package; import; /* * MIGHT NOT BE USED ANYMORE, COMES FROM AN OLD FILE THAT I DID NOT DELETE */ public class URLEncoderEx { private static int ROTATION = 7; private static int[] codeToEncode = null; private static int[] encodeToCode = null; static { codeToEncode = new int[123]; encodeToCode = new int[123]; for( int i = 0; i < 123; i++ ) { int encode = _codeToEncode( i ); codeToEncode[i] = encode; encodeToCode[encode] = i; } } public static String encode( String input ) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); int checkSum = 0; int inputLen = input.length(); for( int i = 0; i < inputLen; i++ ) { int n = charCodeAt( input, i ); checkSum += n; n = codeToEncode( n ); pushToList( n, b ); } b.append( (char) encodeToCode( checkSum % 61 ) ); return b.toString(); } static class StringReader { int idx = 0; String string; public StringReader( String string ) { this.string = string; } public boolean finished() { return idx >= string.length(); } public int get() { return charCodeAt( string, idx++ ); } } public static String decode( String encoded ) { if( encoded == null || encoded.length() == 0 ) return ""; int checkSum = codeToEncode( charCodeAt( encoded.substring( encoded.length() - 1 ), 0 ) ); int control = 0; encoded = encoded.substring( 0, encoded.length() - 1 ); StringReader reader = new StringReader( encoded ); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); while( !reader.finished() ) { int n = encodeToCode( consumeList( reader ) ); control += n; b.append( (char) n ); } if( control % 61 != checkSum ) { GWT.log( "Badly formatted encoded string ! " + encoded + " key is " + checkSum + " and processed : " + (control % 61) ); return null; } return b.toString(); } private static int consumeList( StringReader encodedList ) { assert !encodedList.finished(); int n = codeToEncode( rotateCode( encodedList.get(), -ROTATION ) ); if( n < 61 ) { return n; } else { // it is the marker, IT SHOULD assert n == 61; int reste = codeToEncode( rotateCode( encodedList.get(), -ROTATION ) ); return reste + 61 * consumeList( encodedList ); } } private static void pushToList( int n, StringBuilder b ) { if( n < 61 ) { // empiler n directement b.append( (char) rotateCode( encodeToCode( n ), ROTATION ) ); } else { // empiler le markeur (61) b.append( (char) rotateCode( encodeToCode( 61 ), ROTATION ) ); // empiler le reste int reste = n % 61; b.append( (char) rotateCode( encodeToCode( reste ), ROTATION ) ); // recursion avec (n-reste)/61 pushToList( (n - reste) / 61, b ); } } private static int codeToEncode( int code ) { if( code < 123 ) return codeToEncode[code]; return code; } private static int encodeToCode( int encode ) { if( encode < 123 ) return encodeToCode[encode]; return encode; } private static int rotateCode( int charCode, int rotation ) { if( charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57 ) return 48 + (((charCode - 48) + (rotation + 10)) % 10); if( charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90 ) return 65 + (((charCode - 65) + (rotation + (90 - 65 + 1))) % (90 - 65 + 1)); if( charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 122 ) return 97 + (((charCode - 97) + (rotation + (122 - 97 + 1))) % (122 - 97 + 1)); return charCode; } private static int _codeToEncode( int code ) { if( code >= 0 && code <= 47 ) return 62 + code; if( code >= 48 && code <= 57 ) return code - 48; if( code >= 58 && code <= 64 ) return code - 58 + 62 + 48; if( code >= 65 && code <= 90 ) return code - 65 + 10; if( code >= 91 && code <= 96 ) return code - 91 + 117;// 62 + 48 + 26; if( code >= 97 && code <= 122 ) return code - 97 + 36; return code;// - 123 + 162;//62 + 48 + 26 + 26; } private static native int charCodeAt( String s, int i ) /*-{ return s.charCodeAt( i ); }-*/; private static native String fromCharCode( int code ) /*-{ return String.fromCharCode( code ); }-*/; }