package fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.datatable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.css.HexaCss; import; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.ui.containers.CustomPanel; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.ui.miracle.Size; /** * A Table/Tree widget. * * @author Arnaud */ public class DataTable extends Composite implements RequiresResize, ProvidesResize, Focusable//, HasKeyPressHandlers { interface Css extends HexaCss { String main(); } private static final Css CSS = GWT.create( Css.class ); static final FocusImpl focusImpl = FocusImpl.getFocusImplForWidget();//Panel(); private CustomPanel customPanel; private DivElement wrapper; private TableElement wrapperTable; private TableElement theadTable; private Element headTableColgroup; private TableElement table; private Element tableColgroup; private TableSectionElement thead; private TableRowElement theadtr; private TableSectionElement tbody; private RowImpl rootRow = new RowImpl( true ); public DataTable() { // wrapper Div wrapper = Document.get().createDivElement(); wrapper.getStyle().setPosition( Position.RELATIVE ); wrapper.setTabIndex( 0 ); // for focusability // headings table theadTable = Document.get().createTableElement(); theadTable.setClassName( "table" ); theadTable.getStyle().setWidth( 100, Unit.PCT ); theadTable.getStyle().setTableLayout( TableLayout.FIXED ); headTableColgroup = Document.get().createElement( "colgroup" ); // headings elements thead = Document.get().createTHeadElement(); theadtr = Document.get().createTRElement(); // main table table = Document.get().createTableElement(); table.setClassName( "table" ); table.getStyle().setWidth( 100, Unit.PCT ); table.getStyle().setTableLayout( TableLayout.FIXED ); tableColgroup = Document.get().createElement( "colgroup" ); // table body tbody = Document.get().createTBodyElement(); // wrapper table wrapperTable = Document.get().createTableElement(); wrapperTable.getStyle().setTableLayout( TableLayout.FIXED ); wrapperTable.getStyle().setWidth( 100, Unit.PCT ); wrapperTable.getStyle().setHeight( 100, Unit.PCT ); TableRowElement tr0 = Document.get().createTRElement(); TableCellElement td0 = Document.get().createTDElement(); DivElement div0 = Document.get().createDivElement(); div0.getStyle().setWidth( 100, Unit.PCT ); TableRowElement tr1 = Document.get().createTRElement(); tr1.getStyle().setHeight( 100, Unit.PCT ); TableCellElement td1 = Document.get().createTDElement(); DivElement div1 = Document.get().createDivElement(); div1.getStyle().setHeight( 100, Unit.PCT ); div1.getStyle().setWidth( 100, Unit.PCT ); div1.getStyle().setPosition( Position.RELATIVE ); DivElement div2 = Document.get().createDivElement(); div2.getStyle().setPosition( Position.ABSOLUTE ); div2.getStyle().setTop( 0, Unit.PX ); div2.getStyle().setLeft( 0, Unit.PX ); div2.getStyle().setRight( 0, Unit.PX ); div2.getStyle().setBottom( 0, Unit.PX ); div2.getStyle().setOverflow( Overflow.AUTO ); // bind together theadTable.appendChild( headTableColgroup ); theadTable.appendChild( thead.<Node> cast() ); thead.appendChild( theadtr.<Node> cast() ); table.appendChild( tableColgroup ); table.appendChild( tbody.<Node> cast() ); td0.appendChild( div0 ); div0.appendChild( theadTable.<Node> cast() ); div1.appendChild( div2 ); div2.appendChild( table ); td1.appendChild( div1.<Node> cast() ); tr0.appendChild( td0 ); tr1.appendChild( td1 ); wrapperTable.appendChild( tr0 ); wrapperTable.appendChild( tr1 ); wrapper.appendChild( wrapperTable ); customPanel = new CustomPanel( wrapper ); initWidget( customPanel ); setStylePrimaryName( CSS.main() ); } public int addColumn( String html, String width ) { headTableColgroup.appendChild( createColumnElement( width ) ); tableColgroup.appendChild( createColumnElement( width ) ); TableCellElement th = Document.get().createTHElement(); th.setInnerHTML( html ); thead.appendChild( th ); int index = getNbColumns() - 1; return index; } public Element getColumnElement( int index ) { if( index < 0 || index >= getNbColumns() ) return null; return tableColgroup.getChild( index ).cast(); } private Element createColumnElement( String size ) { Element col = Document.get().createElement( "col" ); if( size != null ) col.getStyle().setProperty( "width", size ); else col.getStyle().clearProperty( "width" ); return col; } private class RowImpl implements Row { private final TableRowElement tr; RowImpl parent; ArrayList<RowImpl> childs; ArrayList<CellImpl> cells = new ArrayList<>(); public RowImpl() { this( false ); } public RowImpl( boolean isRoot ) { if( isRoot ) { tr = null; } else { tr = Document.get().createTRElement(); tr.setPropertyObject( "rowimpl", this ); int nb = getNbColumns(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for( int i = 0; i < nb; i++ ) sb.append( "<td></td>" ); tr.setInnerHTML( sb.toString() ); } } private boolean isOpened() { if( tr == null ) return true; String state = tr.getAttribute( "open" ); return state == null || state.isEmpty(); } private void detach() { if( tr != null ) { if( tr.getParentElement() != null ) tr.removeFromParent(); } if( parent != null ) { parent.childs.remove( this ); parent = null; } } /** * Create a child row */ @Override public Row addRow() { RowImpl child = new RowImpl(); insertLastChild( child ); updateTreeCell(); return child; } @Override public Row insertRowAt( int position ) { RowImpl child = new RowImpl(); insertChildAt( child, position ); updateTreeCell(); return child; } @Override public void acceptAsLastChild( Row row ) { if( row == null ) return; if( !(row instanceof RowImpl) ) throw new RuntimeException( "Row cannot be accept as a child, incompatible implementation." ); RowImpl child = (RowImpl) row; insertLastChild( child ); } @Override public void acceptAsNthChild( Row row, int position ) { if( row == null ) return; if( !(row instanceof RowImpl) ) throw new RuntimeException( "Row cannot be accept as a child, incompatible implementation." ); RowImpl child = (RowImpl) row; insertChildAt( child, position ); } @Override public boolean isFolded() { if( ! hasChildren() ) return false; return ! isOpened(); } @Override public void setFolded( boolean isFolded ) { setOpened( ! isFolded ); } @Override public void toggleChildDisplay() { if( ! hasChildren() ) return; final boolean isOpened = ! isOpened(); setOpened( isOpened ); } private void setOpened( final boolean isOpened ) { if( isOpened ) tr.removeAttribute( "open" ); else tr.setAttribute( "open", "x" ); updateTreeCell(); visitDepthFirstPre( new AbstractVisitor<Row>() { @Override public void beginVisit( Row node ) { if( node == RowImpl.this ) return; if( ! isOpened ) { node.getTr().getStyle().setDisplay( Display.NONE ); return; } else { node.getTr().getStyle().clearDisplay(); } } } ); } @Override public RowImpl getParentRow() { return parent; } @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) @Override public List<Row> getChildrenRows() { return (List<Row>) (Object) childs; } @Override public Object visitDepthFirstPre( Visitor<Row> visitor ) { visitor.beginVisit( this ); if( hasChildren() ) { for( Row child : getChildrenRows() ) { visitor.beginVisitChild( this, child ); Object childRes = ((RowImpl) child).visitDepthFirstPre( visitor ); visitor.endVisitChild( this, child, childRes ); } } return visitor.endVisit( this ); } @Override public int getLevel() { if( parent == null ) return 0; return 1 + parent.getLevel(); } private void updateTreeCell() { if( cells!=null && (!cells.isEmpty()) && cells.get( 0 ) instanceof TreeCellImpl ) ((TreeCellImpl)cells.get( 0 )).updateTreeInfo(); } /** * Does both the logical and physical attachment of the child row * * @param child * The row to be added at the end of the children collection */ private void insertLastChild( RowImpl child ) { assert (child != null); child.detach(); // do the DOM attach RowImpl lastChildRow = getLastChildDeep(); tbody.insertAfter(, ); // do the logical attach (to the child list) child.parent = this; getChildren().add( child ); // ensure child's descendants are at a good place class ReplacingVisitor implements Action1<DataTable.RowImpl> { private Element previousTr = null; @Override public void exec( RowImpl row ) { TableCellElement td = 0 ).cast(); td.getStyle().setPaddingLeft( 10 * row.getLevel(), Unit.PX ); if( previousTr == null ) { previousTr =; return; } tbody.insertAfter(, previousTr ); previousTr =; } } child.browseDeep( new ReplacingVisitor() ); } private void insertChildAt( RowImpl child, int position ) { assert (child != null); child.detach(); // do the DOM attach if( position > 0 ) { RowImpl lastChildRow = getChildren().get( position - 1 ).getLastChildDeep(); tbody.insertAfter(, ); } else { if( tr != null ) tbody.insertAfter(, tr ); else tbody.insertFirst( ); } // do the logical attach (to the child list) child.parent = this; getChildren().add( position, child ); // ensure child's descendants are at a good place class ReplacingVisitor implements Action1<DataTable.RowImpl> { private Element previousTr = null; @Override public void exec( RowImpl row ) { TableCellElement td = 0 ).cast(); td.getStyle().setPaddingLeft( 10 * row.getLevel(), Unit.PX ); if( previousTr == null ) { previousTr =; return; } tbody.insertAfter(, previousTr ); previousTr =; } } child.browseDeep( new ReplacingVisitor() ); } /** * Visits this node and its child. * * @param visitor */ private void browseDeep( Action1<RowImpl> visitor ) { visitor.exec( this ); if( !hasChildren() ) return; for( RowImpl child : childs ) child.browseDeep( visitor ); } /** * Returns the last deep child RowImp or <code>this</code> if there is * no child * * @return */ private RowImpl getLastChildDeep() { if( !hasChildren() ) return this; return childs.get( childs.size() - 1 ).getLastChildDeep(); } private RowImpl getNextSiblingRow() { if( parent == null ) return null; int index = getRowIndex() + 1; if( index >= parent.childs.size() ) return null; return parent.childs.get( index ); } private RowImpl getPreviousSiblingRow() { if( parent == null ) return null; int index = getRowIndex() - 1; if( index < 0 ) return null; return parent.childs.get( index ); } public boolean hasChildren() { return childs != null && !childs.isEmpty(); } public ArrayList<RowImpl> getChildren() { if( childs == null ) childs = new ArrayList<>(); return childs; } @Override public void remove() { tr.setPropertyObject( "rowimpl", null ); RowImpl oldParent = parent; detach(); if( oldParent != null ) oldParent.updateTreeCell(); } @Override public Cell getCell( int column ) { ensureEnoughCells( column + 1 ); return cells.get( column ); } @Override public int getCellCount() { return cells.size(); } @Override public Row getPreviousRow() { // previous sibling RowImpl sibling = getPreviousSiblingRow(); if( sibling == null ) { // go up to the parent if( parent == rootRow ) return rootRow.getLastChildDeep(); return parent; } RowImpl lastChild = sibling.getLastChildDeep(); if( lastChild == null ) return sibling; RowImpl closedOne = getFirstClosedAncestor( lastChild ); return closedOne != null ? closedOne : lastChild; } private RowImpl getFirstClosedAncestor( RowImpl row ) { RowImpl first = null; while( row != null ) { if( ! row.isOpened() ) first = row; row = row.getParentRow(); } return first; } @Override public Row getNextRow() { // first child if any if( hasChildren() && isOpened() ) return getChildren().get( 0 ); // recursively go up to find the first next sibling of the first parent encountered RowImpl cur = this; while( cur != null ) { RowImpl sibling = cur.getNextSiblingRow(); if( sibling != null ) return sibling; cur = cur.getParentRow(); } return rootRow.getNextRow(); } int getRowIndex() { return parent.childs.indexOf( this ); } @Override public TableRowElement getTr() { return tr; } private void ensureEnoughCells( int nb ) { if( cells.size() >= nb ) return; for( int i = cells.size(); i < nb; i++ ) { if( tr.getChildCount() < i + 1 ) { TableCellElement td = Document.get().createTDElement(); tr.appendChild( td ); } CellImpl cell = i == 0 ? new TreeCellImpl() : new CellImpl(); cells.add( cell ); } } private class TreeCellImpl extends CellImpl implements EventListener { void updateTreeInfo() { if( getParentRow().hasChildren() ) { if( getParentRow().isOpened() ) getTd().getChild( 0 ).<Element>cast().setInnerText( "[-] " ); else getTd().getChild( 0 ).<Element>cast().setInnerText( "[+] " ); } else { getTd().getChild( 0 ).<Element>cast().setInnerText( "" ); } } private void ensureTdOk() { TableCellElement td = getTd(); if( td == null ) return; int count = td.getChildCount(); if( count <= 0 ) { SpanElement treeView = Document.get().createSpanElement(); td.appendChild( treeView ); DOM.sinkEvents( treeView, Event.ONCLICK ); DOM.setEventListener( treeView, this ); } if( count <= 1 ) { SpanElement content = Document.get().createSpanElement(); td.appendChild( content ); } } @Override public void onBrowserEvent( Event arg0 ) { if( arg0.getTypeInt() == Event.ONCLICK ) { RowImpl row = getParentRow(); row.toggleChildDisplay(); } } @Override public void setText( String text ) { clearCellWidget(); ensureTdOk(); getTd().getChild( 1 ).<Element>cast().setInnerText( text ); } @Override public void setHTML( String html ) { clearCellWidget(); ensureTdOk(); getTd().getChild( 1 ).<Element>cast().setInnerHTML( html ); } @Override public void setWidget( Widget widget ) { clearCellWidget(); ensureTdOk(); getTd().getChild( 1 ).<Element>cast().setInnerText( "" ); childWidget = widget; if( childWidget != null ) { customPanel.addIn( getTd().getChild( 1 ).<Element>cast(), childWidget ); } } } private class CellImpl implements Cell { Widget childWidget = null; @Override public RowImpl getParentRow() { return RowImpl.this; } @Override public int getCellIndex() { return cells.indexOf( this ); } @Override public TableCellElement getTd() { TableRowElement tr = getTr(); if( tr == null ) return null; return tr.getChild( getCellIndex() ).cast(); } @Override public void setText( String text ) { clearCellWidget(); TableCellElement td = getTd(); if( td != null ) td.setInnerText( text ); } @Override public void setHTML( String html ) { clearCellWidget(); TableCellElement td = getTd(); if( td != null ) td.setInnerHTML( html ); } @Override public void setWidget( Widget widget ) { clearCellWidget(); TableCellElement td = getTd(); if( td != null ) { td.setInnerText( "" ); childWidget = widget; if( childWidget != null ) { customPanel.addIn( td, childWidget ); } } } @Override public void scrollIntoView() { TableCellElement td = getTd(); if( td != null ) td.scrollIntoView(); } @Override public void addClassName( String className ) { TableCellElement td = getTd(); if( td != null ) td.addClassName( className ); } @Override public void removeClassName( String className ) { TableCellElement td = getTd(); if( td != null ) td.removeClassName( className ); } @Override public Cell getNextCell() { if( getCellIndex() < cells.size() - 1 ) return cells.get( getCellIndex() + 1 ); Row row = getNextRow(); return row.getCell( 0 ); } @Override public Cell getPreviousCell() { if( getCellIndex() > 0 ) return cells.get( getCellIndex() - 1 ); // last cell in the previous row Row row = getPreviousRow(); return row.getCell( row.getCellCount() - 1 ); } @Override public Size getDisplaySize() { Element td = getTd(); Size size = new Size( td.getOffsetWidth(), td.getOffsetHeight() ); return size; } protected void clearCellWidget() { if( childWidget != null ) { customPanel.remove( childWidget ); childWidget = null; } } } @Override public void addClassName( String className ) { TableRowElement tr = getTr(); if( tr != null ) tr.addClassName( className ); } @Override public void removeClassName( String className ) { TableRowElement tr = getTr(); if( tr != null ) tr.removeClassName( className ); } } public Row addRow() { return rootRow.addRow(); } public int getNbColumns() { return tableColgroup.getChildCount(); } public Row getRootRow() { return rootRow; } public Cell getCellForEvent( Event event ) { Element td = getEventTargetCell( event ); if( td == null ) return null; Element tr = td.getParentElement(); if( tr == null ) return null; int column = DOM.getChildIndex( tr, td ); RowImpl row = (RowImpl) tr.getPropertyObject( "rowimpl" ); if( row == null ) return null; return row.cells.get( column ); } public Row getRowForElement( Element element ) { Element tr = getEventTargetRow( element ); if( tr == null ) return null; RowImpl row = (RowImpl) tr.getPropertyObject( "rowimpl" ); return row; } @Override public void onResize() { } @Override public void setAccessKey( char key ) { focusImpl.setAccessKey( getElement(), key ); } @Override public void setFocus( boolean focused ) { if( focused ) { focusImpl.focus( getElement() ); } else { focusImpl.blur( getElement() ); } } @Override public int getTabIndex() { return focusImpl.getTabIndex( getElement() ); } @Override public void setTabIndex( int index ) { focusImpl.setTabIndex( getElement(), index ); } public HandlerRegistration addKeyDownHandler( final KeyDownHandler handler ) { return addDomHandler( handler, KeyDownEvent.getType() ); } public HandlerRegistration addKeyUpHandler( final KeyUpHandler handler ) { return addDomHandler( handler, KeyUpEvent.getType() ); } public HandlerRegistration addKeyPressHandler( final KeyPressHandler handler ) { return addDomHandler( handler, KeyPressEvent.getType() ); } public HandlerRegistration addCellClickHandler( final ClickHandler handler ) { return addDomHandler( handler, ClickEvent.getType() ); } public HandlerRegistration addCellDoubleClickHandler( final DoubleClickHandler handler ) { return addDomHandler( handler, DoubleClickEvent.getType() ); } public HandlerRegistration addCellMouseDownHandler( final MouseDownHandler handler ) { return addDomHandler( handler, MouseDownEvent.getType() ); } public HandlerRegistration addCellMouseUpHandler( final MouseUpHandler handler ) { return addDomHandler( handler, MouseUpEvent.getType() ); } protected Element getEventTargetCell( Event event ) { Element me = getElement(); Element td = DOM.eventGetTarget( event ); for( ; td != null; td = DOM.getParent( td ) ) { // If it's a TD, it might be the one we're looking for. if( td.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase( "td" ) ) { // Make sure it's directly a part of this table before returning // it Element tr = DOM.getParent( td ); Element body = DOM.getParent( tr ); if( body == tbody ) return td; } // If we run into this widget's root element, we're out of options. if( td == me ) return null; } return null; } protected Element getEventTargetRow( Element element ) { Element me = getElement(); for( ; element != null; element = DOM.getParent( element ) ) { // If it's a TR, it might be the one we're looking for. if( element.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase( "tr" ) ) { // Make sure it's directly a part of this table before returning it Element body = DOM.getParent( element ); if( body == tbody ) return element; } // If we run into this widget's root element, we're out of options. if( element == me ) return null; } return null; } }