package fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.ui.miracle; import java.util.HashMap; public abstract class TreeCollectionOf<T> implements TreeRefMng<T> { abstract protected int getObjectId( T object ); abstract protected int getParentObjectId( T object ); abstract protected void updated( T object ); abstract protected void deleted( int ref, T object ); abstract protected void refreshed( Iterable<T> objects ); class ObjInfo { T obj; T parent; T prev; T next; } HashMap<Integer, ObjInfo> objects = new HashMap<Integer, ObjInfo>(); ObjInfo firstItem = null; HashMap<Integer, ObjInfo> firstChilds = new HashMap<Integer, ObjInfo>(); public int getRef( T object ) { return getObjectId( object ); } @Override public T getObject( int ref ) { ObjInfo info = objects.get( ref ); if( info == null ) return null; return info.obj; } @Override public T getParentObject( T object ) { ObjInfo info = objects.get( getRef( object ) ); if( info == null ) return null; return info.parent; } public void clear() { firstItem = null; objects.clear(); firstChilds.clear(); } final public void refresh( Iterable<T> list ) { clear(); if( list != null ) { for( T t : list ) updateRecordInternal( t ); } refreshed( list ); } final public void updateRecord( T b ) { updateRecordInternal( b ); updated( b ); } private void updateRecordInternal( T b ) { // until we have the info on the parent, we cannot really add the item T parent = null; int parentBookingId = getParentObjectId( b ); if( parentBookingId > 0 ) { ObjInfo parentInfo = objects.get( parentBookingId ); assert (parentInfo != null) : "Cannot add a child if the parent has not been inserted first"; parent = parentInfo.obj; } // do we have already an info on b ? ObjInfo info = objects.get( getRef( b ) ); if( info == null ) { // that's a new object here info = new ObjInfo(); info.obj = b; info.parent = parent; // are we the first child of the parent ? ObjInfo firstChild = null; if( parent == null ) firstChild = firstItem; else firstChild = firstChilds.get( getRef( parent ) ); if( firstChild == null ) { // yes we are if( parent == null ) firstItem = info; else firstChilds.put( getRef( parent ), info ); } else { // no we are not info.prev = firstChild.obj; =; = info.obj; if( != null ) objects.get( getRef( ) ).prev = info.obj; } objects.put( getRef( b ), info ); } else { info.obj = b; } } final public void removeRecord( int ref ) { ObjInfo info = objects.get( ref ); if( info == null ) return; // nothing to be deleted // recursively remove children ObjInfo child = firstChilds.remove( ref ); while( child != null ) { int childRef = getRef( child.obj ); child = objects.get( ); removeRecord( childRef ); } // remove the item reference from its parent if( info.parent == null ) { // parent is the root if( info == firstItem ) { // we are the first of the first !!! if( == null ) firstItem = null; else { firstItem = objects.get( getRef( ) ); firstItem.prev = null; } } else { // remove us from the chained list ObjInfo prev = null; ObjInfo next = null; if( info.prev != null ) prev = objects.get( getRef( info.prev ) ); if( != null ) next = objects.get( getRef( ) ); if( prev != null ) =; if( next != null ) next.prev = info.prev; } } else { int parentRef = getRef( info.parent ); if( info == firstChilds.get( parentRef ) ) { ObjInfo next = null; if( != null ) next = objects.get( getRef( ) ); if( next == null ) firstChilds.remove( parentRef ); else { firstChilds.put( parentRef, next ); next.prev = null; } } else { // remove us from the chained list ObjInfo prev = null; ObjInfo next = null; if( info.prev != null ) prev = objects.get( getRef( info.prev ) ); if( != null ) next = objects.get( getRef( ) ); if( prev != null ) =; if( next != null ) next.prev = info.prev; } } // effectively remove from maps objects.remove( ref ); // signal the table to remove the corresponding row deleted( ref, info.obj ); } }