ) return res; String setterName = "set" + capitalizeFirstLetter( name ); Method setter = clazz.getMethod( setterName ); if( setter != null && setter.getParameterTypes().size() == 1 ) { res = setter.getParameterTypes().get( 0 ); } else { Field field = clazz.getAllField( name ); if( field != null ) res = field.getType(); } if( res != null ) cache.setSetterType( name, res ); return res; } /** * Sets a value on an object's property * * @param object * the object on which the property is set * @param propertyName * the name of the property value to be set * @param value * the new value of the property */ boolean setValue( Object object, String propertyName, Object value ) { Clazz<?> s = ClassInfo.Clazz( object.getClass() ); if( Property.class == getPropertyType( s, propertyName ) ) { Property<Object> property = getPropertyImpl( object, propertyName ); if( property != null ) { property.setValue( value ); return true; } return false; } return setPropertyImpl( s, object, propertyName, value ); } /** * Gets a dynamic property value on an object * * @param object * the object from which one wants to get the property value * @param propertyName * the property name */ <T> T getObjectDynamicProperty( Object object, String propertyName ) { DynamicPropertyBag bag = propertyBagAccess.getObjectDynamicPropertyBag( object ); if( bag == null ) return null; @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) T result = (T) bag.get( propertyName ); return result; } /** * Whether a dynamic property value has already been set on this object */ boolean hasObjectDynamicProperty( Object object, String propertyName ) { DynamicPropertyBag bag = propertyBagAccess.getObjectDynamicPropertyBag( object ); return bag != null && bag.contains( propertyName ); } /** * Sets a dynamic property value on an object. */ void setObjectDynamicProperty( Object object, String propertyName, Object value ) { DynamicPropertyBag bag = propertyBagAccess.getObjectDynamicPropertyBag( object ); if( bag == null ) { bag = new DynamicPropertyBag(); propertyBagAccess.setObjectDynamicPropertyBag( object, bag ); } bag.set( propertyName, value ); Properties.notify( object, propertyName ); } private <T> T getPropertyImpl( Object object, String name ) { if( PlatformSpecificProvider.get().isBindingToken( name ) ) { return PlatformSpecificProvider.get().getBindingValue( object, name ); } if( name.equals( CompositePropertyAdapter.DTOMAP_TOKEN ) ) throw new RuntimeException( "Property of type $DTOMap cannot be readden !" ); // if has dynamic-property, return it ! if( hasObjectDynamicProperty( object, name ) ) { LOGGER.fine( "'" + name + "' read dynamic property on object " + object ); return getObjectDynamicProperty( object, name ); } Clazz<?> s = ClassInfo.Clazz( object.getClass() ); String getterName = "get" + capitalizeFirstLetter( name ); Method getter = s.getMethod( getterName ); if( getter != null ) { try { @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) T result = (T) getter.invoke( object ); return result; } catch( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException( "ObjectAdapter [object]." + object.getClass().getName() + "." + getterName + "() : getter call throwed an exception. See cause.", e ); } } // try direct field access Field field = s.getAllField( name ); if( field != null ) return field.getValue( object ); // Maybe a dynamic property will be set later on LOGGER.warning( "DataBinding: Warning: assuming that the object would " + "in the future have a dynamic property set / Maybe have an opt-in " + "option on the Binding to clarify things" ); return null; } private boolean setPropertyImpl( Clazz<?> s, Object object, String name, Object value ) { if( PlatformSpecificProvider.get().isBindingToken( name ) ) return PlatformSpecificProvider.get().setBindingValue( object, name, value ); String setterName = "set" + capitalizeFirstLetter( name ); Method setter = s.getMethod( setterName ); if( setter != null ) { setter.invoke( object, value ); return true; } Field field = s.getAllField( name ); if( field != null ) { field.setValue( object, value ); Properties.notify( object, name ); return true; } if( !hasObjectDynamicProperty( object, name ) ) LOGGER.warning( "'" + name + "' write dynamic property on object " + object.getClass().getName() + " with value " + value + " WARNING : THAT MEANS THERE IS NO GETTER/SETTER/FIELD FOR THAT CLASS ! PLEASE CHECK THAT IT IS REALLY INTENTIONAL !" ); setObjectDynamicProperty( object, name, value ); return false; } private final static HashMap<String, String> caps = new HashMap<>(); private String capitalizeFirstLetter( String s ) { String res = caps.get( s ); if( res == null ) { res = Character.toUpperCase( s.charAt( 0 ) ) + s.substring( 1 ); caps.put( s, res ); } return res; } }